146 Infos zu Hans Huebl

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10 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung: Program

15:15 – 15:45, Hans Huebl, Controlling the Collective Coupling in Spin-Photon Hybrids. 15:45 – 16:30, Roser Valenti, Engineering ...

A new spin on electronics

Modern computer technology is based on the transport of electric charge in semiconductors. But this technology's potential will be reaching its limits in the...

Möglicher Lesekopf für Quantencomputer - TUM

Andreas Brenneis, Louis Gaudreau, Max Seifert, Helmut Karl, Martin S. Brandt, Hans Huebl, Jose A. Garrido, Frank H. L. Koppens and Alexander W. Holleitner

Graphene layer reads optical information from nanodiamonds...

Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds could be used to construct vital components for quantum computers. But hitherto it has been impossible to read optically...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Hans Hübl

LinkedIn: Hans Huebl | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Hans Huebls berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Hans Huebl dabei hilft, Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.

Hans Huebl: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library پر آن لائن ...

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About Hans Huebl: Researcher ORCID ID = |...

Hans Huebl: Researcher ORCID ID = , Researcher

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Hans Huebl chess games Chess.com

› players

3 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Hans Huebl

QIMONDA AG, Muenchen, DE

Hans HUEBL | Dr | Bavarian Academy of Sciences and ...

Hans Huebl. Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities | BADW · Commission for Low Temperature Physics – Walther Meissner Institute (WMI). Hans Huebl. Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities | BADW · Commission for Low Temperature Physics – Walther Meissner Institute (WMI).

Matthias Pernpeintner Bavarian Academy of Sciences and ...ResearchGate

Hans Huebl. We investigate the magnetoelastic properties of Co25Fe75 and Co10Fe90 thin films by measuring the mechanical properties of a doubly ... Hans Huebl. We investigate the magnetoelastic properties of Co25Fe75 and Co10Fe90 thin films by measuring the mechanical properties of a doubly ...

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

PD Dr. Hans Huebl - WMI: Team

Hans Huebl is permanent staff scientist at the Walther-Meißner-Institut of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and Privatdozent at the Technische Universität München.

Hans Huebl | Fundamental Quantum Technologies Laboratory

› staff

Publications • AG Bittl • Department of Physics

Publications of Prof. Dr. Robert Bittl Sonja Matich, Hans Huebl, Oleksandr Astakhov, Friedhelm Finger, Robert Bittl, Martin Stutzmann, and Martin S. Brandt. ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

The University of Manitoba interacts with world-renowned ...UM Today

— Hans Huebl (Walther-Meissner-Institute). Dr. Bimu Yao discussing with Dr. Zhu Diao (Stockholm University). Six UM researchers took part in — Hans Huebl (Walther-Meissner-Institute). Dr. Bimu Yao discussing with Dr. Zhu Diao (Stockholm University). Six UM researchers took part in ...

AlumniFundamental Quantum Technologies Laboratory

Prof Hans Huebl – https://www.ph.tum.de/about/people/vcard/1F4EA18F6D05CB9B/Prof Mikko Mottonen - https://people.aalto.fi/new/mikko. Prof Hans Huebl – https://www.ph.tum.de/about/people/vcard/1F4EA18F6D05CB9B/Prof Mikko Mottonen - https://people.aalto.fi/new/mikko.

1 Traueranzeigen

Traueranzeigen von Hans Hübl | trauer.nn.deNN.de

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8 Bücher zum Namen

Hans Huebl | Authors | Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Hans Huebl Post navigation Ultrawide-range photon number calibration using a hybrid system combining nano-electromechanics and superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics. Philip Schmidt, Daniel Schwienbacher, Matthias Pernpeintner, Friedrich Wulschner, Frank Deppe, Achim Marx, Rudolf Gross, and Hans Huebl

Hans Huebl | Papers With Code

› author

Hans Huebl - Physics MagazineAmerican Physical Society

— Hans Huebl studied physics at the Technische Universität München, and he received his Ph.D. in In 2009, after a postdoc at the ...

Recent Advances in Magnetic Insulators - From Spintronics to...

This volume of Solid State Physics provides a broad review on recent advances in the field of magnetic insulators, ranging from new spin effects to thin film...

16 Dokumente

Magnon Mode Selective Spin Transport in ACS Publications

— Hans Huebl. 4,8,9. ,. Rudolf Gross. 4,8,9. , Jürgen Kosel. 5. , Mathias Kläui. 1,2. , and Sebastian T. B.. Goennenwein. 4,8,9,10. › doi › abs

Search | arXiv e-print repository

Radio frequency readout of electrically detected magnetic resonance in phosphorus-doped silicon MOSFETs. Authors: Laurens H Willems van Beveren, Hans ...

Nanosession: Spin Dynamics - Frontiers in Electronic Materials

von A Kákay · — Hans Huebl,. Hans Huebl. Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Garching, Germany. › abs

Design of an optomagnonic crystal: Towards optimal magnon ...

von J Graf · · Zitiert von: 10 — Jasmin Graf, Sanchar Sharma, Hans Huebl, and Silvia Viola Kusminskiy. Phys. Rev. · Phys. Rev. Research 3, – Published 24 March › doi › PhysRe...

16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Dr. Hans Huebl - DFG

Dr. Hans Huebl. Als Teilprojektleiter laufende Projekte. Supraleitende Bauelemente als Grundelemente für Quanten-Informationssysteme.

Solid State Physics | Recent Advances in Magnetic Insulators – From...

Mathias Weiler, Georg Woltersdorf, Matthias Althammer, Hans Huebl, Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein. Pages : Download PDF. Chapter preview.

KOPS.Exchange-enhanced Ultrastrong Magnon-Magnon Coupling in a...

LIENSBERGER, Lukas, Akashdeep KAMRA, Hannes MAIER-FLAIG, Stephan GEPRÄGS, Andreas ERB, Sebastian T. B. GOENNENWEIN, Rudolf GROSS, Wolfgang BELZIG, Hans HUEBL ...

DFG GEPRIS - Dr. Hans Huebl

Dr. Hans Huebl, Walther-Meißner-Institut für Tieftemperaturforschung, Walther- , Garching.

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Origin of the spin Seebeck effect in compensated ferrimagnets

von S Geprägs · · Zitiert von: 143 — ... Tomek Schulz, Christian Mix, Sibylle Meyer, Akashdeep Kamra, Matthias Althammer, Hans Huebl, Gerhard Jakob, Yuichi Ohnuma, Hiroto Adachi, Joseph Barker, ... › ReP...

An all-electrical torque differential magnetometer operating under...

and Hans Huebl. 1,3,a. 1. Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der WissenschaftenGarching, ...

Measuring the Charge and Spin States of Electrons Springer

von SES Andresen · · Zitiert von: 1 — Wayne D. Hutchison. Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, Am Coulombwall 3Garching, Germany. Hans Huebl & Martin S. Brandt. › chapter

9 Video- & Audioinhalte

Hans Huebl: Sensing Solid State Excitations with Hybrid ...YouTube · IFIMAC-ICMM Joint Seminar Series110+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

Hans Huebl: Sensing Solid State Excitations with Hybrid Quantum Systems views · 1 year ago ...more ...

Hans Huebl - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

Talks - SPICE Spin Cavitronics - Hans Huebl - GarchingYouTube · SPICE100+ Aufrufe · vor 6 Jahren

Spin-Photon Hybrids. Talks - SPICE Spin Cavitronics - Hans Huebl - Garching views · 5 years ago ...more ...

Fluctuating Interfaces - Luis Gonzalez MacDowell, 12 CETYouTube · IFIMAC-ICMM Joint Seminar Series50+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

Hans Huebl: Sensing Solid State Excitations with Hybrid Quantum Systems. IFIMAC-ICMM Joint Seminar Series•118 views · 1:04:09 · Go to channel ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Physical Review Research on Twitter: "Design of an ...

— ... Towards optimal magnon-photon mode matching at the microscale, Jasmin Graf, Sanchar Sharma, Hans Huebl, and Silvia Viola Kusminskiy (. › status

Electrical detection of coherent 31P spin quantum states | Nature...

In recent years, a variety of solid-state qubits has been realized, including quantum dots1,2, superconducting tunnel junctions3,4 and point defects5,6. Owing...

Origin of the spin Seebeck effect in compensated ferrimagnets |...

Ferrimagnets possess multiple spin sub-lattices resulting in a complex magnon band structure and subtle spin transport across interfaces. Here, the authors...

Mechanical frequency control in inductively coupled electromechanical...

von T Luschmann · · Zitiert von: 2 — Thomas Luschmann, Philip Schmidt, Frank Deppe, Rudolf Gross & Hans Huebl. Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), ... › articles

59 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Fahd A. Mohiyaddin‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Research Scientist, Intel‬ - ‪‪Cited by ‬‬ - ‪Nanoelectronic Modeling‬ - ‪Silicon Quantum Com…ng‬ - ‪Spin Dynamics‬

‪Fahd A. Mohiyaddin‬ - ‪Google Acadêmico‬

‪Research Scientist, Intel‬ - ‪‪Citado por ‬‬ - ‪Nanoelectronic Modeling‬ - ‪Silicon Quantum Com…ng‬ - ‪Spin Dynamics‬

‪Fahd A. Mohiyaddin‬ - ‪Google 학술 검색‬

‪Research Scientist, Intel‬ - ‪‪인용 횟수 1,197번‬‬ - ‪Nanoelectronic Modeling‬ - ‪Silicon Quantum Com…ng‬ - ‪Spin Dynamics‬

Spin-Photon Hybrids. Hans Huebl Walther-Meißner-Institut d....

Spin-Photon Hybrids Hans Huebl Walther-Meißner-Institut d. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Quantum optics with solid state systems S Teufel et al.

Talks - SPICE Spin Cavitronics - Hans Huebl - Garching

Talks - SPICE Spin Cavitronics - Hans Huebl - Garching Spin-Photon Hybrids

Hans Huebl player profile - ChessBase Players

› Hu...

PD Dr. Hans Huebl - Walther-Meißner-Institut

› team

Registration Hans Huebl (in the year ) ...Open Archieven

Registration (in the year ), Antwerpen, Belgium, Hans Huebl, FelixArchives (Netherlands): Foreigners register. Registration (in the year ), Antwerpen, Belgium, Hans Huebl, FelixArchives (Netherlands): Foreigners register.

Registrierung Hans Huebl (im Jahr ) in Antwerpen ...

› ...

Dr. Matthias Opel - Homepage

Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein, Thomas A. Wassner, Hans Huebl, Martin S. Brandt, Jan B. Philipp, Matthias Opel, Rudolf Gross, Achim Koeder, Wladimir Schoch, Andreas …

Prof. Brandt Group

Felix Hoehne, Lukas Dreher, Hans Huebl, Martin Stutzmann, Martin S. Brandt Physical Review Letters 106, (2011) Electrically detected electron-spin-echo envelope-modulation: A highly sensitive technique for resolving complex interface structures

APS -APS March Meeting Session Index MAR11

Felix Hoehne , Lukas Dreher , Hans Huebl , Martin Stutzmann , Martin S. Brandt Preview Abstract. Tuesday, March 22, :12AM - 9:24AM, H : Electroelastic Hyperfine Tuning of Phosphorus Donors in Silicon Lukas Dreher , Timon A. Hilker , Andreas Brandlmaier , Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein , Hans Huebl ...

Veröffentlichungen  Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)

Authors: Akashdeep Kamra, Friedrich P. Witek, Sibylle Meyer, Hans Huebl, Stephan Geprägs, Rudolf Gross, Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein.

Single-shot readout of an electron spin in silicon -

Authors: Andrea Morello, Jarryd J. Pla, Floris A. Zwanenburg, Kok W. Chan, Kuan Y. Tan, Hans Huebl, Mikko Möttönen, Christopher D. Nugroho, Changyi Yang, Jessica A ...

Refubium - Suche

The electrically detected magnetic resonance microscope: Combining conductive ... Hans Huebl,2 Oleksandr Astakhov,3 Friedhelm Finger,3 Robert Bittl,4 Martin …

2017 Optomagnonics - Max Planck Institute for the Science of ...

James Haigh (Cambridge); Can-Ming Hu (Manitoba); Hans Huebl (WMI - Munich); Alexy Karenowska (Oxford); Johannes Majer (Vienna); Yasunobu Nakamura (Tokyo) ... › workshops

APS -APS March Meeting Event - Nano-strings swing circuit QED

Presenter: Hans Huebl (Walther Meissner Institute for Low Temperature Research). Authors: Hans Huebl (Walther Meissner Institute for Low ...

Experimental test of the spin mixing interface conductivity ...Elsevier

Mathias Weiler, Matthias Althammer, Michael Schreier, Johannes Lotze, Matthias Pernpeintner, Sibylle Meyer, Hans Huebl, Rudolf Gross, Akashdeep Kamra, ... Mathias Weiler, Matthias Althammer, Michael Schreier, Johannes Lotze, Matthias Pernpeintner, Sibylle Meyer, Hans Huebl, Rudolf Gross, Akashdeep Kamra, ...

Exchange magnon-polaritons in microwave cavities — Tohoku...

von Y Cao · · Zitiert von: 157 — Exchange magnon-polaritons in microwave cavities. Yunshan Cao, Peng Yan, Hans Huebl, Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein, Gerrit E.W. Bauer. › ...

Helimagnon Resonances in an Intrinsic Chiral Magnonic Crystal

von M Weiler · · Zitiert von: 24 — Mathias Weiler, Aisha Aqeel, Maxim Mostovoy, Andrey Leonov, Stephan Gepraegs, Rudolf Gross, Hans Huebl, Thomas T. M. Palstra, ... › helima...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hans

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Holländisch, Skandinavisch): Hans; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes Als Taufname bei den Katholiken gibt es Hans nur als Rufnamen.Der richtige Taufname auf dem Taufschein und in den Akten ist Johann.Der Name kommt vom heiligen Apostel Johannes den Täufer.Namenstag ist der 24.Juni.oder auch Hanstag genannt. Weitere gleiche Namen :Johann, Hans,Johnny,John,Jannes,Ivan, Hans kommt von Johannes. Johannes dem Täufer.Siehe auch Namenstage

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