49 Infos zu Hannes Karey

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2 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Detailed Programme – REFSQ 2017

Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl and Hannes Karey Discussant: Anas Mahmoud Mining User Requirements from Application Store Reviews using Frame ...

Kontakt Kenneth Rken-mcgolf.de

Roman Dostalek sein HCP auf 15,1 verbessert! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Im Saisoneröffnungsturnier hat sich mein ambitionierter Schüler Hannes Karey auf einen ...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Hannes Karey – CRM Program-Manager – Roche Diagnostics

› hannes-karey-bab4567

BibSLEIGH — Hannes_Karey

Person: Hannes Karey. DBLP: Karey:Hannes. Contributed to: REFSQ Wrote 1 papers: REFSQ Zorn-PauliPBKR #case study #industrial #process ...

BibSLEIGH — All K* contributors

Hannes Karey · Hannes Kegel · Hannes Korte · Hannes Kühnel · Hannes Kulovits · Hannu Kangassalo · Hannu Kari · Hannu Kauniskangas · Hannu Kauppinen · Hannu ...

Records of Thomas Quirchmayr - rankme

Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey, Gunar Kasdepke Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature-relevant ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Hannes Karey | Hoffmann-La Roche | 4 Publications | 38 CitationsTypeset

Bio: Hannes Karey is an academic researcher from Hoffmann-La Roche. The author has contributed to research in topic(s): Software feature & Software system.

Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: ...google.co.jp

255 Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, and Hannes Karey Mining User Requirements from Application Store Reviews Using Frame Semantics .

10 Dokumente

Relationen-3 - Relationen Hannes Karey

Hannes Karey Relationen. Eine Relation dr¨uckt aus daß Objekte in einer Beziehung zueinander stehen. Wie genau die Beziehung gestaltet ist ...

Gunar Kasdepke - Home - ACM Digital Library

Hannes Karey. Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany. ,; + 1. December 2018Empirical Software Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 6https://doi.org s

Requirements Engineering Foundation for Software Quality ...

Bewertung 5,0 (1) · Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, and Hannes Karey. Mining User Requirements from Application Store Reviews. Using Frame ... Bewertung 5,0 (1) · Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, and Hannes Karey. Mining User Requirements from Application Store Reviews. Using Frame ...

Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature ...

Hannes Karey. Hannes Karey. Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany. View Profile. , Gunar Kasdepke. Gunar Kasdepke. Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Barbara Paech - DBLP

Thomas Quirchmayr , Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey, Gunar Kasdepke: Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature-relevant ...

Hannes Karey - DBLP

· List of computer science publications by Hannes Karey.

Roland Kohl - dblp

Hannes Karey, Gunar Kasdepke: Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature-relevant information extraction from natural language user ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality

· ... Hannes Karey, Guenther Ruhe. Pages Download chapter PDF · 1 · 2 · Next page. Back to top. Other volumes. Requirements Engineering: ...

Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality - 19th ...

... Hannes Karey, Günther Ruhe [doi] · Redefinition of the Requirements Engineer Role in Mjølner's Software Development ProcessAnders Bennett-Therkildsen ...

Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature ...

· Hannes Karey. . Gunar Kasdepke. . 1Institute for Computer Science, University of Heidelberg ...

Möglichkeiten und Unmöglichkeiten der Anwendung agiler ...Yumpu

Praktiken an die Mitarbeiter vermittelt werden. 14:00 Hannes Karey, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim: Agil zu sein bedeutet .

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: TJ for Critical Chain Project Management - Google Groups

Has anyone examples and real experience in it? Thank you. Karimov Damir. Hannes Karey's profile photo. Hannes Karey. unread,. Aug 16, 2012, 7:33:38 PM

Google Groups: TJ for Critical Chain Project ManagementGoogle

— Is it possible to use TJ3 for CCPM? Has anyone examples and real experience in it? Thank you. Karimov Damir. Hannes Karey's profile photo ...

17 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Hannes Karey Email & Phone Number | Roche Diagnostics CRM Program ...

Hannes Karey, based in Germany, is currently a CRM Program-Manager at Roche Diagnostics. Hannes Karey holds a Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) ...

ARSENAL: Automatic Requirements Specification Extraction from ...

Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey. https://doi.org _19 · , Requirements Engineering: Foundation for ...

Empirical Software Engineering

... Hannes Karey and Gunar Kasdepke Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature-relevant information extraction from natural language user ...

Paper Presentations – REFSQ 2017

Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl and Hannes Karey: Semi-automatic Software Feature-Relevant Information Extraction from Natural Language User ...

Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software ...

... Hannes Karey 2. ,. Gunar Kasdepke 2. Show full list: 5 authors. Hide authors affiliations Show authors affiliations: 2 affiliations. 1. Institute for Computer ...

The number of OPEN “Security” bugs at the time of the release planning...

Hannes Karey · Guenther Ruhe. [Context and motivation] Strategic release planning (SRP) for a globally used information system is a challenging ...

Unsupervised Domain Ontology Learning from Text - OUCI

Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey, Gunar Kasdepke. https://doi.org s , Empirical Software Engineering ...

[PDF] An Active Learning Approach for Improving the Accuracy of ...

PaechRoland KohlHannes Karey. Computer Science, Medicine. REFSQ TLDR. The semi-automatic approach allows to identify and extract atomic software feature ...

[PDF] Developments in Requirements Engineering | Semantic Scholar

Hannes Karey. Computer Science, Medicine. REFSQ TLDR. The semi-automatic approach allows to identify and extract atomic software feature-relevant ...

PMI Symposium Der menschliche Faktor. | David Wieck

· Hier zunächst die Präsentation zum Workshop "Prinzip Menschlichkeit" mit Hannes Karey (Roche Diagnostics) und David Wieck und die Ergebnisse des ...

Hannes Karey's research works | Roche, Basel and other placesResearchGate

Hannes Karey's 3 research works with 35 citations and 453 reads, including: Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software feature-relevant ...


... University); Christian Engwer (University of Münster) Gabriele Zorn-Pauli Project partners: Hannes Karey, Roland Kohl (Roche Diagnostics GmbH; ...

Semi-automatic Software Feature-Relevant Information ...Springer Professional

Authors : Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey. Published in: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. verfasst von : Gabriele Zorn-Pauli, Barbara Paech, Tobias Beck, Hannes Karey, Guenther Ruhe. Mehr anzeigen. Erschienen in: Requirements Engineering: ...

Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software ...dntb.gov.ua

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Authors: Thomas Quirchmayr, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey, Gunar Kasdepke ...

The Linguistic Structure of Modern EnglishJohn Benjamins

Quirchmayr, Thomas, Barbara Paech, Roland Kohl, Hannes Karey & Gunar Kasdepke Semi-automatic rule-based domain terminology and software ...

Bibliographies: 'Roche Diagnostics'grafiati.com

— Zorn-Pauli, Gabriele, Barbara Paech, Tobias Beck, Hannes Karey, and Guenther Ruhe. "Analyzing an Industrial Strategic Release Planning ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hannes

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Hannes; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

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