116 Infos zu Gabriella Marincola
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- Würzburg
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- Wencker
- Freya
- Wilma Ziebuhr
- Staphylococcus
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- Christiane Wolz
- Schoenfelder
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- Tobias Geiger
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- Tessa Marciniak
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Mitarbeiter | Universität Tübingenuni-tuebingen.de › imit › arbeitsgruppen › ag-wolz › mitarbeiter-1Dr. Gabriella Marincola. Dr. Wiebke Schröder. Dr. Christiane Goerke. Dr. Marc Burian. Dr. Andrea Steinhuber. Service.
Das große Aufräumen nach dem Stress: VBIOWenn Zellen unter Stress geraten, aktivieren sie bestimmte Reaktionsmuster. Würzburger Wissenschaftler haben neue Details dieser Reaktion identifiziert. Diese...
IGIM Alumni | University of Tübingen... Boppard; Regina Kilian; Lea Krampen, IMIT, Cellular and Molecular Microbiology; Gabriella Marincola, Biozentrum, Universität Würzburg; Sonja Mayer, BASF, ...
Fehlerhafte Proteine: Aufräumen nach Zellstress - LABO— ... Susanne R. Meyer, Gabriella Marincola, Stefanie Böhm, Jens T. Vanselow, Andreas Schlosser, Kay Hofmann, and Alexander Buchberger, ... › ... › Archiv
8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Gabriella Marincola - Würzburg Area, Germany | Professional Profile ...de.linkedin.com › gabriella-marincolaView Gabriella Marincola's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gabriella Marincola ...
LinkedIn: Gabriella Marincola – Würzburg und Umgebung, Deutschland ...de.linkedin.com › gabriella-marincolaSehen Sie sich das Profil von Gabriella Marincola auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Gabriella Marincola ...
LinkedIn: Dr. Gabriella Marincola auf LinkedIn› posts › gabriella-marincola_stell...
LinkedIn: Gabriella Marincola | LinkedInGabriella Marincolas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Gabriella Marincola dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Gabriella MarincolaDr. / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Post Doc) / Würzburg, Deutschland / Schreiben, International, Molekularbiologie, Internationales Personalmanagement, Antibiotika, Forschungsarbeit, Betreuung, Epidemiologie / , Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Freiberuflich
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Ansprechpartner - Labor Dr. Brunnerwww.labor-brunner.de › ueber-uns › ansprechpartnerDr. Gabriella Marincola. Molekularbiologie, Humangenetik -brunner.de. Außendienst. Anke Loschan. Einsenderbetreuung.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Dr. rer. nat. Gabriella Marincola, Human Genetics - Microbiology ...www.marincola.euHuman Genetics - Microbiology - Infectious Disease - Molecular Biology Antibiotic Resistance Epidemiology (#1Health-Prevent) · .
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Immunotherapy of cancer in SearchWorks catalogStanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
Crystal structure of IcaR, a repressor of the TetR family implicated...Maike F. Lerch · Sonja M.K. Schoenfelder · Gabriella Marincola · Freya D.R. Wencker · Martin Eckart · Konrad U. Förstner · Cynthia M. Sharma · Kai M. Thormann ...
Inducible Clindamycin Resistance and Biofilm Production ...Gabriella Marincola · Greta Jaschkowitz · Ann-Katrin Kieninger · Freya D.R. Wencker · Andrea T. Feßler · Stefan Schwarz · Wilma Ziebuhr ... › ...
14 Bücher zum Namen
Immunotherapy Of Cancer - Disis Mary L. (Curatore) - Hoepliwww.hoepli.it › libro › immunotherapy-of-cancer206,13 €... Microenvironment Gabriella Marincola and Francesco M. Marincola Manipulating Immunological Checkpoints to Maximize Antitumor Immunity Leisha A. Emens, ,13 € ... Microenvironment Gabriella Marincola and Francesco M. Marincola Manipulating Immunological Checkpoints to Maximize Antitumor Immunity Leisha A. Emens, ...
Downstream element determines RNase Y cleavage Dialnetvon G Marincola · · Zitiert von: 19 — Gabriella Marincola ; Christiane Wolz. [1] Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen , Germany. › articulo
Immunotherapy of Cancer / Edition 1 by Mary L. Disis - Barnes & Noblewww.barnesandnoble.com › Textbooks219,99 $ Auf Lager... Microenvironment Gabriella Marincola and Francesco M. Marincola Manipulating Immunological Checkpoints to Maximize Antitumor Immunity Leisha A. Emens, ,99 $ Auf Lager ... Microenvironment Gabriella Marincola and Francesco M. Marincola Manipulating Immunological Checkpoints to Maximize Antitumor Immunity Leisha A. Emens, ...
bokus.com: Immunotherapy of Cancer - Mary L Disis - Bok ( ) | BokusPris: kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom vardagar. Köp Immunotherapy of Cancer av Mary L Disis på Bokus.com.
10 Dokumente
Marincola, Gabriella [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Gabriella Marincola. RNA decay as a tool for modulating gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus : regulatory role of RNase Y and ...
Revisiting the regulation of the capsular polysaccharide ...onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs › mmi· Gabriella Marincola,. Gabriella Marincola. Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, ...
EBSCOhost | | Altering gene expression by aminocoumarins:...Wiebke Schröder tuebingen.de. Jörg Bernhardt Gabriella Marincola. 1,6. -tuebingen.de. Ludger Klein-Hitpass Alexander Herbig. 4.
Plasmid-Chromosome Crosstalk in Staphylococcus aureuswww.readcube.com › articles › fcimbGabriella Marincola 1* , Greta Jaschkowitz 1†, Ann-Katrin Kieninger 1†, Freya D.R. Wencker 1 ,. Andrea T. Feßler 2. , Stefan Schwarz 2 and Wilma Ziebuhr 1*.
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Molecular Cell | Vol 70, Issue 5, Pages (7 June 2018) |...Ankit Turakhiya, Susanne R. Meyer, Gabriella Marincola, Stefanie Böhm, ... Alexander Buchberger. Pages e7: Download PDF. Article preview.
Articles - BMC Genomics - BioMed Centralbmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com › articlesAuthors: Wiebke Schröder, Jörg Bernhardt, Gabriella Marincola, Ludger Klein-Hitpass, Alexander Herbig, Guido Krupp, Kay Nieselt and Christiane Wolz.
Another layer of complexity in Staphylococcus OPUS WürzburgFreya D. R Wencker, Gabriella Marincola, Sonja M. K. Schoenfelder, Sandra Maaß, Dörte Becher, Wilma Ziebuhr. In Staphylococcus aureus, de novo methionine ... › ...
The Many Facets of the Small Non-coding RNA RsaE (RoxS) in ...www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii... of the Small Non-coding RNA RsaE (RoxS) in Metabolic Niche Adaptation of Gram-Positive Bacteria. Author links open overlay panel. Gabriella Marincola
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Gabriella Marincola | PubFactswww.pubfacts.com › author › Gabriella+MarincolaGabriella Marincola Freya D R Wencker Wilma Ziebuhr. J Mol Biol ;431(23): Epub Mar 23. Institute of Molecular Infection Biology, ...
Fast-Lane Evolution in the Tumor Microenvironment | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › Immunotherapy of CancerGabriella Marincola BS &; Francesco M. Marincola MD. Chapter Accesses. 1 Citations. Part of the Cancer Drug Discovery and Development book series ...
Gabriella Marincola - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiGabriella Marincola. researcher ORCID ID = In more languages. Spanish. Gabriella Marincola. No description defined. Traditional Chinese.
Gabriella Marincola - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekGabriella Marincola. Biologin. Geboren: 1982, Lecco. Hat mitgewirkt an: RNA decay ... Alle Objekte (1). Suche: „Gabriella Marincola“ in der DDB. Externe Links:.
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Silence as a way of niche adaptation: mecC-MRSA with variations in...· Ivonne Stamm,; Wilma Ziebuhr,; Gabriella Marincola,; Markus Bischoff,; Birgit Strommenger,; Greta Jaschkowitz ...
Silence as a way of niche adaptation: mecC-MRSA with variations in ...www.nature.com › scientific reports › articles· Wilma Ziebuhr, Gabriella Marincola, Greta Jaschkowitz & Tessa Marciniak. Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Saarland University, ...
56 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Gabriella Marincola - Würzburg Area, Germany | Professional Profile ...www.linkedin.com › gabriella-marincola-80a2a93bView Gabriella Marincola's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gabriella Marincola ...
Gabriella Marincola - Google ScholarInstitute for Molecular Infection Biology - 479-mal zitiert - Molecular biology - #1Health-Prevent - Microbiology - Human Genetics
Gabriella Marincola - محقق Google› citati...
Gabriella Marincola | Publonspublons.com › researcher › gabriella-marincolaView Gabriella Marincola's profile on Publons with 15 publications and 4 reviews.
Gabriella Marincola — ASN EventsGabriella Marincola. Ph.D. in Biology / Master in industrial biotechnology Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Antibiotic Resistance Epidemiology, ...
"Donne offese dal premier" Galleria - Repubblica.itGabriella Marincola - Lecco. LE ALTRE GALLERIE DI politica. Le foto di Michaela Biancofiore; Nel 2005, quel dito medio di Berlusconi; Berlusconi, ... › politica
BioKDEWiebke Schröder, Jörg Bernhardt, +5 authors, Gabriella Marincola, Ludger Klein- Hitpass, Alexander Herbig, Guido Krupp, Kay Nieselt, Christiane Wolz. less
Downstream element determines RNase Y cleavage of Altmetricoxfordjournals.altmetric.com › detailsGabriella Marincola, Christiane Wolz. Abstract. In gram-positive bacteria, RNase J1, RNase J2 and RNase Y are thought to be major contributors to mRNA ...
CrossRef [22] - Journal of Microbiology and BiotechnologyFabian Barthels, Gabriella Marincola, Tessa Marciniak, Matthias Konhäuser, Stefan Hammerschmidt, Jan Bierlmeier, Ute Distler, Peter R. Wich, Stefan Tenzer, ... › citedBy › j...
Farming Practice Influences Antimicrobial Resistance Burden of Non ...scholars.aku.edu › publications › farming-practice-i...Manonmani Soundararajan, Gabriella Marincola, Olivia Liong, Tessa Marciniak, Freya D.R. Wencker, Franka Hofmann, Hannah Schollenbruch, Iris Kobusch, ...
Data_Sheet_1_Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Coagulase-Negative...posted on , 22:24 by Gabriella Marincola, Olivia Liong, Christoph Schoen, Alaa Abouelfetouh, Aisha Hamdy, Freya D. R. Wencker, Tessa Marciniak, ...
HEK 293 cells | PLOS ONESDS Interferes with SaeS Signaling of Staphylococcus aureus Independently of SaePQ. Phuti E. Makgotlho, Gabriella Marincola, [ ... ], Bhanu Sinha ... › browse
IMIB - Institute for Molecular Infection BiologyResults of 16 — ... Nik Famelis (AG Geibel), Gabriella Marincola (AG Ziebuhr) Jan , Elisabetta Fiore (AG Sharma) - Bernardo . › se...
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Discovery of Two Brominated...We would also like to thank Wilma Ziebuhr and Gabriella Marincola, (University of Würzburg, Germany) for helping us in the antibiofilm activity evaluation, and ...
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnologywww.jmb.or.kr › journal › citedBy › jmbFabian Barthels, Gabriella Marincola, Tessa Marciniak, Matthias Konhäuser, Stefan Hammerschmidt, Jan Bierlmeier, Ute Distler, Peter R. Wich, Stefan Tenzer, ...
Molecular Microbiology | Standard-Abkürzung (ISO4)academic-accelerator.com › Journal-Abbreviation... Keinhörster · Andrea Salzer · Alejandra Duque-Jaramillo · Shilpa E George · Gabriella Marincola · Jean C Lee · Christopher Weidenmaier · Christiane Wolz.
RNase Y of Staphylococcus aureus and its role in the activation of...Gabriella Marincola, Tina Schäfer, Juliane Behler, Jörg Bernhardt, Knut Ohlsen, Christiane Goerke, Christiane Wolz.
Ohne Titelpubs.rsc.org › content › forwardlinksFabian Barthels, Gabriella Marincola, Tessa Marciniak, Matthias Konhäuser, Stefan Hammerschmidt, Jan Bierlmeier, Ute Distler, Peter R. Wich, Stefan Tenzer, ...
Order Article Reprints - MDPIAuthors: by Manonmani Soundararajan, Gabriella Marincola, Olivia Liong, Tessa Marciniak, Freya D. R. Wencker, Franka Hofmann, Hannah Schollenbruch, ... › reprints
Flotillin scaffold activity contributes to type VII secretion system...Flotillin scaffold activity contributes to type VII secretion system assembly in Staphylococcus aureus
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gabriella
Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Rumänisch): Gabriella; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Gabriel:; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Christiane Goerke
- Daniel Schäfer
- Tina Schäfer
- Franka Hofmann
- Wilma Ziebuhr
- Stefanie Böhm
- Dörte Becher
- Tobias Geiger
- Christiane Wolz
- Jörg Bernhardt
- Matthias Konhäuser
Personensuche zu Gabriella Marincola & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gabriella Marincola und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.