227 Infos zu Hans Fangohr
Mehr erfahren über Hans Fangohr
Infos zu
- University of Southampton
- Engineering
- European XFEL
- Marijan Beg
- Data Analysis Scientist
- Jupyter
- Magnetic
- Max Planck
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Rise of the speed machines - BBC NewsIridis 3 is one of the UK's newest and more powerful supercomputers, but what is it used for?
SFB Magnetismus vom Einzelatom zur NanostrukturProf. Dr. Hans Fangohr : Univ. of Southampton, UK: PD Dr. Peter Fischer : CXRO, LBNL, Berkeley : Prof. Dr. Marty Gregg : Univ. Belfast, UK: Prof. Dr. Dirk Grundler
ARCHER » HPC SAC Meeting: 10 October 2014ARCHER is a Cray XC30 system providing HPC facilities for UK researchers.
Discover OSCOVIDA, the PaNOSC Open Science COVID Analysis platform,...Hans Fangohr about OSCOVIDA here: For each country, a standard set of analysis plots is provided: The accumulated cases of reported cases ...
1 Bilder zu Hans Fangohr

25 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Hans Fangohr aus HamburgStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
LinkedIn: Hans Fangohr | LinkedInHans Fangohrs berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Hans Fangohr dabei hilft ...
LinkedIn: Hans Fangohr - Senior Data Analysis Scientist - European XFEL ...View Hans Fangohr's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Hans has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Twitter Profil: Hans Fangohr (hansfangohr)4 Persönliche Webseiten
Journal of Open Research SoftwareHans Fangohr. University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Luis Pedro Coelho is a postdoctoral researcher in Peer Bork's group at the European Molecular ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Current-Driven Magnetisation Dynamics (07-9 January 2014)Hans Fangohr (University of Southampton) Andrew Ferguson (Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory) Peter Fischer (LBNL) Kevin Garello (ETH Zurich) Riccardo Hertel ...
6 Projekte
Docutils: Documentation Utilities / Re: [Docutils-users] bitmap...On , Hans Fangohr <h.fangohr@...> wrote: > Could anybody confirm that there is no better way to solve this (at > the moment) or provide suggestions for better alternatives? I know of no way currently to get the result you want. There are a few ideas in the to-do list (conditional directives; adaptable file extensions; ...
The MayaVi Data Visualizer / Re: [MayaVi-users] trouble plotting...Hi Hans, Sorry for taking so long to reply. >>>>> "HF" == Hans Fangohr <H. FANGOHR@...> writes: HF> Dear all, we'd like to represent a vector field defined on ...
VPython / Thread: [Visualpython-users] deleting objectsOn Mon, at 12:15 +0000, Hans Fangohr wrote: > Dear all, > > I was trying to delete visual python objects. Following the suggestions > made in this ...
The MayaVi Data Visualizer / Re: [MayaVi-users] MayaVi question:...https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mayavi-users > > -- Hans Fangohr School of Engineering Sciences University of Southampton Phone: +44 (0)
16 Bücher zum Namen
Hans Fangohr - Figsharefigshare.com › authors › Hans_FangohrHans Fangohr's public data. We could not load the content. Retry. Hide footer. AboutFeaturesToolsBlogAmbassadorsContactFAQsPrivacy PolicyCookie PolicyT&Cs ...
Hans Fangohr - Acemapm.acemap.info › authorDetailHans Fangohr. 4. Papers. 0. Citations. Citation Trend. Physics; Condensed matter physics; Spin-½. Following. Co-Author Map. Publication. Journal. Conference.
Kursk: The German View - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitebooks.google.com › books... Gerhard Graf, 352 Francke account, 309, 315, 319–320, 321, 323, 328,338, 342 von Seidemann, Hans Fangohr account, 77 von Senger und Etterlin, Fridolin, ...
ALBERT — All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records...ALBERT - All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg
14 Dokumente
Magnon-Driven Domain-Wall Motion with the Dzyaloshinskii ...link.aps.org › doi › PhysRevLett.1...Weiwei Wang, Maximilian Albert, Marijan Beg, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Dmitri Chernyshenko, David Cortés-Ortuño, Ian Hawke, and Hans Fangohr.
Physics authors/titles (1540 skipped)Authors: Hans Christian Öttinger Comments: 12 pages main text, 20 pages SI Authors: Dmitri Chernyshenko, Hans Fangohr University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, (3) Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, ...
Phys. Rev. B 99, (2019) - Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions and...David Cortés-Ortuño, Niklas Romming, Marijan Beg, Kirsten von Bergmann, André Kubetzka, Ondrej Hovorka, Hans Fangohr, and Roland ...
[ ] Nmag micromagnetic simulation tool - software...Title:Nmag micromagnetic simulation tool - software engineering lessons learned. Authors:Hans Fangohr, Maximilian Albert, Matteo Franchin. (Submitted on
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Hans Fangohr - GEPRISgepris.dfg.de › gepris › personProfessor Dr. Hans Fangohr, European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (XFEL), Holzkoppel 4, Schenefeld.
dblp: BibTeX records: Hans FangohrList of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Hans Fangohr
Forschungsergebnisse - FU-Berlin ZEDATForschungsergebnisse
dblp: Journal of Digital Information Management, Volume 2Bibliographic content of Journal of Digital Information Management, Volume 2
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Exploiting Real-Time 3d Visualisation to Enthuse Students: A Case...We describe our experience teaching programming and numerical methods to engineering students using Visual Python to exploit three dimensional real time...
A Comparison of C, MATLAB, and Python as Teaching Languages in...We describe and compare the programming languages C, MATLAB and Python as teaching languages for engineering students. We distinguish between two distinct...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
PyCon.DE 2018: Driving Sim And DA Of Magnetic ...PyCon.DE 2018: Driving Sim And DA Of Magnetic Nanostructures Through Jupyter Notebook - Hans Fangohr views · 6 years ago ...more. PyCon ...
46 Meinungen & Artikel
Google Groups: export Praesentation nach html: Hans Fangohr .uk de comp office-pakete staroffice Liebe
Google Groups: TIMEOUT - Was tun?: Hans Fangohr .n240.z2.fido.sub.org fido ger
Google Groups: Greenpeace: ... Peter Laehn Am Hinkelstein RS>> Alsbach-Haehnlein
Wikipedia: AnyLogic - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › AnyLogicAnyLogic is a multimethod simulation modeling tool developed by The AnyLogic Company (former ... Benjamin Schumann, James Scanlan, Hans Fangohr.
89 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Guido Meier - Google Scholar CitationsHans Fangohr, Judith Kimling, Arne Vansteenkiste, Dong-Soo Han, Thomas Wilhein, Kornelius Nielsch, ... H Fangohr, DS Chernyshenko, M Franchin, T Fischbacher, G …
Getting Things Done (GTD) a summary. Hans Fangohr - PDF Free DownloadGetting Things Done (GTD) a summary Hans Fangohr Outline Introduction GTD overview and Motivation The daily GTD cycle Tools and practical suggestions ...
Richard P Boardman - Google ScholarPrincipal Scientist, µ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre, University of Southampton - Cited by - X-ray imaging - Computed tomography - Com…tional...
Introduction Jupyter Prof Hans Fangohr 5 October 2019slidetodoc.com › introduction-jupyter-prof-hans-fan...· Introduction Jupyter Prof Hans Fangohr, 5 October : : 30 Jupyter Notebook and Ecosystem 30', Hans Fangohr (European XFEL Gmb.
Speaker: Hans Fangohr - PyVideo.orgpyvideo.org › speaker › hans-fangohr· Speaker: Hans Fangohr. Image from Driving simulation and data analysis of magnetic nanostructures through Jupyter Notebook ...
Hans Fangohr - RedmineRedmine
Hans Fangohr | European x-ray free electron laser | GermanyHans Fangohr is a Senior Data Analysis Scientist at European XFEL GmbH Holzkoppel Schenefeld,Germany..
Professor Hans Fangohr - University Of Southampton | Rate Your...Submit your ratings for University Of Southampton lecturer Professor Hans Fangohr on the UK's number one lecturer rating website.
Hans Fangohr (fangohr) - Libraries.iolibraries.io › github › fangohrHans Fangohr. Tracking 2.82K commits to 67 open source packages. Homepage: http://fangohr.github.io. Company: European XFEL & Univ Southampton.
Hans Fangohr - @ProfCompMod Twitter Profile and Downloader | TwipuExplore @ProfCompMod Twitter Profile and Download Videos and Photos Hans Fangohr is Senior Data Analysis Scientist at the European XFEL (Germany) ...
Hans Fangohr · GitLabgit.xfel.eu › gitlab › fangohrHans Fangohr. @fangohr Member since February 09, Overview · Activity · Groups · Contributed projects · Personal projects · Snippets. Sep Oct Nov Dec ...
Hans Fangohr / enboard · GitLabClose sidebar; Activity · Graph · Charts · Create a new issue · Jobs · Commits · Issue Boards. Open sidebar. Hans Fangohr · enboard ...
Popular recipes by Hans Fangohr « ActiveState CodePopular recipes by Hans Fangohr. Tags: No recipes are available. View popular, latest, top-rated or most viewed · Feed of the popular recipes by Hans Fangohr ...
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Hans Fangohr"We study vortex matter in layered superconductors in the limit of zero Josephson coupling. The long range of the interaction between pancake vortices in the ...
Exploiting Real-Time 3d Visualisation to Enthuse Students: A Case...We describe our experience teaching programming and numerical methods to engineering students using Visual Python to exploit three dimensional real
WSC ProceedingsUniversity Frankfurt), Markus Schmitz (University of Kassel), Benjamin Schumann, Jim P. Scanlan and Hans Fangohr (University of Southampton).
Hans Fangohr - OSFosf.io › ...Member Since, Public Profile, osf.io/39ucj. No activity points 0 projects, 0 public. Social; Employment; Education. ORCID,
Hans Fangohr - nanoHUB.org - Members: Viewnanohub.org › membersnanoHUB.org is designed to be a resource to the entire nanotechnology discovery and learning community.
Recipe13.6.Bundling Files in a MIME Message | Python CookbookRecipe Bundling Files in a MIME Message. Credit: Matthew Dixon Cowles, Hans Fangohr, John Pywtorak. Problem. You want to create a multipart MIME …
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft... Stellan Bohlens, Matteo Franchin, Hans Fangohr, Markus Bolte, Antoine Vanhaverbeke, Rolf Allenspach, Ulrich Merkt, Daniela Pfannkuche, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hans
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Holländisch, Skandinavisch): Hans; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes Als Taufname bei den Katholiken gibt es Hans nur als Rufnamen.Der richtige Taufname auf dem Taufschein und in den Akten ist Johann.Der Name kommt vom heiligen Apostel Johannes den Täufer.Namenstag ist der 24.Juni.oder auch Hanstag genannt. Weitere gleiche Namen :Johann, Hans,Johnny,John,Jannes,Ivan, Hans kommt von Johannes. Johannes dem Täufer.Siehe auch Namenstage
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