131 Infos zu Gerald Nyakatura

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

MWG-Mitarbeiter helfen Indien - Merkur.de

- Ebersberg - Eine Spende in Höhe von Euro konnte der Betriebsratsvorsitzende der Ebersberger MWG Biotech AG, Gerald Nyakatura, an das Prana Hilfsprojekt des deutschen …

Ohne TitelTorgauer Zeitung

Parties tonight in las vegas, Enoletnega, Gaz 24 mustang, Connaitre position bebe dans le ventre, Gerald nyakatura, Carolina north carlton, ... › redirect

Variationen im Genom | Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin

*A SNP Map of the Rat Genome Generated from cDNA Sequences normal' - . Heike Zimdahl 1, Gerald Nyakatura 2, Petra Brandt 2, Herbert Schulz 1, Oliver Hummel 1,3, Berthold Fartmann 2, David Brett 2, Marcus Droege 2,

Vorzeigefirma vor der Pleite | Regionen - Münchner Merkurwww.merkur.de › Lokales › Regionen

... äußert sich Gerald Nyakatura betont vorsichtig. Von Medigenomix selbst kam gestern jedenfalls kein Dementi sondern nur der eine Satz: "Da ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Gerald Nyakatura | LinkedIn

Gerald Nyakaturas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Gerald Nyakatura ...

grabb/THANKS at master · b-brankovics/grabb · GitHub

Gerald Nyakatura testing out the earliest versions of MIRA. James Bonfield for helpful tips on how to make MIRA output compatible to. the Staden gap4 program.

mira/THANKS at master · bachev/mira - GitHubGitHub

Gerald Nyakatura testing out the earliest versions of MIRA. James Bonfield for helpful tips on how to make MIRA output compatible to. › mira › blob

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Mündliches Abitur Kappa by Fynn Westermann - PreziPrezi

Gerald Nyakatura, "Genomxpress Informationen aus der deutschen Genomforschung", GenomXPress, Nr.3/07, S Judith Sinzig, Frühkindlicher Autismus. › mundliches-abitur-kappa

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome - Research ...kclpure.kcl.ac.uk › publications

... Ines Müller, James C Mullikin, Ngoc Nguyen, Gabriele Nordsiek, Gerald Nyakatura, Christopher N O'Dell, Geoffery Okwuonu, Sophie Palmer, ...

What's in the genome of a filamentous fungus? Analysis of the ...Scholars Portal

Gertrud Mannhaupt · Corinna Montrone · Dirk Haase · H. Werner Mewes · Verena Aign · Jörg D. Hoheisel · Berthold Fartmann · Gerald Nyakatura · Frank Kempken ... › ...

The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome - Research Portal, King's...

... and Stuart McLaren and Amanda McMurray and Patrick Meidl and Thomas Meitinger and Sarah Milne and George Miner and Mistry, {Shailesh L} and Margaret Morgan and Sidney Morris and Ines M\{"u}ller and Mullikin, {James C} and Ngoc Nguyen and Gabriele Nordsiek and Gerald Nyakatura and O\{textquoteleft}Dell, ...

10 Bücher zum Namen

Dean Pasko - Acemap - DDE Scholardeep-time.org

... Scott A. Beatson · Richard D. Emes · Eitan E. Winter · Caleb Webber · Petra Brandt · Gerald Nyakatura · Margaret Adetobi · Chiaromonte, Francesca ... › au...

Piri Keşif Aracıbartin.edu.tr

... James C. Mullikin , Ngoc Nguyen , Gabriele Nordsiek , Gerald Nyakatura , Christopher N. O'Dell , Geoffery Okwuonu , Sophie Palmer , Richard Pandian ... › ...

Concepts in Protein Engineering and Design: An Introductiongoogle.com

... Wolfgang Eberle , Annalisa Pastore , Gerald Nyakatura , Hans Fritz , Hans Kresse , Klaus Hornischer , Philippe Cronet , Luis Serrano , Gianni Cesareni ...

ICRF Handbook of Genome Analysisgoogle.com

Andre Rosenthal, Matthias Platzer, Gerald Nyakatura 6' Monique Iouet Sequencing chemistries: chemical vs. enzymatic DNA sequencing and conventional ...

16 Dokumente

An L-type calcium-channel gene mutated in incomplete X-linked ...

Tim M. Strom 1, Gerald Nyakatura 2, Eckart Apfelstedt-Sylla 3, Heide Hellebrand 1, Birgit Lorenz 4, Bernhard H.F. Weber 5 , Krisztina Wutz 1 , Nadja Gutwillinger 1 , Klaus Rüther 3 , Bernd …


Gerald Nyakatura Genomics and Proteomics Core Facility Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Autismus ist eine neuropsychiatrische Erkran-kung mit einem definiertem Spektrum an Ver-haltensstörungen, die in der internationalen Klassifikation der Erkrankungen (ICD-10) in der

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance assignments and ...American Chemical Society

von W Eberle · · Zitiert von: 36 — ... Hans P. Kresse, Martin Czubayko, Gerald Nyakatura, Gerrit Vriend, Chris Sander, Helmut Bloecker. Four-helix bundle topology ... › doi

Carbon sequestration is related to mycorrhizal fungal ...Wiley

— ... for development of the SCATA bioinformatics pipeline and Gerald Nyakatura at LGC Genomics for assistance with 454-sequencing. › ...

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Gene | Vol 208, Issue 1, Pages (16 February 1998) |...

Oliver Coutelle, Gerald Nyakatura, Stefan Taudien, Greg Elgar, ... André Rosenthal. Pages 7-15: Download PDF. Article preview. select article Cloning and ...

Contents | Science 303, 5659Science

A SNP Map of the Rat Genome Generated from cDNA Sequences · Heike Zimdahl · Gerald Nyakatura · Petra Brandt · Herbert Schulz · Oliver Hummel · Berthold Fartmann ... › toc › sc...

Genomic Organization of Two Novel Genes on Human Xq28ScienceDirect

von V Brenner · · Zitiert von: 41 — Volker Brenner, Gerald Nyakatura, Andre´ Rosenthal,1 and Matthias Platzer. Institut fu¨ r Molekulare Biotechnologie, Genomanalyse... › article › pii › pdf

Vol. 303, No , Feb. 6, of Science on JSTOR

A SNP Map of the Rat Genome Generated from cDNA Sequences (p. 807). Heike Zimdahl, Gerald Nyakatura, Petra Brandt, Herbert Schulz, Oliver Hummel, Berthold Fartmann, David Brett, Marcus Droege, Jan Monti, Young-Ae Lee, Yinyan Sun, Shaying Zhao, Eitan E. Winter, Chris P. Porting, Yuan Chen, Arek Kasprzyk, ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Research Report MDC - YumpuYumpu

Heike Zimdahl, Gerald Nyakatura, Petra Brandt, Herbert. Schulz, Oliver Hummel, Berthold Fartmann, David Brett,. Marcus Droege, Jan Monti, Young-Ae Lee, ... › document › view › research-r...

The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome - EconPapersRePEc

von MT Ross · · Zitiert von: — ... Ngoc Nguyen, Gabriele Nordsiek, Gerald Nyakatura, Christopher N. O'Dell, Geoffery Okwuonu, Sophie Palmer, Richard Pandian, David Parker, ... › Re...

Large-Scale Genomic Sequencing Using Four Color Fluorescent Detection...

Determination of the complete nucleotide sequence of the human genome is a goal that has excited the imaginations of scientists for nearly a decade. Knowledge...

Autor: Ramser, Juliane

... Nyakatura, Gerald , O'Dell, Christopher N. , Okwuonu, Geoffery , Palmer, Sophie , ...

6 Meinungen & Artikel

MWG - Chart!!! - wie geht es weiter? Beiträge pro Seite (Seite...

Seite 3 der Diskussion 'MWG - Chart!!! - wie geht es weiter?' vom im w:o-Forum 'Hot Stocks'.

An L-type calcium-channel gene mutated in incomplete X-linked...

An L-type calcium-channel gene mutated in incomplete X-linked congenital stationary night blindness. Tim M. Strom ,; Gerald Nyakatura ,; Eckart Apfelstedt-Sylla ...

A physical map of the human genome | Nature


Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome | Nature

The human genome holds an extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine and evolution. Here we report the results of an...

73 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gerald Nyakatura email address & phone number - RocketReach

Get Gerald Nyakatura's email address () and phone number at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.

Gerald Nyakatura's research works | University of Vienna, Vienna...

Gerald Nyakatura's 25 research works with 36,917 citations and 21,515 reads, including: The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome

Gerald J Nyakatura - AD Scientific Index 2024

* Nov 27, According to Total H. BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and university is beta version since subject field 'others' ( scientists profile whose branch cannot be determined, not yet edited or determined) is excluded, so the ranking will change as the others fields are edited.


I also want to acknowledge and thank Dr. Gerald Nyakatura, Dr. Matthias Platzer and Dr. Uwe Menzel at the former genome sequencing group of the IMB Jena for their patience and …

An L-type calcium-channel gene mutated in incomplete X-linked ...

Tim M. Strom, Gerald Nyakatura, Eckart Apfelstedt-Sylla, Heide Hellebrand, Birgit Lorenz, Bernhard H.F. Weber, Krisztina Wutz, Nadja Gutwillinger, Klaus Rüther, Bernd Drescher, …

Illuminating the Evolutionary History of Chlamydiae

Matthias Horn, Astrid Collingro, Stephan Schmitz-Esser, Cora L. Beier, Ulrike Purkhold, Berthold Fartmann, Petra Brandt, Gerald Nyakatura, Marcus Droege, Dmitrij Frishman, Thomas Rattei, …

What's in the genome of a filamentous fungus? Analysis of the ...

Gertrud Mannhaupt, Corinna Montrone, Dirk Haase, Werner Mewes, Verena Aign, Jörg D. Hoheisel, Berthold Fartmann, Gerald Nyakatura, Frank Kempken, Josef Maier, Ulrich Schulte …

Gerald Nyakatura | LinkedIn

View Gerald Nyakatura's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gerald Nyakatura discover ...

Развитие современной биологии как науки Фёдор Кондрашов...

Уровни организации маштаб Кварки Элементарные частицы Атомы Молекулы Большие молекулы Комплексы Органеллы Клетки Ткани Органы Организмы Популяции Экосистемы...

Variations in the Genome | MDC Berlin

... Gerald Nyakatura 2, Petra Brandt 2, Herbert Schulz 1, Oliver Hummel 1,3, Berthold Fartmann 2, David Brett 2, Marcus Droege 2, Jan Monti 1, Young-Ae Lee 1, Yinyan ...

"The complete genome sequence of the carcinogenic bacterium ...University of Notre Dame Australia

George L. Mendz, University of Notre Dame AustraliaFollow · Gerald Nyakatura · David B. Schauer · Zeli Shen · Jacqueline Weber · Matthias Frosch › ...

A SNP map of the rat genome generated from cDNA sequencesNational Institutes of Health (.gov)

von H Zimdahl · · Zitiert von: 70 — Heike Zimdahl , Gerald Nyakatura, Petra Brandt, Herbert Schulz, Oliver Hummel, Berthold Fartmann, David Brett, Marcus Droege, Jan Monti, Young-Ae Lee, ... von G Mannhaupt · · Zitiert von: 94 — Gertrud Mannhaupt , Corinna Montrone, Dirk Haase, H Werner Mewes, Verena Aign, Jörg D Hoheisel, Berthold Fartmann, Gerald Nyakatura, Frank Kempken, ... › ...

A physical map of the human genome – Fingerprint — Research ...Washington University in St. Louis

... André Rosenthal, Gaiping Wen, Markus Schilhabel, Gernot Gloeckner, Gerald Nyakatura, Reiner Siebert, Brigitte Schlegelberger, Julie Korenberg, ... › finger...

A SNP map of the rat genome generated from cDNA sequencesgo.gale.com › i.do

Authors: Heike Zimdahl, Gerald Nyakatura, Petra Brandt, Herbert Schulz, Oliver Hummel and Berthold Fartmann.

Blood Donor Genotyping - repository.cam.ac.ukUniversity of Cambridge

von N Gleadall · — ine Robert, Patrick Wincker, André Rosenthal, Matthias Platzer, Gerald Nyakatura,. Stefan Taudien, Andreas Rump, Douglas R. Smith, Lynn Doucette-Stamm, Marc. Wincker, André Rosenthal, Matthias Platzer, Gerald Nyakatura,. Stefan Taudien, Andreas Rump, Douglas R. Smith, Lynn Doucette-. › handle › ng... › handle › Pacin...

Alumni list of the lost

Find the training resources you need for all your activities. Studyres contains millions of educational documents, questions and answers, notes about the...

Circadian and Circalunar Clock Interactions in a Marine AnnelidCyberLeninka Open Science Hub

... and Sven Schenk for discussions on the work and manuscript and Gerald Nyakatura and Berthold Fartmann (LGC Genomics) for expert technical assistance. › article

Comparative Sequence Analysis of the Imprinted Dlk1–Gtl2 ...Guide to the Human Genome

von M Paulsen · · Zitiert von: 152 — Winking for providing the homozygous breeders for the UPD12 mice. We gratefully acknowledge the sequencing team at MWG Biotech, in particular Gerald Nyakatura, ... › content

A physical map of the human genome — 早稲田大学

... Gernot Gloeckner ; Gerald Nyakatura ; Reiner Siebert ; Brigitte Schlegelberger ; Julie Korenberg ; Xiao Ning Chen ; Asao Fujiyama ; Masahira Hattori ; Atsushi ...

Download - Pflanzenforschung.dePflanzenforschung.de

Gerald Nyakatura, Anne Arens, Bernhard Korn. Abb. 1: Verteilung der Sequenzleselängen in einem typischen Sequenzierlauf auf dem „Genome Sequencer FLX System ... › download_...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gerald

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Gerald; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; waltan = walten, herrschen, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gerald Nyakatura und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.