23 Infos zu Gabi Gruetzner
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Lebt in
- Berlin
Infos zu
- Micro Resist Technology
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Gabi Grützner mit Bundesverdienstkreuz geehrtwww.vdu.de › aktuelles › news › gabi-gruetzner-mit-bundesverdienstkreuz...· Mit ihren außerordentlichen hoch innovativen Leistungen hat die Diplom-Chemikerin Gabi Grützner seit der Gründung im Jahr nicht nur aus dem ...
Gabi Gruetzner, micro resist technology GmbH - Nachrichten aus Berlin...Gabi Gruetzner, micro resist technology GmbH. Mai 24, M.Guette 0. Gabi Gruetzner, micro resist technology GmbH. Gabi Gruetzner ...
Prototype tools for mass producing nanostructures to launch in...... variety of markets and industries,” said Mrs Gabi Gruetzner, Managing Director of Micro Resist Technology GmbH (Germany), a company that ...
Geschäftsführerin Gabi Grützner mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ...www.microresist.de › news › geschaeftsfuehrerin-gabi-gruetzner-mit-dem-...Unsere Gründerin und geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin Frau Gabi Grützner hat am aus den Händen von Stephan Schwarz, Senator für Wirtschaft, ...
1 Business-Profile
Gabi GRUETZNER | Micro Resist GmbH, Berlin | Research profilewww.researchgate.net › Micro Resist GmbHGabi GRUETZNER, General Manager, CEO | Cited by | of Micro Resist GmbH, Berlin | Read 166 publications | Contact Gabi GRUETZNER.
3 Bücher zum Namen
Alternative Lithography: Unleashing the Potentials of Nanotechnology...Good old Gutenberg could not have imagined that his revolutionary printing concept which so greatly contributed to dissemination of knowledge and thus today 's...
Alternative Lithography: Unleashing the Potentials of Nanotechnologybooks.google.com › books... Berlin headed by Mrs Gabi Gruetzner. Finally we would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Swedish Strategic Research Council and ...
Mems - Mahalik N P - Google BooksMEMS are small and integrated devices, which combine electronics, electrical as well as mechanical elements to meet the control related functional...
3 Dokumente
Gabi Gruetzner - Homedl.acm.org › profileGabi Gruetzner · Direct imprinting of organic---inorganic hybrid materials into high aspect ratio sub-100 nm structures · Corrigendum: Corrigendum to: "UV- ...
Udo Kirsch - Academia.eduindependent.academia.edu › UdoKirschBernd Loechel Æ Jost Goettert Æ Gabi Gruetzner Æ Martin Bednarzik Æ Christoph Waberski Æ Gisela Ahrens Æ Rainer Engelke Æ Varshni Singh Æ Reinhard Degen Æ ...
Polymeric variable optical attenuators based on DDD – UABStephanus Bьttgenbach d, Andreu Llobera a,d, Gabi Gruetzner b a Institut de Microelectrтnica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM (CSIC), Esfera UAB, Campus UAB, ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Additive Nanoimprint Lithographie | ProfactorAnna Klukowska, Marko Vogler, Anett Kolander, Freimut Reuther, Gabi Gruetzner , Michael Muehlberger, Iris Bergmair, Rainer Schoeftner; Alternative Approach ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Nanometer patterning using ma-N series DUV negative SPIEspie.org › Publications › Proceedings › PaperAuthor(s): Anya Voigt; Harald Elsner; H. G. Meyer; Gabi Gruetzner ; Format, Member Price ; PDF, $ ; Paper Abstract. Results of electron beam exposure of a DUV ...
Investigations of SU-8 removal from metallic high aspect ratio...First promising investigations of SU-8 removal experiments with a novel plasma etching technique are presented. The basic idea of this technique is to sepa
6 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Micro Resist Technology - PolyNanowww.polynano.org › partners › mrtContact Gabi Gruetzner . MRT GmbH Berlin Germany. www.microresist.de/en ...
Mix and match of nanoimprint and UV lithographywww.spiedigitallibrary.org › proceedings › DownloadFreimut Reuther, Karl Pfeiffer, Marion Fink, Gabi Gruetzner, Hubert Schulz,. Hella-Christin Scheer, Freddy Gaboriau, Christophe Cardinaud, "Mix and.
New negative-tone photoresists avoid swelling and distortion - Galego.gale.com › i.doGale Academic OneFile includes New negative-tone photoresists avoid swelling and disto by Gabi Gruetzner, Simone Fehlberg, Anja V. Click to explore.
Transparent hybrid polymer stamp copies with sub-50-nm resolution ...pubs.aip.org › avs › jvb › article › Transparent-hybr...· Gabi Gruetzner;. Gabi Gruetzner h). Micro Resist Technology GmbH. Berlin, Germany.
Improved adhesion of novolac and epoxy based resists by cationic...SPIE Digital Library Proceedings
Oxide nanocrystal based nanocomposites for fabricating photoplastic...... Striccoli a, Angela Agostiano ab, Anja Voigt g, Gabi Gruetzner g, Jürgen Brugger d, Francesc Perez-Murano c and Maria Lucia Curri *a
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gabi
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gabi; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Gabriel:; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu
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