202 Infos zu Georg Neis
Mehr erfahren über Georg Neis
Lebt in
- Duisburg
Infos zu
- Derek Dreyer
- Newsbeitrag
- Programming
- Chung-Kil
- Viktor Vafeiadis
- Jan-Oliver
- Kaiser
- University
- 21. März
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Two MPI-SWS students receive Google Fellowships | Saarland...Fourth-year PhD student Georg Neis won a Google PhD Fellowship for his work in Programming Technology. First-year PhD student Ezgi Cicek was awarded an Anita Borg Scholarship.They join MPI-SWS PhD student Juhi Kulshrestha, who received a Google Fellowship for …
2010 Invited Talks - IMDEA Software InstituteMadrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Software Development Technologies
Aktuelles | Neis Haus- und Gebäudetechnik | Linsengericht/AltenhasslauMensch. Gebäude. Technik. | Verantwortung. Erfahrung. Innovation. | Wir legen das intelligente Fundament für eine moderne Kommunikation zwischen Menschen,...
Bürgerliste Pinningen für die OrtsratswahlZum fünften Mal haben die Pinninger eine Bürgerliste für die Wahl des Ortsrates aufgestellt. In der Versammlung im Feuerwehrraum unter Leitung von...
1 Bilder zu Georg Neis

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Georg Neis - Hallo, gibts es noch Karten fuer Climax of ...GitHub - mpickering/icfp2015-papers: Accepted papers for ICFP 2015Accepted papers for ICFP Contribute to mpickering/icfp2015-papers development by creating an account on GitHub.
Georg Neis | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Georg Neis, with fewer than 50 highly influential citations.
GitHub - sunaku/wmii: My fork of the WMII window manager.My fork of the WMII window manager. Contribute to sunaku/wmii development by creating an account on GitHub.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
fli4l: FormerPatrick Grimm. USB, SCSI Kai-Christian Arndt, Kai-Christian Arndt. Newsletter Jörg Hoh, Jörg Hoh. Dokumentation Gerrit Lammert, Gerrit Lammert. QOS Hannes Ebner, Hannes Ebner. CD Georg Neis, Georg Neis. Support Arnim Staschke, Arnim Staschke. Support Karl-Heinz Overhageboeck, Karl-Heinz Overhageboeck.
fli4l: les AnciensGeorg Neis. Support Arnim Staschke, Arnim Staschke ...
2 Angaben zur Herkunft
Ortsfamilienbuch Bad Orb: Georg NEIS ✶ †Bemerkungen:(notes) auch genannt: Georg Neus getauft: in Orb Paten : Georg Dickert, verheiratet. Konfession: röm kath
Bevolkingsreconstructie Bad Orb: Georg Karl SCHNEEWEIS ✶Trauzeugen Johann Schneeweis, Orb und Georg Neis Trauzeuge am 22. Oktober bei der Hochzeit seiner Schwester Maria Wohnort: Orb Beruf: Vergolder ...
4 Projekte
gneis / ProfileSourceForge presents Georg Neis, developer. Georg Neis is an open source developer. SourceForge provides the world's largest selection of Open Source Software.
Dasad / Wiki / HomeAuthors: Georg Neis. Dasad is a free address book software which can be used via a text and a web interface. Project Admins: Georg Neis · Martin Reiter. Name ...
Re: [Gtk2hs-users] How to retrieve value of activated row? | Gtk2Hs -...Yes, it helps. Thanks Axel! On Tue, Dec 1, at 6:46 PM, Axel Simon <Axel.Simon@...> wrote: > Hi Georg, > > On Dec 1, 2009, at 16:57, Georg Neis wrote: ...
gtk2hs-users Mailing List for Gtk2Hs - A GUI Library for HaskellOn Sun, at 22:03 +0100, Georg Neis wrote: > Hello, > > if I edit demo/treeList/ListDemo.hs such that New.listStoreNew is > called with the empty list (instead of the list of length 3), then the > program does no longer work: starting it has no visual effect. I would > have expected it to open a window with an ...
12 Bücher zum Namen
Unterstützung - lob.de... Matthias Maisenbacher, Angelika Meier, Marc F. Neininger, Georg Neis, Mike Neuhaus, Markus Poguntke, Wolfgang Reiser, Wilhelm Schaefer, ...
wmii mail list archive: by author[wmii] Re: [wmi-devel] action "decorationstoggle" (Thu Oct :46:59 CEST). Georg Neis. Re: [wmii] Status script (Fri Oct :36:45 CEST) ...
Computer Science Logic: 24th International Workshop, CSL 2010, 19th...This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2010, held in Brno, Czech Republic, in...
Debian-GNU-Linux-4-Anwenderhandbuch: für Einsteiger, Umsteiger und...... Thomas Martinkewitz, Friedhelm Mehnert, Angelika Meier, Daniel Mewes, Steffen Möller, Michael Moller, Jürgen Mußmächer, Marc F. Neininger, Georg Neis, ...
4 Dokumente
Die Wendelantenne - Nonstop SystemsKurt Trapp, DK2VJ. Georg Neis, DL4VAN. Eine Wendelantenne ist keine. Wunder- oder Superantenne. Sie stellt aber einen guten. Kompromiss dar, wenn der.
Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch Frank RonneburgAngelika Meier, Marc F. Neininger, Georg Neis, Mike Neuhaus, Markus Poguntke, Wolfgang Reiser, Wilhelm. Schaefer, Matthias Schmitt ...
From Lionel.Seinturier at univ-lille1.fr Sun Nov 1 18:56:, Vit?ria, ES, Brazil http://edocconference.org LinkedIn: http://events.linkedin.com/14th-IEEE-International-EDOC-Conference/pub Twitter: Andrew W. Appel (Princeton University) - A Relational Modal Logic for Higher-Order Stateful ADTs Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS), Georg Neis (MPI-SWS), ...
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Georg NeisList of computer science publications by Georg Neis
Georg Neis -- Bachelor Thesis: A Semantics for Lazy TypesGeorg Neis Bachelor Thesis. Bachelor Thesis: A Semantics for Lazy Types. Author: Georg Neis Time frame: April September Advisor: Andreas Rossberg Responsible Professor: Gert Smolka. Context. Open and distributed programming has produced the need to compose programs dynamically, via some form of dynamic loading and linking. To ...
dblp: Derek DreyerList of computer science publications by Derek Dreyer
Programming Systems Lab: Publications by Georg NeisSelect author: ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
cpl - starConcurrent Program Logics. Instructors: Viktor Vafeiadis and Derek Dreyer. Teaching assistant: Georg Neis. Meeting time: 2 hours, once a week, April - July 2011
85 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: k welche grafikarte ?: martin de comp hardware misc de alt games half-life On Wed, 21 Mar :29:21 GMT, (Georg Neis) wrote: Hallo! ...
Google Groups: "punk": mario alt punk europe Georg Neis schrieb in im Newsbeitrag: ... kennt hier überhaupt ...
Google Groups: Casio Digitalkamera: Ingo Zeitz z-netz freizeit foto Georg Neis schrieb in im Newsbeitrag: .dtag.de. ...
Freeze exception for eximX * exim4-config.config: send hostname --fqdn stderr to /dev/null, we handle errors properly. Thanks to Andrew Vaughan in # [ Andreas Metzler ] * Fix typos/other errors in README.Debian.xml. Improve formatting. (Thank's Georg Neis and Paul Menzel) Closes: # , # , # * Revert fancy quoting in initscript.
56 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Elvis - a very powerful vi/ex clone - Yahoo GroupsLinuxTag ping Hi, Steve! what's up? i'm here with Georg Neis at the LinuxTag event and we're wondering whether you are ok since we haven't heard from you ...
Georg NEISGeorg NEIS. ( ). Left for America from the port of Hamburg on the ship Elbe (at age 54) with wife Francisca (52) and family - son Jacob (28) and his wife ...
Neis - Names EncyclopediaNeis first name was found 56 times in 8 different countries Georg Neis (2) Irmgard Neis (1) Franz Neis (1) Ernst Neis (1) Erik Neis (1) Erika Neis (1)
'Georg Neis ' posts - MARCViewing messages posted by 'Georg Neis <georg.neis () gmx ! de>' (51 msg) Top · Prev [1] [sylpheed:17713] Re: compface and make sylpheed [1] [sylpheed:17711] compface and make sylpheed [1] [sylpheed:17474] Re: display fields on the Sent folde sylpheed 34.
Karma : Georg NeisThis is a summary of the Launchpad karma earned by Georg Neis, organized by activity type. (What is karma?) Georg Neis's karma has expired. Total karma: 0.
Re: Re: [wmii] /def/inc from Georg Neis on (wmii mail list...From : Georg Neis <gn_AT_oglaroon.de> Date : Wed, 1 Mar :48:02 + * Tube <tube_AT_count0.net> wrote: > On Wed, Mar 01, ...
Package overview for Georg NeisThis page shows the packages maintained by Georg Neis. ocamlwc. ocamlwc -- count the lines of code and comments in OCaml sources. devel::lang:ocaml ...
Re: [wmii] Status script from Georg Neis on (wmii mail...From : Georg Neis <gn_AT_oglaroon.de> Date : Fri, 28 Oct :36:45 + Please always state which version you are using. * Jani H.
DL4VAN Callsign on QRZCQ - The database for radio hamsIf DL4VAN is your callsign and you would like to fill out your profile or update your biography, ... DL4VAN. Passive QRZCQ.com data. Georg Neis Germany: EU.
Re: [wmii] formatting date in bar from Georg Neis on (wmii...From : Georg Neis <gn_AT_oglaroon.de> Date : Mon, 20 Feb :01:24 + * John Magolske <listmail_AT_b79.net> wrote: > Also, the ...
HTML StandardHTML Living Standard — Last Updated 8 February ← References ... Rees, Garrett Smith, Gary Kacmarcik, Gary Katsevman, Geoff Richards, Geoffrey Garen, Geoffrey Sneddon, Georg Neis, George Lund, Gianmarco Armellin, Giovanni Campagna, Giuseppe Pascale, Glenn Adams, Glenn Maynard, Graham Klyne, Greg Botten, Greg Houston ...
Markus Theobald als Vorsitzender bestätigtDie neugewählten Vorstandsmitglieder mit Georg Neis, der für 25 Jahre Mitgliedschaft geehrt wurde. Foto: Groth. Brachttal-Schlierbach (bg). Markus Theobald bleibt Vorsitzender des Sportvereins Brachttal. Bei den anstehenden Ergänzungswahlen anlässlich der Jahreshauptversammlung, die am Mittwoch im Sportheim Schlierbach stattfand, wurde ...
POPL 2013: 40th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of...Chung-Kil Hur (Microsoft Research), Georg Neis (MPI-SWS and Saarland University), and Derek Dreyer and Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI-SWS) The Sequential Semantics of Producer Effect Systems. Ross Tate (Cornell University)
Paco: A Coq Library for Parameterized CoinductionPaco: A Coq Library for Parameterized Coinduction Chung-Kil Hur, Georg Neis, Derek Dreyer and Viktor Vafeiadis Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) Paco is a Coq library implementing parameterized coinduction.
Pilsner: A Compositionally Verified Compiler for a Higher-Order...Pilsner: A Compositionally Verified Compiler for a Higher-Order Imperative Language. Georg Neis, Chung-Kil Hur, Jan-Oliver Kaiser, Craig McLaughlin, Derek Dreyer, Viktor Vafeiadis. In ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming ( ICFP ).
RustBeltCurrent and former PhD students in the group have included Georg Neis, Beta Ziliani, Scott Kilpatrick, David Swasey, Ralf Jung, Jan-Oliver Kaiser, Hoang-Hai Dang, Marko Doko, and @pythonesque.
[PDF] Non-parametric parametricity | Semantic ScholarType abstraction and intensional type analysis are features seemingly at odds-type abstraction is intended to guarantee parametricity and representation...
A Logical Step Forward in Parametric Bisimulations :: MPG.PuReAutor: Hur, Chung-Kil et al.; Genre: Bericht; Online veröffentlicht: 2014; Titel: A Logical Step Forward in Parametric Bisimulations
Skriptfehler TabelleSubmitter (chronologisch): CHTang Georg Neis Andi Scharfstein Moritz "Konkruktor" Hardt Henning Zimmer Alexander Kirch Niko Paltzer Arnaud Fietzke
A restrospective on a functional programming course – Antti-Juhani...Georg Neis says: at 22:30. Hello Antti-Juhani, are your exercises available for download somewhere? I'm very interested in ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Georg
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Georg; der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); georgos = der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; ge = die Erde; ergo = arbeiten; bekannt durch den hl. Georg (3./4. Jh.) , legendärer Drachentöter, Schutzpatron von England, einer der 14 Nothelfer
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Neis
Neis heisst Niesen und kommt ursprünglich aus der Gegend des Rhein
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Lars Birkedal
- Arnim Staschke
- Derek Dreyer
- Andreas Rossberg
- Angelika Meier
- Niko Paltzer
- Karl-Heinz Overhageboeck
- Andi Scharfstein
- Markus Poguntke
- Benjamin Damm
- Dana Englert
Personensuche zu Georg Neis & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Georg Neis und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.