107 Infos zu Gentian Shkurti

Mehr erfahren über Gentian Shkurti

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16 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Contemporary İstanbul kapılarını 9. kez açtı!

Bölgenin en geniş yelpazeye sahip ve en büyük uluslararası çağdaş sanat fuarı Contemporary Istanbul Lütfi Kırdar Uluslararası Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı ve...

The Promises of the Past, Centre Pompidou Paris

Crossing nations and generations, the exhibition presents the works of over 50 artists, the most emblematic of the former Eastern Europe countries, and...

NZZ: Im Wunderland der Subversion | NZZ

Früher senkte sich Harald Szeemann wie ein Tiefseetaucher vertikal in den Gefühlsozean seiner Zeitgenossen ab: Innerhalb der sogenannt westlichen Kunst, deren...

Artist in Residence A Lecture by Gentian Shkurti and Romi...

This Autumn Albanian artist Gentian Shkurti and Israeli artist Romi Avidan were given the opportunity to participate in Ludwig Museum’s residency program. The...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Gentian Shkurti | Facebook

MySpace: Gentian Shkurti (gentian1)

pinterest.com: Gentian Shkurti

15 Pins • 15 Followers

Gentian Shkurti - kunstaspekte

Gentian Shkurti. Gentian Shkurti Gentian Shkurti. person. shortbio. de. *1977 in Albanien. websites. resources. de. Homepage - Gentian Shkurti ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

500’den fazla sanatçı bir arada - Cumartesi

9. Contemporary İstanbul fuarı İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Kongre ve Sergi Merkezi’nde 104 galeriyle, 22 ülkeden 500’ün üzerinde sanatçının yapıtlarını buluşturacak

Gentian Shkurti - Patents

Recent bibliographic sampling of Gentian Shkurti patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title): ...

exhibitions - The Marinz Project

Anila Rubiku | Orion Shima | Gentian Shkurti | Eltjon Valle | Driant Zeneli Commissioner Parid Teferici Curator Riccardo Caldura Albanian Pavilion The 54th ...

Gentian Shkurti | Artist | ArtFacts

The artist Gentian Shkurti is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Gentian Shkurti - Email, Phone - Software Engineer, Boston College

Find Gentian Shkurti's accurate email address in Adapt.io. Currently working as Software Engineer at Boston College in Massachusetts, United States.

1 Projekte

basis wien - Gentian Shkurti

basis wien | Kunst Information und Archiv

1 Bücher zum Namen

Europa neu denken Band 3 portofrei bei bücher.de bestellen

Mit Texten von Alida Bremer, Johannes Hahn, Sven Hartberger, Konstantin Kosmas, Arian Leka, Sasa Ilic, Boris Podrecca, Ilma Rakusa, Helga Rabl-Stadler, Dieter Richter, Gentian Shkurti und Ricarda Vidal.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Dove Biennale Arte Venice Wiki, la guida collaborativa di...

ALBANIA Geopathies Anila Rubiku, Orion Shima, Gentian Shkurti, Eltjon Valle, Driant Zeneli Commissario: Parid Tefereçi. Curatore: Riccardo Caldura.

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

A Blind Eye on News: Self-Censorship in the Albanian Media / Video /...

With this two-minute video, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania seeks to raise awareness among the public, media professionals and...

10 Meinungen & Artikel

sarcasm - Italian translation – Linguee

Of different significance is the work of the albanian Gentian Shkurti, who, with his 'Go West', contributes to the definition of videogame as a medium, a conscious reflection of society which uses the game aesthetics and rules to communicate social and political contents, not

Interview: Antonio Riello & "Italiani Brava Gente" (1996) - GAMESCENES

Nowadays, several artists use videogames for purposes that include political and artistic expression. Examples that come to mind are Gonzalo Frasca’s...

Gentian Shkurti | ASU Art Museum

Posts about Gentian Shkurti written by ASU Art Museum

Albanien – www.kunstforum.de

Albanien Anila Rubiku, Orion Shima, Gentian Shkurti, Eltjon Valle, Driant Zeneli – Geopathies. Kurator: Riccardo Caldura. Ort: Spazio Rolak, Giudecca 211/b Der einsam auf der Giudecca gelegene albanische Pavillon beherbergt eine der schönsten Installationen dieser Biennale. Auf dem hellen Fußboden hat Anlia Rubiku (geb ) klassische Herrenhüte arrangiert.

66 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gentian Shkurti | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Gentian Shkurtis berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Gentian Shkurti dabei hilft, ...

Gentian Shkurti | LinkedIn

View Gentian Shkurti's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gentian Shkurti discover ...

Gentian SHKURTI (1977) : Auction sales, auction prices, indices and...

Gentian SHKURTI: worldwide auctions of art categories: . The artist's market, biography, price levels and indices of his/her artworks.


Gentian Shkurti aus Albanien etwa blicken wir mit Alice im Wunderland durch ein Schlüsselloch auf sinnlos herumballernde Söldner. Sie spielen, so erfahren ...

Artist in Residence Gentian Shkurti és Romi Avidan...

Gentian Shkurti, Romi Avidan,Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum

+Gentian +Shkurti - Arkiva Shqiptare e Lajmeve

Artikuj të mbledhur nga kërkimi për termin "Gentian Shkurti" Shenim: Per te pare si mund te permiresoni kerkimin tuaj, ju lutem vizitoni kete artikull!

Gentian Shkurti Artist | Art for Sale | Biography, Past ...

Gentian Shkurti: 3 exhibitions from Feb Nov 2003, exhibition venues worldwide of artist Gentian Shkurti, Exhibition History, Summary of artist-info.com records, Solo/Group Exhibitions, Visualization, Biography, Artist-Portfolio, Artwork Offers, Artwork Requests, Exhibition Announcements

Info über Gentian Shkurti | Flickr

Flickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren...

Gentian Shkurti - l'artista su teknemedia

Gentian Shkurti - l'artista su teknemedia -

Gentian Shkurti Archives - EJAlbum

bashku me artistë nga 40 vënde të Mesdheut. EJAlbum Albania No Comments ...

Gentian Shkurti — BLOK MAGAZINE

Blok is an English language online magazine focusing on developments in Central European art, culture and politics.

LaRete Art Projects - Modena II

LaRete Artprojects - mostre e progetti & publicazioni; shows and projects

LaRete Art Projects - New York

Lumturi Blloshmi, Enrica Borghi, Robert Dragot, Bruna Esposito, Christine de la Garenne, Alban Hajdinaj, Aurelia Mihai, Tobias Putrih, Stefano Romano, Anila Rubiku, Gentian Shkurti LaRete Art Projects

Asgje qe te ngazelleje perendimoret

Pyetjes përse Shqipëria duket sikur të jetë një objekt në fokusin e një syri që për njohje përdor dylbi,...

Ausstellungschronik : Haus am Lützowplatz

... Heldi Pema, Leonard Qylafi, Irgin Sena, Syabhit Shkreli, Gentian Shkurti, Katharina Gaenssler, Robert Karl, Beatrice Minda, Andreas Göx, Hannes Wanderer, ...

Netet e Klipit Shqiptar || 3 Maj || Ulqin

Grafika me e mire - Bojken Lako - Dance on the weekend - Video by: Gentian Shkurti (Truk Studio) Klipi me i mire Rock - Gjergj Kacinari – all I want - Video by Armand Luga Klipi me i mire Hip Hop - Bald in Black & Mari Prifti - This is Albania – Video by Cinematic Klipi me i mire Alternativ - Flaka Krelani – Ndrysho – Video by INFILMS

Biennale Venedig 2011: Pavillons - komplette Liste

Liste der Pavillons bei der Internationalen Kunstausstellung, Biennale Venedig 2011

my space 03. Tiranë-Berlin : Haus am Lützowplatz

Fotografien von Silva Agostini, Nikolin Bujari, Shpëtim Kërçova, Ledia Kostandini, Dritan Mesareja, Ardi Mulla, Violana Murataj, Heldi Pema, Leonard Qylafi, Irgin Sena, Syabhit Shkreli, Gentian Shkurti sowie Katharina Gaenssler, Robert Karl, Beatrice Minda, Andreas Göx / Hannes Wanderer

Gentian Shkurti (Person) – Graph Commons

INCLUDED IN EXHIBITION (1). P Harald Szeemann. Person. + More. Editors. duygudemir ...

Gentian Shkurti (gs1blue) – Profil | Pinterest

colección del mundo de las cosas favoritas de todos.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gentian

Weiblicher Vorname (Albanisch): Gentian; Enzian; Lateinisch (Pflanzen); gentiana = der Enzian; Information zur weiblichen Form Gentiana:; vom lateinischen Namen des Enzians; der Name des Enzians geht auf den illyrischen König Gentius zurück, der dessen Wert als Heilpflanze erkannt haben soll

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Gentian Shkurti & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gentian Shkurti und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.