77 Infos zu Georg Georgakopoulos
Mehr erfahren über Georg Georgakopoulos
Lebt in
- Athens
Infos zu
- Curated
- Fotini Kapiris
- Dimitris
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
SPÖ-Termine von 15. Oktober bis 21. Oktober | SPÖ Pressedienst,...MONTAG, 15. Oktober 2012:
2015 VANDALISM 27 Nov-7 Dec : Natassa Poulantza... Georg Georgakopoulos, Dimitris Georgakopoulos, Nikos Giavropoulos, Valia Gouzia, Fotini Kapiris, Babis Karalis, Giannis Kardasis, George Lintzeris, ...
Programm | ARTmART WienGeorg Georgakopoulos Günther Oberhollenzer. So, 22. Nov. Abholung der verkauften Werke. Nur bis 20 Uhr in der Ausstellung. Nur wenn der/die KünstlerIn zusätzliche
2017 REMINDERS : Natassa Poulantza... Natasa Poulantza, George Tserionis, Andreas Vousouras. Curated by: Georg Georgakopoulos. R E M I N D E R S exhibition is realized by Athens Intersection, ...
25 Bilder zu Georg Georgakopoulos

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Georg Georgakopoulos | FacebookFacebook: In Vienna Georg Georgakopoulos talks to CAMP ...Facebook: PowerFool. Flat1 Wien. Curated by Georg Georgakopoulos-Flat1 ...LinkedIn: Georg Georgakopoulos - Cultural Manager - Athens LinkedInView Georg Georgakopoulos' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Georg has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
5 Hobbys & Interessen
Georg Georgakopoulos | Curator | ArtFactsArtfacts brings transparency to the art world. Artfacts helps collectors make better purchase decisions and artists understand their position in the art world.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Team | ARTmART WienGEORG-GEORGAKOPOULOS Georg Georgakopoulos · Dimitris_Georgakopoulos. Dimitris Georgakopoulos · Fotini_Kapiris. Fotini Kapiris MitarbeiterInnen:
3 Persönliche Webseiten
CV | Antigoni Kavvatha“BACK TO ATHENS 2016”, Curated and Organized by: Georg Georgakopoulos, DimitirsGeorgakopoulos, Fotini Kapiri, Exarchia, Athens, Greece. ▫ “THE 80's ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Georg Georgakopoulos - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Toni Milaqi - WikipediaGusht 2008: "International Open Art Residency 2008", kurator dhe organizues Charalambos Dermatis dhe Georg Georgakopoulos, Eretria, Greqi. Gusht 2012: ...
P3 - AJWART DIRECTION. Georg Georgakopoulos / Lefteris Plakidas / Fotini Kapiris Erato Kouloubi / Niki Stylianou / Yorgos Kelefis ...
23 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Georg Georgakopoulos – Cultural Entrepreneurship NewsPosts about Georg Georgakopoulos written by mlaopodi.
Savoir Vivre for Artists, Georg Georgakopoulos Book Presentation, TAF...Savoir Vivre for Artists, Georg Georgakopoulos Book Presentation, TAF Athens Savoir Vivre for Artists by George Georgakopoulos, Melani Publications ...
Künstlerlisten 2007, 2008, | ARTmART WienGeorg Georgakopoulos Panos Georgopoulos Heidulf Gerngross Anna Gerlitz Aldo Giannotti Alix Gilka-Boetzow Nikos Giavropoulos Belen Rodriguez Gonzalez Valia …
Powerfool – eSeL.at| flat1 | Eröffnung, Gruppenausstellung
2016_exhibitions... in so he creates his own, personal ghost that destroys both creator and host.Kuratoren: Georg Georgakopoulos, Christian Rupp, Dimitris Georgakopoulos
Back to Athens - AllAboutFestivalsBack to Athens is an idea platform a transit meeting place for artists in Athens. Back to Athens unites the city’s artistic community in a massive get-together...
Back to Athens 4. Exarchia. Be my Art Guest. —...Be my Art Guest Be my Art Guest program, part of Back to Athens , is designed to activate a variety of locations within the Exarchia district for...
Beyond Human Impulses — a-dashBEYOND HUMAN IMPULSES ARTIST Amalia Charikiopoulou Aristeidis Lappas Ásta F. Sigurðardóttir Berglind Ágústsdóttir Bryndís Hrönn...
LALES KOSTAS | Social Distortion. Less real more humanwith Fotini Kapiris and Georg Georgakopoulos. ARTWALL.ATHENS , 26 Sofokleous str. Link.: Social Distortion. Less real ...
LALES KOSTAS | “Fase-wort,hare-ward”-(Software-Sofrwear)-2018Athens Intersection is curated by Georg Georgakopoulos, coordinated by Fotini Kapiris. 24 May © LALES KOSTAS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
PHOTO:Athens Eyes – dreamideamachine ART VIEWInfo: Curator: Georg Georgakopoulos, Old Paper Warehouse, 3 Chrysospiliotissis Street, Athens, Duration: , Days & Hours: ...
eop - emergence of projects | flat1emergence of projects
Arts&Antiques CCR: Probably Wonderful?curated by Georg Georgakopoulos, with the participation of Ara Bogosian, Efi Fouriki, Marializa Kambi, Nina Kotamanidou, Panagiotis ...
Stylianos SchichoGeorg Georgakopoulos: “Interview: Socratis Socratous & Stylianos Schicho“ Ta Nea tis Technis // Τα Νέα Της Τέχνης, January-March ———->view text ...
The Secrets, art exhibition will be hosted by My Odyssey and will be...... Michelopoulou, Foteini Palpana, Ilias Polyhroniades, Philippos Theodorides, Ino Varvariti,. Curated by Georg Georgakopoulos, coordinated by Rotini Kapiris.
Giorgos Papadatos: bioNothing is really Queered / Back to Athens 6, curated by Georg Georgakopoulos and Christian Rupp,. Οld paper Warehouse 3 Chrysospiliotissis Str. Athens.
portait cabinet — GEORGE STRIFTARISA wall to wall installation of 100 museum portrait types by 57 artists as they attempt a contemporary approach on figure and form.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Georg
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Georg; der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); georgos = der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; ge = die Erde; ergo = arbeiten; bekannt durch den hl. Georg (3./4. Jh.) , legendärer Drachentöter, Schutzpatron von England, einer der 14 Nothelfer
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