33 Infos zu Gregor Hülsen

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Note from Erik Eikenberry

Gregor Huelsen (from our group; Christian Broennimann - the PILATUS detectors. Gareth Derbeyshire (Rutherford Labs) - instrumentation for ...

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Gregor Huelsen | LinkedIn

berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Gregor Huelsen dabei ...

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Vorstand des Vereins pro Monstein

Vorstand · Hans Wilhelm · Annina Michel · Gregor Hülsen · Valentina Meisser · Philipp Wilhelm · Laura Michel · Ruedi Wachter · Quick Links.

2 Bücher zum Namen

India del nord - Sarina Singh - Google Books

Una guida per ammirare gli splendidi musei di Delhi e tuffarsi nel passato; ripararsi dalla luce del sole del deserto che si riflette sull'arenaria del...

The PILATUS 1M Detector: A Novel Large Area Pixel Detector - Gregor...

Title, The PILATUS 1M Detector: A Novel Large Area Pixel Detector. Author, Gregor Hülsen-Bollier. Publisher, PSI, Length, 89 pages. Export Citation ...

4 Dokumente

Quality assurance of solar UV irradiance in the Arctic - ePIC - AWI

Julian Gröbner,*a Gregor Hülsen,a Sigrid Wuttke,b Otto Schrems,c Sara De Simone,d Veronica Gallo,d. Claudio Rafanelli,d Boyan Petkov,e Vito Vitale,e Kåre Edvardsenf and Kerstin Stebelf. Received 18th November 2009, Accepted 19th January First published as an Advance Article on the web 11th February

Traceable radiometric measurements - ESA Conference Bureau

TRACEABLE SOLAR RADIATION. MEASUREMENTS. Julian Gröbner, Natalia Kouremeti, Gregor Hülsen, Stelios. Kazadzis, Luca Egli. Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World. Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

bio technology, Analyse problem of thrombin detection with HPLC

Gregor Huelsen. Mon, 23 Dec :00:00 GMT. Petr Kuzmi # Analyse problem of thrombin detection with HPLC. Quote: > I'm doing a ...

BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - Forschungsinformationssystem

Philipp Weihs, Julian Gröbner, Luca Egli, Gregor Hülsen and Yves Bühler. (): Effective albedo retrieval from spectral UV measurements using 3-D modelling of ...

chem analytical, Detection Problem of Thrombin with HPLC

Gregor Huelsen. Thrombin is awful, it probably aggregates and/or adsorbs to your column material. I suggest you don't use HPLC, but mass ...

19 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gregor Huelsen | LinkedIn

View Gregor Huelsen's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gregor Huelsen discover ...

Schülerbesuch am Weltstrahlungszentrum Gregor Hülsen Margit...

Die Sonne Schülertag am PMOD/WRC Gregor Hülsen Margit Haberreiter Ein paar ein Schülertag am PMOD/WRC Gregor Hülsen Margit Haberreiter

[Fórum Metrologia & Calibração] - Yahoo Grupos

Werner Schmutz, André Fehlmann, Gregor Hülsen, Peter Meindl, Rainer Winkler, Gérard Thuillier, Peter Blattner, François Buisson, Tatiana Egorova, Wolfgang ...

ACP - Relations - Climate and chemistry effects of a regional scale...

Julian Gröbner, Ingo Kröger, Luca Egli, Gregor Hülsen, Stefan Riechelmann, and Peter Sperfeld Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10https: ...

DARA Science Team - Proba-3 - cosmos.esa.intwww.cosmos.esa.int › web › dara-science-team

2-7, Dr. Wolfgang Finsterle Dr. Cassandra Bolduc Dr. Julian Gröbner Dr. Margit Haberreiter Dr. Gregor Hülsen Dr. Benjamin Walter, PMOD/WRC Switzerland ...

(IUCr) Protein crystallography with a novel large-area pixel detector

Protein crystallography with a novel large-area pixel detector. Gregor Hülsen,‡ Christian Broennimann, Eric F. Eikenberry and Armin Wagner§.

Quality assurance of solar UV irradiance in the Arctic -...

Julian Gröbner,*a Gregor Hülsen,a Sigrid Wuttke,b Otto Schrems,c Sara De Simone,d Veronica Gallo,d Claudio Rafanelli,d Boyan Petkov,e Vito Vitale,e Kåre ...

Publications UV Radiation Climatology

Gregor HÜLSEN (Expert - WG4). Physikalisch-Meteorologischews Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) , CH Davos Dorf

Validation of the TROPOspheric Monitoring HAL-Réunionhal.univ-reunion.fr › LACY

... Seppo Hassinen 1 Anu Heikkilä 3 Stuart Henderson 12 Gregor Hülsen 9 Bjørn Johnsen 13 Niilo Kalakoski 1 Angelos Karanikolas 4 Tomi Karppinen 1 Kevin Lamy ...

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos und...

Erste Reihe von links nach rechts: Ricco Soder, Gregor Hülsen, Werner Schmutz (Director), Pierre-Luc Lévesque, Seraina Egartner, Andri Morandi, Irene Keller.

500 nm measured at Aosta - Saint Christophe, Italy by the Bentham ...zenodo.org › record › export

· @dataset{ilias_fountoulakis_2020_ , author = {Ilias Fountoulakis and Henri Diémoz and Annamaria Siani and Gregor Hülsen and Julian ...

Monitoring of solar spectral ultraviolet irradiance in Aosta, Italy - ESSDessd.copernicus.org › essd assets

· Ilias Fountoulakis, Henri Diémoz, Annamaria Siani, Gregor Hülsen, and Julian Gröbner https://doi.org zenodo


· Gregor Hülsen. 15:40. Brewer Measurement Principles. John Rimmer. 16:00. Aerosol Optical Depth in EUBREWNET. Javier López-Solano.

Quantifying UV exposure, vitamin D status and their relationship in a...

The relationship between personal UV exposure and vitamin D status was studied among 7 high school students from Davos, Switzerland from March to August


Adam Soboczynski &.uk>,. Andreas Wolf &.uk>,. Carl Jonas Nordwall &.uk>,. Christina Schumacher &.uk>,. Christoph Seitz &.uk>,. Claudia Bollier &.uk>,. Gregor Huelsen &.uk>,.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gregor

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Schottisch): Gregor; der Wachsame; Altgriechisch (Römischer Beiname); gregoros = wachsam; spätrömischer Beiname griechischer Herkunft; beliebt unter den frühen Christen, interpretiert als 'wachsam den wiederkehrenden Christus erwartend'; im Mittelalter beliebter Papst-Name; bisher trugen 16 Päpste den Namen Gregor bzw. Gregorius

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