77 Infos zu Gundolf Schenk
Mehr erfahren über Gundolf Schenk
Lebt in
- Hamburg
Infos zu
- Thomas Margraf
- Protein
- Dmitri
- Haydyn
- Mertens
- Nasir Mahmood
- Wurst
- Andrew Torda
- Chegkazi
- Derek
- Finci
- Ganesh
- Garrett
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: DAS GIBT ZU DENKEN - taz.detaz.de › Archiv„Dafür hätte man mindestens 200 iPods gebraucht“, sagt Informatiker Gundolf Schenk von der Universität Hamburg der taz. taz. die tageszeitung. vom
Unravelling the mystery of brain cell growth | Technology NetworksIn the developing brain, special proteins that act like molecular tugboats push or pull on growing nerve cells, or neurons, helping them navigate to their...
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
RedChrists (Gundolf Schenk) · GitHubRedChrists has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Gundolf_Schenk - Bakar InstituteGundolf Schenk, PhD. UCSF Mission Bay 490 Illinois St, Floor 2, Box San Francisco, CA CONTACT US. Copyright © ·The Regents ...Missing: KME Germany" Gundolf Schenk, PhD. UCSF Mission Bay 490 Illinois St, Floor 2, Box San Francisco, CA CONTACT US. Copyright © ·The Regents ... Missing: KME Germany"
Wurst/altscores.h at master · gitpan/Wurst · GitHubRead-only release history for Wurst. Contribute to gitpan/Wurst development by creating an account on GitHub.
Gundolf Schenk - UCTech 2019uctech.ucsb.edu › userHome. Gundolf Schenk. UCTech Profile. Institution/Company. Univerisity of California, San Francisco. Santa Barbara, California (805) Connect.
3 Bücher zum Namen
Verfasser SuchresultateTreffer von 5 für Suche: 'Gundolf Schenk', Suchdauer: 0.27s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur, Verfasser ...
3 Dokumente
Torda, Andrew [WorldCat Identities]The Development of Nearly Deterministic Methods for Optimising Protein Geometry by Gundolf Schenk ( ) 1 edition published in in English and held by
Download Wurst 0.51c... sequence/ wurst/ structural/ Perl/ tool/ structural tool/ Perl module/. Other Soft Of Steve Hoffmann, Nasir Mahmood, Thomas Margraf, Gundolf Schenk, T.
The crystal structure of netrin-1 in complex with DCC reveals the...Authors: Lorenzo I Finci, Nina Krüger, Xiaqin Sun, Jie Zhang, Magda Chegkazi, Yu Wu, Gundolf Schenk, Haydyn D T Mertens, Dmitri I Svergun, ...
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Protein sequence and structure alignments within one framework |...Protein structure alignments are usually based on very different techniques to sequence alignments. We propose a method which treats sequence, structure and...
dblp: Gundolf SchenkList of computer science publications by Gundolf Schenk
dblp: Algorithms for Molecular Biology, Volume 3Bibliographic content of Algorithms for Molecular Biology, Volume 3
Mystery of brain cell growth unraveled by scientists -- ScienceDailyScientists have discovered how a single protein can exert both a push and a pull force to nudge a neuron in the desired direction, helping neurons navigate to...
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Schenk, Gundolf [WorldCat Identities]The Development of Nearly Deterministic Methods for Optimising Protein Geometry by Gundolf Schenk ( ) 1 edition published in in English and held by
Gundolf Schenk | PubFactsGundolf Schenk
Protein sequence and structure alignments within one framework |...Background Protein structure alignments are usually based on very different techniques to sequence alignments. We propose a method which treats sequence,...
Accurately and Securely De-Identifying Free-Text Clinical Notesglicksberglab.com › publication › protected-health-i...Beau Norgeot, Kathleen Muenzen, Thomas A Peterson, Xuancheng Fan, Benjamin S Glicksberg, Gundolf Schenk, Eugenia Rutenberg, Boris Oskotsky, Marina Sirota, ...
42 Webfunde aus dem Netz
907 Grundlagen, protein struktur - ppt download - SlidePlayerslideplayer.com › slideAdministration People Andrew Torda , 1. Stock (but use phone or stairs) sekr (Annette Schade) Gundolf Schenk Nasir Mahmood Paul Reuter (maths as ...
Gundolf Schenk sv - PMWC Precision Medicine World ...www.pmwcintl.com › speaker › gundolf-schenk-2_...Gundolf Schenk. Biography Gundolf graduated from the Universities of Hamburg and Goettingen, Germany, in structural bioinformatics and machine learning.
TDGS - "Gundolf Schenk""Gundolf Schenk" ... in seconds. Fetch | Report | Google · The SALAMI protein structure search server · Thomas Margraf, Gundolf Schenk, Andrew E. Torda.
GUNDOLF SCHENK, ESP Teacher - Stanford Splashstanfordesp.org › teach › teachers › Gundolf › bioMajor: Not available. College/Employer: Stanford Year of Graduation: Not available. Picture of Gundolf Schenk. Brief Biographical Sketch: Not Available.
UCSF DirectoryGundolf Schenk. Gundolf Schenk. Download VCard. Title. INFORMATICS PROGRAMMER 4. Department. M_ICHS-General. Campus Office Address. Address.
Gundolf Schenk sv - PMWC Precision Medicine World ...www.pmwcintl.com › speaker › gundolf-schenk_ucsf_2022svBiography Gundolf graduated from the Universities of Hamburg and Goettingen, Germany, in structural bioinformatics and machine learning.Missing: KME | Must include:KME Biography Gundolf graduated from the Universities of Hamburg and Goettingen, Germany, in structural bioinformatics and machine learning. Missing: KME | Must include:KME
Wurst-0.51c - Wurst is a Useful, Reliable Structural Tool -...Wurst is a Useful, Reliable Structural Tool
(IUCr) Complex assembly, crystallization and preliminary X-ray...We also thank Stephan Bovine, Gundolf Schenk, Rob Meijers and Dmitri Svergun at the EMBL Outstation in Hamburg for help with Thermofluor and SAXS ...
Steve Hoffmann, Nasir Mahmood, Thomas Margraf, Gundolf Schenk, T...The software of the Steve Hoffmann, Nasir Mahmood, Thomas Margraf, Gundolf Schenk, Tpublisher includes: Wurst 0.51c,, #1.
APS -APS March Meeting Session Index MAR15Derek Mendez , Herschel Watkins , Daniel Ratner , Gundolf Schenk , Sebastian Doniach Preview Abstract. Wednesday, March 4, :51PM - 2:03PM
Andrew E. Torda - researchr aliasProtein sequence and structure alignments within one frameworkGundolf Schenk, Thomas Margraf, Andrew E. Torda. almob, 3, [doi] ...
Bachelorarbeit TRENNUNG VON DNS-SEQUENZEN MIT ...docplayer.org › Bachelorarbeit-trennung-von-dns-sequenzen-m...... im Studiengang "Angewandte Informatik" TRENNUNG VON DNS-SEQUENZEN MIT SUPPORT VEKTOR MASCHINEN PROOF OF PRINCIPLE Gundolf Schenk, betreut von Prof.
DBLP: Andrew E. TordaGundolf Schenk, Thomas Margraf, Andrew E. Torda: Protein sequence and structure alignments within one framework. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 3: (2008).
Database of articles cited by EMDB/PDB/SASBDB data - Yorodumi PapersAuthors, Lorenzo I Finci / Nina Krüger / Xiaqin Sun / Jie Zhang / Magda Chegkazi / Yu Wu / Gundolf Schenk / Haydyn D T Mertens / Dmitri I ...
CiteSeerX — Citation Query Whisstock JC, Stuckey PJ, Lesk AM....CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Whisstock JC, Stuckey PJ, Lesk AM. MUSTANG: a multiple structural alignment algorithm. Proteins...
Deciphering conformational transitions of proteins by small angle...... group at EMBL Hamburg for useful suggestions and discussion, particularly Haydyn Mertens, Maxim Petoukhov and Gundolf Schenk.
Dr. R. Adams Dudley, MD – Minneapolis, MN | PulmonologyMalini Mahendra, Yanting Luo, Hunter Mills, Gundolf Schenk, Atul J. Butte, R. Adams Dudley> ;Critical care explorations Jun 11.
Group members - Biological small angle scattering - EMBL HamburgGundolf Schenk, postdoc. Manfred Roessle, project leader at Petra III Matt Franklin, visiting scientist. Darja Ruskule, trainee. Na Li, visiting scientist
CiteSeerX — Citation Query TM-align: A protein structure alignment...CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: TM-align: A protein structure alignment algorithm based on the TM-score
Maureen Kinyua - Asst Prof-Ay-B/e/e - University of California |...Gundolf Schenk (2018). Bioinformatics Progr University of California, View Pay Details · Steven Maglio (2018). Bus Sys Anl
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gundolf
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gundolf; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); gund = der Kampf; wolf = der Wolf; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Schenk
Schenk oder Schenck (lat. pincerna) ist ein Adelstitel. Ein Schenk, abgeleitet von Mundschenk, war ursprünglich ein germanisches Hofamt und unter anderem mit der Aufsicht über die höfischen Weinkeller und Weinberge verbunden. Im Mittelalter wurden häufig Ministeriale mit diesem Amt betraut und stiegen in den Adelsstand auf. Seit dem Ende des Mittelalters war dieses Erbamt allerdings mit keiner Funktion verbunden. Der Wohnsitz eines Schenken war in der Regel eine kleinere Burg mit dazu gehörigem Landbesitz.
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