57 Infos zu Gernot Abel

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Robots do science - Novozymeswww.novozymes.com › news › news-archive ›

“It's all about using computer power to transform research,” says Gernot J. Abel, Science Manager in Novozymes' Research & Development.

Collaboration - On the Edge of a New Paradigm – University of...

... the Carlsberg Foundation), Rector Dr. Hanne Leth Andersen (RUC), biohacker Malthe Borch, and senior scientist and inventor from Novozymes, Gernot Abel.

Final call: Hamilton User Meeting 14th-15th May Copenhagen -...

Gernot Abel, Novozymes A/S - How to prepare before you order a system Anne Vibeke Schmedes,Vejle Hospital ...

Start-up moves complex analyses out of laboratories - DTUwww.cemist.dtu.dk › news › nyhed

... approach customers and show them what our products can do for them, without having to drag the entire laboratory along,” says Gernot Abel, ...

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Gernot Abel aus Kassel

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: Gernot Abel aus Hamburg

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Facebook: Gernot Abel | Facebook

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Gernot J Abel's Email & Phone - Novozymes - ContactOut

› GernotJ-Abel

2 Bücher zum Namen

Gernot Abel | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Gernot Abel. Results. The sugary-type isoamylase in wheat: tissue distribution and subcellular localisation Springer Science+Business Media ...

Big City Rap - Maria Seidemann - Google Books

„Klee vertreibt den Nebel“. Was ist denn das für ein komischer Satz? Klee vertreibt den Nebel. So hatte Abel, der am 4. Juli gerade seine neunte Klasse beendet...

2 Dokumente


Inventeur(s) : KOSSMANN JENS (KOSSMANN, JENS) - - ZA. SPRINGER FRANZISKA (SPRINGER, FRANZISKA) - - DE. ABEL GERNOT (ABEL, GERNOT) - - DK. Lien vers Espacenet, base Worldwide · Lien vers le Registre européen des brevets ...

EBSCOhost | | The sugary-type isoamylase in wheat: tissue...

Ulrich Genschel á Gernot Abel á Horst LoČrz. Stephanie LuČtticke. The sugary-type isoamylase in wheat: tissue distribution and subcellular localisation.

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Le manifeste Gosh pour libérer le matériel scientifique | Gathering...

57, Rüdiger Trojok, Deutschland, KIT-ITAS. 56, Omar Ortiz, Mexico, Docking-Biohacking. 55, Jean-Baptiste Lugagne, France, Inria. 54, Gernot Abel, Denmark, Biologigaragen. 53, Hauser Jens, Denmark, University of Copenhagen. 52, Pedro Soler, Ecuador, Upayakuwasi. 51, Miha Horvat, Slovenia, Fundacija Sonda - GT22.

Science & Industry: Improving communication | evento

Science & Industry: Improving communication, Ole Maaløes Vej 5, København N, Danmark, giovedì, 05. ottobre Science & Industry: Boosting cooperation...


SCIENCE & INDUSTRY: boosting COOPERATION by improving COMMUNICATION. Category: Meetup, Seminar, Workshop. Where: Copenhagen / Copenhagen University Lundbeck...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

The sugary-type isoamylase in wheat: tissue distribution and...

Ulrich Genschel á Gernot Abel á Horst LoČrz. Stephanie LuČtticke. The sugary-type isoamylase in wheat: tissue distribution and subcellular localisation. Received: 20 June Accepted: 25 August Published online: 7 December © Springer-Verlag Abstract To gain an increased understanding of the ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Speaker Interviews | SynBio Markets

5 Minutes With...A selection of interviews with the SynBio Markets speakers 18th October Minutes with…Alexander Murer from Kilobaser “There is not...

33 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gernot J Abel | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

SynBioBeta. Speaker - Open Innovation in Novozymes SynBiobeta Conference London SynBioBeta. May Science and Technology. http://synbiobeta.com/person/gernot-abel/ ...

Gernot Abel - Bing Karten

Gernot Abel. There were no results for your search. Try one of the following. RETRY YOUR QUERY. Location: Business name or category (optional).

LRIG Discussion Group - Yahoo Groups

... might have a look at CRS as well. Gernot ... From: stisminezky [mailto:simontis @...] Sent: Tuesday, January 08, :59 AM To: Gernot Abel.

5 Minutes With…Gernot Abel from Novozymes | SynBio Markets

“We are a catalyst for developing biological solutions that give better business and improve use of earth’s resources.” Denmark-headquartered Novozymes is a...

gernot abel | Tinkercad

Tinkercad user gernot abel.

Gernot J. Abel 🇺🇦 (@gernotJabel) のツイート - ツイセーブ

@simonschultz great Simon - Gernot Abel actually recommended me to talk to you. Will send you some stuff. Meantime vimeo.com · Twitter Web ...

HelloScience Mentors #1 Gernot J Abel | by HelloScience ...medium.com › helloscience-mentors-1-gernot-j-abel

Gernot works as a Science Manager at Novozymes, developing new bioactive solutions, scouting for disruptive technologies and driving ...

First Name Last Name Job Title Company Jonas A. Jürgensen Undergrad...

1 First Name Last Name Job Title Company Jonas A. Jürgensen Undergrad Synapse Gernot Abel Science Manager Novozymes Julia Abele M.Sc. Julia Abele, ...

Gernot J. Abel | Lift Global

biotechnology. Science Manager at Novozymes. @gernotjabel. At first sight, Gernot's ...

[Tiptoi] PDF Tool für yaml file

Gernot Abel gernot.abel at gmail.com So Feb :25:12 CET Vorherige Nachricht: [Tiptoi] PDF Tool für yaml file Nächste ...

[Tiptoi] Text-To-Speach unter Windows

Gernot Abel gernot.abel at gmail.com Mo Mär 9 08:43:38 CET Vorherige Nachricht: [Tiptoi] Text-To-Speach unter Windows Nächste ...

Awo Soziale Dienste Rudolstadt Ggmbh, Leuchtpunkt Ggmbh, Gffb Ggmbh...

Überschritten, gernot abel die kammermusik von manhattan die spd den afghanischen. Fleck Hartberg. Trampoline aufblasbare hallenspielplatz entdecke, ...

Dansk startup gør laboratorieanalyser til allemandseje

... og vise, hvad vores produkter kan gøre for dem uden at skulle have hele laboratoriet med, siger Science Manager Gernot Abel, Novozymes.

Pressemeddelelser - presseudsendelser.dk

Udsend Pressemeddelelser - Ram Danmark for kun kr. 275,- Danmarks laveste pris, 60 dages fortrydelsesret, Udsend 24 timer i døgnet, Liste med over danske...

Connecting Innovators in Life Sciences and Information Technologies –...

As promised, the summary of the 2nd day. I must admit, it is a bit long but all these topics were fascinating and the speakers really stood out from the


verpflichtet werden, die aus dem altersbedingten Ausscheiden von Gernot Abel AV 40 (545) resultierte. Ferner beendeten ebenfalls altersbedingt die ...

DNAcoil.com | Science blog

Gernot Abel from Novozymes highlighted a 'citizen science' project where the 'corporate' Novozymes worked together with biohacker space ...

Laser | The Digit@l Pillbox - Life Sciences Industry Trends

Posts about Laser written by pboyerbarresi

Giganten i garagen - Mandag Morgen - Uafhængigt innovationshus....

Hver anden uge sidder Gernot Abel, Science manager i Novozymes' afdeling for Enzym Analytisk Udvikling, nede i kælderen og nørkler ...

Insightful | The Digit@l Pillbox - Life Sciences Industry Trends

Posts about Insightful written by pboyerbarresi

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gernot

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gernot; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; not = der Zwang, die Gewalt, die Not; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch den Gernot des Nibelungenliedes, dem Bruder König Gunthers

Personensuche zu Gernot Abel & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gernot Abel und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.