126 Infos zu Guillaume Chanel

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Archives Jean Piaget: Programme 2016

Ecouter Diaporama. Mardi 12 avril. Social intelligence in great apes, par Klaus Zuberbuhler, Professeur de biologie, Université de Neuchâtel Diaporama. Mardi 19 avril. Améliorer l'apprentissage et la collaboration par l'informatique affective par Guillaume Chanel et Gaëlle Molinari, Université de Genève

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Guillaume Chanel

Facebook: Guillaume Chanel

Facebook: Guillaume Chanel | Facebook

LinkedIn: Guillaume Chanel | Profil professionnel - LinkedIn

Voir le profil de Guillaume Chanel sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communauté professionnelle au monde. Guillaume a 1 poste sur son profil. Consultez le profil ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Simo Järvelä, Jari Kätsyri, Niklas Ravaja, Guillaume Chanel & Pentti...

in Expressions, Appraisals, and Feelings.Martin Bruder, Dina ...

1 Business-Profile

Avis dexperts

Guillaume Chanel. Centres, instituts et programmes plurifacultataires, UNIGE. - Informatique affective et sociale. - Interaction multimodale. - Intelligence ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Guillaume CHANEL, 32 ans (MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE) - Copains d'avant

CHANEL Guillaume : Guillaume CHANEL, né en et habite MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. Aux dernières nouvelles il était à Collège Albert Camus à MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE...

Guillaume CHANEL, 46 ans (FRETHUN, CALAIS) - Copains d'avant

CHANEL Guillaume : Guillaume CHANEL, né en et habite FRETHUN. Aux dernières nouvelles il était à Collège Vauban à CALAIS entre et

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Guillaume Chanel

Camera Department, C'est beau l'amitié

19 Bücher zum Namen

Biographie des hommes du jour industriels, conseillers-d'État,...

V. lnvestiture et quittance de lods passée, le 17 octobre , par messire Guillaume Chanel, et par Pierre Furbaud, conjointement, acte reçu par Lantelme ...

Grand Challenge Problems in Technology-Enhanced Learning II: MOOCs...

Grand Challenge Problem 2: Adaptive Awareness for Social Regulation of Emotions in Online Collaborative Learning Environments Guillaume Chanel, Denis ...

Media Studies - Intellect Intellect Books, Intellect Ltd - Google...

Increasingly, academic communities transcend national boundaries. “Collaboration between researchers across space is clearly increasing, as well as being...

Social Media Retrieval von Naeem Ramzan | ISBN |...

Christophe Chenes, Guillaume Chanel, Mohammad Soleymani and Thierry Pun Towards Emotional Annotation of Multimedia Contents Ashkan …

2 Dokumente


CALL for PAPERS NAT2017 Neuroadaptive Technology Conference Berlin, Germany 19th – 21st July Guillaume Chanel (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Guillaume Chanel Research interest Research eNTERFACEwww.enterface.net/enterface05/docs/cvs/CV_Chanel.pdf

.ch. Research interest. Currently, my research interest is to detect emotional states from recordings of EEGs and other  ...

12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

A review of the use of psychophysiological Ingenta Connectwww.ingentaconnect.com › content › intellect › jgvw › art00002

· J. Matias Kivikangas | Guillaume Chanel … INTRODUCTION. Psychophysiological methods study psychological phenomena by measuring.

dblp: Guillaume Chanel

List of computer science publications by Guillaume Chanel

From jxs at cs.umb.edu Fri Mar 1 19:12: From: jxs at cs.umb ...

... Italy Guillaume Chanel, Uni. of Geneva and Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Switzerland Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, University ...

dblp: Céline Mancas

List of computer science publications by Céline Mancas

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Guillaume Chanel | PubFacts

Guillaume Chanel

Publications de Guillaume Chanel | Cairn.info

Les émotions dans les situations de collaboration et d'apprentissage collaboratif médiatisées par ordinateur. Avec Gaëlle Molinari et Sunny Avry. Dans Raisons ...

Knowledge and Media Laboratory - Knowledge and Media Laboratory -...

Mar 31, • attached by Guillaume Chanel · Knowledge and Media Laboratory. Mar 31, • updated by Guillaume Chanel • view change.

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Poster Sessions

Poster Session 1: Tuesday, June 20, 5-6:30PM An Emotion Awareness Tool for the Sharing of Emotions: What impact on Computer-Supported Collaborative Processes?...

Reading large bdf files in Matlab (over 50 MB) - BioSemi.nl

... or let's say 20 records by 20 records insted of the whole file at a time. This is a bit harder to handle but this is the only way I found to read large BDF files. Moreover keep in mind that there is the matlab file to read BDF files on the Biosemi website : http://www.biosemi.com/download.htm. Guillaume Chanel.

Simulation & Gaming (June 2012) | PAXsims

Inger Ekman, Guillaume Chanel, Simo Järvelä, J.Matias Kivikangas, Mikko Salminen, and Niklas Ravaja. Studying the Elusive Experience in ...

65 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Guillaume Chanel - Coordinateur de déploiement - DECIMALE ...

View Guillaume Chanel's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Guillaume has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Mikko Salminen - Google Scholar Citations

Inger EkmanUniversity of TampereVerified email at uta.fi. Guillaume Chanel Researcher at the Swiss Center for Affective Science and the Comptuer Vision and ...


Chen Wang (University of Geneva), Phil Lopes (University of Geneva), Thierry Pun (University of Geneva) and Guillaume Chanel (University of ...

Intellect Books | About Guillaume Chanel

Guillaume Chanel received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, in 2009, where he worked on the automatic …sment...

Guillaume Chanel Net Worth 2018: Wiki-Bio, Married, Dating, Family,...

Guillaume Chanel net worth is $1.1 Million. Guillaume Chanel Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family. . Structural Info ...

Guillaume Chanel

Resultados en Runedia de Guillaume Chanel

‪Mohammad Soleymani‬ - ‪Google Académico‬

‪Research Assistant Professor of CS, USC-ICT‬ - ‪‪ citações‬‬ - ‪Affective Com…ng‬ - ‪Multimodal interaction‬ - ‪Human behavior analysis‬

‪Mohammad Soleymani‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Research Assistant Professor of CS, USC-ICT‬ - ‪‪引用: 8,789 件‬‬ - ‪Affective Com…ng‬ - ‪Multimodal interaction‬ - ‪Multimodal machine learning‬

Team members & collaborations - Swann Pichon - Research in Cognitive...

Affective neuroscience and learning

Members - Swiss Center For Affective Sciences - UNIGE

Guillaume Chanel Senior Researcher E-mail · http://cvml.unige.ch/guillaumechanel. Institution : University of Geneva Department : Département d'informatique. NCCR position : Senior Researcher NCCR PI : Thierry Pun NCCR most relevant publications. Chanel, G., Pichon, S. J. A., Conty, L., Berthoz, S., Chevallier, C., ...

Guillaume Chanel · GitLab

Toggle navigation. Guillaume Chanel. @gchanel Member since March 19, Overview · Activity · Groups · Contributed projects · Personal projects · Snippets ...

Facts and Figures PDF Free Download

Journal in Computer Virology, 7(4): , Mikko Kivikangas, Inger Ekman, Guillaume Chanel, Simo Järvelä, Benjamin Cowley, Mikko Salminen, Pentti Henttonen, ...

Members · Guillaume Chanel / nssquery · GitLab

nssquery is a simple tool to query for list of users and groups. In some way it is an enhanced version of the getent keyword provided by bash.

Organisation | Neuroadaptive Technology

Organisation . General Chairs. Dr Thorsten O. Zander Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Guillaume Chanel (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Classification of autistic individuals and controls using HAL-Insermwww.hal.inserm.fr › hal

Guillaume Chanel, Swann Pichon, Laurence Conty, Sylvie Berthoz, Coralie Chevallier, et al.. Classification of autistic individuals and controls using ...

Grand Challenge Problem 2: Adaptive awareness for social ...hal.archives-ouvertes.fr › hal

Guillaume Chanel 1 Denis Lalanne 2 Elise Lavoué 3 Kristine Lund 4 Gaëlle Molinari 5 Fabien Ringeval 6 Armin Weinberger 7. Détails.

Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces: Special Issue Editorial —...

Allison, Antinus Nijholt, Guillaume Chanel. Human Media ...

Intragroup emotions: Physiological linkage and social presence ...research.aalto.fi › publications › intragroup-emotion...

Intragroup emotions: Physiological linkage and social presence. Simo Järvelä, Jari Kätsyri, Niklas Ravaja, Guillaume Chanel, Pentti Henttonen.

Physiological compliance for social gaming analysis: Cooperative...

Physiological compliance for social gaming analysis: Cooperative versus competitive play. Guillaume Chanel, J. Matias Kivikangas, Niklas Ravaja.

[Eeglablist] reference during import of EMG data acquired with Biosemisccn.ucsd.edu › pipermail › eeglablist

Guillaume Chanel Guillaume.Chanel at unige.ch. Mon Sep :44:07 PDT Previous message: [Eeglablist] reference during import of EMG data acquired ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Guillaume

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch): Guillaume; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); willio = der Wille, die Entschlossenheit; helm = der Helm, die Bedeckung, die Deckung, der Schutz; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter in ganz Europa beliebt; Name mehrerer berühmter Könige, z.B. von Wilhelm dem Eroberer, dem ersten normannischen König Englands

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