145 Infos zu Gertraud Orend
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- Institut
- Tenascin-C
- Strasbourg
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- Cancer
- Microenvironment
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- France
- Biology
- Michael
- Caroline Spenlé
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
NanoTME Conference - Phospholipid Research CenterGertraud Orend, INSERM U1109-IRM, France Kristian Pietras, Lund University, Sweden Hélder â¦
Auf der Suche nach dem »trojanischen Pferd« gegen den KrebsDie in Goldscheuer wohnende Biologin Gertraud Orend hat sich der Krebsforschung â¦
Vergangene Veranstaltungen › Erlangen Center for Infection Research...Prof. Gertraud Orend. INSERM, Université de Strasbourg „Role of the extracellular matrix molecule in cancer progression“ Gastgeber: Prof. Walter Doerfler Prof. Rolf Jessberger. Institut für Physiologische Chemie Technische Universität Dresden
How tumors transform blood vessels— ... Gertraud Orend from the University of Strasbourg have found possible answers to these questions. There is a great deal of evidence to ...
15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Gertraud Orend | FacebookFacebook: Gertraud Orend | FacebookFacebook: Recherche : Gertraud Orend, Université de StrasbourgLinkedIn: Gertraud Orend – Scientific group leader – Inserm | LinkedInde.linkedin.com › gertraud-orend-41ab7919bSehen Sie sich das Profil von Gertraud Orend auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Gertraud Orend aufgelistet.
1 Business-Profile
Orend, Gertraud - IdRef— ... tenascine-C in the microenvironment on tumor progression and angiogenesis / Falk Saupe, sous la dir. de Gertraud Orend, 2011[thèse]. › ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Contact - The OREND-Tumor MicroEnvironment (TME) GroupGertraud Orend The OREND-Tumor MicroEnvironment (TME) Group HOPITAL CIVIL Institut â¦
14 Bücher zum Namen
AbeBooks: extracellular matrix cancer regulation von orend gertraud ...The Extracellular Matrix and Cancer: Regulation of Tumor Cell Biology by Tenasc von Gertraud â¦
Laminin α5 guides tissue patterning and organogenesisvon C Spenlé · · Zitiert von: 66 — Gertraud Orend Inserm U682; Université de Strasbourg; Strasbourg, France. &. Jeffrey H. Miner Renal Division and Department of Cell Biology and Physiology ...
Tenascin-C downregulates Wnt inhibitor Dickkopfvon F Saupe · · Zitiert von: 122 — ... Gertraud Orend “Tenascin-C Downregulates Wnt Inhibitor Dickkopf-1, Promoting Tumorigenesis in a Neuroendocrine Tumor Model.” CELL ...
SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索CNKI学术搜索是一个基于海量资源的跨学科、跨语种、跨文献类型的学术资源搜索平台,其资源库涵盖各类学术期刊、论文、报纸、专利、标准、年鉴、工具书等,旨在为国内外研究人员提供全面、权威、系统的知识网络。
11 Dokumente
PhD project Prof. Orian-Rousseau - uni-freiburg.deA) and B) Dr. Gertraud Orend, Institut d´Hématologie et d´Immunologie, Strasbourg, France â¦
Program-Abstracts, Cancer Microenvironment |...TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, PALAIS DES CONGRÈS DE VERSAILLES OPENING SESSION 19:00 Greetings: Mr. François de Mazières . Versailles, France Mayor of Versailles...
Advances in tenascin-C biology – ScienceOpenAdvances in tenascin-C biology. Authors: Kim S. Midwood, Thomas Hussenet, Benoit Langlois, Gertraud Orend. Publication date ( Electronic ) ...
Advances on the roles of tenascin-C in cancervon A Yilmaz · · Zitiert von: 31 — Gertraud Orend. ORCID logo Gertraud Orend ‡. 1. The Tumor Microenvironment Laboratory, INSERM U1109, Hôpital Civil ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Privatdozentin Dr. Gertraud OrendPrivatdozentin Dr. Gertraud Orend, INSERM - UMR_S Immuno-Rhumathologie â¦
Privatdozentin Dr. Gertraud Orend - DFG - GEPRISPrivatdozentin Dr. Gertraud Orend, INSERM - UMR_S Immuno-Rhumathologie Moléculaire (IRM), 1 rue Eugène Boeckel, Strasbourg, Frankreich.
Exploiting the CXCR4-CD44 axis for cancer treatmentKontakt: · Strasbourg: Gertraud Orend · Karlsruhe: Véronique Orian-Rousseau · Freiburg: Oliver Schilling · Basel: Volker Roth ...
Tenascin-C increases lung metastasis by impacting blood ...von Z Sun · · Zitiert von: 59 — ... b c d , Annick Klein a b c d , Michael van der Heyden a b c d , Marie-Pierre Chenard e … Gertraud Orend a b c d. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite.
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: The Extracellular Matrix and Cancer, Gertraud Orend | |...The Extracellular Matrix and Cancer.
Gertraud Orend - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekFormulieren Sie Ihre Suchanfrage genauer. Sie können festlegen, ob einer der Suchbegriffe, â¦
Tenascin-C | SpringerLinkGertraud Orend. Gertraud Orend Inserm U682 Institute of Development and Pathophysiology of the Intestine and the Pancreas 3, Avenue Moliere ... › ...
Tenascin-CGertraud Orend. Authors. Gertraud Orend. View author publications. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Editor information. Editors and ...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
- Gertraud Orend : Tenascin C And CancerGertraud Orend : tenascin C and cancer. Pour visionner cette vidéo, veuillez activer JavaScript et envisager de passer à un navigateur Web ...
- Gertraud Orend : Tenascin C And Cancer - Pod.unistra.frGertraud Orend : tenascin C and cancer. Durée : 00:03:56. Nombre de vues 29. Nombre d'ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0. Nombre de favoris
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Counterbalancing anti-adhesive effects of Tenascin-C ...von A Radwanska · · Zitiert von: 24 — Tristan Rupp & Gertraud Orend. University Strasbourg, Strasbourg, F , France. Tristan Rupp & Gertraud Orend. Authors. Agata Radwanska.
Tenascin-C blocks cell-cycle progression of anchorage-dependent...Original Paper
73 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Seminar Invitations - The OREND-Tumor MicroEnvironment ...Gertraud Orend, DGMB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Matrix Biologie), invited speaker, Frankfurt, â¦
The OREND-Tumor MicroEnvironment (TME) GroupGertraud Orend had studied Genetics, Biochmemistry, Pharmacology and Organic Chemistry â¦
The TME Group - The OREND-Tumor â¦The TME Group Gertraud Orend had studied Genetics, Biochmemistry, Pharmacology and Organic Chemistry in Cologne, Germany. She did her PhD in the laboratory of Walter Doerfler on epigenetic modifications arising from
Gertraud OrendHittade 1 avhandling innehållade orden Gertraud Orend. 1. Platelets – Multifaceted players in tumor progression and vascular function. Författare :Yanyu Zhang; ...
Books by Gertraud OrendBooks by Gertraud Orend. Titles. The Extracellular Matrix and Cancer: Regulation of Tumor Cell Biology by Tenascin-C · The Extracellular Matrix and Cancer ...
External seminar: Gertraud Orend - Naël OsmaniExternal seminar: Gertraud Orend - Naël Osmani - Catherina Becker · “Targeting Tenascin-C in Cancer” · Naël Osmani · "Endothelial indoctrination drives circulating ...
Regulation of Tumor Cell Biology by Tenasc De Gertraud OrendThe Extracellular Matrix and Cancer: Regulation of Tumor Cell Biology by Tenasc Gertraud Orend iConcept Press Envío a domicilio en todo el ...
Acknowledgement - The OREND-Tumor MicroEnvironment (TME) …Special Acknowledgement ... of Teruyo Sakakura, Matthias Chiquet and Ruth Chiquet-Ehrismann as pioneers of tenascin-C research. I am grateful for the opportunity to get these highly inspiring persons known.Gertraud Orend
Verbesserung zielgerichteter Immuntherapien zur Behandlung ...Gertraud Orend, Forscherin am Institut für Hämatologie und Immunologie, gehört zu den acht Geförderten der Seed-Money Ausschreibung von Eucor - The European Campus. Proteomik, In-vivo-Targeting, Computermodellierung... Zusammen mit anderen Forschern beschäftigt sie sich mit der Mikroumgebung vo
Advances in tenascin-C biology - ProQuestBenoit Langlois Gertraud Orend. Received: 8 July Revised: 19 July Accepted: 19 July Published online: 5 August The Author(s)
AngioMatrix, a signature of the tumor angiogenic switch ...von B Langlois · · Zitiert von: 44 — ... Falk Saupe, Tristan Rupp, Christiane Arnold, Michaël Van der Heyden, Gertraud Orend, Thomas Hussenet. › article
Acronym: Angio-Fib - How pericellular matrix orchestrates ...Viola Vogel, Laboratory of Applied Mechanobiology Department for Health Sciences and Technolog ETH Zurich, Switzerland · Gertraud Orend, HOPITAL CIVIL Institut d ...
Article - AngioMatrix, a signature of the tumor angiogenic Scilit... 2, 3, 4 , Michaël van der Heyden 1, 2, 3, 4 , Gertraud Orend 1, 2, 3, ... to: Gertraud Orend, Thomas Hussenet, ... › article
Your search for The Extracellular Matrix and Cancer: Regulation of...SaveonTextbooks.net makes buying texbooks off university bookstores easy. Buy, rent or sell all your new and used textbooks for college at one bookstore.
Careers | ISMB - International Society For Matrix BiologyA 24 months postdoc position is available in the Tumor Microenvironment group of Gertraud Orend (INSERM U1109, Strasbourg). › careers
CD24 Expression Causes the Acquisition of Multiple Cellular ...Gertraud Orend;. Gertraud Orend. 3Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Basel;. Search for other works by this author on: This Site · PubMed.
Autonomous Extracellular Matrix Remodeling Controls a Progressive...David Sala. Caroline Spenle. Gertraud Orend. Alessandra Sacco. PubMed link: Funding Grants: Type III CIRM Stem Cell Research Training Program.
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche - "Ruth Chiquet-Ehrismann"von Florence Brellier, Enrico Martina, Matthias Chiquet, Jacqueline Ferralli, Michael van der Heyden, Gertraud Orend, Johannes C. Schittny, ... › vufind › Search2 › Results
Extracellular Matrix in the Tumor Microenvironment IJMSGertraud Orend. Dr. Gertraud Orend. Scilit Preprints.org Google Scholar. E-Mail Website Guest Editor. The Tumor Microenvironment Laboratory, INSERM U
Counterbalancing anti-adhesive effects of Tenascin-C through...... Rekima Tristan Rupp 4 Anne Sudaka Gertraud Orend Ellen van Obberghen-Schilling Stéphanie Beghelli-de la Forest Divonne Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gertraud
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gertraud; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; trud = stark, die Macht, die Gewalt; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Orend
Orend kommt von Arend Dialektform / Siebenbürgen
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