127 Infos zu Giovanna Galliciotti

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

The role of glycosylation on serpin biology and conformational ...

08h30 Welcome coffee · 09h00 Pr Denis Vivien - Single chain tPA versus two chain tPA from fibrinolysis to neuronal signaling · 09h30 Dr Giovanna Galliciotti › ro...

The role of glycosylation on serpin biology and ...LE STUDIUM

... Dr Giovanna Galliciotti, University of Hamburg - DE; Pr Markus Glatzel, University of Hamburg - DE; Pr Bibek Gooptu, University of Leicester - UK ...

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Giovanna Galliciotti | LinkedIn

Giovanna Galliciottis berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Giovanna Galliciotti ...

LinkedIn: Giovanna Galliciotti | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Giovanna Galliciotti (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

Author Search ResultsUniversiti Utara Malaysia

by Melanie Thelen, Markus Damme, Michaela Schweizer, Christian Hagel, Andrew M .S. Wong , Jonathan D. Cooper, Thomas Braulke, Giovanna Galliciotti › Home

Author Sara Douceau - E-Librarystipram.ac.id

... Hannah Voß, Sara Douceau , Matthias Dottermusch, Michaela Schweizer, Hartmut Schlüter, Denis Vivien, Denis Vivien, Markus Glatzel, Giovanna Galliciotti

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Neuroserpin Gene Therapy Inhibits Retinal Ganglion Cell ...Cell

von N Chitranshi — Giovanna Galliciotti. Giovanna Galliciotti. Affiliations. Institute of Neuropathology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. › fulltext

Neuroserpin gene therapy inhibits retinal ganglion ...Cell

— Devaraj Basavarajappa,1 Veer Gupta,2 Samridhi Sharma,1 Yuyi You,1 Giovanna Galliciotti,3 Ghasem H. Salekdeh,4.

1 Business-Profile

Giovanna GALLICIOTTI | Dr. sc. nat. | University Medical ...ResearchGate

Giovanna GALLICIOTTI | Cited by | of University Medical Center Hamburg - Eppendorf, Hamburg | Read 29 publications | Contact Giovanna GALLICIOTTI.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Mauro Mannocnr.it

Giovanna Galliciotti (University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) - Irene Martinez (University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain)

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

13 results in SearchWorks articlesStanford University

... Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Luca Galluzzi, Vincent Galy, Noor Gammoh, ...

ResultsScholars Portal

Results page 1 of 1. Showing 1 to 16 of 16 results in seconds for the query: (AUTHOR:(Giovanna Galliciotti)) ...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays ...Taylor & Francis Online

von DJ Klionsky · · Zitiert von: — ... Malgorzata Gajewska, Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, ...

Giovanna Galliciotti - Learn Mem - Guide to the Human Genomelearnmem.cshlp.org › search

Für diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar.

Genetics, Neurology, Behavior, and Diet in Dementia: The ...google.com

Role of cellular oxidative stress in dementia 147 Giovanna Galliciotti, Antonella De Jaco, Diego Sepulveda-Falla, Emanuela DLAcunto and Elena Miranda 11.

Genetics, Neurology, Behavior, and Diet in DementiaBook Depository

— Role of cellular oxidative stress in dementia Giovanna Galliciotti, Antonella De Jaco, Diego Sepulveda-Falla, Emanuela D'Acunto and Elena ... › ...

15 Dokumente

Important Role of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Huntington's ...American Chemical Society

von I Túnez · · Zitiert von: 95 — Antioxidants 2020, 9 (2) , 94. https://doi.org antiox ; Giovanna Galliciotti, Antonella De Jaco, Diego Sepulveda-Falla, Emanuela D'Acunto, ...

Accumulation of Mutant Neuroserpin Precedes Development ...

von G Galliciotti · · Zitiert von: 38 — Giovanna Galliciotti,* Markus Glatzel,†. Jochen Kinter,* Serguei V. Kozlov,* Paolo Cinelli,*. Thomas Rülicke,‡ and Peter Sonderegger*. › viewdoc › download

Serpin neuropathology in the P497S UBQLN2 mouse model ...

von NR Higgins · · Zitiert von: 2 — Giovanna Galliciotti,. Giovanna Galliciotti. Institute of Neuropathology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. › bpa

Accumulation of Mutant Neuroserpin Precedes Development ...UZH

von G Galliciotti · · Zitiert von: 38 — Giovanna Galliciotti,* Markus Glatzel,†. Jochen Kinter,* Serguei V. Kozlov,* Paolo Cinelli,*. Thomas Rülicke,‡ and Peter Sonderegger*. › _Galliciotti_2007

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Deficits in developmental neurogenesis and dendritic spine maturation...

... FrischknechtAngelaSchipanskiSergejMarikSusanneKrasemannDiego Sepulveda-FallaMichaelaSchweizerTimMagnusMarkusGlatzelGiovanna Galliciotti.

Fachbereich Chemie - Universität HamburgUniversität Hamburg

... Hannah Voß, Sara Douceau, Matthias Dottermusch, Michaela Schweizer, Hartmut Schlüter, Denis Vivien, Markus Glatzel, Giovanna Galliciotti

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience | Vol 102, January 2020

Melanie Hermann, Rebecca Reumann, Katrin Schostak, Dilara Kement, ... Giovanna Galliciotti. Article : Download PDF. Article preview ... › vol

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for IKMBChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

... Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Luca Galluzzi, Vincent Galy, Noor Gammoh, ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Transgenic Overexpression of the Disordered Prion Protein N1 Fragment...

Behnam Mohammadi; , Luise Linsenmeier; , Mohsin Shafiq; , Giovanna Galliciotti ; , Markus Glatzel; & Hermann C. Altmeppen. Department of ...

Accumulation of mutant neuroserpin precedes development of clinical...

scientific article published on April 2007

Neuroserpin: structure, function, physiology and pathologySpringer

von E D’Acunto · · Zitiert von: 14 — Giovanna Galliciotti. Pasteur Institute—Cenci Bolognetti Foundation, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Elena Miranda. Authors.

Annual-Report pdfAustralian Vision Research

Giovanna Galliciotti, Vivek K Gupta, Stuart L Graham. (2021). Neuroserpin overexpressing mice are protected against retinal ganglion cells and optic nerve ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

G392E neuroserpin causing the dementia FENIB is secreted ...

von T Ingwersen · · Zitiert von: 7 — Giovanna Galliciotti. Show authors. Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: (2021) Cite this article Accesses. 5 Citations. › articles

Familial dementia caused by polymerization of mutant ...Nature Journal

von RL Davis · · Zitiert von: 401 — G392E neuroserpin causing the dementia FENIB is secreted from cells but is not synaptotoxic. Thies Ingwersen; Christian Linnenberg; Giovanna Galliciotti. › articles

76 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Giovanna Galliciotti | LinkedIn

View Giovanna Galliciotti's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Giovanna Galliciotti ...

Giovanna GalliciottiGoogle

Giovanna Galliciotti. University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. Verified email at uke.de. ArticlesCited byPublic access ...

Consciousness - Yahoo Groups

... Markus Daμμe, Michaela Schweizer, Christian Hagel, Andrew M.S. Wong, Jonathan D. Cooper, Thomas Braulke, Giovanna Galliciotti.

Resultados de búsqueda - "Galliciotti, Giovanna"una.edu.ni

... Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Luca Galluzzi, Vincent Galy, Noor Gammoh, ...

Giovanna Galliciotti

Search results for: Giovanna Galliciotti ... Sven Müller-Loennies, Giovanna Galliciotti, Katrin Kollmann, Markus Glatzel, more · The American Journal of Pathology ...

Epilepsy: Galliciotti, Giovanna - Expertscape.com

Giovanna Galliciotti has special expertise in Epilepsy

UKE - Scientist - Giovanna Galliciotti

Wissenschaftlerprofil von Giovanna Galliciotti

Giovanna Galliciotti - Publikationen | UKE Forschungsportal

Zymogen activation of neurotrypsin and neurotrypsin-dependent agrin cleavage on the cell surface are enhanced by glycosaminoglycans Gisler, C., Lüscher, D ...

Giovanna Galliciotti | UKE Research Portal

My research is focused on neuroserpin, a serine protease inhibitor of the nervous system critically involved in the pathophysiology of stroke, epilepsy ...

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring...

Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd ... Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo ...

UKE - Neuropathology - Research

University Hospital Hamburg, Research Group Neuronal Ceroid...

... Dr.S.Storch, Dr. rer. nat. Giovanna Galliciotti and Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Pohl. to investigate the different forms of NCL. ...

(PDF) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays ...Academia.edu

... Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Luca Galluzzi, Vincent Galy, Noor Gammoh, ...

Accumulation of Mutant Neuroserpin Precedes Development of ...infona.pl

Giovanna Galliciotti, Markus Glatzel, Jochen Kinter, Serguei V. Kozlov, Paolo Cinelli, Thomas Rülicke, Peter Sonderegger ... Giovanna Galliciotti. › resource

An Inhibitor of Serine Proteases, Neuroserpin, Acts as a ...Journal of Neuroscience

von Y Simonin · · Zitiert von: 25 — Emanuela D'Acunto, Annamaria Fra, Cristina Visentin, Mauro Manno, Stefano Ricagno, Giovanna Galliciotti, Elena Miranda.

Disruption of the Autophagy-Lysosome Pathway Is Involved in...

Giovanna Galliciotti. * -hamburg.de. Affiliation: Department of Biochemistry, Children's Hospital, University Medical ...

Analyse von dendritischen Spines in Neuroserpin-Knockout ...AZSLIDE.COM

Giovanna Galliciotti, Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe um Neuroserpin, bin ich sehr dankbar für das Thema und die Möglichkeit diese Arbeit umzusetzen sowie für ... › ...

Elucidating the pathological mechanisms of Europe PMC

von E Miranda · — Elucidating the pathological mechanisms of neurodegeneration in the lethal serpinopathy FENIB. Elena Miranda and Giovanna Galliciotti, PhD* ... › pmc › pm...

Activation of microglia in nclf brain.

Activation of microglia in nclf brain.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Giovanna

Weiblicher Vorname (Italienisch): Giovanna; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Information zur männlichen Form Johannes:; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

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