93 Infos zu Gundula Fischer

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Scharnebeck Nationals Equi-Score.deresults.equi-score.de › event › startlist

Richter: Gundula Fischer Horst-Axel Ahrens. 08 Springprüfung Kl.M* Thea Jelcic. RSG Uelzener Land e. V. Jaloubet K VDL. H / KWPN / B Baloubet ...

Reit- und Fahrverein Steller See e.V. - Turnierauskunft.deturnierauskunft.de › veranstaltung › pruefungsuebersicht_prf

Prf. Abt. Bezeichnung, Ort, Richter, Datum, Uhrzeit, STB, Startplätze. 01, Springpferdeprüfung Kl.L, Gundula Fischer10:30:00, F, 84.

[PDF] Nanotechnologie und Umwelttechnik nue.pubwww.nano-initiative-munich.de › events › Nano-trifft-Umwelt

Frau Gundula Fischer, Hermsdorfer Institut für. Technische Keramik e.V.. 15:30 Uhr Freisetzung eines energetisch wirkenden Potentiales an nanostrukturierten ...

Farmers' willingness to invest in mechanized maize shelling and ...newsletter.x-mol.com › paperRedirect

· ... Gundula Fischer,. Gundula Fischer. orcid.org X. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Arusha, Tanzania. Search for ...

3  Bilder zu Gundula Fischer

Bild zu Gundula Fischer
Bild zu Gundula Fischer
Bild zu Gundula Fischer

25 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

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Facebook: Gundula Fischer

3 Business-Profile

Gundula FISCHER | Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies...

Gundula FISCHER | Cited by 191 | of Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Dresden (IKTS) | Read 13 publications | Contact Gundula FISCHER

Gundula Fischer | CGIAR GENDER Impact Platformgender.cgiar.org › experts › gundula-fischer

Gundula Fischer is a social anthropologist with long-term experience in gender analysis in agricultural and organizational settings.

Gundula FISCHER | Social Scientist | PhD | International...

Gundula Fischer currently works at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) as social scientist and gender expert. She conducts research in social anthropology with qualitative ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Extrusion - Fraunhofer IKTS

Dipl.-Chem. Gundula Fischer. Gruppenleiterin: Funktionelle Trägersysteme und Schichten. Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS Hermsdorf. Telefon + Fax +

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

International Journal of Agricultural Sustainabilityjournals.scholarsportal.info › browse

Gundula Fischer · ORCID ID. Source Information. November 2021, Volume19(Issue5-6)Pages, p.359To Abstract. To achieve equitable sustainable agricultural ...

13 Bücher zum Namen

„Gundula“ (Fischer, Marie Louise) – Buch antiquarisch kaufen ...www.booklooker.de › Bücher › Marie-Louise-Fischer+Gundula

"Gundula" von Fischer, Marie Louise jetzt antiquarisch bestellen ✓ Preisvergleich ✓ Käuferschutz ✓ Wir ♥ Bücher!

gender and labour in the life stories of Tanzanian women and men ...www.tandfonline.com › ... › Volume 12, Issue 3

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author. ORCID. Gundula Fischer http://orcid.org X. Notes

Unsere Fabrik - unsere Familie : Vorstellungen von Verwandtschaft ...www.buchfreund.de › Startseite › Suche › Gundula Fischer

19,90 € Auf Lagervon Gundula Fischer Verlag: Berlin ; Münster : Lit,. Erschienen kart S. : Ill. ; 23 cm Sehr guter Zustand, Leseseiten sind sehr sauber und ohne ,90 € Auf Lager von Gundula Fischer Verlag: Berlin ; Münster : Lit,. Erschienen kart S. : Ill. ; 23 cm Sehr guter Zustand, Leseseiten sind sehr sauber und ohne ...

Browsing Gender by Author "Fischer, G." - WorldFish Repository Homedigitalarchive.worldfishcenter.org › handle › browse

... Gundula Fischer: X; Dina Najjar: ; Marlene Elias: (2021). Type: Book Chapter. Almost a quarter of a ...

8 Dokumente

Implications of the introduction of forage chopper machines | PDFwww.slideshare.net › ar-dar217-fischer

· Poster prepared by Gundula Fischer, Jacqueline Rugalabam, Gabriel Malima, Simon Wittich, Ben Lukuyu, David Ngunga, Leonard Marwa and Gregory ...

Agronomic and Economic Performance of Legume SSRN Paperspapers.ssrn.com › sol3 › papers

· Gundula Fischer. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Monicah Mucheru-Muna. Kenyatta University - Department of ...

Abstract Gundula Fischer (ID: 264) - Tropentag 2019www.tropentag.de › abstracts › abstract

Gundula Fischer1, Akosua Keseboa Darkwah2, Judith Kamoto3, Jessica Mzamu-Kampanje4. 1International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Africa RISING ...

[PDF] 1 Weaving gender into sustainable intensification interventionss3.amazonaws.com › bi-dam-prod

Gundula Fischer. Page Gundula Fischer women's participation in SI, measure the bene- fits, and transform gender relations. Gender concepts in ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

[PDF] Hydrophobic ceramic membranes in MD processeswww.sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii

Gundula Fischer Phone: + de Fax: + Orcid: Petra Puhlfürß. 52.

A response to Gundula Fischer's comment - JSTORwww.jstor.org › stable

A response to Gundula Fischer's comment. Matteo Rizzo*. School of Oriental and African Studies,. University of London, London, UK. I welcome the fact that my ...

Ohne Titelwww.studip.uni-goettingen.de › extern › username=Gundula.Fischer

Gundula Fischer. Kontakt: Dr. Gundula Fischer Institut für Ethnologie Göttingen. · Daten ändern · door- ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

15 Installation and Operation of the Research Platform FINO 1 in the ...link.springer.com › content › pdf

246 Gundula Fischer. Fig. 6. Transport of the jacket by floating crane (Photo: GL Wind). After completion of the construction of the sub-structure, the jacket ...

Toward structural change: Gender transformative approaches - IFPRIwww.ifpri.org › publication › toward-structural-cha...

Toward structural change: Gender transformative approaches. by Cynthia McDougall,. Lone Bech Badstue,. Annet Abenakyo Mulema,. Gundula Fischer,. Dina Najjar ...

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Adapting technical innovations to a variety of contexts in ...

Adapting technical innovations to a variety of contexts in Mixed Farming Systems: Gundula Fischer. 67 views · 2 years ago ...more ...

Gundula Fischer - Vimeovimeo.com › user

Gundula Fischer is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

23 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Gundula Fischer - Social Scientist, Gender - International LinkedIn

View Gundula Fischer's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Gundula has 3 jobs jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...

Dr. Ida N. S. Djenontin - Publicationssites.google.com › view › publications

... Gundula Fischer. (2022). Do conceptualizations of the youth influence youth inclusive Sustainable Agriculture Intensification? Insights from Ghana and ...


Gundula Fischer is a Social Scientist and Gender Expert based in Arusha, Tanzania. Gundula is a German citizen. She obtained her Master's degree in Social ...

Gundula Fischer - AD Scientific Index 2024www.adscientificindex.com › scientist › gundula-fis...

Gundula Fischer AD Scientific Index ; Google Scholar ; badge. University / Institution Rankings ; AD Scientific Index ID ; Web Of Science Researcher ID. H- ...

Fischer Gundula | IITA

Gundula Fischer is a Social Scientist and Gender Expert based in Arusha, Tanzania. Gundula is a German citizen. She obtained her Master’s degree in Social Anthropology and German as a second language at Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany (1993) and her PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Bayreuth, Germany (2006).

Different Background— Similar Strategies - OUCIouci.dntb.gov.ua › works

Authors: Henrik Egbert, Gundula Fischer, Sebastian Bredl. Abstract. The literature on enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa provides evidence that there are ...

PLS Hänigsen – Meldestellebartels.demeldestellebartels.de › pls-haenigsen-2023

... Gundula Fischer LK-Beauftragte/r: Gundula Fischer Parcourschef-Assistent/in: Helge Künnemann. Alle Turniere · Impressum · Datenschutz. Carmen Bartels Zur Günne ...

Improved technologies for reducing post-harvest losseswww.cabidigitallibrary.org › doi › abs

Improved technologies for reducing post-harvest losses. Authors: Christopher Mutungi, Adebayo Abass, Gundula Fischer, Bekele KotuAuthors Info & Affiliations.

Performance of an open thermal adsorption storage system with ...www.infona.pl › resource

... Gundula Fischer, Hannes Richter · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections. Source. Microporous and ...

Kontaktmanager - Pferdesportverband Hannoverwww.psvhan.de › verband › kontaktmanager

Gundula Fischer. Alte Dorfstr Braunschweig Angelika Freesemann. Burgdammer Mühlenberg

Langwedel - Hagen - Grinden ( Nennung Onlinewww.nennung-online.de › turnier › ansehen

Gundula Fischer Christian Schlicht Ingrid Schöne. Teilnahmeberechtigung: Stammmitgl. aus Vereinen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Besondere Bestimmungen: - Es ...

Talking to Chief Mkwawa: Multivocality and negotiation in an ...journals.sagepub.com › doi

Gundula Fischer is a social anthropologist with a specialization in the anthropology of work and organizations. From until she studied work, life ...

Power repertoires and the transformation of Tanzanian trade unionscatalog.ihsn.org › citations

Gundula Fischer. Volume, 2. Issue, 2. Publication (Day/Month/Year), URL, https://escarpmentpress.org/globallabour/article/download Abstract.

Realizing Inclusive SAI: contextualizing indicators to better evaluate ...ugspace.ug.edu.gh › handle

... Gundula Fischer, Philip Grabowski & Irene Egyir (2020): Realizing Inclusive SAI: contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational ...

SAIRLA Ghana baseline report - OA.mgoa.mg › work

Read and download SAIRLA Ghana baseline report by Philip Grabowski, Gundula Fischer, Irene S. Egyir, J. Kamoto, J. Kamphanje-Phiri, B. Kotu, ...

Sustainable and equitable agricultural mechanization? A gendered ...search.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdf

Gundula Fischer , Bekele Kotu and Christopher Mutungi. Africa RISING, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Arusha, Tanzania. Abstract. How ...

sustainable agricultural intensificationgenderandsecurity.org › keywords › sustainable-agri...

Authors: Gundula Fischer, Akosua Darkwah, Judith Kamoto, Jessica Kampanje-Phiri, Philip Grabowski, Ida Djenontin. Abstract: How does sustainable ...

À l'aise breizh! - Viscardi-Gymnasium Fürstenfeldbruckviscardi-ffb.de › a-laise-breizh

Sibylle Hausdorf, Gundula Fischer und Gregor Köstler. Suche nach: Neueste Beiträge. “Alle Wege führen nach Rom”… 22. Oktober

Contour bunding technology-evidence and experience in the ...www.cambridge.org › core › journals › article › con...

· Gundula Fischer and. Anthony Michael Whitbread. Article. Article; Original article; Metrics. Article contents. Abstract; References. Save PDF.

From diagnosis to action on social equity - CIMMYTwww.cimmyt.org › Blogs

· Participants were: Renee Bullock (ILRI); Afrina Choudhury (WorldFish); Marlene Elias (Alliance); Gundula Fischer (IITA); Eleanor Fisher (The ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gundula

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Gundula; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); gund = der Kampf; Kurzform von Namen auf '-gunda' oder '-gunde', wie z.B. Kunigunde

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Fischer

- mittelhochdeutscher Berufsname"vischaere" -> "Fischer" - de Vischere (um 1307), Vischere (um 1336) - Vischer (um 1388), Fischer (um 1402)

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gundula Fischer und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.