369 Infos zu Grazia Vittadini

Mehr erfahren über Grazia Vittadini

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88 Aktuelle Nachrichten

zeit.de: Jets mit Wasserstoff-Antrieb? Trends und neue Technologien in der...

Grazia Vittadini has been appointed Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Airbus and member of the Airbus Executive Committee, effective May 1st, Previously, Vittadini was Executive Vice President Head of Engineering from January and member of the Executive Committee of Airbus Defence and Space.

zeit.de: Jets mit Wasserstoff-Antrieb? Trends und neue Technologien in der ...verlag.zeit.de › Ausblicke

Grazia Vittadini has been appointed Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Airbus and member of the Airbus Executive Committee, effective May 1st,

Flugzeugbauerin: Airbus setzt bei der Technik auf eine Italienerin |...

— Grazia Vittadini (48) arbeitet seit für den europäischen Flugzeugbauer und übernimmt jetzt die Leitung der Technik. › wirtschaft › Flugzeugbauer...

Why the age of electric flight is finally upon us - BBC News

While electrical motors, generators, power distribution and controls have advanced very rapidly, battery technology hasn't. Grazia Vittadini, Airbus Image caption ...

16  Bilder zu Grazia Vittadini

Bild zu Grazia Vittadini
Bild zu Grazia Vittadini
Bild zu Grazia Vittadini
Bild zu Grazia Vittadini
Bild zu Grazia Vittadini
Bild zu Grazia Vittadini

34 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: EUROAVIA Aachen - We welcome Grazia Vittadini as Facebookm.facebook.com › story

LinkedIn: Beitrag von Grazia Vittadini

Beitrag von Grazia Vittadini. Profil von Grazia Vittadini anzeigen, Grafik · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group

LinkedIn: Grazia Vittadini wird Chief Technology Officer bei Rolls-Royce

Grazia Vittadini wird Chief Technology Officer bei Rolls-Royce: die ehemalige Technikchefin von Airbus soll in ihrer neuen Rolle die Entwicklung…

Volker K. Thomalla auf LinkedIn: Grazia Vittadini ist neue ...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Grazia Vittadini: Der Aufsichtsrat der Lufthansa Technik hat sie zu seiner neuen Vorsitzenden gewählt.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Speaker (Veranstaltung) Grazia Vittadini | CDU/CSU-Fraktionwww.cducsu.de › veranstaltungen › referenten › grazia-vittadini

Grazia Vittadini wurde zum 1. Mai als Chief Technology Officer (CTO) von Airbus und zum Mitglied des Executive Committee von Airbus ernannt.

In this screengrab, Grazia Vittadini, CTO Airbus, speaks during day www.gettyimages.ie › detail › news-photo › in-this-s...

475,00 € · In this screengrab, Grazia Vittadini, CTO Airbus, speaks during day 2 of the Greentech Festival at Kraftwerk Mitte aired on September 17, ...Max file size: x px ( x cm) dpi - 1 MBDate created: 17 September, 2020Source: Getty Images EuropeLicence type: Rights-managed 475,00 € · In this screengrab, Grazia Vittadini, CTO Airbus, speaks during day 2 of the Greentech Festival at Kraftwerk Mitte aired on September 17, ... Max file size: x px ( x cm) dpi - 1 MBDate created: 17 September, 2020Source: Getty Images EuropeLicence type: Rights-managed

1 Business-Profile

Biography of Grazia Vittadini - The Official Boardwww.theofficialboard.com › biography › grazia-vitt...

· Grazia Vittadini is currently Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at Rolls-Royce Group and Member of the Supervisory Board at Siemens.

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Dr Grazia Vittadini FREng - Royal Academy of Engineeringraeng.org.uk › fellowship › new-fellows › dr-...

Prior to joining Rolls-Royce in November 2021, throughout her nearly 20-year career at Airbus, Grazia Vittadini covered a broad range of operations from ...

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

Grazia Vittadini - Biografie - MarketScreener.comch.marketscreener.com › News › Accueil › Business Leaders Biografien

Frau Grazia Vittadini ist Chief Technology Officer bei Airbus SE. Sie ist Mitglied des Board of Directors der Siemens AG, der Airbus Operations GmbH und der ...

Grazia Vittadini - Biography - MarketScreenerwww.marketscreener.com › business-leaders › biogr...

Grazia Vittadini is Chief Technology Officer at Airbus SE. Ms. Vittadini is also on the board of Siemens AG, Airbus Foundation and Airbus Operations GmbH.

Grazia Vittadini - Biografie

› biography

5 Bücher zum Namen

Grazia Vittadini (Women in Tech) - Worldreader - Book details

› Book

Grazia Vittadini - Quotes.netwww.quotes.net › authors › Grazia+Vittadini

Explore some of Grazia Vittadini best quotations and sayings on Quotes.net -- such as 'Casts and molds have to be manufactured very much in advance and they ...

Mit Gender Management zum Unternehmenserfolg: Grundlagen,...

Gender Management hilft, Leistungspotenziale auszuschöpfen, Märkte zu erschließen und die Mitarbeiterbindung zu erhöhen. Die Autoren führen in die Grundlagen...

Calaméo - Juni Wirtschaft10plus

Publishing-Plattform, um digitale Zeitschriften, interaktive Publikationen und Online-Dokumente zu veröffentlichen. Konvertieren von PDF in HTML5, mobile...

1 Songs & Musik

Grazia Vittadini: Technically Speaking - We Make It Fly | Podcast on ...open.spotify.com › episode

The current CTO, Grazia Vittadini had a particularly busy week. Among other things, she signed an agreement with six other CTOs committing to sustainable ...

2 Dokumente

Category:Grazia Vittadini - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org › wiki › Category:Grazia_...

· Media in category "Grazia Vittadini". The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. Web Summit Auto-Tech TalkRobot- Day ...

Category:Grazia Vittadini – Wikimedia Commons

› wiki › Category:Grazi...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Universität Stuttgart und Airbus vereinbaren Partnerschaft | News |...

Universität Stuttgart wird Mitglied im weltweiten Netzwerk von Airbus-Partnerhochschulen

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

IT IS URGENT TO PROMOTE LGBTI & ALLIES ROLE MODELS IN ...alaingavand.typepad.com › › it-is-urgent-t...

Grazia Vittadini, CTO and Member of the Airbus Comex, concluded the conference and said that “Airbus won't be successful, without the talents of everyone”.

Grazia Vittadini - Wiki | Golden

› wiki › Grazia...

Grazia Vittadini - zxc.wiki

Grazia Vittadini (* in Milan ) is manager and since May Chief Technology Officer (CTO) on the Executive Committee of the aerospace group Airbus .

Grazia Vittadini - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki

· Grazia Vittadini. In more languages. Spanish. Grazia Vittadini. Directora técnica de Airbus. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

Grazia Vittadini: Technically speaking - YouTube

The Paris Air Show is the place where the industry and the public gather every two years to discover what’s new and exciting in the world of aviation. Airbus...

India's aviation growth in-line with international standards, says ...www.dailymotion.com › video

· In an exclusive conversation with Anu Sharma, Grazia Vittadini also talked about the aviation ...Dauer: 2:38Gepostet:

Geobranchen.de - Das Portal rund um GIS, GISnews, Geonews,...

Geobranchen.de - GIS, GISnews, Geonews, Geoinformatik, Geographie, Geodaten, Geobusiness, Geowissenschaft, CAD - das Geo Branchenverzeichnis mit aktuellen...

Rolls-Royce CTO Grazia Vittadini for the Boeing YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch

· Rolls-Royce CTO Grazia Vittadini spoke at Fowler Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 19 about the ...Dauer: 56:44Gepostet:

16 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Grazia Vittadini

Grazia Vittadini (* 23. September in Lodi) ist eine deutsch-italienische Managerin und war von Mai bis Juli Technologiechefin (Chief ...

Wikipedia: Grazia Vittadini - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Grazia_Vittadini

Grazia Vittadini FREng (born in Milan) is an Italian aerospace executive. From May to she was chief technology officer (CTO) of the aerospace ...Nationality: ItalianBorn: 1969; Milan, Italy Grazia Vittadini FREng (born in Milan) is an Italian aerospace executive. From May to she was chief technology officer (CTO) of the aerospace ... Nationality: ItalianBorn: 1969; Milan, Italy

Kurzinterview mit Grazia Vittadini - mintpink.de

Grazia Vittadini, Technologiechefin (CTO) der Airbus SE, gibt in einem kurzen Interview Einblicke in ihren persönlichen Werdegang, ihre Visionen und tägliche Arbeit sowie den Umgang mit Stress. Zum Ende erzählt sie uns, was aus ihrer Sicht wichtig ist, wenn junge Frauen einen ähnlichen Weg wie sie einschlagen möchten.

Perch sterilizzare un gatto - da akela.it - ClinicaVeterinaria.org...

Partecipa alle discussioni con il veterinario e gli altri amici degli animali.

188 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Grazia Vittadini on LinkedIn: #Airbus #Future #farewell

› posts

Grazia Vittadini on LinkedIn: #zf #airbus #nextgenmobility

› posts

Grazia Vittadini - Aerospace Engineer - LinkedIn

› pulse

Airbus has appointed Grazia Vittadini, Chief Technology ...

Airbus has appointed Grazia Vittadini, Chief Technology Officer (CTO). In her new capacity, she will report to Airbus Chief Executive ...

Congratulations to Grazia Vittadini, Airbus CTO, who was ...

Congratulations to Grazia Vittadini, Airbus CTO, who was announced among the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Engineering.

Grazia Vittadini - FORTUNE MPW 2023

Post di Grazia Vittadini. Visualizza il profilo di Grazia Vittadini, immagine. Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group.

Grazia Vittadini - breakthebias #iwd2022

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic. Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 2y.

Grazia Vittadini - future #aerospace #aviation #now

Grazia Vittadini's Post ... Many thanks, Christopher Magazzeni, Sir Stephen Hillier and Simon Henley for our productive discussion on the #future ...

Airbus continues its Decarbonization Journey - LinkedIn

Grazia Vittadini. Chief Technology and Strategy Officer… Published Apr 24, + Follow. Aviation connects and unites people. As people discovered the ... › pulse

Grazia Vittadini - research #decarbonisation #innovation

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 1y.

Grazia Vittadini on LinkedIn: #together #saf

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic. Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 3y.

Grazia Vittadini on LinkedIn: We are recruiting!

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 3y.

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Excellent Grazia Vittadini …. In the US most folks only know Amelia Earhart, and I have to confess that I did not know about Amy Johnson. Thanks ...

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post ... #India is not only a buzzing hub of #innovation and R&T for Airbus, but a key member of our global #TeamAirbus family. Wishing ...

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post ... Former Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, former Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, ...

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 1y.

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 1y.

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 1y.

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 1y.

Grazia Vittadini's Post

Grazia Vittadini's Post. View profile for Grazia Vittadini, graphic · Grazia Vittadini. CTO and Executive Board Member Lufthansa Group. 1y.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Grazia

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Grazia; Anmut, Gnade; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); gratia = die Anmut, die Gnade; in der römischen Mythologie waren die Grazien 3 Töchter des Zeus; im Christentum bekam der Name 'Gratia' die neue Bedeutung 'Gnade Gottes'; im Englischen ist 'Grace' bekannt durch amerikanische Schauspielerin Grace Kelly

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Grazia Vittadini & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Grazia Vittadini und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.