34 Infos zu Gert Streissle

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patentbuddy: Gert Streissle


10 Bücher zum Namen

Advances in Virus Research

... Gert Streissle, who worked with me for 7 years. He was the first who compared immunologically animal reo viruses with the plant pathogenic Wound tumor virus ...

International Review of Cytology: Volume Google Books

International Review of Cytology

Journal - Band Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite

... Gert Streissle of the Boyce Thompson Institute for assistance in the early phases of the work and aid in growing the infected plants , to Mrs. Lorraine Ward ...

Advances in Virus Research - Google Books

Published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews providing a valuable overview of the current field of virology. In...

1 Songs & Musik

Full text of "Current Topics In Plant Science"

... devised by Dr. Karl Strohmaier, was applied by Dr. Gert Streissle to the study of virus concentration and multiplication in plant tumors and in insect vectors.

6 Dokumente

BTI Online-Annual-Report (2)

big data & collaboration IN THE LIFE SCIENCES in REVIEW

Comparison of the mutagenic activity of 5-hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine...

Materials and methods 5-Ethyldeoxyuridine (EtUdR) was a gift from Dr. Gert Streissle, Bayer, Wuppertal (West Germany). 2-Aminoanthracene ...

Number of Virus Particles in Insects and Plants Infected with Wound...

Number of Virus Particles in Insects and Plants Infected with Wound Tumor Virus Gert Streissle , Vojtech Bystricky , Robert R. Granados and Karl Strohmaier...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

US Patent for Antiviral agents Patent (Patent # 4,668,660 issued May...

Inventors: Arnold Paessens (Haan), Gert Streissle (Wuppertal), Manfred Plempel (Haan), Karl H. B/u/ chel (Burscheid), Hans-Ludwig Elbe ...

Wound tumor virus: Purification and fractionation of the...

GERT STREISSLE. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Yonkers, New York Accepted October 8, Double-phase phenol-SDS, ...

Vol. 140, No , May 31, of Science on JSTOR


US Patent for Phosphorylated glycosyl-amides, -ureas, -carbamates and...

Stadler (Haan), Arnold Paessens (Haan), Gert Streissle (Wuppertal), Peter ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Virämie bei KÜken nach subcutaner Infektion mit dem Virus der...

Nach subcutaner Einspritzung ließ sich das Zeckenencephalitisvirus trotz Fehlens offensichtlicher Krankheitserscheinungen im Blut 8 bis 10 Tage alter

6 Webfunde aus dem Netz

US A - Valine-containing pseudopeptides with antiviral activity...

Application number: US ,506; Inventor: Dieter Habich: Thomas J. Schulze: Jurgen Reefschlager: Jutta Hansen: Rainer Neumann: Gert Streissle: Arnold ...

CA A - Phosphorylated glycosyl-amides, -ureas, -carbamates and...

ABSTRACT This invention relates to a process for preparing compounds of the formula in which R1 represents a straight chain or branched chain saturated,...

CA A1 - Pseudopeptides with antiviral activity

Inventores, Jurgen Reefschlager, Jutta Hansen, Rainer Neumann, Gert Streissle, Arnold Paessens, Dieter Habich, Thomas J. Schulze. Requerente, Jurgen ...

Journal of Virology Volume 2 Issue 3 | DeepDyve

Number of Virus Particles in Insects and Plants Infected with Wound Tumor Virus Gert Streissle , Vojtech Bystricky , Robert R. Granados and Karl Strohmaier ...

Unrestricted Futures Boyce Thompson Institute

... Sample * Carolyn Sampson * Andrew Sciarabba * David Silberman * Donald Slocum * Christine Smart * Richard Staples * David Stern * Gert Streissle * Peter ...

VAA Magazin. Feierlaune in der Flora Jahre VAA: Neuer Weg zum...

· Geburtstag im Juli: n Andreas Brodesser, Rheinbrohl n Dr. Gert Streissle, Wuppertal n Dr. Bernhard Lorenz, Wiesbaden n Dr. Karl Josef ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gert

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gert; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; harti = hart, stark, fest, entschlossen; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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