238 Infos zu Halima Bensmail

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Programme - FEBS-IUBMB-Enable Conferencefebs-iubmb-enableconference.org

16:00 – 16:45 Keynote: Halima Bensmail. 16:45 – 17:00 Flash talks. 17:00 – 17:30 Short talks. 08:30 – 09:00 Welcome. Skin Disease & Wound Repair. 09:00 – 09:

QF researcher underlines accuracy of AI in breast cancer ...Qatar Foundation

— Dr. Halima Bensmail from HBKU's QCRI sheds light on work she and colleagues are engaged in to develop better prediction models of breast ...

“Research alliances are the key to advance scientific ...Qatar Foundation

— Dr. Halima Bensmail, Principal Scientist at HBKU, emphasizes education and community awareness in fostering Arab youth's belief in the value ...

Women in Science: Challenges, Achievement, and Opportunitiesthedailyq.org › top-news-stories › women-in-science...

... Alexandra Butler, principal investigator at Qatar Biomedical Research Institute's diabetes research center and faculty at HBKU; and Halima Bensmail, ...

22 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Halima Bensmail | Facebook

Facebook: Halima Bensmail | Facebook

LinkedIn: Halima Bensmail - Qatar | LinkedIn

View Halima Bensmail's (Qatar) professional profile on LinkedIn network, helping professionals like Halima Bensmail discover inside connections to ... career opportunities; consulting offers; new ventures; job inquiries; expertise requests ...

LinkedIn: Halima Bensmail | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Halima Bensmail auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Halima Bensmail hat 9 Jobs im Profil angegeben.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Halima BensmailFacebook

Contact - QCRI ML for ProteinsHamad Bin Khalifa University HBKU

alt text Halima Bensmail. Other DeepCrystal Resources. Deep Crystal source code and build instructions are available on Git here. Cloudgene. Learn more about ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

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19 Bücher zum Namen

Advances in Data Science and Classification: Proceedings of ...google.gr

... Halima Bensmail and Jacqueline J. Meulman Department of Education , Data Theory Group , Leiden University , P.O. Box , RB Leiden , The Netherlands ...

Data Mining in Biomedicine - Seite vii - Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.gr

... Halima Bensmail , O. John Semmes , Abdelali Haoudi Bioinformatics for Traumatic Brain Injury : Proteomic Data Mining Su - Shing Chen , William E ...

Prediabetes and Endocrine Functiongoogle.gr

... Halima Bensmail and Abdelilah Arredouani Association between body mass index and reversion to normoglycemia from impaired fasting glucose among Chinese ...

Statistical Data Mining and Knowledge Discoverygoogle.gr

... Halima Bensmail Department of Statistics , University of Tennessee , Knoxville , TN , USA R. P. DeGennaro Department of Finance ...

27 Dokumente

Michael Sedlmair's articles on arXivarXiv

Abbas, Ehsan Ullah, Abdelkader Baggag, Halima Bensmail, Michael Sedlmair, Michaël Aupetit. Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs ...

Analyzing Imputed Financial Data: A New Approach to ...SSRN

von RP DeGennaro · — Halima Bensmail. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Date Written: September Abstract. The authors introduce a novel statistical modeling ...

Differential Community Detection in Paired Biological NetworksACM Digital Library

Halima Bensmail, and MIchele CeccarelliAuthors Info & Claims. ACM-BCB '17: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics ...

Metabolomics & Systems BiologyHilaris Publishing SRL

Halima Bensmail, Metabolomics 2014, 4:2 http://dx.doi.org Halima Bensmail has completed her Ph.D. from the University of Paris VI and ...

19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Importance of structural deformation features in the ...ScienceDirect.com

von H Park · · Zitiert von: 25 — Halima Bensmail: Writing - review & editing. Fedwa El-Mellouhi: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Project administration, Writing ...

Regularized Gaussian Discriminant Analysis Through ...jstor

von H Bensmail · · Zitiert von: 256 — Halima Bensmail is a Ph.D. candidate, University of Paris 6, F Paris, France. Gilles Celeux is Director of Research, INRIA Rh6ne-Alpes,. F Grenoble ...

Joint learning and weighting of visual vocabulary for bag- ...ScienceDirect.com

von JJY Wang · · Zitiert von: 56 — Halima Bensmail obtained her Ph.D. degree jointly from the Department of Statistics and Mathematics in Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris IV) University and ...

dblp: Halima Bensmail

List of computer science publications by Halima Bensmail

8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

EconPapers: Performance of Model Selection Criteria in Bayesian...

Yongjae Kwon, Hamparsum Bozdogan and Halima Bensmail. Econometric Reviews, 2009, vol. 28, issue 1-3, pages Abstract: This ...

theses.fr – HALIMA BENSMAIL , Modeles de regularisation en...

Modeles de regularisation en discrimination et classification bayesienne. par HALIMA BENSMAIL. Thèse de doctorat en Sciences et techniques communes.

Postgenomics: Proteomics and Bioinformatics in Cancer Research

Now that the human genome is completed, the characterization of the proteins encoded by the sequence remains a challenging task. The study of the complete...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Multi-omics and machine learning reveal context-specific ...Nature

von W Villiers · · Zitiert von: 7 — Halima Bensmail. Department of Haematology, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. Richard Dillon. College of Health and Life ...

QatarDebate Centre wraps up Doha Forum's Youth Edition ...Gulf Times

— The panel comprised Dr Houda Bouamor, from Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar; Dr Halima Bensmail, principal scientist at the Qatar ...

114 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Raghvendra Mall | राघवेंद्र मल्ल - PublicationsGoogle Sites

... Halima Bensmail and Raghvendra Mall+, "DeepSol: A Deep Learning Framework for Sequence-Based Protein Solubility Prediction", Bioinformatics, bty166,

Halima Bensmail - Rankings for ScientistAD Scientific Index

Halima Bensmail AD Scientific Index * May 26, According to Total H Index. BETA VERSION. Subject field ranking in world, region, country and ...

Výsledky vyhledávání - "Halima Bensmail"Akademie věd

... Halima Bensmail, Paul Lavender, Richard Dillon, Borbála Mifsud, Cameron S. Osborne. Publikováno v: Nature Communications, Vol 14, Iss 1, Pp (2023). The ...

Halima Bensmail (@halimabensmail) ...X

@halimabensmail. تاریخ پیوستن نوامبر ۲۰۱۷. ۲۷ دنبال‌شده · ۱۲۰ دنبال‌كننده · پست‌ها · پاسخ‌ها · رسانه تصویری. پست‌های Halima Bensmail. Halima Bensmail بازپست کرد.

(PDF) Regularized Gaussian Discriminant Analysis Through ...Academia.edu

Profile image of Halima Bensmail Halima Bensmail , Journal of the ... Halima Bensmail Universite Paris 6 Gilles Celeux INRIA Rhone-Alpes Abstract ...

Efficient feature selection and multiclass classification with ...Penn State University

von Z Liu · · Zitiert von: 15 — Efficient feature selection and multiclass classification with integrated instance and model based learning. Zhenqiu Liu, Halima Bensmail, Ming Tan.

Halima BensmailAD Scientific Index

Halima Bensmail * https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist/halima-bensmail In Hamad Bin · Khalifa · University. (206). In Qatar. (1,257).

Halima BensmailMedium

Read writing from Halima Bensmail on Medium. Every day, Halima Bensmail and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

Publications | qphiQatar Biobank

... Halima Bensmail, Abdelilah Arredouani. View. publications Obesity In Qatar: A Case-Control Study On The Identification Of Associated Risk Factors. Md ...

Toward the identification of genetic determinants of breast ...infona.pl

von I Simeone · · Zitiert von: 5 — Toward the identification of genetic determinants of breast cancer immune responsiveness. Ines Simeone, Wouter Hendrickx, Lance Miller, Halima Bensmail, ...

Halima Bensmail's Post - Drug Repurposing for MPXLinkedIn

Halima Bensmail's Post. View profile for Halima Bensmail, graphic · Halima Bensmail. Principal Scientist at QCRI, Professor at HBKU and Member of the Advisory ...

FATMA RAJAB's PostLinkedIn

vor 6 Tagen — ... published an in-depth interview with QCRI's Dr. Halima Bensmail. Hamad Bin Khalifa University · Like Comment. Share. Copy; LinkedIn; Facebook vor 6 Tagen — ... published an in-depth interview with QCRI's Dr. Halima Bensmail. Hamad Bin Khalifa University · Like Comment. Share. Copy; LinkedIn; Facebook

Omar Shafie - Cargo Business Intelligence & Analytics ...LinkedIn

Statistics for Science & Engineering | Halima Bensmail. CSE Projects. QR Cargo Market Blend. Aug Developed a one-stop-shop set of Tableau dashboards ... Statistics for Science & Engineering | Halima Bensmail. CSE Projects. QR Cargo Market Blend. Aug Developed a one-stop-shop set of Tableau dashboards ...

Qatar Environment & Energy Research Institute - QEERI on ...LinkedIn

— ... Halima Bensmail · Unraveling Complexities in — ... Halima Bensmail · Unraveling Complexities in ...

Department of Sport and Sport Science Albert-Ludwigs- ...LinkedIn

— We are pleased to welcome our newly elected AdCom Members. Congratulation to Elebeoba E. May, Halima Bensmail, Joaquin Azpiroz Leehan, — We are pleased to welcome our newly elected AdCom Members. Congratulation to Elebeoba E. May, Halima Bensmail, Joaquin Azpiroz Leehan, ...

Don't miss tomorrow's FEBS Junior Section talkLinkedIn

— Halima Bensmail Shazib Pervaiz Marlies Wakkee (virtual) ❗Collaboration Opportunities: Exchange ideas and forge partnerships that can drive — Halima Bensmail Shazib Pervaiz Marlies Wakkee (virtual) ❗Collaboration Opportunities: Exchange ideas and forge partnerships that can drive ...

El Moustapha Izidbih's Post - 12comsapp #mauritaniaLinkedIn

— Mohamed Jemni Prof Farid Meziane Mohamed Deriche Halima Bensmail Yahya Mohamed Elhadj Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya (University of — Mohamed Jemni Prof Farid Meziane Mohamed Deriche Halima Bensmail Yahya Mohamed Elhadj Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya (University of ...

Johanne Medina's PostLinkedIn

— Halima Bensmail and especially my research mentor, Dr. Fadwa El Mellouhi for all their contributions in this work and the trust they have — Halima Bensmail and especially my research mentor, Dr. Fadwa El Mellouhi for all their contributions in this work and the trust they have ...

Salim Chemlal, Ph.D.'s PostLinkedIn

— Halima Bensmail. 3- MoroccoAI Conference 2022, December , virtual. MoroccoAI is bringing a new theme this year "Towards a Promising — Halima Bensmail. 3- MoroccoAI Conference 2022, December , virtual. MoroccoAI is bringing a new theme this year "Towards a Promising ...

Sanae Lotfi's PostLinkedIn

— Redouane Lguensat and Prof. Halima Bensmail. 3- MoroccoAI Conference 2022, December , virtual. MoroccoAI is bringing a new theme this year — Redouane Lguensat and Prof. Halima Bensmail. 3- MoroccoAI Conference 2022, December , virtual. MoroccoAI is bringing a new theme this year ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Halima

Weiblicher Vorname (Arabisch, Suaheli): Halima; milde, freundlich; Arabisch (Alltagswort als Vorname); halim = milde, freundlich

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