94 Infos zu Gabriele Lünser

Mehr erfahren über Gabriele Lünser

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Competition Fosters Trust - Academic staff

Academic staff at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of rock-paper ...

von R Cook · · Zitiert von: 145 — Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of rock-paper-scissors imitate opponents' gestures. Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen ... von R Cook · · Zitiert von: 145 — Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of rock-paper-scissors imitate opponents' gestures. Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen ...

Automatic imitation in a strategic context - Research Portal, King's...

@article{f73d1c928da44dce895d1ea5229c2c60,. title = "Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of rock-paper-scissors imitate opponents' gestures",. author = "Richard Cook and Geoffrey Bird and Gabriele Lünser and Steffen Huck and Cecilia Heyes",. year = "2012",. month = "2",. doi = " rspb ",.

2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Competition Fosters Trust - Videnskabeligt Personale

author = "Steffen Huck and Gabriele Lünser and Tyran, {Jean-Robert Karl}",. year = "2012",. doi = " j.geb ",. volume = "76",. number = "1",.

5 Bücher zum Namen

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient ...

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment : a laboratory experiment. Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, ... Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment : a laboratory experiment. Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, ...

Bibliography | The Open Society and Its Complexities

Cook, Richard, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck, and Cecilia Heyes. “ Automatic Imitation in a Strategic Context: Players of Rock—Paper—Scissors ... Cook, Richard, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck, and Cecilia Heyes. “ Automatic Imitation in a Strategic Context: Players of Rock—Paper—Scissors ...

Beautiful Game Theory: How Soccer Can Help Economics - Ignacio...

The first book to use the world's most popular sport to test economic theories and document novel human behaviorA wealth of research in recent decades has seen...

Suchergebnisse - "Jean‐Robert Tyran" - EconBiz

Suchergebnisse -

22 Dokumente

Moral hazard in credence goods markets | PDF

— Huck, Steffen, Gabriele Lünser, and Tyran, Jean-Robert “Pricing and Trust.” UCL Working Paper. Huck, Steffen, Gabriele Lünser, and — Huck, Steffen, Gabriele Lünser, and Tyran, Jean-Robert “Pricing and Trust.” UCL Working Paper. Huck, Steffen, Gabriele Lünser, and ...

Pricing and Trust by Steffen Huck, Gabriele K. Lünser, Jean-Robert...

We experimentally examine the effects of flexible and fixed prices in markets for experience goods in which demand is driven by trust. With flexible prices, we

Cooperation in local and global groups

Cooperation in local and global groups. Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling, Gabriele Lünser. Department für Volkswirtschaft (Fellner-Röhling). Publikation ... Cooperation in local and global groups. Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling, Gabriele Lünser. Department für Volkswirtschaft (Fellner-Röhling). Publikation ...

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape ...

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A laboratory experiment. Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert ... Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A laboratory experiment. Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert ...

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Experimental and Behavioral Economics of Healthcare

Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert Tyran. Pages : View PDF. Article preview. select article Second opinions in markets for expert ... Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert Tyran. Pages : View PDF. Article preview. select article Second opinions in markets for expert ...

dblp: Gabriele K. Lünser

List of computer science publications by Gabriele K. Lünser


Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*innen. Dr. Agborndip Ayukonchong (extern) Dr. Fabian Kleine (jetzt: Lehrstuhl für Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Erfurt) Dr. Gabriele Lünser (extern)

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape ...

von S Huck · · Zitiert von: 72 — ... laboratory experiment☆. Author links open overlay panel. Steffen Huck b c , Gabriele Lünser , Florian Spitzer d e , Jean-Robert Tyran a f g h. Show more. Add to ... von S Huck · · Zitiert von: 72 — ... laboratory experiment☆. Author links open overlay panel. Steffen Huck b c , Gabriele Lünser , Florian Spitzer d e , Jean-Robert Tyran a f g h. Show more. Add to ...

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Automatic imitation in a strategic context:players of...

... strategic context:players of rock-paper-scissors imitate opponents' gestures. By Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck and Cecilia Heyes.

EconPapers: Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape...

By Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer and Jean-Robert Tyran; Abstract: In a laboratory experiment designed to capture key aspects of the interaction between physicians and patients in a.

Automatic imitation in a strategic context: Players of rock- ...

Geoffrey Bird · University of Oxford · Gabriele Lünser · Gabriele Lünser. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Geoffrey Bird · University of Oxford · Gabriele Lünser · Gabriele Lünser. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

Essays on Incentives in Rank-Order Tournaments

von JL Joffrion · — Ludwig, Sandra, and Gabriele Lünser, 2008, Knowing the gap - intermediate information in tourna- ments, Working Paper. Moldovanu, Benny, and Aner Sela, von JL Joffrion · — Ludwig, Sandra, and Gabriele Lünser, 2008, Knowing the gap - intermediate information in tourna- ments, Working Paper. Moldovanu, Benny, and Aner Sela,

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Le paradoxe de Koh-Lanta

... Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck et Cécilia Heyes, « Automatic Imitation in a Strategic Context : Players of Rock-Paper-Scissors Imitate ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Publications - Welfare State Futures - WordPress.com

Huck, Steffen, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer and Jean-Robert Tyran (2016) “Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A ... Huck, Steffen, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer and Jean-Robert Tyran (2016) “Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A ...

Indulge me | National Affairs

Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser & Jean-Robert Tyran Games and Economic Behavior, September 2012, Pages Abstract: We study the ...

Physician | 行為 & 經濟實驗文獻注 (備忘) by 楊奕農

yinung 所撰寫有關 Physician 的文章

Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Patient...

Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Pa…

39 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Cognitive Neuroscience Forum - Scientists and non-scientists ...

Richard Cook 1, Geoffrey Bird 2, Gabriele Lünser 3,4, Steffen Huck 3,4 and Cecilia Heyes 1,4,5. 1Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences ...

Gabriele K. Lünser's research

Gabriele K. Lünser's 11 research works with 424 citations and 833 reads, including: Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Patient Overtreatment: A Laboratory Experiment.

Paper: Automatic imitation in a strategic context ~ player s of ...

Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of rock-paper-scissors imitate opponents gestures Richard Cook 1, Geoffrey Bird 2, Gabriele Lünser 3,4,.

Gabriele Lünser (gabrielelnser) - Profile

Benutzeravatar. Gabriele Lünser. gabrielelnser. ·. 0 Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. gabrielelnser hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt. Benutzeravatar. Gabriele Lünser. gabrielelnser. ·. 0 Follower. ·. 0 folge ich. Folgen. gabrielelnser hat sich noch keine Pins gemerkt.

Researcher: Gabriele K Lünser in Publications - Dimensions

Re-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.

(PDF) The Effects of Prize Spread and Noise in Elimination ...

[39] Harbring, Christine, and Gabriele Lünser (2008). On the Competition of Asymmetric Agents. German Economic Review, vol. 9, pp [40] Harrison ... [39] Harbring, Christine, and Gabriele Lünser (2008). On the Competition of Asymmetric Agents. German Economic Review, vol. 9, pp [40] Harrison ...

Automatic imitation in a strategic context: Players of Rock- ...Academia.edu

... Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck and Cecilia Heyes Proc. R. Soc. B published online 20 July doi: rspb References This article cites Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck and Cecilia Heyes Proc. R. Soc. B published online 20 July doi: rspb References This article cites

Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of Journals

von R Cook · · Zitiert von: 145 — Gabriele Lünser. Gabriele Lünser. Department of Economics, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. ESRC Centre for Economic Learning ... von R Cook · · Zitiert von: 145 — Gabriele Lünser. Gabriele Lünser. Department of Economics, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. ESRC Centre for Economic Learning ...

EEA-ESEM Milan: Congress Programme Thursday August 28

Gabriele Lünser, University College London Co-Author: Sandra ...

Beautiful Game Theory: How Soccer Can Help Economics ...

Cook, Richard, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck, and Cecilia Heyes. “Automatic Imitation in a Strategic Context: Players of Rock–Paper– Scissors ... Cook, Richard, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck, and Cecilia Heyes. “Automatic Imitation in a Strategic Context: Players of Rock–Paper– Scissors ...

Automatic imitation in a strategic context: Players of...

1 Running Head: Automatic imitation in a strategic context Automatic imitation in a strategic context: Players of Rock-Paper-Scissors imitate opponents gestures Richard Cook 1, Geoffrey Bird 1,2, Gabriele Lünser 3,4, Steffen Huck 3,4, Cecilia Heyes 1,4,5 1 Division of Psychology & Language Sciences, University College ...

Drang zu imitieren, ist so ingrained, Gewinnchancen bei...

Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, Steffen Huck, Cecilia Heyes. Proc. R. Soc. B, Online vor Druck veröffentlicht am 20. Juli DOI: rspb.

Insurance in a Market for Credence Goods

Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert Tyran. https://doi.org j.jebo · Full text , Journal of Economic Behavior ... Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert Tyran. https://doi.org j.jebo · Full text , Journal of Economic Behavior ...

Forschungsleistungen der Professuren der Studienrichtung...

Im Jahr wurden drei Abschlussarbeiten von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern, die am CEREB betreut wurden, abgeschlossen: Dr. Gabriele Lünser, University College London (Promotion 2007) Dr. Özgür Gürerk, Universität Erfurt (Promotion 2007) Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Beck, Universität Lugano (Habilitation 2007) Aktuell ...

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape ...

Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert Tyran. Funder Austrian Science Fund. List of references. Ahlert, Which patients do I treat? An ... Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, Jean-Robert Tyran. Funder Austrian Science Fund. List of references. Ahlert, Which patients do I treat? An ...

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient ...

Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A laboratory experiment · Author(s): Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, ... Medical insurance and free choice of physician shape patient overtreatment: A laboratory experiment · Author(s): Steffen Huck, Gabriele Lünser, Florian Spitzer, ...

Pecuniary Incentive in Tournaments and Effects of Players' ...

von WJ Jane · · Zitiert von: 3 — Harbring, Christine, and Gabriele Lünser “On the Competition of Asymmetric. Agents.” German Economic Review, 9(3): http://dx.doi.org von WJ Jane · · Zitiert von: 3 — Harbring, Christine, and Gabriele Lünser “On the Competition of Asymmetric. Agents.” German Economic Review, 9(3): http://dx.doi.org

Pricing and Trust

Steffen Huck & Gabriele Lünser & Florian Spitzer & Jean-Robert Tyran, "Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Patient Overtreatment. A ... Steffen Huck & Gabriele Lünser & Florian Spitzer & Jean-Robert Tyran, "Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Patient Overtreatment. A ...

Table 6 from Incentive Effects in Asymmetric Tournaments Empirical...

Table 6: Negative binomial regressions for the number of 2 minute penalties for favorite and underdog and home and away separately. The full table including...

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Feb | Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, et al. A compelling body of evidence indicates that observing a task-irrelevant action makes the ... Feb | Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Gabriele Lünser, et al. A compelling body of evidence indicates that observing a task-irrelevant action makes the ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gabriele

Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Gabriele; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt JesuWeiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gabriele; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Gabriel:; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu Held Gottes

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Lünser

Mir wurde bei gebracht, das unser Nachnahme von den Zierknöpfen auf den Hosen- den sogenannten Lynsen käme. Daraus der Beruf des Lynsenmachers;später Lynser, dann Lünser.

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