63 Infos zu Gábor Drescher

Mehr erfahren über Gábor Drescher

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Herbsttreffen in Berlin - Programm

Gabor Drescher, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Abstract. Folien. 16:00, Ein Modulares Scheduler-Framework Anselm Busse, TU Berlin. Abstract. 16:30, Pause.

7  Bilder zu Gábor Drescher

Gabor Drescher
Gabor Drescher
Gabor Drescher, M. Sc.
Gabor Drescher, M.Sc. ...
Timo Hönig · Gabor Drescher
Florian Schmaus. Gabor Drescher

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Gábor Drescher | Facebook

LinkedIn: Gábor Drescher | LinkedIn

View Gábor Drescher's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Gábor has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

LinkedIn: Gábor Drescher | LinkedIn

View Gábor Drescher's (Hungary) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gábor Drescher ...

MySpace: Gábor Drescher ( )

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

5 Bücher zum Namen

manual.freeshell.org › AUTHORSThis is an attempt to acknowledge contributions to the ...

... &.com> Fred Stearns Friedrich Dominicus <friedrichdominicus@ googlemail.com> Gabor Drescher &.de> Gary Leavens ...

Publications AV

Publications (AV). Page 1 of 1. Johannes Götzfried, Tilo Müller, Gabor Drescher, Stefan Nürnberger, Michael Backes · RamCrypt: Kernel-based Address Space ...

Betriebssysteme und Echtzeit: Echtzeit Google Books

Mit seinem Workshop zum Thema

Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par

Stefan Nürnberger, Gabor Drescher, Randolf Rotta, Jörg Nolte, and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat First Workshop on ...

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Gabor Drescher - dblpdblp.org › Persons

List of computer science publications by Gabor Drescher.

dblp: Gabor Drescher

List of computer science publications by Gabor Drescher

dblp: Johannes Götzfried

List of computer science publications by Johannes Götzfried

dblp: Euro-Par Workshops

Bibliographic content of Euro-Par Workshops

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

A Scalability-Aware Kernel Executive for Many-Core Operating Systems...

Number, variety, and organization of the on-chip processing elements of many-core processors demand a radical rethink in operating systems design. One may come...

Shared Memory in the Many-Core Age | SpringerLink

Stefan Nürnberger; Gabor Drescher; Randolf Rotta; Jörg Nolte; Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. Stefan Nürnberger. 1. Gabor Drescher. 2. Randolf Rotta. 1.

Wartefreie Synchronisation von Echtzeitprozessen mittels...

Wartefreie Synchronisation gibt jedem konkurrierenden Prozess uneingeschränkte Fortschrittsgarantie. Sie ist für Echtzeitsysteme eine mehr als wünschenswerte...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Ocho Macho - Wikipedia

Peter Müller András Németh Márton Szalai Krisztián Tompa. i membri del passato, Csaba Biegner Helga Döme Gábor Drescher Ákos Gyarmati György Horváth

Wikipedia: Ocho Macho - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ocho_M...

Gábor Drescher Ákos Gyarmati György Horváth Ottó Kappel György Kovacsics Attila Milos Gábor Pontyos. Ocho Macho is a Hungarian pop band formed in Kőszeg, Hungary in playing a unique ...

23 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gábor Drescher | LinkedIn

View Gábor Drescher's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gábor Drescher discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners.

Gabor Drescher, M.Sc. at CS 4 at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg

Gabor Drescher, M.Sc. Member of the research staff at the Department of Computer Science 4 (Distributed Systems and Operating Systems) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Stream Gábor Drescher music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for...

Play Gábor Drescher and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

Gábor Drescher | Free Listening on SoundCloud

what you love and share the sounds you create.. 1 Tracks. 6 Followers. Stream ...

[PDF] A Scalability-Aware Kernel Executive for Many-Core Operating...

The paper presents a scalability-aware kernel executive, Sake, that is currently designed against such background targeting at large-scale heterogeneous...

Betriebssysteme und Echtzeit | springerprofessional.de

Mit seinem Workshop zum Thema

#IMMD4 tagged Tweets and Download Twitter MP4 Videos | Twugi

Browse tweets tagged as #IMMD4 and Download MP4 Videos | Twugi

Euro-Par 2014: Workshops Program

Stefan Nürnberger, Gabor Drescher, Randolf Rotta, Jörg Nolte and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. OMHI (2nd Workshop on On-chip memory ...

Shared Memory in the Many-Core Age | springerprofessional.de

With the evolution toward fast networks of many-core processors, the design assumptions at the basis of software-level distributed shared memory

Sugóparti Hírek - Elektromos töltőállomásokra pályázik Baja

Beköszönthet a XXI.század a bajai közlekedésbe is.

Global References

Johannes Götzfried, Tilo Müller, Gabor Drescher, Stefan Nürnberger, Michael ...

Commits · debug · Elias Aebi / libfirm · GitLab - git.scc.kit.edu.git.scc.kit.edu › uudvq › debug

Christoph Mallon authored 2 years ago. 1c7ff39b. Gabor Drescher's avatar · Fix for Perl v · 142ca032. Gabor Drescher authored 2 years ago. 142ca032.

Daniel Danner - researchr alias

Diamond Rings: Acknowledged Event Propagation in Many-Core ProcessorsStefan Nürnberger, Randolf Rotta, Gabor Drescher, Daniel Danner, Jörg Nolte. europar 2015: [doi] SAFER SLOTH: Efficient, hardware-tailored memory protectionDaniel Danner, Rainer Muller, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, ...

A Scalability-Aware Kernel Executive for Many-Core Operating Systems...

Number, variety, and organization of the on-chip processing elements of many-core processors demand a radical rethink in operating systems design.


Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era

opus4.kobv.de › frontdoor › index › index › docIdOPUS FAU | An Experiment in Wait-Free Synchronisation of ...

Gabor Drescher, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. Wait-free synchronisation gives any process in the system strong progress guarantees, ...

NB II: Várhidi felszámolást kezdeményezett volt klubja ellen - NSO

Az Óvár elnöke, Drescher Ottó szerint mindent kifizettek a volt trénernek, amiben előzetesen megállapodtak.

wrome.github.io › porto2014ROME ROME - GitHub Pages

Runtime Systems; 12: :30: Stefan Nürnberger, Gabor Drescher, Randolf Rotta, Jörg Nolte and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Shared Memory in the ...

Wartefreie Synchronisation von Echtzeitprozessen mittels ...www.springerprofessional.de › wartefreie-synchronisati...

Autoren: Gabor Drescher, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Erschienen in: Betriebssysteme und Echtzeit. » Jetzt Zugang zum ...

Shared Memory in the Many-Core Age - Semantic Scholar

Shared Memory in the Many-Core Age. Stefan Nürnberger, Gabor Drescher, Randolf Rotta, Jörg Nolte, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat · EUROPAR;

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gábor

Männlicher Vorname (Ungarisch): Gábor; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Drescher

- mittelhochdeutscher Berufsname "drescher" -> "Drescher" für einen

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