58 Infos zu Gudrun Ihrke

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Jacobs University Bremen: Molecular Life Sciences Seminar:...

Dr. Gudrun Ihrke. From, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, US. When, Oct 25, Oct 25, 2005

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Gudrun Ihrke aus Wokern

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Releases · jefferislab/flywatch · GitHub

... Kari Close, Ben Sutcliffe, Bianca Giuliani, Feng Li, Marta Costa, Gudrun Ihrke, Geoffrey Meissner, Davi Bock, Yoshinori Aso, Gerald Rubin, Gregory Jefferis

Gudrun Ihrke | Janelia Research Campus

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Releases · jefferislab/lhns · GitHub

A repository for neuron data related to the fly lateral horn - Releases · jefferislab/lhns

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Missense Mutations and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in ABCB11...

Jane A. Byrne ; Sandra S. Strautnieks ; Gudrun Ihrke ; Franco Pagani ; A. S. Kinsely ; Kenneth J. Linton ; Giorgina Mieli-Vergani ; Richard J. Thompson.

9 Bücher zum Namen

Biochemische und molekularbiologische Charakterisierung Apolipoprotein E-bindender Proteine in der menschlichen Leber. Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktrgrades des Fachbereichs Biologie der Universität Hamburg.

von Gudrun. Ihrke, Hamburg1991, Taschenbuch

Full Text Journal Articles by Author Gudrun Ihrke

› A...

Gudrun Ihrke | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Gudrun Ihrke. Results. Antibody-specific detection of caveolin-1 in subapical compartments of MDCK cells Springer Science+Business Media ...

A population of descending neurons that regulate the flight ...

von S Namiki · · Zitiert von: 1 — We would like to thank the Janelia Visiting Science Program for hosting MHD, Gudrun Ihrke and The Project Technical Resources group for ... › ...

6 Dokumente

Antibody-specific detection of caveolin-1 in subapical ...

von WS Bush · · Zitiert von: 31 — William S. Bush Ж Gudrun Ihrke Ж John M. Robinson. Anne K. Kenworthy. Antibody-specific detection of caveolin-1 in subapical compartments of MDCK cells. › openview › 1.pdf

Missense mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms in ABCB11...

Missense Mutations and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in ABCB11 Impair Bile Salt Export Pump Processing and Function or Disrupt Pre-Messenger RNA Splicing...

Phagosome - Document - PDFSEARCH.IO - Document Search Engine

Person. Lloyd / V / Nat / Christian de Duve / Herman / Matthew Seaman / Katzmann / Gudrun Ihrke / Klionsky / Ghosh / Diaz / Leslie

view pdf - University of Pittsburgh

expressing cell line, Gudrun Ihrke for anti-endolyn antibody and. Fujiribio Diagnostics, Inc. for anti-MUC1 antibody B This work was supported by ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Late Endocytic Compartments Are Major Sites of Annexin VI...

Mo`nica Pons,*,1 Gudrun Ihrke,†,1 Stefanie Koch,‡ Michael Biermer,‡ Albert Pol,* Thomas Grewal,‡. Stefan Jäckle,‡ and Carlos Enrich*,2. *Departament de ...

www.jstor.org › stableVol. 286, No , Oct. 15, of Science on JSTOR

Postdoc Advice (pp. 411+413). Daniel M. Zuckerman, Gudrun Ihrke and Dan Ferber. https://www.jstor.org/stable Read Online · Download PDF; Save ...

CD164 regulates the tumorigenesis of ovarian surface epithelial cells ...

Calculating key researchers relating to this paper. Kelly M McNagny. Researcher. Gudrun Ihrke. Researcher. Hans-Jörg Bühring. Researcher.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Antibody-specific detection of caveolin-1 in subapical compartments...

Caveolin-1 is the major structural component of caveolae and is also found in the Golgi complex of many cell types. Occasionally, caveolin-1 has been obser

The Role of Intraorganellar Ca2 in Late Endosome BioMedSearch

ner Duden, Gudrun Ihrke, Folma Buss, Anthony Campbell (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK), and Willem Stoorvogel (University of Utrecht,.

Rsu1 contributes to regulation of cell adhesion and spreading by...

The expert advice on endocytosis from Drs. Gudrun Ihrke and Michael Schell and reagents provided by them for those assays were much ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

The LDL–receptor–related protein, LRP, is an apolipoprotein E-binding...

von U Beisiegel · · Zitiert von: 932 — The LDL–receptor–related protein, LRP, is an apolipoprotein E-binding protein. Ulrike Beisiegel,; Wilfried Weber,; Gudrun Ihrke, … › letters

Publications | Department of Zoology

Peer-reviewed publications Preprints */#: these authors contributed equally Peer-reviewed publications Annie Park, Vincent Croset, Nils Otto, Devika...

25 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gudrun Ihrke - 技术资源经理- HHMI Janelia Research Campus | 领英

上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Gudrun Ihrke的职业档案。Gudrun的职业档案列出了5 个职位个职位。查看Gudrun的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的 ...

Gudrun Ihrke | LinkedIn

View Gudrun Ihrke's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Gudrun Ihrke discover inside ...

Gudrun Ihrke - Academia.edu

› ...

Pronunciation of Baby Name Gudrun ihrke in Different Languages

See All Details About The Baby Name Gudrun ihrke =>HERE. The Cute ... The Baby Name Gudrun ihrke is sutaible for naming to the gender Male and Female ...


Dmitry Kryndushkin, Gudrun Ihrke, Tetsade C. Piermartiri, Frank Shewmaker. https://doi.org mmi · , Molecular Microbiology, № 6, p. › journal.p...

Ihrke - Names Encyclopedia

Gudrun Ihrke (1) Brenda Ihrke (1) Marlis Ihrke (1) Anna Ihrke (1) Carl Ihrke (1) Anneliese Ihrke (1) Gerda Ihrke (1) Giesela Ihrke (1) Karl Ihrke (1) Jana Ihrke (1)

Neurogenetic dissection of the Drosophila lateral horn reveals major...

The generation and systematic characterisation of driver lines labelling a large number of neurons in the Drosophila innate olfactory processing centre bridges...

Human Arl8a and Arl8b - A Comparison of Two Successful Models - PDF...

We also thank Farida Begum and Sew Peak-Chew for mass-spectrometry, Oliver Daumke for help with HPLC, Gudrun Ihrke for the LAMP1-GFP cell line and ...

Mutation Conferring Apical-Targeting Motif on AE1 Exchanger Causes...

Paul Luzio (Cambridge, United Kingdom), and Prof. Randy Hall (Atlanta, GA) for reagents and Dr. Gudrun Ihrke (Bethesda, MD) for advice and ...

N-glycans mediate apical recycling of the sialomucin endolyn ...

von BA Potter · · Zitiert von: 33 — ... apical recycling of the sialomucin endolyn in polaized MDCK cells. Beth A. Potter, Kelly M. Weixel, Jennifer R. Bruns, Gudrun Ihrke, Ora A. Weisz. › ...

jefferislab/flywatch: README.md


Postdoc Advice - Document - Gale Academic OneFile

Gale Academic OneFile includes Postdoc Advice by Daniel M. Zuckerman, Gudrun Ihrke, and Dan Ferber. Click to explore.

The LDL-receptor-related protein, LRP, is an apolipoprotein E-binding...

The LDL-receptor-related protein, LRP, is an apolipoprotein E-binding protein. Ulrike Beisiegel, Wilfried Weber, Gudrun Ihrke, Joachim Herz, Keith K. Stanley.

R client utilities for interacting with the NeuronBridge matching ...

NeuronBridge was developed by scientific advisors (Geoffrey Meissner, Wyatt Korff, Gudrun Ihrke), data scientists (Hideo Otsuna) and software developers ... › neuronbridger

A yeast model of optineurin proteinopathy reveals a unique...

Dmitry Kryndushkin, Gudrun Ihrke, Tetsade C Piermartiri, Frank Shewmaker. Molecular Microbiology 2012, 86 (6): Many neurodegenerative ...

Analysis of polarized membrane traffic in hepatocytes and hepatic...

Julie G In, Gudrun Ihrke, Pamela L Tuma. Current Protocols in Cell Biology 2012, : Unit Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter · Share on LinkedIn · Share ...

jefferislab/LHlibrary: LHLibrary v2.1 | Zenodo

This release is to accompany the published version of: Neurogenetic dissection of the Drosophila innate olfactory processing center Michael-John Dolan, Shahar...

Identification of Drosophila Gene Products Required for Phagocytosis...

The plasmid pMT DmLAMP-GFP (a kind gift of Gudrun Ihrke, and Peter O' Toole for invaluable advice; Sean Munro and Gudrun Ihrke, for the ...

jefferislab/flywatch: flywatch v0.2 | Zenodo

This is mostly to tag the contents of the demo folder which contains Mike Dolan's code for Neurogenetic dissection of the Drosophila innate olfactory...

Late Endocytic Compartments Are Major Sites of Annexin VI...

Gudrun Ihrke. Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Wellcome Trust Centre for the Study of Molecular Mechanisms in Disease, Cambridge Institute for Medical ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gudrun

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Gudrun; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); gund = der Kampf; runa = das geheime Zeichen, die Rune; alter deutscher bzw. nordischer zweigliedriger Name; in der nordischen Mythologie ist Gudrun die Frau von Sigurd; 'Gudrun' heisst ebenfalls die Heldin einer alten deutschen Sage

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