115 Infos zu Friedhelm Weinberg
Mehr erfahren über Friedhelm Weinberg
Infos zu
- Executive Director
- RTiesler.de
- Access
- Brandenburgs
- Director of HURIDOCS
- Documentation Systems
- Finally
- Freisein
15 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Mein erstes Mal: Friedhelm, 21, quasselt in russischem Weltkriegsfilm...Zunächst tat Friedhelm Weinberg die Einladung als Gag ab. Eine russische Filmfirma suchte Deutsche, um Hitler und Soldaten zu synchronisieren. Doch dann...
Guardian: Making ICTs work for social justice and development | Working in...From encryption to data validation, our panel give 16 key pointers on using information and communication technologies
Oberhavel Jugendseite Willi – MAZ - Märkische AllgemeineFriedhelm Weinberg (2005–2008) „Ein Anruf und schon wieder ein bekloppter Artikel in der Zeitung. Eine Zeitung, die ich, zugegeben, nicht einmal selbst las, ...
Guardian: Information communication technology and social justice: exploring...ICT has the potential to transform activism, but what is the evidence of what works, and do organisations think enough about digital security risks? Join the...
3 Bilder zu Friedhelm Weinberg
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Friedhelm Weinberg aus GevelsbergStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Friedhelm Weinberg ने एक पोस्ट को HURIDOCS की टाइमलाइन ...LinkedIn: Friedhelm Weinberg | LinkedInWorking with human rights groups on gathering information and using it for action. I like when technology helps with that.
LinkedIn: Friedhelm Weinberg | 领英 - LinkedIn结识业界同行,与全球500,000,000 位职场人士一起驰骋职场。 查看Friedhelm的 ...
1 Firmen-Beteiligungen
Friedhelm Weinberg à Genève - Renseignements | MoneyhouseAdresse, résidence, date de naissance et solvabilité de Friedhelm Weinberg de Genève.
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Friedhelm Weinberg - RightsCon Summit Serieswww.rightscon.org › team › friedh...Friedhelm Weinberg. May 16, | Last Update: Share on Facebook | Share on Twitter · Sarah Harper · @harpersaraha ...
Friedhelm Weinberg | HURIDOCSwww.huridocs.org › team › friedh...Friedhelm Weinberg. Executive Director. “Human rights are not just words: they need to be fought for and promoted. Gathering, organising and analysing ...
About Us | Access Accountability... Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG). Friedhelm Weinberg. Executive Director, Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems (HURIDOCS) ...
1 Traueranzeigen
Traueranzeigen von Friedhelm Weinberg | www.trauer.msBesuchen Sie die Gedenkseite von Friedhelm Weinberg. Lesen Sie die Traueranzeige und gedenken Sie dem Verstorbenen mit einer Kerze oder Kondolenz.
3 Bücher zum Namen
Friedhelm Weinberg - Agenda Contributor | World Economic ForumThe World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic...
Critical Perspectives on Whistleblowers and Leakers - Google BooksHowever, we expect much more than public debate: we demand their implementation.” AND LEAKERS Friedhelm Weinberg, HURIDOCS (Germany): “There has ...
Digital Investigative Journalism: Data, Visual Analytics and...In the post-digital era, investigative journalism around the world faces a revolutionary shift in the way information is gathered and interpreted. Reporters in...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
18 in eigener sache polit18 in eigener sache polit Unabhängige Zeitung zum Jugendmedienworkshop im Deutschen Bundestag 26. bis 30. November
project:case_law_as_a_service_claas [make.opendata.ch wiki]Lionel Lourdin, Free IT Foundation “Open Hardware & Free SW” (Idea+Des). Florian Ducommun, HDC Lawfirm, CC “Please copy & share my work”. Oleg Burlaca, Ketse. Friedhelm Weinberg, HURIDOCS “Make available and accessible human rights case law around the world”. Franziska Nyffeler (Des) ...
9 Meinungen & Artikel
Bibliography of relevant documents | ethicsinevaluationandresearch... Tania Lee (International Rescue Committee), Zara Rahman (Open Knowledge), Crystal Simeoni (Hivos), Friedhelm Weinberg (Huridocs), Christopher Wilson ...
Friedhelm Weinberg | Hans Thoolen on Human Rights Defendershumanrightsdefenders.blog › tagOn 1 May Friedhelm Weinberg, Executive Director, HURIDOCS, published “ 3 ways activists are being targeted by cyberattacks' on the website of World ...
Litigation databases | ECCHRDPosts about Litigation databases written by huridocsgva
Testimonial - Friedhelm Weinberg (HURIDOCS) - [ Atlas of Torture ]Why is the Atlas of Torture so important? As experts in information and technology, our partners HURIDOCS share their thoughts.
58 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Friedhelm Weinberg | LinkedInView Friedhelm Weinberg's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Friedhelm Weinberg ...
KAS-Dresden-Gruppe2 : Beitrag: SemperoperAugust :54 schrieb Friedhelm Weinberg < ... Hallo Friedhelm, ich... Tina Hentschel tina.hentschel@... Mail senden, 16. Aug :
Data is a Team Sport: One on One with Friedhelm Weinberg ...schoolofdata.org › › te...Friedhelm Weinberg is the Executive Director of Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems (HURIDOCS), an NGO that supports ...
Friedhelm Weinberg - HURIDOCS - Point conferencepoint.zastone.ba › govornici › frie...Friedhelm Weinberg – HURIDOCS. Friedhelm Weinberg. Since October 2012, Friedhelm manages communications – to make sure HURIDOCS is in touch with ...
Friedhelm Weinberg – Indigo Trustindigotrust.org.uk › tag › friedhel...Last week, human rights organisation Huridocs' Friedhelm Weinberg interviewed me about Indigo Trust's work. If you're interested in learning more about why ...
One on One with Friedhelm Weinberg, Huridocs – Data is a Team Sport –...This conversation with Friedhelm Weinberg, Executive Director of Huridocs, brings out lessons learned from their 30 year history of being a capacity builder...
Data is a Team Sport: One on One with Friedhelm Weinberg, Huridocs...This conversation with Friedhelm Weinberg, Executive Director of Huridocs, brings out lessons learned from their 30 year history of being a capacity builder...
friedhelm's collection | BandcampFriedhelm Weinberg - Open Collective
Friedhelm Weinberg. @whyfrycek · huridocs.org. $38. Total amount donated. FW · about · FW · about. Backing. I'm backing this collective. Internet Freedom ...
Friedhelm Weinberg - RightsCon Tunis 2019rightscon2019.sched.com › frycekFriedhelm Weinberg is the Executive Director of HURIDOCS, an organisation that helps human rights defenders utilise information and technology to shine a ...
Friedhelm Weinberg – Mediummedium.com › ...Read writing from Friedhelm Weinberg on Medium. Human Rights - Technology - Privacy - Information Management @huridocs. Every day, Friedhelm Weinberg ...
Stories Friedhelm Weinberg clapped for – MediumDiscover all stories Friedhelm Weinberg clapped for on Medium. Human Rights - Technology - Privacy - Information Management @huridocs.
One on One with Friedhelm Weinberg, Huridocs by School of ...soundcloud.com › userOne on One with Friedhelm Weinberg, Huridocs | 38:32. Previous track Play or pause track Next track. Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience with our free ...
New Executives Fund - Open Society FoundationsThe Open Society Fellowship Program’s New Executives Fund provides key support to new nonprofit heads to help organizations navigate leadership transitions.
Einfach raus « Plan E MagazinVon Friedhelm Weinberg . Immer wieder pustet sie. Die Pappe brennt schon, die Reste der Holzpaletten brauchen noch. Pusten. Luft holen. Pusten.
Friedhelm Weinberg on CreativeMorningsFriedhelm hasn't saved anything yet. About · Press & Media · Special thanks · Partners · Start a chapter · Contact. © 2010– Terms. Privacy. Code of ...
Friedhelm Weinberg - @WhyFrycek Twitter Profile and Downloader ...www.twaku.com › WhyFrycekExplore @WhyFrycek Twitter Profile and Download Videos and Photos Working on human rights, information and tech @HURIDOCS | Twaku.
aufBruch » ArtikelübersichtVon Evgenij Haperskij und Friedhelm Weinberg . Anatomie einer Akte. Abhörprotokolle, Überwachungsbilder, private Briefe.
aufBruch » Rumänien ringt mit Ceauşescus ErbeRumänien ringt mit Ceauşescus Erbe
A quick update — meet us at the Internet Freedom Festival next week!...SAFETAG continues to expand its adoption among groups doing organizational security work. Towards this, we joined with a group of 15 practitioners recently in...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Friedhelm
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Friedhelm; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); fridu = der Friede, der Schutz, die Sicherheit; helm = der Helm, die Bedeckung, die Deckung, der Schutz; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Weinberg
Vineyard Eigentümer und Verkäufer Wein. Austrian.
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