136 Infos zu Gerhard Schellhorn
Mehr erfahren über Gerhard Schellhorn
Lebt in
- Augsburg
- Coburg
Infos zu
- Wolfgang Reif
- Verification
- Formal
- University
- Dominik Haneberg
- Universität
- Gidon Ernst
- Jörg Pfähler
- Proving
- Computer
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Campus Event Calendar: Gerhard Schellhorn ( in )What and Who. Title: Verification of Abstract State Machines. Speaker: Gerhard Schellhorn. coming from: Universität Ulm. Speakers Bio:.
DSCI 2011: Dependable Software for Critical Infrastructures16: :00, Dominik Haneberg, Maximilian Junker, Gerhard Schellhorn, Wolfgang Reif and Gidon Ernst: Simulating a Flash File System with CoreASM and ...
Program – SEFM 2018FASTLANE Is Opaque – a Case Study in Mechanized Proofs of Opacity. (Gerhard Schellhorn, Monika Wedel, Oleg Travkin, Jürgen König, and ...
iFM 2014International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods
1 Bilder zu Gerhard Schellhorn

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
bibtex/biblio.bib at master · c-cube/bibtex · GitHubrepository for sharing bibtex files. Contribute to c-cube/bibtex development by creating an account on GitHub.
Gerhard+Schellhorn | BibSonomyThe blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.
Gidon Ernst(github, with Wolfgang Reif, Gerhard Schellhorn, Jörg Pfähler, Stefan Bodenmüller); KIV: interactive theorem prover and software verification platform (see also ...
Russell/bib-joehurd.bib at master · mattam82/Russell · GitHubContribute to mattam82/Russell development by creating an account on GitHub.
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Gerhard SchellhornBROSE FAHRZEUGTEILE GMBH & CO. KG, COBURG, Coburg, DE
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Dr. Gerhard Schellhorn - Uni-Augsburgwww.uni-augsburg.de › ... › TeamGerhard Schellhorn, Stefan Bodenmüller, Jörg Pfähler and Wolfgang Reif Berichte der Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik der Universität Augsburg
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Gerhard Schellhorn Namen AnalyseDeuNamen.com - Gerhard Schellhorn Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Computer Science: Recent publications by John DerrickRecent publications by John Derrick, University of Sheffield, UK.
20 Bücher zum Namen
oDOBS - Author page: Gerhard SchellhornAuthor. Author page shows the information on a certain author. The page consists of four main parts. The chronologically listed publications, which were published by the current ...
oDOBS - Author page: Wolfgang ReifMichael BALSER, Christoph DUELLI, Wolfgang REIF, Gerhard SCHELLHORN: Verifying Concurrent Systems with Symbolic Execution ; 36: EE: Wolfgang REIF, Gerhard SCHELLHORN, Tobias ...
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 6th International...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA 2008, held in...
FM 2006: Formal Methods: 14th International Symposium on Formal...This book presents the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods, FM 2006, held in Hamilton, Canada, August The book...
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "Integration of software specification techniques for...Basically, the extended version demands a more realistic model of the real world From our brief presentation of the novel descriptions techniques in UML Interactive Verification of Statecharts Andreas Thums, Gerhard Schellhorn, ...
6 Dokumente
[ ] A Formal Model of a Virtual Filesystem SwitchAuthors:Gidon Ernst (University of Augsburg), Gerhard Schellhorn (University of Augsburg), Dominik Haneberg (University of Augsburg), Jörg ...
Gerhard Schellhorn - Home - ACM Digital LibraryGerhard Schellhorn. Search within Gerhard Schellhorn's work. Search Search. Home Gerhard Schellhorn. Gerhard Schellhorn. Skip slideshow. Most frequent co-Author ...
[ v1] A Formal Model of a Virtual Filesystem SwitchDBLP - CS Bibliography. listing | bibtex · Gidon Ernst · Gerhard Schellhorn · Dominik Haneberg · Jörg Pfähler · Wolfgang Reif ...
Mechanized proofs of opacity: a comparison of two techniques1library.net › OtherGerhard Schellhorn Department of Computer Science, Brunel University, London, UK 3Institut f ¨ur Informatik, Universit¨at Augsburg, Augsburg, ...
16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Science of Computer Programming | Special issue based on theSpecial issue based on the Refinement Workshop (Turku, 27 May 2008). Edited by Eerke Boiten, John Derrick, Gerhard Schellhorn. Volume 76, Issue 9, ...
dblp: ABZ 2008Bibliographic content of ABZ 2008
Search results for "Gerhard Schellhorn" – FacetedDBLPPublications of "Gerhard Schellhorn" ( http://dblp.L3S.de/Authors/Gerhard_Schellhorn ) Author page on DBLP Author page in RDF Community of Gerhard Schellhorn in …
dblp: Axel BurandtList of computer science publications by Axel Burandt
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
A Compositional Proof Method for Linearizability Applied to a...We introduce a compositional, complete proof method for linearizability that combines temporal logic, rely-guarantee reasoning and possibilities. The basic...
Abstract Specification of the UBIFS File System for Flash Memory |...Today we see an increasing demand for flash memory because it has certain advantages like resistance against kinetic shock. However, reliable data storage also...
Gerhard Schellhorn - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekAuf unserer Webseite werden neben den technisch erforderlichen Cookies noch Cookies zur statistischen Auswertung gesetzt. Sie können die Website auch ohne diese Cookies nutzen.
RGITL: A temporal logic framework for compositional reasoning about...RGITL: A temporal logic framework for compositional reasoning about interleaved programs. Gerhard Schellhorn,; Bogdan Tofan,; Gidon Ernst, ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
ASM mailing list (): 2nd CALL FOR PARTICIPATIOFoundations of Workflow Specifications Lunch Invited talk Gerhard Schellhorn (University of Augsburg). Refinement of ...
Schloss Dagstuhl : Participant ListHelmut Seidl (TU München, DE) Zhong Shao (Yale University, US) K.C. Shashidhar (IMEC - Leuven, BE) Reinhard Wilhelm (Universität des Saarlandes, DE)
61 Webfunde aus dem Netz
VSTTE Program - vstte2013Gidon Ernst, Gerhard Schellhorn, Dominik Haneberg, Jörg Pfähler and Wolfgang Reif. Verification of a Virtual Filesystem Switch Liang Zou ...
Formale Methoden. Alexander Knapp, Gerhard Schellhorn. Universität...Formale Methoden Alexander Knapp, Gerhard Schellhorn Universität Augsburg Formale Methoden: Ziele (1) Grundlagen für die Softwareerstellung Mathematik ...
Gerhard Schellhorn's research works | Universität Augsburg,...Gerhard Schellhorn's 152 research works with 2,412 citations and 8,547 reads, including: Thread-Local, Step-Local Proof Obligations for Refinement of State-Based Concurrent Systems
Schellhorn - Names EncyclopediaGerhard Schellhorn (2) Gerd Schellhorn (2) Egon Schellhorn (2) Annette Schellhorn (2) Daniela Schellhorn (2) Birgit Schellhorn (2) Lucien Schellhorn (2)
Gerhard SchellhornSearch results for: Gerhard Schellhorn ... Frank Ortmeier, Wolfgang Reif, Gerhard Schellhorn · Lecture Notes in Computer Science ...
Gerhard Schellhorn ( ) - ORCID1. März · ORCID record for Gerhard Schellhorn. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Inria - RechercheGerhard SchellhornOrganization: Universitaet Augsburg. Web site: http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/lehrstuehle/swt/se/staff/schellhorn/ ...
Gerhard SchellhornPublication type. article (15); book (12). Keywords. REFINEMENT (6) ...
Flashix: KIV specifications - Das KIV Systemkiv.isse.de › projects-v8 › archive › flashGidon Ernst, Gerhard Schellhorn, Dominik Haneberg, Jörg Pfähler, and Wolfgang Reif: A ... J. Pfähler, G. Ernst, G. Schellhorn, D. Haneberg, and W. Reif: Formal Specification of an Erase ... The Simulation code is in src/de/uniaugsburg/flashix/ :.
Dublin Concurrency Workshop 2011Gerhard Schellhorn (University of Augsburg): Verification of Lock-Free Algorithms with RGITL. Abstract: The talk will describe a variant of ITL, which permits to ...
Search Sciweavers | SciweaversAndriy Dunets, Gerhard Schellhorn, Wolfgang Reif. claim paper ... On-Demand Refinement of Dependent Types ... We propose a novel approach to applicatio.
J.UCS, Volume 7Wolfgang Reif, Gerhard Schellhorn: J.UCS Special Issue on Graphics Content in Digital Libraries: Old Problems, Recent Solutions, Future Demands
KIT - Anwendungsorientierte Formale Verifikation - VeröffentlichungenReviewed Paper In Proceedings ; Author(s): Wolfgang Ahrendt and Bernhard Beckert and Reiner Hähnle and Wolfram Menzel and Wolfgang Reif and Gerhard Schellhorn and ...
MitarbeiterBernhard Beckert, Daniel Bruns, Vladimir Klebanov, Christoph Scheben, Peter H. Schmitt, ... , Gerhard Schellhorn, Bogdan Tofan , Julian ...
Quiescent Consistency: Defining and Verifying Relaxed Linearizability...Concurrent data structures like stacks, sets or queues need to be highly optimized to provide large degrees of parallelism with reduced contention.
13th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods - Accepted...Jörg Pfähler, Gidon Ernst, Stefan Bodenmüller, Gerhard Schellhorn and Wolfgang Reif. Modular Verification of Order-Preserving Write-Back Caches. Mark Utting ...
wolffIn this paper, we present Isabelle/DOF, a novel Document Ontology Framework on top Interactive development of larger and larger proofs increases the demand for In Dominik Haneberg, Gerhard Schellhorn, and Wolfgang Reif, editors, ...
A concept-driven construction of the mondex protocol using three...{\circledC} Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.",. author = "Gerhard Schellhorn and Richard Banach",. year = "2008",. doi = " _6" ...
Tutorial | SPP RS3Tutorial (October , 2011) Topics. The overall topic of this tutorial was Information Flow Security and Verification Tools Dr. Gerhard Schellhorn, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gerhard
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Gerhard; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Schellhorn
Schellhorn kommt aus dem Mittelalter und bedeutet: "schellendes Horn". damit wurden im Mittelalter die Fanfaren- und Trompetenspieler am Hofe des Königs bezeichnet.
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Oleg Travkin
- Wolfgang Ahrendt
- Wolfgang Reif
- Dominik Haneberg
- Wolfram Menzel
- Christoph Scheben
- Maximilian Junker
Personensuche zu Gerhard Schellhorn & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gerhard Schellhorn und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.