64 Infos zu Giles Cadle
Mehr erfahren über Giles Cadle
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- Director
- Designer
- Opera
- Lighting
- Design
- Haskins
- Patrick
- Stewart
- Almeida Theatre
- Bruno
- Edward
- Neil Austin
- Ravella
- Treatment
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Review: Falstaff at Garsington Opera - 'Whimsical performance ...www.oxfordmail.co.uk › news › review-f...· Director Bruno Ravella and designer Giles Cadle transport us to the Windsor of the Edwardian era, a move especially effective in Act II with a ...
The Virtues of Things - Aurora Orchestrawww.auroraorchestra.com › event › the-virtues-of-t...Bijan Sheibani director. Giles Cadle designer. Matt Haskins lighting designer. Aurora Orchestra gratefully acknowledges support from PRS for Music Foundation ...
3 Bilder zu Giles Cadle

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Giles Cadle - Designer - Self-employed | LinkedInuk.linkedin.com › giles-cadle-5b65a51b8View Giles Cadle's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Giles has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Giles Cadle - Britten SinfoniaGiles Cadle. Sign up to our newsletter; Share Twitter Facebook Email. Terms & Conditions · Cookies · Policies · Vacancies · Contact Us. © Britten Sinfonia ...
Giles Cadle - Schaubühnewww.schaubuehne.de › people › giles-cadleGiles Cadle. Architektur- und Bühnenbildstudium in Großbritannien. An zahlreichen Häusern weltweit Entwicklung von Bühnenbild- und Kostümdesigns.
Giles Cadle — People - Royal Opera House› People
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Theatre news related to Giles Cadle | WhatsOnStagenews related to Giles Cadle | WhatsOnStage
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Giles Cadle - IMDbGiles Cadle, Art Director: Lucia
1 Bücher zum Namen
Images of Beckett - James Knowlson - Google BooksDesigner : Giles Cadle 10 Samuel Beckett . Royal Court Theatre , London , Patrick Magee as Hamm in Endgame . Royal Court Theatre , London ,
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Giles Cadle - Wikipedia› wiki › Giles_Cadle
Giles Cadle | A West End Whinger· Posts about Giles Cadle written by Phil (a west end whinger) and Andrew.
Giles Cadle Archives - Aleks SierzTag: Giles Cadle · The Treatment, Almeida Theatre · The Kitchen, National Theatre.
Giles Cadle | Mark Ronan's Theatre ReviewsPosts about Giles Cadle written by markronan
42 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Giles Cadle› company › designers › giles...
Giles Cadle - GlyndebourneGiles Cadle. Details. Position: Designer. Nationality: British. Performances. Set Designer / Flight, 24 September at Glyndebourne view performance details.
Giles Cadle – Broadway Cast & Staff | IBDBGiles Cadle is credited as Designer.
Giles Cadle, Set designer | OperabaseGiles Cadle | Overview | Set designer | It's a Wonderful Life, ENO Baylis | View more information on Operabase.
Giles Cadle Theatre Credits and Profile - AboutTheArtistswww.abouttheartists.com › giles-cadleGiles Cadle theatre credits, headshots, and performance images Giles Cadle. production credits. The Treatment. Almeida Theatre. Almeida Theatre. London ...
Giles Cadle | The Association for Lighting Production and DesignGiles Cadle. Show name, ALD Member, Type, Venue/Company, Creative team, Opens. Show name, ALD Member, Type, Venue/Company, Creative team ...
Giles Cadle Archives - Theatre reviews by Edward Lukes· Tag Archives: Giles Cadle ... Lyndsey Turner's sure-footed direction, with Giles Cadle's stark staging and Neil Austin's lighting, combines ...
Cadle Giles - Bayerische StaatsoperGiles Cadle studierte Architektur am Kingston Polytechnikum und Bühnenbild am Nottingham Polytechnikum. Er begann für Opern- und
Giles Cadle | BFIGiles Cadle · Filmography · Latest from the BFI · Films, TV and people · Sight & Sound magazine.
Giles Cadle | Financial Timeswww.ft.com › streamDirected by Bruno Ravella and designed by Giles Cadle, this Victorian-set production is a delight. Save. June ReviewMusic · Intermezzo, Garsington ...
Giles Cadle | The Irish Timeswww.irishtimes.com › topics › topicsGet up to date with the latest news and stories about the person Giles Cadle at The Irish Times. Breaking News at IrishTimes.com.
The Kitchen Designed by Giles Cadle Olivier Theatre NT Dir. B...May 29, The Kitchen Designed by Giles Cadle Olivier Theatre NT Dir. B Shelbani.
Performer: Giles Cadle | BachtrackRolando Villazón bricht nach einer schwachen Leistung seine Vorstellung ab und übergibt an Arturo Chacón-Cruz. Dass die Aufführung an der Münchener ...
Play Title, Playwright. Phaedra · Derek Mahon Jean Racine A translation of Racine's Phaedra. The Cordelia Dream · Marina Carr. DESIGNER. Play Title ...
Deutsche Oper BerlinDie Deutsche Oper Berlin ist das größte der drei Opernhäuser in Berlin. Entdecken Sie unser Programm und erfahren Sie alles über die Aufführungen, das...
Giles Cadle's model box for the Tempest. | Tempest, Royal shakespeare...Dec 13, Patrick Stewart played Prospero and Rupert Goold created an Arctic wilderness island with mariners in oilskins.
A Life in The Theatre London theatre stage show - thisistheatre.comwww.thisistheatre.com › londonshows › lifeinthethe...It is directed by Lindsay Posner with designs by Giles Cadle, lighting by Neil Austin and sound by Matt McKenzie. Patrick Stewart's recent London theatre credits ...
Aletta Collins Director — CRUICKSHANK CAZENOVE LIMITEDLa Fanciulla del West | Opera North | Directed by Aletta Collins | Sets by Giles Cadle | Costumes by Gabrielle Dalton | Lighting by Andreas Fuchs (Photographer: ...
Catherine MorganOther leading designers she has assisted include Giles Cadle, Stewart Laing, Tom Cairns, Soutra Gilmour, Thaddeus Strassberger, Helen Goddard, Ben Stones ...
Catherine Morgan | A.R.T.Opera (Associate Designer): Dido and Aeneas / La voix humaine, Opera North. She has worked for designers including Stewart Laing, Giles Cadle, Leslie Travers, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Giles
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Giles; Schildhalter; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); aigis = das Ziegenfell; aigilops = die Eiche; 'aigis' (Ziegenfell) war die Bezeichnung des Schutzmantels von Zeus oder Athena, auch als Schild gebraucht; deshalb kann der Name in etwa übersetzt werden mit 'Schildhalter'; möglich ist auch ein Zusammenhang mit 'aigilops', einem altgriechischen Wort für eine Eichenart; bekannt durch den hl. Ägidius, einem der 14 Nothelfer (7./8. Jh.)
Personensuche zu Giles Cadle & mehr
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