113 Infos zu Gaby Bila
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- Bila-Günther
- Bila-Gunther
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- Open Studios
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13 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Großes Finale von "Soho in Ottakring" | PID Presse- und...Am Freitag, 1. Juni, und Samstag, 2. Juni, verschiedene Veranstaltungen im Brunnenviertel - großteils freier Eintritt
Blatt Fest Rocks P-Town | Prague TV - Living Like a Local! Jobs,...It's not often that a literary event manages to shake people up. But that's exactly what the upcoming Blatt Fest, scheduled to take place May 3-7 in...
Hack.Fem.East • Digicult | Digital Art, Design and Culturedigicult.it › news › hack-fem-eastGaby Bila-Gunther (RO/DE) in Network with: Darina Alster (CZ), Pavla Jonssonova (CZ), Albana Kozeli (AL), Elsa Martini (AL), Ioana Morpurgo (RO), Eva ...
LiVEART.US | Queens MuseumParticipating Artists: Eypraksia Kontsa (Greece), Gaby Bila-Günther aka LADY GABY (Romania / Germany), Aze Ong (Philippines), and Daniel Acosta (Argentina). LiVEART.US was established as a platform to present and feature local, national, and international artists working in Live Action Art and its ...
3 Bilder zu Gaby Bila

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Gaby Bila-Günther | FacebookLinkedIn: Gaby Bila | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Gaby Bila (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Gaby Bila | LinkedInGaby Bilas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Gaby Bila dabei hilft, interne ...
pinterest.com: Gaby Bila0 Pins • 0 Followers
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
V-Day Berlin TeamV-Day Berlin presents a German-English benefit production of The …a Monologues, by Eve Ensler.
2 Projekte
» Die internationale SLAM!REVUE – Teilnehmer :: Berliner Literarische...Gaby Bila-Günther (AU) Maroula Blades (UK) MC Fiva aka Lydia Daher (DE) Nora E.Gomringer (DE) Ulrich Herlyn (DE) Emil Jensen (SE) [Gewinner] Maciej ...
Gabi Bila-Guntheresvc wic027u.server-web.com › projects › gabiGaby Bila-Gunther is a Melbourne based writer who has been labelled 'oddly poetic' by The Age; blushing she asks why? Her tales stretch from the primitive ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
Gaby Bila-Gunther (Contributor of City Primeval)Gaby Bila-Gunther is the author of City Primeval (5.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews)
Over Action Bad Boy - Dian Tri Hartati - Google BooksBily bangkit sambil menarik lengan Gaby. Bila mengambilkan raket. Bily membuka kausnya yang basah karena keringat. “Gaby, jangan takut bola nyasar ke ...
12 Meinungen & Artikel
Gaby Espino - Stranica Forum.hrStranica 71-Gaby Espino Sapunice
Kucaniceja sma gledala 1. sezonu i onda su mi dosadile, a sad sam opet ulovila ovu jučer mi je gaby bila presmiješna sa onom debelom malom pa ...
dec.6. Gaby Bila-Günther performance | izabellalevyToday at SoS performance space London was a performance night with 10 artists. http://www.performancespace.org/ It wasn't easy to find this place even with...
MONTH OF PERFORMANCE ART–BERLIN | THE BLOG — ◊ SURVEILLANCE:...... Viviana Druga, Patrick Jambon, and Shiny Shiny. Curated by Emanuelle Nedelcu & Gaby Bila-Günther. more information : www.mpa-b.org/24-may html.
73 Webfunde aus dem Netz
lady gaby bila-günther | Professional Profile - LinkedInView lady gaby bila-günther's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. lady gaby has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover lady gaby's connections and jobs at similar companies.
Gaby Bila-Günther - Purnev Literary MagazineLADY GABY AKA Gaby Bila-Günther, originally from Romania, arrived in Berlin via Melbourne where she would regularly perform in public. Widely published ...
Gaby Bila | transmedialeGaby Bila. Gaby Bila. au. de. Freelance writer &curator/spoken word performer/ text-artist/poetry workshops coordinator/ events organiser/dj/visual artistSince May 2007, event organiser in her own studio/bar,Wonderbar in Berlin XBERG, monthly performances of all genres: spokenword, live electronica, electro performances, films, etc.Organiser of ...
Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby - SomoSGaby Bila-Günther, aka Lady Gaby, is a Berlin-based spoken word, performance, and visual artist dubbed 'the Peaches of spoken word' in Berlin, 'oddly poetic, flamboyant and upbeat' by The Age Paper in Melbourne and 'provocative' by The Pill in Prague. Lady Gaby, originally hailing from Romania, eventually oriented ...
Poetry Slam - Gaby Bila-Günther | MySlam.net (deutsch)‘the Peaches of Poetry in Berlin', ‘oddly poetic’ and ‘flamboyant and upbeat’
Jason Honea talks with John Murphy and Gaby Bila Günther –...» Jason Honea talks with John Murphy and Gaby Bila Günther | 24 hour radio from Berlin
Performance by Gaby Bila Günther (aka Lady Gaby). Open Studios at...Performance by Gaby Bila Günther (aka Lady Gaby). Open Studios at FUNKHAUS Nalepastrasse.(Spring 2014) #openstudios #funkhaus #berlin ...
Gaby Bila GuentherCalling Paradise, Beherrschung unsereres Schicksals, wo Traume und Hoffnungen verwirklicht werden. "In meinem letzten Leben, als ich Eva war, konnte ich ...
Gaby Bila-Gunther « disorientations.comThe creators of PORK are pleased to announce the creation of an exciting new nightlife concept for Berlin. Beginning on August 6th, every Thursday night, ...
1:1 bila-güntherGaby Bila-Günther talked to many in the artistic community and set this fear of the fallen dollar, straight. Since weeks, everyone is talking about this financial crisis, as if it was the boogieman, a monster that we should fear, a monster that has ruined our lives and made this already troubled world, even worse.
2016So ganz offensichtlich auch Sabatino Cersosimo aus Italien, Roey Heifetz aus Israel und Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby aus Australia, die Kristina Reinstadler während der Open Studios befragte. Durch Klick auf obige Collage öffnen sich die Interviews als Teil der Sendung vom 27. …
Gaby Bila - Günther by krista-krull on SoundCloud - Hear the ...Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.
Allzeit_Musik_World_Diaspora EnsembleAllzeit Musik ist das neue Musik Label in Berlin CD DVD Produktion Label Video Audioservice Berlin
1:1... Gaby Bila ∗ tactile movies-blog ∗ An evening with Schwimmer and 1:1. ∗ A symposium about the shoa in Latvia was held in autumn 007:
1:1 online editioncomputer faults - Silke Meyer, Berlin ∗ The financial crisis in the Berlin artist's community - Gaby Bila ∗ tactile movies-blog ∗ ...
Das nächste Spiel ist immer das schwerste.OPEN CALL Eröffnung am Sa., um 18:00 Uhr Öffn..., Samstag, 11. Juni 2016, Berlin
Lady Gaby | GorkiLady Gaby, aka Gaby Bila-Günther, is a spoken word, performance and visual artist. Melbourne’s newspaper The Age referred to her as “the Peaches of spoken...
Glueheads | BpigsGlueheads is really pleased and cheerful to announce the launch of the third GlueHeads book and GlueHeads exhibition #4. Glueheads is is an ongoing and...
Open Studios Juli 2014Gaby Bila-Günther, Bildende Kunst, Performance Block A, 4. OG, R: 405a: Website Sara Barachin, Sculptur, Malerei Block A, 4. OG, R: 407a: Website ...
PLATOON.ORG | BERLIN · UNPARY SHOWBERLIN · UNPARY SHOW Performance Art Meets Acoustic Theater Gaby Bila-Guenther Artist. PROJECTS INVOLVED. Berlin / dates. BERLIN · AV Format v2.0 …
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gaby
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gaby; Mann Gottes, Held Gottes; Gott ist mein Held; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); geber = der Mann, der starke Mann; el = der Mächtige, Gott; Information zur männlichen Form Gabriel:; in der Bibel ist Gabriel einer der Erzengel; er verkündete u.a. Maria die Geburt Jesu
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