19 Infos zu Gerd-oltmann Brandorff
Mehr erfahren über Gerd-oltmann Brandorff
Lebt in
- Belize
- Dresden
- Guatemala
- Amazonas
- Brasilien
Infos zu
- Crustacea Copepoda
- Distribution
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
3 Bücher zum Namen
Copepoda: Developments in Ecology, Biology and Systematics:...Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Copepoda, held in Curitiba, Brazil, July 1999
Untersuchungen zur Populationsdynamik des Crustaceenplanktons im...Untersuchungen zur Populationsdynamik des Crustaceenplanktons im tropischen Lago Castanho (Amazonas, Brasilien). Front Cover. Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff.
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "Redescription And New Records Of...... Beatriz Gomes e Sousa Dabes for collecting and lending specimens, and Dr. Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff for valuable discussions of the Amazonian populations.
2 Dokumente
Brandorff, Gerd-Oltmann [WorldCat Identities]Untersuchungen zur Populationsdynamik des Crustaceenplanktons im tropischen Lago Castanho (Amazonas, Brasilien) by Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff( Book ) Missing: Dresden" | Must include: Dresden"
Info – Reduktion – Maßnahmen - Schutzgemeinschaft - LangballigauDr. Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff, Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Masch. Dr. Ludwig Tendt, Tostedt. Bent Lauge Madsen, DK. Schutzgemeinschaft-Langballigau e.V. / Thomas Biel, ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
gerd-oltmannbrandorff Publisher Publications - IssuuPublications from Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff
12 Webfunde aus dem Netz
guatemala city guatemala: Topics by WorldWideScience.orgGerd-Oltmann Brandorff ... Toronto, ON, Canada, M5T 3 M7 (Canada); Institute for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, TU Dresden...
International Journal of LimnologyInternational Journal of Limnology, An international journal of basic and applied freshwater research
Bioindicators of climate and trophic state in lowland and highland...Liseth Pérez, Julia Lorenschat, Julieta Massaferro, Christine Pailles, Florence Sylvestre, Werner Hollwedel, Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff, Mark Brenner, Gerald ...
Distribution of European and African species of genus Diaptomus...posted on , 19:19 by Edinaldo Nelson dos Santos-Silva Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff Mauro José Cavalcanti. ABSTRACT The distributional patterns of
Distribution of some Calanoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from the Yucatán...Affiliations. Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff Georg-Gröning-Str from the Yucatán Peninsula, Belize and Guatemala. Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff. Vol.
Odkaz na E-mail pracovníka... Genčiová Kateřina Bc. Genčurová Martina, Georgián Josef, Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff, Gerlová Alexandra Ing. Gerschonová Božena Ing. Gerthnerová Marta Ing.
Inhalt & Zusammenfassungen des Bands NWV-BremenProf. Dr. Hermann Cordes 1931– BURKHARD SCHARF & GERD-OLTMANN BRANDORFF. Werner Hollwedel 1927–2015 www.nwv-bremen.de. 3(3).
LWL Für d ie Menschen. Für Westfalen-Lippe. Abhandlungen Jahrgang...... Dr Terlutter danken wir für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskriptes und Herrn Dr Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff (Bremen) für Literaturhinweise Literatur: BARTH, E, ...
albidus copepoda cyclopidae: Topics by WorldWideScience.orgGerd-Oltmann Brandorff Full Text Available Southern Mexico and Central America have many water bodies of different morphology and water ...
Journal Aquatic Invasions - Volume 6, Supplement 1 (2011)Aquatic Invasions Records ; Gerd-Oltmann Brandorff The copepod invader Skistodiaptomus pallidus (Herrick, 1879) (Crustacea, Copepoda, Diaptomidae) from North America
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gerd
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gerd; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Personensuche zu Gerd-oltmann Brandorff & mehr
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