148 Infos zu Gideon Tups

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14 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Er vi mikrofonstativ for Yara?Nationen

— Gideon Tups var med online på et seminar i Berlin. Der tok han også opp påstanden om at halvparten av maten til verdens befolkning er basert på — Gideon Tups var med online på et seminar i Berlin. Der tok han også opp påstanden om at halvparten av maten til verdens befolkning er basert på ...

Online-Seminar: Dünge(r)-Mittel für die Klimakrise?INKOTA-netzwerk e.V.

Birgit Wilhelm, Professorin für Ökologischer Pflanzenbau an der Fachhochschule Erfurt; Gideon Tups, Doktorand am Geografischen Institut der Universität zu Köln. Birgit Wilhelm, Professorin für Ökologischer Pflanzenbau an der Fachhochschule Erfurt; Gideon Tups, Doktorand am Geografischen Institut der Universität zu Köln.

Allheilmittel oder Droge der Landwirtschaft?Meine Landwirtschaft

— ... Gideon Tups den engen Zusammenhang zwischen der Preisentwicklung von fossilen Brennstoffen, synthetischen Düngemitteln und Lebensmitteln — ... Gideon Tups den engen Zusammenhang zwischen der Preisentwicklung von fossilen Brennstoffen, synthetischen Düngemitteln und Lebensmitteln.

ProgrammeUniversität Osnabrück

— Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg (University of Cologne): Strategic (De-)coupling under Uncertainty and Crisis: How have Global Production — Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg (University of Cologne): Strategic (De-)coupling under Uncertainty and Crisis: How have Global Production ...

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Dr. Gideon Tups – Advisor - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › dr-gideon-tups

Gideon Tups. Advisor for sustainable agri-food systems transformations. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH University of Cologne ...

LinkedIn: Gideon Tups – Postdoctoral Researcher – University of Cologne

› gideon-tups

Twitter Profil: HidiGart - Gideon TupsX · HidiGart1010+ Follower

Gideon Tups. @HidiGart. Just me / Born@351 ppm. gtups.de Joined July ,775 Following · 1,015 Followers · Posts · Replies · Media · Likes. Gideon Tups's ...

Tups, Gideon (Uni Köln) | Radio Dreyecklandrdl.de

Die letzte große Welternährungskrise war ein goldener Schnitt für die Fossil- und Düngemittelkonzerne. Eine Studie von Gideon Tups (Uni ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Düngemittel: Bedeutet der Ausstieg aus Fossilen auch den ...

vor 2 Tagen — Dr. Gideon Tups, Studie „Goldkugel oder Krisenverstärker: Neue Abhängigkeiten von synthetischen Düngemitteln und ihre Folgen für den ... › berlin › düngemittel-bedeutet-der-au...

2 Business-Profile

Gideon Tups University of Cologne | UOCResearchGate

Gideon Tups. Future-making allures with creating new spaces of possibilities, even amid apocalyptic times. However, in response to the call for ... Gideon Tups. Future-making allures with creating new spaces of possibilities, even amid apocalyptic times. However, in response to the call for ...

Effects of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of TanzResearchGate

von G Tups · — Gideon Tups: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing - review. & editing, Writing - original draft. Peter Dannenberg: Conceptualization Seiten

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team C01 - Future Rural Africa

Dr. Gideon Tups · Dr. Linus Kalvelage · Dr. Carolin Hulke · Mfundo Mlilo M.Sc., MA. › team › tea...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

ARTS Seminar — english - INRES - Universität BonnUniversität Bonn

Lecture series on current topics of resource management (summer term 2022) with Peter Dannenberg / Gideon Tups on "Transboundary value chains in Africa" via ... Lecture series on current topics of resource management (summer term 2022) with Peter Dannenberg / Gideon Tups on "Transboundary value chains in Africa" via ...

Impressum - Curious Economic Geographiesgtups.de

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG Gideon Tups . Apt Köln. Kontakt . Redaktionell verantwortlich. Gideon Tups. Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG Gideon Tups . Apt Köln. Kontakt . Redaktionell verantwortlich. Gideon Tups.

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

5. Learning from Past Policies for “Levelling Up” and “Left ...Scholars Portal Journals

Hope and path development in 'left-behind' places – a Southern perspective. Auteurs. Gideon Tups · ORCID ID · Enock N. Sakala · ORCID ID · Peter Dannenberg ... Hope and path development in 'left-behind' places – a Southern perspective. Auteurs. Gideon Tups · ORCID ID · Enock N. Sakala · ORCID ID · Peter Dannenberg ...

Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational AffairsScholars Portal Journals

Gideon Tups · Peter Dannenberg. Source Information. October 2023, Volume23(Issue4)Pages, p.772To Abstract. Global suppliers of agricultural inputs such ... Gideon Tups · Peter Dannenberg. Source Information. October 2023, Volume23(Issue4)Pages, p.772To Abstract. Global suppliers of agricultural inputs such ...

4 Projekte


Besonders betroffen sind afrikanische Länder, in denen Ernährungskrisen auf Schuldenkrisen treffen. Von Lena Bassermann und Gideon Tups · Bodenatlas Besonders betroffen sind afrikanische Länder, in denen Ernährungskrisen auf Schuldenkrisen treffen. Von Lena Bassermann und Gideon Tups · Bodenatlas

Bodenatlas: Die Düngekrise (2/3)Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

— Gideon Tups, Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln. Lena Luig, Referentin Internationale Agrarpolitik, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Lisa — Gideon Tups, Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln. Lena Luig, Referentin Internationale Agrarpolitik, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Lisa ...

Unsere Grüne Woche: Düngemittel

Dr. Gideon Tups, Studie „Goldkugel oder Krisenverstärker: Neue Abhängigkeiten von synthetischen Düngemitteln und ihre Folgen für den afrikanischen Kontinent ... › event › unsere-gruene-woche...

Dünger-Krise: Höhere Lebensmittelpreise, insbesondere in ...Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

— Von Lena Bassermann und Gideon Tups.

10 Bücher zum Namen

Hope and path development in 'left-behind' placesTaylor & Francis Online

von G Tups · · Zitiert von: 8 — Source: Authors partly adapted from Lybbert and Wydick (2018) Gideon Tups et al. REGIONAL STUDIES. Page von G Tups · · Zitiert von: 8 — Source: Authors partly adapted from Lybbert and Wydick (2018) Gideon Tups et al. REGIONAL STUDIES. Page

Forest Politics in Kenya's Tugen Hills: Conservation Beyond ...google.com

... Gideon Tups, Christa van der Wulp, Carolin Hulke, Jonathan Jackson, and Marie Müller-Koné for sharing the everyday ups and downs of research. I thank Nick ...

Research Handbook on Sustainability and Competition Lawgoogle.ca

... Gideon Tups , ' Golden Bullet or Bad Bet ? New dependencies on synthetic fertilisers and their impacts on the African continent ' ( INKOTA - netzwerk e . V ...

Economic Geographies of Future-Making Along a Development ...Google Books

Gideon Tups. Contributors, Peter Dannenberg, Detlef Müller-Mahn. Publisher, Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ... Gideon Tups. Contributors, Peter Dannenberg, Detlef Müller-Mahn. Publisher, Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...

15 Dokumente

Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global ...Wiley Online Library

von G Tups · · Zitiert von: 9 — Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global value chains: Explaining governance in the fertilizer chain. Gideon Tups,. von G Tups · · Zitiert von: 9 — Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global value chains: Explaining governance in the fertilizer chain. Gideon Tups,.


von NA von synthetischen Düngemitteln · — Autor: Dr. Gideon Tups. Redaktion: Lena Bassermann,. Lena Luig (beide INKOTA). Ein Großteil der Analyse dieses Berichts basiert. von NA von synthetischen Düngemitteln · — Autor: Dr. Gideon Tups. Redaktion: Lena Bassermann,. Lena Luig (beide INKOTA). Ein Großteil der Analyse dieses Berichts basiert.

KrisendüngerDer kritische Agrarbericht

von Gideon Tups, Lena Bassermann und Lena Luig. Eine weitere Verschärfung der globalen Nahrungsmittelkrise scheint derzeit unausweichlich. In weiten Teilen ... von Gideon Tups, Lena Bassermann und Lena Luig. Eine weitere Verschärfung der globalen Nahrungsmittelkrise scheint derzeit unausweichlich. In weiten Teilen ...

Shifting South: Research Workshop - AttendeesThe University of Manchester

• Gideon Tups - University of Cologne. • Ari Van Assche- HEC, Montreal. • Sophie van Huellen- University of Manchester. • Anne Wiltshire- University of ... • Gideon Tups - University of Cologne. • Ari Van Assche- HEC, Montreal. • Sophie van Huellen- University of Manchester. • Anne Wiltshire- University of ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Making heterogeneous infrastructure futures in and beyond ...ScienceDirect.com

von M Lawhon · · Zitiert von: 2 — , Seth Schindler g , Sophie Schramm h , Franziska Sielker i , Gideon Tups j 5 , Sumit Vij k 6 , Peter Dannenberg b 7. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. von M Lawhon · · Zitiert von: 2 — , Seth Schindler g , Sophie Schramm h , Franziska Sielker i , Gideon Tups j 5 , Sumit Vij k 6 , Peter Dannenberg b 7. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share.

Colloquium Summer Term 2022Universität Leipzig

Gideon Tups. (University of. Cologne). 27 April 5-7pm. Opening of the Annual Conference of the ReCentGlobe. 4 May 5-7pm Spatial Semantics in Sub-Projects A Gideon Tups. (University of. Cologne). 27 April 5-7pm. Opening of the Annual Conference of the ReCentGlobe. 4 May 5-7pm Spatial Semantics in Sub-Projects A

COLLOQUIUMUniversität Leipzig

— Gideon Tups (University of Cologne). Emptying the Future, Claiming Space: The Southern Agricultural. Growth Corridor of Tanzania as a Spatial — Gideon Tups (University of Cologne). Emptying the Future, Claiming Space: The Southern Agricultural. Growth Corridor of Tanzania as a Spatial ...

SFB Universität LeipzigUniversität Leipzig

— Gideon Tups is a research fellow and PhD Candidate at the Collaborative Research Center 288 “Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social — Gideon Tups is a research fellow and PhD Candidate at the Collaborative Research Center 288 “Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social- ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Multiple Krisen und Globale ProduktionsnetzwerkeSpringer

von G Tups · · Zitiert von: 1 — Gideon Tups ORCID: orcid.org ,; Richard Mbunda,; Moses Ndunguru & … Peter Dannenberg. Show authors Accesses von G Tups · · Zitiert von: 1 — Gideon Tups ORCID: orcid.org ,; Richard Mbunda,; Moses Ndunguru & … Peter Dannenberg. Show authors Accesses

After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways ...

— Gideon Tups, University of Cologne. Intellectual Property and Power in Global Value Chains: A Research. Agenda for the Agricultural Sector. › SASE-Virtual-Meeting Program

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

Goldkugel oder Krisenverstärker? Neue Abhängigkeiten von ...YouTube · INKOTA-netzwerk60+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

... Gideon Tups von der Universität zu Köln erstellt hat, untersucht die Folgen des gestiegenen Einsatzes von synthetischen Düngemitteln auf dem ...

New dependencies on synthetic fertilizers and their ...YouTube · INKOTA-netzwerk30+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

... Gideon Tups (Univerity of Cologne, Germany) investigates the consequences of the increasing use of synthetic fertilizers on the African ...

Unsere Grüne Woche: DüngemittelYouTube · Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung480+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

... Gideon Tups, Studie „Goldkugel oder Krisenverstärker: Neue Abhängigkeiten von synthetischen Düngemitteln und ihre Folgen für den ...

Gideon TupsYouTube

Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Gideon Tups. Home. Shorts. Library. Gideon Tups. @gideontups6066‧1 subscriber‧1 video‧.

9 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Gideon TupsX

Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Gideon Tups · @HidiGart. Had a great time in Amsterdam attending the. @FertilizerNews. Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Gideon Tups · @HidiGart. Had a great time in Amsterdam attending the. @FertilizerNews.

Twitter-Nachrichten: Gideon TupsX · HidiGart20+ „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 5 Monaten

Gideon Tups · @HidiGart. Our article on "Multiple crises and global production networks: new soy partnerships between China and Tanzania under ... Gideon Tups · @HidiGart. Our article on "Multiple crises and global production networks: new soy partnerships between China and Tanzania under ...


— Partly building on his work in Tanzania, Gideon Tups helps us make sense of the keyword “patient capital”, which has become a buzzword in — Partly building on his work in Tanzania, Gideon Tups helps us make sense of the keyword “patient capital”, which has become a buzzword in ...

Goldkugel oder Krisenverstärker?Plattform Transformative Finanzpolitik

Autor*innen: Gideon Tups,. Hrsg.: INKOTA Netzwerk,. Quelle: https://webshop.inkota.de/node Tags: Inflation / Ernährung & Landwirtschaft / Steuern ... Autor*innen: Gideon Tups,. Hrsg.: INKOTA Netzwerk,. Quelle: https://webshop.inkota.de/node Tags: Inflation / Ernährung & Landwirtschaft / Steuern ...

65 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gideon Tups's Profile | Wiley Online Library JournalistMuck Rack

Gideon Tups on Muck Rack. Gideon Tups. As seen in: Wiley Online Library. Is this you? As a journalist, you can create a free Muck Rack account to customize ... Gideon Tups on Muck Rack. Gideon Tups. As seen in: Wiley Online Library. Is this you? As a journalist, you can create a free Muck Rack account to customize ...

Gideon Tups (@)Explore - Mastodon

Gideon mastodon.social. PhD in Geography / Researching infrastructures, agrarian change & synthetic fertilizer / Member of ... Gideon mastodon.social. PhD in Geography / Researching infrastructures, agrarian change & synthetic fertilizer / Member of ...

Gideon Tups (@)mastodon.social

15 Posts, 292 Following, 255 Followers · PhD in Geography / Researching infrastructures, agrarian change & synthetic fertilizer / Member of the @CRC Posts, 292 Following, 255 Followers · PhD in Geography / Researching infrastructures, agrarian change & synthetic fertilizer / Member of the @CRC

About Me - Curious Economic Geographiesgtups.de

Hey there, I am Gideon Tups and this is my personal website. A place to embrace erratic eclecticism when thinking about space, economics, and politics. Hey there, I am Gideon Tups and this is my personal website. A place to embrace erratic eclecticism when thinking about space, economics, and politics.

Advancing southern urban infrastructure debatesOUCI

... Gideon Tups, Sumit Vij, Peter Dannenberg. https://doi.org j.futures · , Futures, p Scopus. WoS. Crossref citations: Gideon Tups, Sumit Vij, Peter Dannenberg. https://doi.org j.futures · , Futures, p Scopus. WoS. Crossref citations: 0.

C01 Future in Chains - Collaborative Research Center ...Future Rural Africa

Godfrey Tawodzera. University of Namibia. Globe Envelope. Gideon Tups. Dr. Gideon Tups. University of Cologne. Globe Envelope. Uni Bonn Logo. Godfrey Tawodzera. University of Namibia. Globe Envelope. Gideon Tups. Dr. Gideon Tups. University of Cologne. Globe Envelope. Uni Bonn Logo.

Gideon TupsX

— Gideon Tups · @HidiGart. Congratulations. @drelisagambino. and. @R_Reboredo1 ! Another great piece for our upcoming special issue on — Gideon Tups · @HidiGart. Congratulations. @drelisagambino. and. @R_Reboredo1 ! Another great piece for our upcoming special issue on ...

Guest ContributionsInstitutional Landscapes

Partly building on his work in Tanzania, Gideon Tups helps us make sense of the keyword “patient capital”, which has become a buzzword in development finance. Partly building on his work in Tanzania, Gideon Tups helps us make sense of the keyword “patient capital”, which has become a buzzword in development finance.

Making Heterogeneous Infrastructure Futures in and ...University of Birmingham

... Gideon Tups, Sumit Vij, Peter Dannenberg, Javier Revilla Diez. Geography. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. Overview Gideon Tups, Sumit Vij, Peter Dannenberg, Javier Revilla Diez. Geography. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. Overview ...

Multiple Krisen und Globale Produktionsnetzwerke: Neue ...OUCI

Authors: Gideon Tups, Richard Mbunda, Moses Ndunguru, Peter Dannenberg. Abstract. ZusammenfassungDieser Artikel analysiert die Umsetzung eines ... Authors: Gideon Tups, Richard Mbunda, Moses Ndunguru, Peter Dannenberg. Abstract. ZusammenfassungDieser Artikel analysiert die Umsetzung eines ...

Timos KarpouzoglouLinköpings universitet

... Gideon Tups, Sumit Vij, Peter Dannenberg (2023) Making heterogeneous infrastructure futures in and beyond the global south Futures: The journal of policy Gideon Tups, Sumit Vij, Peter Dannenberg (2023) Making heterogeneous infrastructure futures in and beyond the global south Futures: The journal of policy ...

Peter DannenbergResearch Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains

Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg. Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global value chains: Explaining governance in the fertilizer chain. Global ... Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg. Supplying lead firms, intangible assets and power in global value chains: Explaining governance in the fertilizer chain. Global ...


Teach-Ins: The Geopolitics of Nitrogen Fertilizer – by Dr. Gideon Tups (video) EU agricultural policy related to agrochemicals – by Lena Luig (video) Teach-Ins: The Geopolitics of Nitrogen Fertilizer – by Dr. Gideon Tups (video) EU agricultural policy related to agrochemicals – by Lena Luig (video)

Securing conservation Lebensraum? The geo-, bio-, and ...Altmetric

Gideon Tups. @HidiGart. RT @jevgeniy_b: The second article of our Special Issue on the “Political Ecologies of the Future” is out in Geoforum, with ... Gideon Tups. @HidiGart. RT @jevgeniy_b: The second article of our Special Issue on the “Political Ecologies of the Future” is out in Geoforum, with ...

What kind of theory for what kind of human geography?OUCI

Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg. https://doi.org j.geoforum · , Geoforum, p Scopus. WoS. Crossref citations: 2 · References. Gideon Tups, Peter Dannenberg. https://doi.org j.geoforum · , Geoforum, p Scopus. WoS. Crossref citations: 2 · References.

critical perspectives on infrastructure and labourNomadIT.co.uk

Gideon Tups (University of Cologne) Evelyne Owino (Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies) Johannes Theodor Aalders (University of Bonn) Send ... Gideon Tups (University of Cologne) Evelyne Owino (Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies) Johannes Theodor Aalders (University of Bonn) Send ...

6: New Glossary Entry: “Patient Capital”Institutional Landscapes

— Partly building on his research in Tanzania, Geographer Gideon Tups helps us make sense of the word. ***. “Patient capital” can play a — Partly building on his research in Tanzania, Geographer Gideon Tups helps us make sense of the word. ***. “Patient capital” can play a ...

Beyond Productivity: Reimagining Futures of Agriculture ...ROAPE

— ... Gideon Tups, and Thomas Vogelpohl. We thank Andrew Coulson for his comments of the workshop and of the first draft of its full report. TAGS — ... Gideon Tups, and Thomas Vogelpohl. We thank Andrew Coulson for his comments of the workshop and of the first draft of its full report. TAGS ...

Bold action for resilient food systems: End the failing Green ...EXPRESSION AFRICA

— A new study by German researcher Gideon Tups, which he prepared for the Berlin-based charity INKOTA, demonstrates company profiteering from — A new study by German researcher Gideon Tups, which he prepared for the Berlin-based charity INKOTA, demonstrates company profiteering from ...

Bold action for resilient food systems? End the failing ...Nation

— A new study by German researcher Gideon Tups, which he prepared for the Berlin-based charity INKOTA, demonstrates company profiteering from — A new study by German researcher Gideon Tups, which he prepared for the Berlin-based charity INKOTA, demonstrates company profiteering from ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gideon

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Gideon; Holzfäller, Holzhauer (?); Hebräisch (Altes Testament); gada = schneiden, fällen; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt, wahrscheinlich 'Holzfäller' oder 'Holzhauer'; in der Bibel ist Gideon der 5. Richter Israels

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gideon Tups und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.