121 Infos zu Georg Büldt
Mehr erfahren über Georg Büldt
Lebt in
- Jülich
Infos zu
- Valentin Borshchevskiy
- Valentin Gordeliy
- Alexander Popov
- Gushchin
- Taras Balandin
- Institute
- Membrane
- Ekaterina
- Sergei
- Moscow
10 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Erfolgreiche russische Partner, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,...Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Der russische Ministerpräsident Dmitrij Medwedjew stattete am Rande eines Treffens mit Studenten des Moscow Institute of...
Jülich: Der Jülicher, der nicht unter die Erde willGräber auf alten Friedhöfen erzählen Geschichten aus einer vergangenen Welt. Denkmalbehörden und Kirchengemeinden haben daher viele Grabstätten auf...
Von Beatrice George: Patengrab und eigene Ruhestätte -...Der pensionierte Wissenschaftler Georg Büldt aus Jülich bei Köln hat die Patenschaft über das Mausoleum des Berliner Industriellen Wilhelm Bödefeld übernommen.
Mechanismus des bakteriellen Geruchssinns entdecktOriginalpublikation: Ivan Gushchin, Igor Melnikov, Vitaly Polovinkin, Andrii Ishchenko, Anastasia Yuzhakova, Pavel Buslaev, Gleb Bourenkov, Sergei Grudinin, Ekaterina Round, Taras Balandin, Valentin Borshchevskiy, Dieter Willbold, Gordon Leonard, Georg Büldt, Alexander Popov, Valentin Gordeliy
1 Bilder zu Georg Büldt

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Biophysicist Georg Büldt of the Jülich Moscow Institute of ...LinkedIn: Georg Büldt | LinkedInGeorg Büldts berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Georg Büldt dabei hilft, ...
Georg Büldt - Serious ScienceGeorg Büldt. Founding Director of the Laboratory of Advanced Studies of Membrane Proteins, MIPT professor. Tweet; 2. random video. Published items To be published soon +92. Most viewed ; 1. David Adger. Language and Artificial Intelligence. 2. Joh ...
1 Business-Profile
Müller, Daniel J., Prof. Dr. | ETH ZurichProfile information
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Academy of Europe: CVThese data, obtained in part together with his wife Anna Seelig and with Georg Büldt (neutron diffraction of deuterated membranes) today form the gold standard against which theoretical models of membrane structure are calibrated. In the mid -80s he became interested in in vivo magnetic resonance ...
18 Bücher zum Namen
Suchergebnisse - Büldt, GeorgCover Image · Crystal structure of Escherichia coli-expressed Haloarcula marismortui bacteriorhodopsin I in the trimeric form. by Vitaly Shevchenko, Ivan Gushchin, Vitaly Polovinkin, Ekaterina Round, Valentin Borshchevskiy, Petr Utrobin, Alexander Popov, Taras Balandin, Georg Büldt, Valentin Gordeliy Published in PLoS ...
GLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information AccessGLORIA - GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information Access (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel)
Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik: Konstanz,...... PRESENCE OF CHOLESTEROL AS SEEN BY A DIELECTRIC INVESTIGATION John C. W. Shepherd and Georg Büldt Department of Biophysical Chemistry, ...
6 Dokumente
Active arrestin proteins crystallized - ProQuestGEORG BÜLDT. Physical abilities, cognitive skills and many other activities of humans and other organisms are generated by the coordinated ...
Crystal Structure of Escherichia coli-Expressed Haloarcula...Vitaly Polovinkin. Ekaterina Round. Valentin Borshchevskiy. Petr Utrobin. Alexander Popov. Taras Balandin. Georg Büldt. Valentin Gordeliy ...
Download (2MB) - Heinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfProf.Dr.Dr. Alfons Labisch; rechts (v.l.n.r.): Univ.-Prof.Dr. Georg Büldt, Univ.-. Prof. Dr. Dieter Willbold, Hannelore Kraft, Ministerin für Wissenschaft und Forschung ...
Structural biology: Active arrestin proteins crystallizedadsabs.harvard.edu › absAA(Valentin Borshchevskiy and Georg Büldt are at the Institute of Complex Systems (ICS-5), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany, and at the Moscow ...
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Georg D. Büldt - Gepris - DFGProfessor Dr. Georg D. Büldt. As Applicant. Completed projects. Struktur und Funktion von bovinen Arrestinen. Untersuchungen mittels Röntgenstrukturanalyse,.
BPK im Magnus-Haus - BueldtIm Berliner Physikalischen Kolloquium im Magnus-Haus hat Prof. Dr. Georg Büldt, Molekulare Biophysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich und Moscow Institute of Physics and ...
Bacteriorhodopsin crystals consume their smaller counterparts: Larger...A group of biophysicists has studied the crystallization of molecules of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. The scientists have demonstrated that the...
Laboratories and Research Centers — MIPTLaboratory for Advanced Studies of Membrane Proteins. Superviser: Georg Büldt. Laboratory of Applied Terahertz Technologies. Supervisor: Alexander Korneev.
9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Publications Authored by Georg Büldt | PubFactsPublications Authored by Georg Büldt
Flexibility of the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Phototaxis Transducer II...Ivan L. Budyak, 1,2 Olga S. Mironova, 1 Naveena Yanamala, 2 Vijayalaxmi Manoharan, 2 Georg Büldt, 1 Ramona Schlesinger, 1 and Judith Klein-Seetharaman 1,2
Specific Deuteration and Membrane Structures | SpringerLinkDiffraction methods have provided a firm time-averaged picture of lipid bilayers and membranes. The basic characteristics of lipid bilayer phases have been...
Transcriptional regulation of lipoxygenase expression and the...Transcriptional regulation of lipoxygenase expression and the implication of the enzyme in hepoxilin biosynthesis and apoptosis [Elektronische Ressource]...
3 Video- & Audioinhalte
Membrane Proteins - Georg Büldt - YouTubeSerious Science - http://serious-science.orgBiophysicist Georg Büldt on X-ray crystallography, structure of proteins, and free electron laserhttp://serious-s...
Signal and Material Processing Through Biomembranes - Georg Büldt /...Serious Science - serious-science.org Biophysicist Georg Büldt on using fluorescent protein markers, hormonal communication during pregnancy, and in-vitro...
14 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Amidase — Wikipédiaen ) Jörg Labahn, Sebastian Neumann, Georg Büldt, Maria-Regina Kula et Joachim Granzin, « An Alternative Mechanism for Amidase Signature Enzymes » ...
Wikipedia: Daniel Jobst Müller - WikipediaDoctoral advisor · Andreas Engel, Georg Büldt. Known for, Membrane protein biophysics, Cell biophysics, Atomic force microscopy, Bionanotechnology. Website www.silva.bsse.ethz.ch/biophysics. Daniel Jobst Müller (born 22 March 1965) is a German scientist and Professor of Biophysics at ...
Wikipedia: Gerhard Artmann – WikipediaGerhard Michael Artmann (* in Uder) ist ein deutscher Physiker, Professor für ... Stadler gemeinsam mit dem befreundeten Biophysikprofessor, Georg Büldt und Joe Zaccai vom ILL Grenoble mit Neutronenstreuexperimenten bestätigt.
Active arrestin proteins crystallized | NatureNews & Views
47 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Georg Büldt | LinkedInView Georg Büldt's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Georg Büldt discover inside ...
Georg BüldtGeorg Büldt studied physics at the Technical University Berlin and he did his PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Mainz. From to...
Georg Büldt — Moscow Institute of Physics and TechnologyGeorg Büldt. Head of laboratory. Education Diploma in Physics at the Technical University Berlin Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physical Chemistry ...
Georg BüldtGeorg Büldt. Details · Publications in small-angle scattering experiments · Georg Büldt · FEBS Letters 118 , 2 , article ...
Herman Bernard Georg Büldt 1881–1937 – family tree - genealogyHerman Bernard Georg BüldtAlter: 56 Jahre1881– Name: Herman Bernard Georg Büldt. Vornamen: Herman Bernard Georg. Nachname: Büldt. Tatsachen ...
Ernteverein Nortrup - ErntekönigeGeorg Büldt - Agnes Middendorf G. Vogt - Frau Vogt D. Schulte - Wilhelmine Schulte Brümmer - Frau Brümmer G. Willmann ...
IBS - Institut de Biologie Structurale - Grenoble / France... Taras Balandin, Alexander Popov, Thomas Gensch, Christoph Fahlke, Christian Bamann, Dieter Willbold, Georg Büldt, Ernst Bamberg & Valentin Gordeliy.
Optogenetics: sodium pump could act as light switch |...The structure of the light-driven ion pump KR2 may provide a blueprint for new optogenetic tools
PLOS ONE: CrystallizationVitaly Shevchenko, Ivan Gushchin, Vitaly Polovinkin, Ekaterina Round, Valentin Borshchevskiy, Petr Utrobin, Alexander Popov, Taras Balandin, Georg Büldt, ...
Optogenetik: Natriumpumpe als Lichtschalter | Max-Planck-GesellschaftDie Struktur der lichtgetriebenen Ionenpumpe KR2 liefert eine Blaupause für mögliche neue Werkzeuge der Optogenetik
Controlled In Meso Phase Crystallization – A Method for ...Controlled In Meso Phase Crystallization – A Method for the Structural Investigation of Membrane Proteins
P e r Z a n : KontaktePerZan: Karsten K. Panzer und I-Gene, Gene, I-Ging und Metasysteme
Altmetric – Efficient non-cytotoxic fluorescent staining of halophilesAuthors. Ivan Maslov, Andrey Bogorodskiy, Alexey Mishin, Ivan Okhrimenko, Ivan Gushchin, Sergei Kalenov, Norbert A. Dencher, Christoph Fahlke, Georg Büldt, Valentin Gordeliy, Thomas Gensch, Valentin Borshchevskiy. Abstract. Research on halophilic microorganisms is important due to their relation to ...
Macromolecular Crystallography Groups – Germany | Deutsche...Prof. Dr. Georg Büldt Institut für biologische Informationsverarbeitung (IBI-2) Forschungszentrum Jülich D Jülich Tel: + Fax: +
Controlled In Meso Phase Crystallization – A Method for the...Georg Büldt,. Affiliation Molecular ... Jan Kubicek,; Ramona Schlesinger,; Christian Baeken,; Georg Büldt,; Frank Schäfer,; Jörg Labahn. PLOS.
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft... Guehrs, Andreas M. Stadler, Sam Flewett, Stefanie Frömmel, Jan Geilhufe, Bastian Pfau, Torbjörn Rander, Stefan Schaffert, Georg Büldt, and Stefan Eisebitt.
2a Escola de Biofisica Molecular da UNESPDr. Georg Büldt. Research Centre Jütrch/Institute of Complex Systems (ICS). Dra. Sonia Cabral. Cenpes-Petrobras. Prof. Dr. Fabio Cenevivas. Centro Nacional ...
Biografie von Gabriele MenzerGabriele Menzer
International Summer School and Workshop - Complex and Magnetic Soft...International Summer School and Workshop - Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems
Models derived from SEIRAS observations. - FigshareT00:26:52Z (GMT) by Axel Baumann Silke Kerruth Jörg Fitter Georg Büldt Joachim Heberle Ramona Schlesinger Kenichi Ataka. Before addition of ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Georg
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Georg; der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); georgos = der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; ge = die Erde; ergo = arbeiten; bekannt durch den hl. Georg (3./4. Jh.) , legendärer Drachentöter, Schutzpatron von England, einer der 14 Nothelfer
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Martin Engelhard
- Ivan Gushchin
- Ernst Bamberg
- Christoph Fahlke
- Christian Bamann
- Ramona Schlesinger
- Alexander Popov
- Johann Klare
- Anastasia Reshetnyak
- Frank Schäfer
- Anastasia Yuzhakova
Personensuche zu Georg Büldt & mehr
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