178 Infos zu Gabi Zedlmayer
Mehr erfahren über Gabi Zedlmayer
Infos zu
- Vice President
- Chief Progress Officer
- Sustainability
- Hewlett Packard
- Global Social Innovation
- Office of Global
35 Aktuelle Nachrichten
SunEdison drops $2.2B to acquire Vivint Solar - cio.deSunEdison, the world's largest renewable energy development company, announced a definitive agreement to buy Vivint Solar, one of the largest providers of...
HP And mothers2mothers: Faster and Easier Access to Information - ABC...Get breaking national and world news, broadcast video coverage, and exclusive interviews. Find the top news online at ABC news.
Guardian: Unleashing employee creativity to deliver on sustainability | | The...It's one thing to have a sustainability strategy, but to get employees to engage and champion it, companies need to listen to their concerns and appeal to...
_3a507d5793_z – MEEDIA_3a507d5793_z
26 Bilder zu Gabi Zedlmayer

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Gabi Zedlmayer | FacebookFacebook: HP Dual Study - Gabi Zedlmayer, VP Social Innovation ...Blogger: Nutzerprofil: Gabi ZedlmayerBlogger ist ein Veröffentlichungs-Tool von Google, mit dem du ganz einfach deine Gedanken der Welt mitteilen kannst. Mit Blogger kannst du problemlos Texte,...
Gabi Zedlmayer | Communication DirectorGabi Zedlmayer. Gabi Zedlmayer drives HP’s Living Progress initiatives that help improve the communities we serve aligned with HP’s business strategy.
7 Hobbys & Interessen
Gabi ZedlmayerThe top five game changers in education, healthcare and environment by Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President Sustainability and Social Innovation, HP.Gabi's advice ...
Premierministerin der südafrikanischen Provinz Westkap Helen Zille...21 March 2012Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President, Office of Global Social Innovation, HP. Thierry Zylberberg, EVP Strategic Partnerships, GM Health Line of Business, France Telecom.
The Next Billion: Women & The Economy of the Future Conference...... Executive Director of the Institute for Women, Peace and Security, Georgetown University; Gabi Zedlmayer – VP and Chief Progress Officer, ...
Ria Hendrikx, Randi Zuckerberg of Facebook, Gabi Zedlmayer of HP,Ria Hendrikx, Randi Zuckerberg of Facebook, Gabi Zedlmayer of HP, Beth Brooke of Ernst & Young, Cecila Attias and Stephanie Czerny attend the Digital Life...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Gabi ZedlmayerVice President Corporate Marketing / Dübendorf
5 Persönliche Webseiten
Gabi ZedlmayerWith each Twitter chat and LPX discussion forum, I become even more inspired and energized by the opportunities we have to unite people through technology.
Gabi Zedlmayer: Busy week in New York City including a field trip to...Busy week in New York City including a field trip to the New York Stock Exchange to help ring the Closing Bell!!
Gabi Zedlmayer: Oh no – here is one more piece on mentorship!Plenty of articles have described what a successful mentor/mentee relationship looks like – and there is tons of advice out there if you are interested in the
Gabi Zedlmayer: Juliana Rotich receives DLD Women Impact AwardToday I had the pleasure and honor to hand over the DLD Women Impact Award to the wonderful Juliana Rotich for her work. There couldn't have been a better way to end an exciting day at DLDwomen. Looking forward to another great day at DLDwomen tomorrow. Join in and watch the live stream ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Gabriele Zedlmayer - WISEGabi Zedlmayer drives sustainability and social innovation programs aligned with HP's business strategy. She leads a global team of experts focused on solving ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
outlookindia.comCHANGE PASSWORD. CHANGE PASSWORD. LOGIN. LOGIN. TOPICS. TOPICS. Cover Story · enterprise · strategy · markets · c'est la vie, magazines, subscribe · catalist. Gabi Zedlmayer. ABOUT US | CONTACT US | SUBSCRIBE | ADVERTISING RATES | COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER | COMMENTS POLICY.
100 More Great Leadership Ideas - Jonathan Gifford - Google BooksIf you are a manager in today’s business environment, demonstrating that you have leadership skills is essential to success. But what does it take to become an...
Frauen in Führung: Modernität und Agilität – wie die Veränderung der...Apr Gabi Zedlmayer, ehemalige Präsidentin des HVB Frauenbeirats Gabi Zedlmayer gilt als Social Innovator. Mit zahlreichen Organisationen weltweit ...
New Work: Wie wir morgen tun, was wir heute wollen - Isabelle...Ich mach mir meine Arbeitswelt, wie sie mir gefällt! Zählen Sie zu den Millionen von Menschen, die jeden Tag zur Arbeit gehen? Die für acht Stunden alles...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
YouTubeAnton Wundrak (Land der Ideen, GER); Alexander Wunschel (Markendreiklang, GER); Mehmet Yalçındağ (Dogan, TUR); Cevat Yerli (Crytek, GER); Gabi Zedlmayer (HP, GER); Niklas Zennström (Skype, UK); Giuseppe Zocco (Index Ventures, CH) ...
Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President and Chief Progress Officer of HP, at...Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President and Chief Progress Officer of HP, at Climate Week NYC 2014
13 Meinungen & Artikel
Gabi Zedlmayer | _____ Day to Day Vista _____ ____ IE Business...Posts about Gabi Zedlmayer written by Kerry Parke
Berlin School of Digital Business gründet Fachbeirat mit Experten von...Die Berlin School of Digital Business hat einen neuen Fachbeirat mit Experten der digitalen Transformation gegründet.
Gabi Zedlmayer on Twitter: “Urban world: The global consumers to...Gabi Zedlmayer on Twitter: "Smart article on what smart businesses know about corporate social responsibility https://t.co/eg6SuF5Wez via ...
Blog | Creating Corporate Cultures | Mut zu Veränderungen: Change ist...Wer Veränderungen in Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft anstoßen möchte, braucht eine Menge Mut, um mit Leidenschaft für die eigenen Überzeugungen zu kämpfen.
76 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Gabi Zedlmayer: Chief Progressive Officer - Sage HansonThis is the portfolio that is the home to all of the work done by Sage Hanson in the CREST Sustainability Program..
BAYREUTH/GERMANY - JUNE 21: Gabi Zedlmayer (Social Innovator)...BAYREUTH/GERMANY - JUNE 21: Gabi Zedlmayer (Social Innovator) gestures speaking on the stage during the DLD Campus event at the University of ...
BAYREUTH/Deutschland - Juni 21: Gabi Zedlmayer (soziale Innovator)...Stockfoto - BAYREUTH/Deutschland - Juni 21: Gabi Zedlmayer (soziale Innovator) spricht auf der Bühne während der DLD Campus-Veranstaltung an der ...
BAYREUTH/GERMANY - JUNE 21: Gabi Zedlmayer (Social Innovator) speaks...BAYREUTH/GERMANY - JUNE 21: Gabi Zedlmayer (Social Innovator) speaks on the stage during the DLD Campus event at the University of Bayreuth on June ...
"There are big challenges facing our world" | Communication DirectorGabi Zedlmayer drives HP’s Living Progress initiatives that help improve the communities we serve aligned with HP’s business strategy. She leads a global team …
Gabi Zedlmayer | GreenbizGreenbiz
Skoll | Gabi ZedlmayerBiography. Gabi Zedlmayer drives sustainability and social innovation programs aligned with HP's business strategy. She leads a global team of experts focused ...
Akteur*in: Gabi Zedlmayer | LEANDER WATTIGGabi Zedlmayer – Aktivitäten und Erwähnungen
Gabi Zedlmayer Pictures, Photos & Images - Lonny8 Gabi Zedlmayer pictures. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Gabi Zedlmayer. Updated: September 28, 2013
Gabi Zedlmayer | One Young World[[[image-1]]] Gabi Zedlmayer drives sustainability and social innovation programs aligned with HP’s business strategy. She leads a global team of...
Gabi Zedlmayer VP, HP Office of Global Social Innovation - Little...Gabi Zedlmayer could be delivering a keynote speech in Munich one moment, then traveling to a remote village in India the next, working to bring medical access to the poorest parts of the country. Other impressive items on her resume? She once briefed Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum, on a ...
Speaker: Gabi Zedlmayer | BSR Conference 2014BSR Conference 2014: Transparency and Transformation, November 4-6, New York.
Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President for Social Innovation i HPI kåret Newsweek “150 women who shake the world”. Gabi Zedlmayer I HP var en av disse ekstraordinære damene. Oda har fått muligheten til en prat...
GlobeScan Dialogue: Recognizing Leaders | Gabi Zedlmayer, HP -...Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President and Chief Progress Officer, drives HP's Living Progress initiatives that help improve the communities we serve ...
Ms. Gabi Zedlmayer Speaks to WomenLead Students - CIBEROn April 17, 2019, GSU-CIBER partnered with WomenLead to host a luncheon and talk by Ms. Gabi Zedlmayer. Gabi is the Social Innovator ...
Women in CSR: Gabi Zedlmayer, HP | JustmeansTriplePundit: Briefly describe your role and responsibilities, and how many years you have been in the business. Gabi Zedlmayer: I am Vice ...
Gabi Zedlmayer – MediumRead writing from Gabi Zedlmayer on Medium. Chief Progress Officer for HP worldwide - passionate about people, my job and making this world a better place.
Gabi Zedlmayer VP of Office of Global Social Innovation, HP |...Gabi Zedlmayer VP of Office of Global Social Innovation, HP.
GABI ZEDLMAYER Vice President and Chief Progress Officer, … | FlickrGABI ZEDLMAYER Vice President and Chief Progress Officer, Hewlett-Packard Company.
Meet Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President at Hewlett-Packard:"With...Meet Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President at Hewlett-Packard:"With Information tech you can practically change the world... I'm interested in the social and ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gabi
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gabi; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Gabriel:; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu
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