131 Infos zu Fritz Lekschas
Mehr erfahren über Fritz Lekschas
Infos zu
- Nils Gehlenborg
- Harvard
- Hanspeter Pfister
- Harald Stachelscheid
- Exploration
- Visualization
- Alexander
- Peter Kerpedjiev
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Events Calendar - SCI @ Utahwww.sci.utah.edu › the-institute › events › dayFritz Lekschas, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering Presents: Visual Exploration of Epigenomic Patterns at Scale. January
1 Bilder zu Fritz Lekschas

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Fritz Lekschas - Deutschland | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Fritz Lekschas (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
flekschas (Fritz Lekschas) · GitHubComputer scientist researching visualization systems for large-scale exploration of biomedical data. Harvard CS PhD ' flekschas
Info über Fritz Lekschas | Flickr...
flekschas (Fritz Lekschas) / Repositories · GitHubComputer scientist researching scalable data visualization, semantic data exploration, genomics, and ☕. Harvard CS PhD ' flekschas
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Fritz Lekschas | Gehlenborg Labgehlenborglab.org › team › members › fritz-lekschasFritz Lekschas, BSc, MSc. github. Projects. Gosling · Halyos · HiGlass · HiPiler · SATORI. Biography. Graduate Student in Computer Science.
13 Persönliche Webseiten
Fritz Lekschas - PeaxPeax is a novel feature-based technique for interactive visual pattern search in sequential data. Visually searching for patterns by similarity is often challenging because of the large search space, the visual complexity of patterns, and the user's perception of similarity More Projects by Fritz Lekschas ...
Policies & Cookies - Fritz Lekschas· Fritz Lekschas ("us", "we", or "our") operates the https://lekschas.de website (the "Service"). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data. We use your data to provide and improve the Service.
Fritz LekschasA PhD candidate in computer science with a strong passion for data visualization, bioinformatics, web development, and design.
Lekschas.de - Erfahrungen und BewertungenFinden Sie Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Lekschas.de. A PhD candidate in computer science with a strong passion for data visualization, bioinformatics, web...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Starred by Fritz Lekschas (@flekschas) - Speaker DeckDecks starred by Fritz Lekschas. View profile. There are no decks in this category. Copyright © Fewer and Faster LLC. All slide content and descriptions ...
4 Projekte
Re: [EFO-users] OWLAPI not loading EFO | EFOFritz Lekschas > Visiting Postgrad Research Fellow in Peter J. Park's Lab > Center for Biomedical Informatics > Harvard Medical School >
Chipster analysis software / [Chipster-tech] LDAP Authentication... username/password... I'm thankful for any help. Best regards, Fritz Lekschas --- Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies, BCRT Charité Berlin ...
EFO / Re: [EFO-users] OWLAPI not loading EFOCenter for Biomedical Informatics > Harvard Medical School > 10 Shattuck St > Boston, MA > > > Fritz Lekschas > Visiting Postgrad Research Fellow in Peter J. Park's Lab > Center for Biomedical Informatics > Harvard ...
Chipster analysis software / Re: [Chipster-tech] LDAP AuthenticationFrom: Lekschas, Fritz <Fritz.Lekschas@ch...> :40:18. The connection to LDAP works. I'm using another application which works with JBoss as ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
A Standard Nomenclature for Referencing and Authentication of...Unambiguous cell line authentication is essential to avoid loss of association between data and cells. The risk for loss of references increases with the
Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 25th International...This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, GD 2017, held in Boston, MA,...
Linked Data Visualization: Techniques, Tools, and Big Data - Laura...DOI: cisis Fritz Lekschas and Nils Gehlenborg. SATORI: A system for ontology-guided visual exploration of biomedical data repositories.
9 Dokumente
Semantic Body BrowserPresentation of the Semantic Body Browser in the scope of Fritz Lekschas Bachelor Thesis.
HiGlass & FriendsPeter Kerpedjiev Zymergen @pkerpedjiev Nezar Abdennur MIT @nv1ctus Fritz Lekschas Harvard @flekschas; 3. New HiGlass Features; 4.
[ ] Ask Me or Tell Me? Enhancing the Effectiveness of...· Enhancing the Effectiveness of Crowdsourced Design Feedback. Authors:Fritz Lekschas, Spyridon Ampanavos, Pao Siangliulue, Hanspeter Pfister, ...
CELDA – an ontology for the comprehensive representation of cells in...representation of cells in complex systems. Stefanie Seltmann. 1. , Harald Stachelscheid. 1. , Alexander Damaschun. 1. , Ludger Jansen. 2. , Fritz Lekschas. 1.
16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
CELDA - an ontology for the comprehensive representation of cells in...Jansen,; Fritz Lekschas,; Jean-Fred Fontaine,; Throng Nghia ...
dblp: Fritz LekschasList of computer science publications by Fritz Lekschas
HiGlass: web-based visual exploration and analysis of genome ...genomebiology.biomedcentral.com › articles· Fritz Lekschas, Kasper Dinkla, Hendrik Strobelt, Jeewon Hwang & Hanspeter Pfister. Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics Program, ...
dblp: Ulf LeserList of computer science publications by Ulf Leser
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
CELDA - an ontology for the comprehensive representation of cells in...Background The need for detailed description and modeling of cells drives the continuous generation of large and diverse datasets. Unfortunately, there exists...
MGFM: a novel tool for detection of tissue and cell specific marker...Background Identification of marker genes associated with a specific tissue/cell type is a fundamental challenge in genetic and cell research. Marker genes are...
6 Meinungen & Artikel
BCB Seminar: Scalable Visualization Tools for Pattern-Driven ...www.wpi.edu › news › calendar › events › bcb-semi...Home · News & Events · Calendar; BCB Seminar: Scalable Visualization Tools for Pattern-Driven Exploration of BioMedical Data, Fritz Lekschas, ...
Hang-up during refresh - Open Source Document Management System |...You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Fritz Lekschas, Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative ...
Open Source Document Management System | OpenKM - OpenLDAP...Has anyone an idea how I can achieve the assignment of the AdminRole? Thanks for your help. Fritz Lekschas, Berlin-Brandenburg Center for ...
Cache - Open Source Document Management System | OpenKMFritz Lekschas, Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT) Charité, Berlin. flekschas: Junior Boarder Junior Boarder ...
62 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Fritz Lekschas - Cambridge, Massachusetts LinkedInView Fritz Lekschas' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Fritz Lekschas discover inside ...
Fritz Lekschas - Google ScholarHarvard CS PhD '21 - 引用: 1,362 件 - Data visualization - human-centered AI - bioinformatics - web development - design
Fritz Lekschas - Ben Nadel's Community MembersFritz Lekschas is one of Ben Nadel's community members. Fritz Lekschas has been a community member since September 17, 2012
Fritz Lekschas • 70 Jahre Freie Universität Berlin • …Fritz Lekschas Alumnus Fritz Lekschas studierte von bis im Bachelor und Master Bioinformatik an der Freien Universität. Aktuell ist er Promotionsstudent im Fach Informatik an der Harvard University "Die Uni bereitet uns darauf vor, aber wir entscheiden am Ende selbst, was wir mit unserer Freiheit machen." ...
Fritz Lekschas | TurkerView mTurk Requester ProfileOverview, reviews, and comments on Fritz Lekschas, mTurk Requester.
Fritz Lekschas (@flekschas) on Speaker Deckspeakerdeck.com › flekschasFritz Lekschas. flekschas. 0 Followings 0 Followers 0 Stars. I'm a PhD candidate in computer science at Harvard University working on scalable visual ...
Fritz LekschasFritz Lekschas. Scientist researching intelligent and scalable visualization systems for pattern-driven data exploration. Harvard CS PhD '21.
Fritz Lekschas (flekschas) - Libraries.iolibraries.io › github › flekschasRepositories created and contributed to by Fritz Lekschas (flekschas)
Fritz Lekschas / Observableobservablehq.com › ...Fritz Lekschas. •lekschas.de. PhD student in CS at Harvard University (@VCG and @hms-dbmi). Interested in biomedical information visualization, semantic ...
Fritz Lekschas – MediumRead writing from Fritz Lekschas on Medium. . Every day, Fritz Lekschas and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Lekschas.de - Customer ReviewsFind Customer Reviews and Ratings of Lekschas.de. A PhD candidate in computer science with a strong passion for data visualization, bioinformatics, web...
Scalable InsetsScalable Insets is a scalable visualization technique for interactively exploring and navigating large numbers of annotated patterns in multiscale visualizations. Scalable Insets support users in early exploration through multifocus guidance by dynamically placing magnified thumbnails of annotated patterns as insets within the viewport ().The entire design is focused on scalability.
AlDaBiWS10CodeReview2 < ABI < WikiFritz Lekschas : 4 : Balduin Laubisch : 5 : Janett Köppen : 6 : Hans Laubisch : 7 : Alexander Rannow : 8 : Vishalini Vimalakanthan : 9 : Lisa Barros de ...
Bar chart with variable spacing / Fritz Lekschas / ObservableBar chart with variable spacing
ILW Förderpreis - FB ILW - Gesellschaft für …Ausgezeichnet wurde Herr Fritz Lekschas für seine Masterarbeit mit dem Titel „Ontology-guided exploration of biological data repositories“. Im Rahmen der Masterarbeit wurde die Nutzbarkeit von semantischen Annotationen für eine visuelle Zusammenfassung und Erkundung von biomedizinischen Datensammlungen untersucht.
Schwingungsmessung in Industrieanwendungen – …Author: Al MacDonald Editor: Fritz Lekschas License: CC BY-SA 3.0 ID: ISO or "_[a-zA-Z]" if an ISO code is not available. Anwendung in allen Bereichen. Kunden aus vielen Industriebereichen vertrauen der Mess- und Regeltechnik von HAUBER Elektronik. So ist HAUBER nicht nur in der Automobilindustrie oder bei OEM Herstellern von ...
Fritz Lekschas aka voice on ThreadlessShop graphic tees, artwork, iphone cases, and more designed by the worldwide Threadless community.
Pin on Zaha HadidThis Pin was discovered by Ary ✨. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.
▷ Lekschas.de : Fritz Lekschasℹ️ A PhD candidate in computer science with a strong passion for data visualization, bioinformatics, web development, and design. | Lekschas - lekschas.de...
Pin auf Nippon5 Tips for Planning a Trip to Japan - City Cookie How to prepare your trip to Japan, from buying a Japan Rail Pass to booking a trip to an owl cafe! All the travel ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Fritz
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Fritz; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); fridu = der Friede, der Schutz, die Sicherheit; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter bekannt als Name diverser deutscher Herrscher, z.B. Friedrich dem Grossen (18. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Stefanie Seltmann
- Alexander Damaschun
- Harald Stachelscheid
- Benjamin Bach
- Hanspeter Pfister
- Nils Gehlenborg
- Hans Laubisch
- Qianwen Wang
- Peter Park
- Jennifer Marx
- Melanie Liedtke
Personensuche zu Fritz Lekschas & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Fritz Lekschas und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.