202 Infos zu Frank Jackel

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35 Aktuelle Nachrichten

"In dieser Anfangsphase sind wir in viele Fettnäpfe getreten" -...

Metalshub aus Düsseldorf digitalisiert den Metallhandel.

Enthüllt: Die heißen Investments der Flixbus-Gründer -...

Das gegründete Unternehmen wird von Sebastian Kreft und Frank Jackel geführt. “Metalshub bringt Käufern und Verkäufern von ...

AktuellesLandeshauptstadt Düsseldorf

69. Wirtschaftsstandort & Topbranchen. Dr. Sebastian Kreft (links) und Dr. Frank Jackel Nach Rekordjahr: Metalshub schließt Series A ab. Mehr Wirtschaftsstandort & Topbranchen. Dr. Sebastian Kreft (links) und Dr. Frank Jackel Nach Rekordjahr: Metalshub schließt Series A ab. Mehr.

CBI Pro-Akademia / News / Somethings starts...www.proakademia.eu › news › somethings-starts-,61,...

Representatives of deENet network (Frank JAckel, Hans G. Weisharr and Jӧrg Wildenburg) presented how branch of renewable energy sources was evolving in ...

17 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Frank Jackel aus Gladbeck

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Facebook: Frank Jackel | Facebook

Facebook: Frank JackelFacebook

LinkedIn: Frank Jackel

Bergbau & Metallverarbeitung, Köln und Umgebung, Deutschland

1 Hobbys & Interessen


runbritain Rankings: Find out where your times put you in the UK and enjoy features like our runbritain Handicap and performance graphs.

2 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Frank Jackel


Frank Jackel Email & Phone Number | Executive Vice ...ZoomInfo

Frank Jackel is an Executive Vice President & Commercial Loan Officer at PlainsCapital Bank based in Dallas, Texas. Frank Jackel Current Workplace. Frank Jackel is an Executive Vice President & Commercial Loan Officer at PlainsCapital Bank based in Dallas, Texas. Frank Jackel Current Workplace.

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Metalshub - Über uns

Dr. Frank Jackel Managing Director und Co-Founder. Senior Ferroalloys Marketing Executive mit früheren Funktionen als Leiter des Niobium Sales Teams bei China Moly, Leiter des Ferroalloys Sales bei Anglo American und Berater bei der Boston Consulting Group.

Metalshub - About Us

We are building the metals marketplace of the future. Our vision is to become the leading platform for the global ferroalloys community. About Metalshub

About Us - Metismetis-index.com

Technology can now repay that debt, by advancing metals in turn. Dr. Sebastian Kreft and Dr. Frank Jackel – Founders of Metalshub. Technology can now repay that debt, by advancing metals in turn. Dr. Sebastian Kreft and Dr. Frank Jackel – Founders of Metalshub.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Impressum - Stifterverein Alter Corpsstudenten e.V.stifterverein.org

Frank Jackel, Krefeld; Schatzmeister: Dr. jur. Ulrich Pflaum, Nürnberg; Schriftführer: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Koch, Essen; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Dr. med ... Frank Jackel, Krefeld; Schatzmeister: Dr. jur. Ulrich Pflaum, Nürnberg; Schriftführer: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Koch, Essen; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Dr. med ...

3 Traueranzeigen

findagrave: Frank Jackel ( ) – Find a Grave Gedenkstätte

Historic Texas cemetery:Frank ran a cotton gin. He raised a large family. Frank was also a soldier in the Civil War. Husband to Julia.

findagrave: Emma M. Jackel McCulloch ( ) – Find a Grave Gedenkstätte

Emma M. McCulloch was a daughter born to Juliana Gerlach and Frank Jackel. Emma was married to Everett D. McCulloch.

findagrave: Joseph A. Jackel ( ) - MemorialsFind a Grave

Joseph A. Jackel was a son to Juliana Gerlach and Frank Jackel. Joe was married to Ida Nentwich. The couple were parents to: Elizabeth Julia Jackel, ... Joseph A. Jackel was a son to Juliana Gerlach and Frank Jackel. Joe was married to Ida Nentwich. The couple were parents to: Elizabeth Julia Jackel, ...

1 Angaben zur Herkunft

Frank Jackel in the CensusAncestry

View Frank Jackel's US census record to find family members, occupation details & more. Access is free so discover Frank Jackel's story today. View Frank Jackel's US census record to find family members, occupation details & more. Access is free so discover Frank Jackel's story today.

5 Bücher zum Namen

Die kontinuierliche Herstellung von Tailor Rolled Strips durch Bandprofilwalzen

von Frank M Jackel, Shaker, 2010, Taschenbuch

AbeBooks: frank jackel steffens - AbeBooks

Prozent- und Zinsrechnung Klasse. von Jäckel-Steffens, Frank und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf AbeBooks.de.

Factsheet - Frank Jackel | EITEuropean Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)

Factsheet - Frank Jackel. Document. Publication Date Document type. EIT publications. Co-founder & Managing Director, Metals Hub GmbH. Factsheet - Frank Jackel. Document. Publication Date Document type. EIT publications. Co-founder & Managing Director, Metals Hub GmbH.

Bayrische Chronik, Buch I,1 - BSB Cgm 1558google.com

... Frank Jackel kännlich Hinzu , Gezek Im¬ Kangen spizigen . nagl auff den schlaff , schlurg mis mit einem Hamer darauff , der Birns gaz durch das Hern bub in ...

1 Songs & Musik

104 Dr. Frank Jackel, Gründer von metalshubSpotify - Web Player

... Frank Jackel hat seinen sicheren Job bei Anglo American aufgegeben, um sich mit Vision und Mut ins Unternehmertum zu stürzen. Und auch wenn die Anfänge ...

5 Dokumente

Frank Jackel A digital platform to shake the metals ...European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)

metalshub metalshub. @ metals_hub metals-hub.com. Frank Jackel. Co-founder & Managing Director, Metals Hub GmbH. A digital platform to shake the metals Seite

Frank JackelAcademia.edu

Frank Jackel studies Technology and Rare earths minerals processing. Frank Jackel studies Technology and Rare earths minerals processing.

Metalshub Price Indices MethodologyStoryblok

Dr. Frank Jackel. Dr. Sebastian Kreft. V1.1 Nov Page 1. Metalshub Price Indices Methodology. (Version 1.1 – 4 November 2020). I. Introduction. Dr. Frank Jackel. Dr. Sebastian Kreft. V1.1 Nov Page 1. Metalshub Price Indices Methodology. (Version 1.1 – 4 November 2020). I. Introduction.


AP — Frank Jackel. Dr. Sebastian Kreft. I. INTRODUCTION. Metalshub is offering a new service supporting the ... Frank Jackel. Dr. Sebastian Kreft AP — Frank Jackel. Dr. Sebastian Kreft. I. INTRODUCTION. Metalshub is offering a new service supporting the ... Frank Jackel. Dr. Sebastian Kreft.

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Optical trapping and manipulation of plasmonic nanoparticles:...

Nanoscale , 2014, Advance ArticleDOI: C3NR06617G, Feature ArticleAlexander S. Urban, Sol Carretero-Palacios, Andrey A. Lutich, ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Digitaler Pionier mischt die Metallbranche aufSABINE URSEL

Frank Jackel und Sebastian Kreft haben das große Potenzial erkannt. Seit bauen sie die Plattform Metalshub aus. Wir haben das Team in. Düsseldorf ... Frank Jackel und Sebastian Kreft haben das große Potenzial erkannt. Seit bauen sie die Plattform Metalshub aus. Wir haben das Team in. Düsseldorf ...

Frank Martin Jackel - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Die kontinuierliche Herstellung von Tailor-Rolled-Strips durch Bandprofilwalzen Jackel, Frank Martin Alle Objekte (1)

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

#EITAwards: Frank Jackel - EIT Venture nomineeYouTube · EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology70+ Aufrufe · vor 3 Jahren

#EITAwards: Frank Jackel - EIT Venture nominee. 78 views · 3 years ago ...more. EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology. 3K.

Frank JackelYouTube

Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Frank Jackel. Home. Shorts. Library. Frank Jackel. @frankjackel9892‧19 subscribers‧1 video‧. Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Frank Jackel. Home. Shorts. Library. Frank Jackel. @frankjackel9892‧19 subscribers‧1 video‧.

EIT RawMaterials Nominees for the EIT Awards 2020YouTube · EIT RawMaterials890+ Follower

#EITAwards: Frank Jackel - EIT Venture nominee. EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology · 2:00 · #EITAwards: Manuela Brotto - EIT Woman Award ... #EITAwards: Frank Jackel - EIT Venture nominee. EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology · 2:00 · #EITAwards: Manuela Brotto - EIT Woman Award ...

Metals Hub GmbHYouTube

threat or opportunity? Metalshub at CRU - Dr. Frank Jackel views. 6 years ago · 10:35. Metalshub: Interviews with the Founders. 1.3K views. 6 years ago threat or opportunity? Metalshub at CRU - Dr. Frank Jackel views. 6 years ago · 10:35. Metalshub: Interviews with the Founders. 1.3K views. 6 years ago.

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: EIT RawMaterialsX

Meet Frank Jackel, EIT Venture Award Nominee! As a Co-founder & Managing Director at @metals_hub, Frank is inspired by an idea to provide players in the ... Meet Frank Jackel, EIT Venture Award Nominee! As a Co-founder & Managing Director at @metals_hub, Frank is inspired by an idea to provide players in the ...

Metalshub - WARUM wir Metalshub gegründet haben von Frank M. Jackel &...

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” Napoleon Hill The strong desire to change things in the metals & mining industry was at the beginning of our journey of founding and growing Metalshub.

Metalshub - Video Keynote IFA-Konferenz LissabonMetals Hub

Letztes Jahr hatte Metalshubs Mitgründer Dr. Frank Jackel bei der 34. Internationalen Ferrolegierungskonferenz in Lissabon die Ehre, einer der Hauptredner ...

New Platform Targets Ferroalloys and Specialty Metals ...Commodity Technology Advisory

Last week, I had a call with Frank Jackel, founder of metalshub, to discuss this interesting initiative in more detail. According to its website, ... Last week, I had a call with Frank Jackel, founder of metalshub, to discuss this interesting initiative in more detail. According to its website, ...

107 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Frank Jackel - General Manager - Ace Welding & Trailer Co. | LinkedIn

View Frank Jackel's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Frank has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Frank's connections and jobs at similar companies.

Frank Jackel | LinkedIn

Frank Jackels berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Frank Jackel dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post - rawmaterials #emc #rwthaachenLinkedIn · Dr. Frank Jackel140+ Reaktionen · vor 1 Jahr

Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel, graphic. Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 1y Edited. Report this post Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel, graphic. Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 1y Edited. Report this post

Dr. Frank Jackel's PostLinkedIn · Dr. Frank Jackel20+ Reaktionen · vor 5 Monaten

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... Working with industry leaders like Outokumpu is both fun and inspiring. Thank you Julian Gatzweiler for sharing your ... Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... Working with industry leaders like Outokumpu is both fun and inspiring. Thank you Julian Gatzweiler for sharing your ...

Dr. Frank Jackel's PostLinkedIn · Dr. Frank Jackel6 Reaktionen · vor 1 Monat

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel, graphic. Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 6h. Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel, graphic. Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 6h.

frank jackel | LinkedIn

View frank jackel's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like frank jackel discover inside ...

Dr. Frank Jackel's PostLinkedIn · Dr. Frank Jackel70+ Reaktionen · vor 1 Jahr

Hi Frank, looks very interesting. I'd be grateful for a copy of the presentation Well done!!! Dr. Frank Jackel and Metalshub team! Hi Frank, looks very interesting. I'd be grateful for a copy of the presentation Well done!!! Dr. Frank Jackel and Metalshub team!

Dr. Frank Jackel - Das Ebay für Gießereien und Stahlkocherlinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel · Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 5y. Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel · Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 5y.

Dr. Frank Jackel - lme #metals #futureofmetalstradinglinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel. Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 2y. Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel. Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 2y.

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post - CxO Surveylinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... Investing now into process innovation should be the priority of every company. A key element to this are modern ... Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... Investing now into process innovation should be the priority of every company. A key element to this are modern ...

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post - Metalshub Bulk Ferroalloys Indexlinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel · Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 2y. Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel · Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 2y.

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post - Metalshublinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... Dijital Olarak Güçlendirilmiş Tedarik Dijital tedarik zinciri çözümleriyle değerin kilidini açın ve rekabet avantajı ... Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... Dijital Olarak Güçlendirilmiş Tedarik Dijital tedarik zinciri çözümleriyle değerin kilidini açın ve rekabet avantajı ...

Dr. Frank Jackel's Postlinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... I'm really looking forward to discussing with other experts the path towards net zero of the Steel Industry at the EIT ... Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... I'm really looking forward to discussing with other experts the path towards net zero of the Steel Industry at the EIT ...

Dr. Frank Jackel's Postlinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... It is always great working with industry leaders such as Magotteaux to digitalise the raw materials procurement and ... Dr. Frank Jackel's Post ... It is always great working with industry leaders such as Magotteaux to digitalise the raw materials procurement and ...

Dr. Frank Jackel's Postlinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel · Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 4y. Dr. Frank Jackel's Post. View profile for Dr. Frank Jackel · Dr. Frank Jackel. Co-Founder & Managing Director. 4y.

Metalshub's Postlinkedin.com

Dr. Frank Jackel and Ghazal Rezaei were honoured to attend the 26th Middle East Iron and Steel Conference hosted by Fastmarkets in Dubai. Dr. Frank Jackel and Ghazal Rezaei were honoured to attend the 26th Middle East Iron and Steel Conference hosted by Fastmarkets in Dubai.

London Metal Exchange's Postlinkedin.com

Robin Martin #LME Head of Market Development and Metalshub co-founder Frank Jackel discuss the digitalisation of the #metals market ... Robin Martin #LME Head of Market Development and Metalshub co-founder Frank Jackel discuss the digitalisation of the #metals market ...

CA A1 - Profile Google Patents

Inventeurs, Fritz Hermann, Juergen Gebhard, Thomas Merhar, Christoph Wiedner, Frank Jackel, Frank Bertram, Erwin Karle. Déposant, Hilti Aktiengesellschaft ...

104 Dr. Frank Jackel, Gründer von metalshub: „Man muss ...Spotify for Podcasters

... Frank Jackel hat seinen sicheren Job bei Anglo American aufgegeben, um sich mit Vision und Mut ins Unternehmertum zu stürzen. Und auch wenn die Anfänge Frank Jackel hat seinen sicheren Job bei Anglo American aufgegeben, um sich mit Vision und Mut ins Unternehmertum zu stürzen. Und auch wenn die Anfänge ...

Frank Jackel ( ) | ObituaryWe Remember memorial

Frank Jackel. Frank Jackel — Join us in celebrating Frank—please share your stories and photos, and help spread the word about this page! ABOUT THIS ... Frank Jackel. Frank Jackel — Join us in celebrating Frank—please share your stories and photos, and help spread the word about this page! ABOUT THIS ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Frank

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Frank; vom Volksstamm der Franken; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); franko = der Franke; frank = frei (Germanisch); der Stammesname leitet sich ev. ab von 'frank', einem alten germanischen Wort für 'frei', wie in 'frank und frei'; ev. aber wurden die Franken benannt nach ihrer charakteristischen Waffe, der 'Francisca' (lateinisch 'securis francisca', eine Art Wurfbeil) Der Freie (daher frank und frei) gruß franky

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Jackel

Jackel ist abgeleitet von Jakob

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Frank Jackel und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.