22 Infos zu Gerald Soelkner

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Gerald Sölkner

G-RAD Workshop - Grenoble Radiation Testing of semiconductor devices...

Details for Gerald Soelkner. Affiliation: Infineon. Author in the following contribution. Ensuring the reliability of power electronic devices with regard to terrestrial ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Gerald Soelkner Video Game Credits and Biography - MobyGames

Gerald Soelkner has been credited on games developed by the following companies: BitsAlive Game Studios GmbH & Co KG. This does not imply employment by these...

BitsAlive Game Studios GmbH & Co KG - MobyGames

... founders of BitsAlive were roommates from the age of 14 to 19 in a boarding school. Company members Ronald Soelkner and Gerald Soelkner are brothers.

1 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Gerald Soelkner


2 Bücher zum Namen

Semiconductor Power Devices: Physics, Characteristics, Reliability -...

Semiconductor power devices are the heart of power electronics. They determine the performance of power converters and allow topologies with high efficiency....

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office:...

5,164,664 METHOD FOR THE OPTICAL MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL POTENTIALS Gerald Soelkner, Ottobrunn, Fed. Rep. of Germany, assignor to ...

3 Dokumente

Experimental and theoretical laser-Doppler frequency spectra of a...

Experimental and theoretical laser-Doppler frequency spectra of a tissuelike model of a human head with capillaries. Robert Lohwasser and Gerald Soelkner.

Monte Carlo simulations and laser Doppler flow measurements with high...

Gerald Soelkner, Gerhard Mitic, and Robert Lohwasser »View Author Affiliations. Gerald Soelkner, Gerhard Mitic, and Robert Lohwasser. The authors are with ...

gerald schwertberger - PDF documents

Dr gerald soelkner imm inp dc t pm dietmar schwertberger imm rpd d hir dr. bernd eisener imm rpd d hir table of contents 1 scope 2 irradiation... pdf Report ...

11 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Publications Chair of High-Frequency Engineering

G. Gieres, B. Roas, Peter Russer, Gerald Soelkner and Alejandro A. Valenzuela: Planar Resonators for the Characterisation of High Tc Thin Films 2nd European Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processes (EuroMat), Cambridge, GB, Vol. 3, pages , July …

Journal de Physique

Journal de Physique, Journal de Physique Archives représente une mine d informations facile à consulter sur la manière dont la physique a été publiée depuis...

Elsevier Science, "Microelectronics Reliability", Vol. 40, Issue...

Gerald Soelkner, Johannes Kreutle, Jörg Quincke, Winfried Kaindl, Gerhard Wachutka. Use of Electrical Stress and Isochronal Annealing on Power

ESREF Halle, Germany - KIPDF.COM


ISIS Data Home | Science & Technology Facilities Council | STFC

STFC home

Single Event Effect Test on Infineon Rad-Hard MOSFETs Types...

... Infineon Rad-Hard-MOSFETs **BUY15CS** Dr Gerald Soelkner Dietmar Schwertberger Dr. Bernd Eisener IPC TD T PP LV PMM RFS D HIR PMM RFS D HIR.

Time-resolved transillumination of turbid mediawww.spiedigitallibrary.org ›

Gerhard Mitic, Jochen G. Koelzer, Johann Otto, Erich Plies, Gerald Soelkner, and Wolfgang Zinth "Time-resolved transillumination of turbid media", Proc.

Voice recordings with ski jumper Martin Koch image - BitsAlive Game...

Ronald Soelkner, Gerald Soelkner and ski jumper Martin Koch

Time-resolved transillumination of turbid media

SPIE Digital Library Proceedings

Voice recording with ski jumper Andreas Goldberger image ...www.indiedb.com › company › bitsalive › images

Ronald Soelkner, Gerald Soelkner and ski jumper Andreas Goldberger.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gerald

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Gerald; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; waltan = walten, herrschen, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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