98 Infos zu Hans Groff
Mehr erfahren über Hans Groff
Infos zu
- Pennsylvania
- Family
- Lancaster County
- Switzerland
- Jacob
- Mennonite
- Genealogy
- America
- Groffdale
- Earl Township
- Susanna
- Grove
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Kapo Zürich vergibt Softwareauftrag für "Grossereignisse" und ...— Noch müsse das händisch eingegeben werden, man arbeite aber mit Partner Fujitsu an einer Automatisierung, wie Futurelab-CEO Hans Groff auf ... › post › kapo-zuerich-vergibt-s...
Hans Groff - Newspapers.comClipping found in The Evening News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Jul 11, Hans Groff
Aaron Wissler's time capsule, part 3 - Lititz Record ExpressAndrew Wissler's father's name also Shenk. This created some friendship between them. Hans Groff only had one daughter to this daughter this ...
1 Bilder zu Hans Groff

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Hans Groff | FacebookFacebook: Hans Groff | FacebookLinkedIn: Hans Groff - Owner - Primus Solutions | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Hans Groff auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Hans Groff aufgelistet. Sehen Sie ...
LinkedIn: Hans Groff - Schweiz | LinkedInLinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Hans Groff dabei hilft, interne Kontakte bei der Suche nach neuen ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Hans Groff, of York, left, and Rachel Reist, of Lancaster, check ...› detail
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
futureLAB AG | KMU Mentor Zukunftssichere Vision und StrategieHans Groff, CEO futureLAB AG «Die im ganzen Führungsteam mit Urs Prantl erarbeitete Positions-Map hat uns eine relevante Gesamtsicht gegeben. Zusammen ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Über uns – futureLAB... für Unternehmen für Branchen für Startups Unternehmen Team Portrait Referenzen Kontakt Unser Team Unseren Kunden verpflichtet
1 Traueranzeigen
findagrave: Hans Groff ( ) – Find a Grave GedenkstätteHans Groff ( ) *Calculated relationship. Burial: Groffdale Mennonite Brick Church Cemetery Leola Lancaster County Pennsylvania ...
11 Angaben zur Herkunft
Person:Hans Groff (1) - GenealogyName, Hans Jacob GROFF. Gender, Male. Birth, ABT 1660, Germany. Marriage, 8 Feb 1681, Reformed,Church,Rauhof,North Kraichgau, ...
Family Tree for Hans GroffThis is Hans Groff's basic pedigree chart. There are many additional tools for Hans's genealogy below. Family Tree Family Tree; Genealogy Research ...
Hans Groff Ancestry®Research genealogy for Hans Groff of Solgen,Rafz,Zurich,Switzerland, as well as other members of the Groff family, on Ancestry®.
Genealogy Ludwig » Hans Conrad Groff (± )› genealogy-ludwig
17 Bücher zum Namen
Biographical Annals of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: ..., on the same farm which has been held in the family since it was first settled by Hans Groff, the founder of the family in America.
Gottfrid Arnolds Fortsetzung und Erläuterung Oder Dritter und...... unschuldigen handwercks - leute starck genden Sebold i feinem weib und finderny verboten / ihr der mitbeklagte Hans Groff und auch am gewefenen Wirth zu ...
History of Western Maryland: Vol. 5: Washington County (Contd.) &...He was the grandson of Hans Groff, who was born in Switzerland in 1661, and who fled to Alsace, Germany, during the prosecution of the Mennonites in his ...
Names of Foreigners who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province...Markle, Clans Bershman, Martin Weber, Jacob Groff, Hans Groff, Heinrich Seil, Johannes Tsolmdi, Samuel Neu nsch wander, Michel Beier.
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "The Mennonites of America"Whatever the reason, it remains true that with the exception of Hans Groff whose grave lies dis tinctly marked in the GrofTdale cemetery, we are un able to locate ...
2 Dokumente
Philadelphia County PAGenWeb Archivesdeed-4d-54.txt, Indenture Between Hans GROFF and Gerhard RITTINGHUYSEN, 1715, 4D-54, Jun 2013, Romaine Stauffer · higgins-winemore.txt, Deed: ...
Groff, Clyde L. [WorldCat Identities]The Groff book by Clyde L Groff( Book ) in English and held by 51 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Hans Groff (ca ), probably a German or ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
QuadState Hans Groff's SOFA Feather making Demonstration› watch
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Groff | Lancaster Pennsylvania's Graveyard RabbitPosts about Groff written by Linda in Lancaster
Hans Graf | Lancaster Pennsylvania's Graveyard RabbitPosts about Hans Graf written by Linda in Lancaster
Hans Groff of PA - Genealogy.comI'm researching Hans Groff ( ) who immigrated to PA. It seems about half the information that I've seen say that his wife was ...
Re: Hans Groff of PA - Genealogy.comGroff: Hello again..Hans' first wife was Anna Barr, born ... Read more on Genealogy.com!
39 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Hans Groff – General Manager – Stauffers of Kissel Hill | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Hans Groff auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Hans Groff aufgelistet. Sehen Sie ...
Hans Groff - CEO - futureLAB AG | LinkedInView Hans Groff's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Hans has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and ...
My Barr/Bear line - Yahoo Groupsm2Anna Souter, d/o Hans Groff m3 Anna Brubaker children 1. Martin "Ark" Barr, m. Maria Herr, ch. include "Thatcher" Jacob Barr m Elizabeth Getz. Their child ...
Hans Groff, YorkHans Groff, York, Phone , + , Address Derry Rd York PA USA, York White Pages, Find a York Resident by Phone Number, Name, or...
Hans Groff [Grove] - The Genealogy Center - Home | Allen ...› ...
Native American War Bonnet by Hans Groff at Charming ...› pin
Hans Groff b. Abt Switzerland d Lampeter Township,...Hans Groff b. Abt Switzerland d Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: The Riner Family
Groff, Hans ( ) - GAMEO— Hans Groff (Graf), the pioneer of 1696, settled first at Paradise and later in Groffdale, West Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ... › ...
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans Groff · Hans ...
Hans Groff 1675–1746› individual
Groff family : Wikis (The Full Wiki)The Groff family has largely remained an East Coast family found both on the United States and Canadian sides of the border Hans Groff (
Corporate Website für die Software-Schmiede futureLAB“Das Design wurde von allen Mitarbeitern mit Begeisterung abgenommen”, freut sich CEO Hans Groff. No items found. Unsere Arbeit umfasste:. › portfolio › corporate-websit...
Graf familyTheir known children were Michael (c1675), Jacob, Hans (c1675), Martin (c1685). Hans Graf, born about is believed to be Hans Groff who purchased 84 acres ... › graf
Groff familyOriginating in Bäretswil, Switzerland, the Groff family became during the early seventeenth century one of the founding families of both the United States and...
Hans Graf - Rhodes FamilyHans Groff (1661? 1746) founder of Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania was the uncle of the father of Jacob Groff. He is believed to be the oldest ... › getperson
Our Family Tree Site (Vonada, Walters, Walker, Grove, etc.)Marc Williams Gates · Marc's Facebook Page · Hans Groff · Groffdale Mennonite Church Website · Hans Groff · A link to the Family Hart's page for Hans Groff.
January Reader Photos - Fur-Fish-GameHans Groff - Pennsylvania. Hans Groff. Connor Bilbao - Nevada. Connor Bilbao. Robert Whalen - Michigan. Robert Whalen. Allan Shank - Virginia. Allan Shank. › rea...
Kundig Peter Decendants - pafg04.htm - Generated by ...Susanna married Hans Groff son of Groff and (Groff) about Hans was born in in Ittlegen, Germany. He died on 7 Mar in Earl Township, ... › info
Christian Wenger-Eva Graybill, Marriage, Family, Genealogy, after...1727 Christian Wenger located at Groffdale, West Earl Twp, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania [12] on a 300 acre farm purchased from Hans Groff for 40 pounds.
Metal Door Lock | Fisher Forge LLC | Lyons PAWe specialize in blacksmithing antique reproduction hardware, metal door locks & steel hinges to complement a traditional style home.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hans
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Holländisch, Skandinavisch): Hans; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes Als Taufname bei den Katholiken gibt es Hans nur als Rufnamen.Der richtige Taufname auf dem Taufschein und in den Akten ist Johann.Der Name kommt vom heiligen Apostel Johannes den Täufer.Namenstag ist der 24.Juni.oder auch Hanstag genannt. Weitere gleiche Namen :Johann, Hans,Johnny,John,Jannes,Ivan, Hans kommt von Johannes. Johannes dem Täufer.Siehe auch Namenstage
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