61 Infos zu Gabi Gillessen

Mehr erfahren über Gabi Gillessen

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Auroville board meet focuses on harmonious progress - The Hinduwww.thehindu.com › News › Cities › Puducherry

— The International Advisory Council was represented by Michel Danino and Hashmukh P. Rama in person, and Dena Merriam, Gabi Gillessen and ...

IAC calls for environmental audit of Auroville's current, future planstimesofindia.indiatimes.com › city › articleshow

— The present members are European Union of Yoga president Gabi Gillessen, IIT-Gandhinagar guest faculty Michel Danino, Auro University, ...

Parents Urged To Try Yoga Before Dismissing Idea Of Teaching It In ...www.midlands103.com › news › midlands-news › p...

— President of the European Union of Yoga - Tullamore's Gabi Gillessen says mindfulness doesn't have any specific religious origin: ...

Yoga craze has queues stretching - The Irish Timeswww.irishtimes.com › news › health › yoga-craze-h...

— "The demand for yoga is just incredible," according to Gabi Gillessen, a teacher-trainer with the Irish Yoga Association.

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Gabi Gillessen

Facebook: Gabi Gillessen

Facebook: Gabi Gillessen | Facebook

LinkedIn: Gabi Gillessen | LinkedIn

View Gabi Gillessen's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gabi Gillessen discover ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Sthiram & Sukham An exploration through Sutra, Mantra & Asana with...

Irish Yoga Association in association with Ritambhara Yogashala presents a 4 day intensive practical philosophy workshop Sthira...

5 Dokumente

ZINAL Schweiz - Ayurveda & Yoga Balance Bielwww.ayurvedabalance.ch › Resources › pdf › FLYER_Zinal_2012


pdf - National Green Tribunalgreentribunal.gov.in › sites › default › files › news_updates

— president Gabi Gillessen, IIT-Gandhinagar guest faculty Michel Danino, Auro University, Surat, founder and chancellor Hasmukh.

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3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Verbands-Infos Editorial - Yoga Schweizwww.yoga.ch › › GZD_def_YdM_Verbandsteil_4_2020_kbi

tenden Präsidentin der EYU Gabi Gillessen zitieren: «Vor einem. Jahr, als wir zahlreich in der wunderschönen Alpenlandschaft von Zinal versammelt waren, ...

News & Notes 893:New International Advisory Council announcedwiki.auroville.org.in › wiki › News_&_Notes_893:...

— Ms. Dena Merriam Founder & Coordinator, Global Peace Initiative for Women · Ms. Gabi Gillessen, President, European Union of Yoga · Mr. Hasmukh P.

Outreach Media - Stand for Auroville Unitystandforaurovilleunity.com › Email-to-Undersecretary _01_21

— Gabi Gillessen" , "Mr. Hasmukh P. Rama". , "Mr. Michel Danino" , ...

39 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gabi Gillessen - Indica Yogawww.indicayoga.com › Speaker

Gabi Gillessen. July 17, July 14, adminsoftcenter. I qualified as a yoga teacher with the Irish Yoga Association in

Gabi Gillessen - Yoga Teacher in Tullamore - YogaTrailwww.yogatrail.com › ... › County Offaly › Tullamore

Gabi Gillessen is a Teacher in Tullamore. For complete schedule information, upcoming events and the latest updates, follow Gabi Gillessen on YogaTrail!

Stream episode Progressive Relaxation with Gabi Gillessen by Root ...soundcloud.com › user › p...

Play Progressive Relaxation with Gabi Gillessen by Root To Light on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Gabi Gillessen | - Root to Lightwww.roottolight.com › ...

Gabi Gillessen. Gabi qualified as a Yoga Teacher in 1997, with the Irish Yoga Association and qualified as an IYA Tutor in

Aachener Engel e.V.

Gabi Gillessen Sylvia Lößer Georgios Tamiolakis Sven Woytschaetzky Ernst-Rudolf Kühn Ilke Haake-Kühn Lutz Geilenkirchen Ekkehard Rager Waltraud Schings

Exploring all Levels of Being through Asana Practice by Gabi...

Exploring all Levels of Being through Asana Practice by Gabi Gillessen. Indica Yoga July 18, Indica Yoga K subscribers.Dauer: 1:41:13Gepostet:

A Tribute to Herman Seymus The Preface written by Yoga Niketanyoganiketan.be › GetFile

Eveline Waas Bidaux from Yoga Schweiz also supported this process, not forgetting Gabi Gillessen from the IYA, Roland Haag from the Schweizer Yogaverband, ...

Aoife Lydon - Yoga Teacher - Clifden, Connemara, Galwayaoifelydon.com › about-aoife

... both in Ireland and abroad and is influenced by her studies with Gabi Gillessen, Miriam Brady, Yogacharya Venkatesh and Sraddhalu Ranade among others.

Awareness Through the Body 1 with Gabi Irish Yoga Associationwww.iya.ie › iyamdb › public › detail_events

Event Details for Awareness Through the Body 1 with Gabi Gillessen. Description: Date: Time: 9.30am pm. Venue: Root-to-Light Yoga Space, ...

Congreso Unitario Europeo - AEPY

· Maestros ya consolidados como Antonio Nuzzo, Francois Lorin, Gabi Gillessen, Swami Asokananda, Willy Van Lysebeth, Roland Haag, Wanda Vanni, ...


13: :00 Recuperative Poses with Gabi Gillessen (Exercise suitable for beginners). 15: :30 Discussion about Yoga teaching in prisons Gabi Gillessen. 16: :30 Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) with Adrienne Ni Cheallaigh (Deep relaxation). 17: :00 Antar Mouna with Adrienne Crowe (Sitting ...

IRISH YOGA ASSOCIATION Active - Business Directory Ireland andie.globaldatabase.com › company › irish-yoga-assoc...

GABI GILLESSEN, Director , IE. Get in touch with 5 of contacts working at IRISH YOGA ASSOCIATION. Upgrade to subscription ...

Meeting di Yoga a Catania - 1° congresso unitario europeo 2019www.olisticmap.it › corsi-eventi › congresso-unitari...

I due presidenti, Gabi Gillessen dell'UEY e Wanda Vanni della FMY insegneranno insieme! ARGOMENTI TRATTATI. PARINAMA, la Trasformazione

Root to Light Yoga Spacewww.roottolight.com

The current president Gabi Gillessen, who qualified as a yoga trainer from the Irish Yoga Association, steers the yogic journey of 17 national federations.

Yoga Practices - European Union of Yogawww.europeanyoga.org › Home › Yoga

Gentle Twists sequence with Gabi Gillessen. 8 April Short twisting posture sequence. Twists balance our energy and mood. Enjoy and any feedback most ...

Yoga with Aoife Lydon - Clifden, Irland - Yellow.Placeyellow.place › Irland › Clifden › Sport › Yoga-Studio

... retreats and trainings with teachers both in Ireland and abroad and is influenced by her studies with Gabi Gillessen, Miriam Brady, Yogacharya Venkatesh ...

The first Satellite Congress of the EUY - Yoga Federatieyogafederatie.be › nieuws › europeanyogaorg

· The two presidents of EUY, Gabi Gillessen and FMY, Wanda Vanni will teach together! Gepost door: Gert. Archief.

ZINAL Switzerlandwww.saj.sk › doc › EN_FLYER-Zinal-2012


Exploring the Mindfulness of Yoga Practice | evento | Tullamore

Exploring the Mindfulness of Yoga Practice in Tullamore, Root-to-Light Yoga Space, sabato, 11. marzo Gabi Gillessen will exlpore how Mindfulness is an...

2nd GOOD FRIDAY YOGATHON - Seraphwww.seraph.ie › ...

— 15: :30 Discussion about Yoga teaching in prisons Gabi Gillessen. 16: :30 Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) with Adrienne Ni Cheallaigh ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gabi

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gabi; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Gabriel:; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Gillessen

Hallo! Ich kann mich natuerlich gewaltig taeuschen aber mir scheint, dass der Name Gillessen moeglicherweise den Ursprung im Namen Lessenig hat. Lessenig ist mein Nachname. Da mir immer der Ursprung dessen unklar war und es so schien als sei unsere Familie die einzige mit diesem Nachnamen, habe ich ein wenig research im WWW vorgenommen. Dabei stiess ich auf folgenden Eintrag: GREEN LAWN CEMETERY Columbus, Ohio NAME Gillessen, Louisa DOB 08/24/1861 DOD 08/21/1902 FATHER Lessenig, John (Johann??) Deutsche Emigranten, vermute ich. Moeglicherweise ist Gillessen/Lessenig auch nur Zufall, doch das Umdrehen der Buchstaben macht einfach Sinn. Der Name Lessenig ist, nicht nur in der englischen Sprache, nicht so einfach zu merken oder auszusprechen. Das weiss ich aus Erfahrung. Ich wuesste gerne, ob vielleicht schon jemand anderes darauf gestossen ist oder falls dies ein/e 'Lessenig' liest, bitte gerne bei mir melden. Der Ursprung des Namens Lessenig ist naemlich immer noch nicht geklaert. Oder wurde aus Gillessen vielleicht mal Lessenig

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