132 Infos zu Gerrit Erdmann

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Dr Gerrit Erdmann - eventflowww.myeventflo.com › event_pro...

Dr Gerrit Erdmann Dr Gerrit Erdmann. No Image. Dr Gerrit Erdmann. Lab Head. NMI TT Pharmaservices. Delegate / Poster Presenter ...

Dr Gerrit Erdmann - eventflo

Dr Gerrit Erdmann. No Image. Dr Gerrit Erdmann. Lab Head. NMI TT Pharmaservices. Germany. Delegate / Poster Presenter. Poster Presentation, Poster 22. Signal ...

eventflo - Gerrit Erdmann

Gerrit Erdmann

NMI TT Pharmaservices establishes new branch in Berlin

NMI TT Pharmaservices today announced that it is growing its operations by establishing a new branch at the Bayer CoLaborator in Berlin

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Gerrit Erdmann aus Hildesheim

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Facebook: Gerrit Erdmann

Facebook: Gerrit Erdmann | Facebook

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2 Hobbys & Interessen

RAB8B Is Required for Activity and Caveolar Endocytosis ...

Beretta, Gerrit Erdmann, Dierk Ingelfinger, Enrico Moro, Francesco Argenton, Matthias Carl, Christof Niehrs, Michael Boutros. Cell Reports. Volume 4 Issue


· Gerrit Erdmann. Gerrit Erdmann. Affiliations. German Cancer Research Center ( DKFZ), Division of Signaling and Functional Genomics, ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Über uns - ASC Oncology

Gerrit Erdmann Laborleiter NMI TT Berlin. Dr. rer. nat. Mitgründer der ASC Oncology GmbH. Thomas Joos stellv. Direktor NMI Reutlingen. Diplom-Biochemiker, Dr ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Gerrit Erdmann | Facebook

Tritt Facebook bei, um dich mit Gerrit Erdmann und anderen Nutzern, die du kennst, zu vernetzen. Facebook ermöglicht den Menschen das Teilen von Inhalten ...

Gerrit Erdmann Email & Phone Number | Senior Scientific Project ...

To contact Gerrit Erdmann send an email to .

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Human mesenchymal stem cell culture on heparin-based ...

Christina Kreutzer · Gerrit Erdmann · ORCID ID · Eva Rohde · Dirk Strunk · ORCID ID · Katharina Schallmoser · ORCID ID. Source Information. May 2019, Volume

9 Bücher zum Namen

Author Info | PLOS ONE

Gerrit Erdmann. Affiliation German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Signaling and Functional Genomics and Heidelberg University, Department of Cell ...

AACR Proceedings: Abstracts American Association for...

 American Association for Cancer Research Proceedings: Abstracts Part A

PLOS Genetics: Heterogeneous pathway activation and drug response...

Gerrit Erdmann. Roles Formal analysis, Software, Visualization, Writing – review & editing. Affiliations NMI TT Pharmaservices, Berlin, Germany ...

Evi-Wls Mediated Wnt Secretion is Required for Colon Cancer Growth...

Title, Evi-Wls Mediated Wnt Secretion is Required for Colon Cancer Growth and Survival Despite APC Or Beta-catenin Mutations. Author, Gerrit Erdmann. Published, Length, 115 pages. Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...

12 Dokumente

Precision Oncology | PDF | Free Download

— Gerrit Erdmann NMI TT Pharmaservices c/o CoLaborator, S Ad for Scribd subscription. Recommended Coumadin P ...

Systematic approaches to dissect biological processes in ...

von G Erdmann · · Zitiert von: 15 — Systematic approaches to dissect biological processes in stem cells by image-based screening. Gerrit Erdmann,. Gerrit Erdmann. German Cancer ...

PD Dr. Stefan Wiemann - System08 Gerrit Erdmann (MSc, Master’s...

PD Dr. Stefan Wiemann - System08 Gerrit Erdmann (MSc, Master's Program MCB, University Heidelberg); ... Dr. Stefan Haas completed – Bioinformatics ...

Targeting euchromatic histone lysine methyltransferases ...

von LV Bamberg · · Zitiert von: 6 — Gerrit Erdmann is employed by the NMI TT GmbH which offers the DigiWest technology as a service. All other authors declare no conflict of ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Multiclass cancer classification in fresh frozen and formalin ...

von T Bockmayr · · Zitiert von: 7 — Author links open overlay panel. Teresa Bockmayr 1 , Gerrit Erdmann 2 , Denise Treue 1 3 , Philipp Jurmeister 1 4 , Julia Schneider 2 , Anja Arndt 2

Targeting mitochondrial complex I using BAY

von L Schöckel · · Zitiert von: 162 — Laura Schöckel, Andrea Glasauer, Katharina Bitschar, Gerrit Erdmann, Carolyn Algire, Andrea Hägebarth, Charlotte Kopitz, and Mélanie Héroult are ...

Gerrit Erdmann - FreiDok plusfreidok.uni-freiburg.de › pers

Gerrit Erdmann. Seit. Beschreibung. Forschungsschwerpunkte. Angaben der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek. GND-Nummer ORCID iD ...

Cancer drugs promote stem cell properties of colorectal cancer

· ... Gerrit Erdmann, Elke Burgermeister, Matthias P. Ebert, Michael Boutros. MEK inhibitors activate Wnt signalling and induce stem cell plasticity ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Wnt secretion is required to maintain high levels of Wnt activity in...

Aberrant regulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway has an important...

Gerrit Erdmann - Wikidata


Oalib search

Search Results: of 480 matches for " Gerrit Erdmann " All listed articles are free for downloading (OA Articles) ...

Targeting mitochondrial complex I using BAY link.springer.com › article › shared...

Laura Schöckel, Andrea Glasauer, Katharina Bitschar, Gerrit Erdmann, Carolyn Algire, Andrea Hägebarth, Charlotte Kopitz, and Mélanie ...

6 Meinungen & Artikel

Wnt secretion is required to maintain high levels of Wnt activity in...

Aberrant regulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway has an important role during the onset and progression of colorectal cancer, with over 90% of cases of...

Single-Gene Studies - Eupheria Biotech

Single-Gene Studies. Meysam Abbasi, Afsaneh Lavasanifar, and Hasan Uludag Christina Falschlehner, Sandra Steinbrink, Gerrit Erdmann, and Michael Boutros.

MEK inhibitors activate Wnt signalling and induce stem cell...

Karin Müller-Decker. NMI TT PharmaservicesBerlin, Germany. Gerrit Erdmann. Authors. Tianzuo Zhan. View author publications.

MEK inhibitors activate Wnt signalling and induce stem cell ...

von T Zhan · · Zitiert von: 159 — Gerrit Erdmann. Authors. Tianzuo Zhan. View author publications. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Giulia Ambrosi.

59 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gerrit Erdmann on LinkedIn: Waiting for the plane to take me to the ...www.linkedin.com › posts › gerrit-erdmann b66_waiting-for-the-pla...

Gerrit Erdmann's Post. View profile for Gerrit Erdmann. Gerrit Erdmann. Lab Head and Technical Key Account Manager bei NMI TT GmbH. 4mo. Report this post; Close ...

Gerrit Erdmann - Biotech Breakthroughs

Gerrit Erdmann's Post. Gerrit Erdmann reposted this. Report this post; Close menu. View organization page for ASC Oncology GmbH, graphic · ASC Oncology GmbH.

SELDI-TOF Function and Reproducability - ppt herunterladen

Was ist SELDI-TOF ? SLEDI-TOF: S urface E nhanced L aser D esorption/I onisation T ime o f F ilght Form der Massenspektroskopie Weiterentwicklung von MALDI-TOF...

Gerrit Erdmann (@freshgerrit)

Gerrit Erdmann (@freshgerrit) bei TikTok |732 Likes.812 Follower*innen.Hallo Erdmännchen.Schau dir das neueste Video von Gerrit Erdmann (@freshgerrit) an.

Erdmann, Gerrit: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library پر آن لائن ...ur.booksc.eu › ...

Systematic approaches to dissect biological processes in stem cells by image- based screening · Gerrit Erdmann, Christian Volz, Prof. Michael Boutros. رسالہ:.

NGFN SMP Bioinformatics Workshop From Bioinformatics to Medical...

NGFN Microarray Analysis Ressource: Courses in Practical DNA Microarray Analysis

Reproducability - [PDF Document]

Guest Editorial Parameter Reproducibility in Photobiomodulation Jan Tunér, DDS,1 and Peter A. Jenkins, MBA2 Reproducibility is a key factor in science. 1 A...

Leck, Gerrit - Erdmann, Stefan, 2018heusenstammer-schloss-open.de › games

Leck, Gerrit (1993) Erdmann, Stefan (2216). (3.31) Heusenstamm, Martinsee, e4 c5 2. Sf3 Sc6 3. Lb5 d6 4. O-O Ld7 5. c3 Sf6 6. Te1 a6 7. La4 b5 8.

(PDF) Wnt secretion is required to maintain high levels of ...

Profile image of Gerrit Erdmann Gerrit Erdmann · Profile image of Iris Augustin Iris Augustin · Profile image of Giusi Moffa Giusi Moffa · Profile image of ...

Altmetric – Wnt secretion is required to maintain high levels of Wnt...

Oksana Voloshanenko, Gerrit Erdmann, Taronish D. Dubash, Iris Augustin, Marie Metzig, Giusi Moffa, Christian Hundsrucker, Grainne Kerr, Thomas Sandmann, ...

s y | Papers | Ecosyste.ms: Papers

Author(s): Teresa Bockmayr, Gerrit Erdmann, Denise Treue, Philipp Jurmeister, Julia Schneider, Anja Arndt, Daniel Heim, Michael Bockmayr, Christoph Sachse, ...

34. Deutscher Krebskongress 2020program.kukm-conferences.com › ...

Gerrit Erdmann. , Deutschland. Präsentationen. A 'Beyond Genomics' Approach to Precision Oncology: A Multiplex Protein Profiling Platform for Tumor and ...

A proteome signature for acute incisional pain in dorsal PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Authors. Esther M Pogatzki-Zahn , David Gomez-Varela , Gerrit Erdmann , Katharina Kaschube , Daniel Segelcke , Manuela Schmidt ...


Die Aktion Kroetenrettung ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von AKN, BUND und NABU im Landkreis Harburg zum Zweck der Sicherung des Amphibienbestandes der Holmer...

Amplicon Sequencing of Colorectal Cancer: Variant Calling in ...plos.figshare.com › collections › Amplicon_Sequencing_of_Colorectal_Ca...

7 results · Gerrit Erdmann. CL. Christian L. Galata. TZ. Tianzuo Zhan. TG. Timo Gaiser. SP. Stefan Post. ME. Matthias P. Ebert. KH. Karoline Horisberger. MB.

Comparison of different methods for variant calling.

Comparison of different methods for variant calling.

Approaching the ground truth - Revealing the functional ...

von F Gentile · · Zitiert von: 18 — ... Gerrit Erdmann, Genome Med, The detailed 3D multi-loop aggregate/rosette chromatin architecture and functional dynamic organization of the human and ...

Bibliografías: "Pathways Approach" – Grafiatiwww.grafiati.com › literature-selections › pathways-...

Moffa, Giusi, Gerrit Erdmann, Oksana Voloshanenko, Christian Hundsrucker, Mohammad J. Sadeh, Michael Boutros y Rainer Spang. "Refining Pathways: A ...

BioKDEbiokde.com › doc

... Karsten Boehnke 3, Marlen Keil 4, Alessandra Silvestri 5, Maxine Silvestrov 5, Ulrich Keilholz 6, Johannes Haybaeck 7, Gerrit Erdmann 8, Christoph Sachse 8,  ...

E-MTAB-651 < Experiments matching "cancer" < ArrayExpress ...


Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gerrit

Männlicher Vorname (Friesisch): Gerrit; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; alter deutscher zweigliedriger NameWeiblicher Vorname (Friesisch): Gerrit; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; Information zur männlichen Form Gerhard:; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Erdmann

Man from Earth (in German)

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