119 Infos zu Harald Sundmaeker

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Smart Agrifood Day (Virtual) - Cattlechain

14:05 – 14:10 — Moderator (Harald Sundmaeker, Senior Researcher, ATB-Bremen) 14:10 – 14:30 — Keynote Speech: Sustainability Ambitions in the EU : The Role ... › events › sm...

Coming soon - SmartAgriHubs open call, supporting new ...

— More information will be provided in the coming weeks, but you can already have a look at this interview of Harald Sundmaeker, the leader of ... › c...

FIWARE AgriFood DAY - Liverur | Living lab research concept in Rural...

#FIWAREAGRIFOODDAY - Towards Sustainable AgriFood Value Chains Through Digital Transformation NOV from 14:00 to 16:30 CET

Startup Pitch Night - Remote Edition

— ... Meret Nehe (Sustainability Coach) & Harald Sundmaeker (ATB-Bremen) an: SupaZone | Der B2B-Marktplatz für nachhaltige Verpackungen. › events › pitchnight-2

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: FIspace - Retweeted Harald Sundmaeker (@HSundmaeker):...

Facebook: Smart Agri Hubs - Watch or re-watch Harald Sundmaeker great ...

Facebook: Smart Agri Hubs - Watch or re-watch Harald Sundmaeker...

LinkedIn: Harald Sundmaeker | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Harald Sundmaeker (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Contact - FIspace

Contact. Harald Sundmaeker, ATB Bremen,; Bert Vermeer, Wageningen UR,; Please check the FIWARE Accelerator projects using FIspace solutions :. › contact

18 Bücher zum Namen

Proactive customers integration as drivers of an integrated food...

Proactive customers integration as drivers of an integrated food chain. Harald Sundmaeker. Year of Publication: Authors: Sundmaeker, Harald. Published ...

Harald Sundmaeker | Scinapse

› authors

Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems: 23rd...

... Through Methodological Analysis and Forecasting of Energy Consumption in Manufacturing Tim Spiering, Stephan Kohlitz and Harald Sundmaeker Abstract ...

Building the Hyperconnected Society: Internet of Things Research and...

... BUTLER Ghislain Despesse, FR, CEA-Leti Harald Sundmaeker, DE, ATB GmbH, SmartAgriFood, CuteLoop Henri Barthel, BE, GS1 Global Igor Nai Fovino, IT, ...

6 Dokumente

FIspace for Executive Board of Directors of Wageningen UR

I was invited to present FIspace to our board of directors, including our new President Louise Fresco.

FIspace at FI-PPP phase 3 workshop

This presentation was held at the FI-PPP phase 3 workshop, 6-7 March in Brussels. Especially explaining how and on what conditions phase 3 projects can use the…

FIWARE Global Summit - FIWARE for Smart Agrifood

— Presentation by Harald Sundmaeker Senior Researcher, ATB-Bremen FIWARE Global Summit October Berlin, Germany. › fiware...

Architecture framework of IoT-based food and farm systems

Author(s): Cor Verdouw , Harald Sundmaeker , Bedir Tekinerdogan , Davide Conzon , Teodoro Montanaro. Publication date Created: October › do...

13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Harald Sundmaeker

Harald Sundmaeker, Scott Hansen, João L. Serras Pereira, James Goldstein, F. Lamas de Oliviera: Integration of Concurrent Engineering Business Processes via Service Oriented Architectures in the …

Harald Sundmaeker - DBLP

› Persons

Harald Sundmaeker - dblp

› Persons › Harald Sundmaeker

Harald Sundmaeker - dblpdblp.dagstuhl.de › Persons

· Cor Verdouw, Harald Sundmaeker, Bedir Tekinerdogan, Davide Conzon, Teodoro Montanaro : Architecture framework of IoT-based food and ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

EconPapers: International European Forum (144th EAAE ...econpapers.repec.org › paper › agsiefi15

Harald Sundmaeker and Peter Einramhof; : Success factors of innovation networks: Lessons from agriculture in Flanders Downloads: Evelien Lambrecht ...

An Innovation Coaching Approach to Efficiently Introduce QM-Systems...

Uwe Kirchhoff (4); Harald Sundmaeker (4); Gilberto Dias da Cunha (5) ... ATB Institute for Applied Systems, Technology Bremen GmbHD , ...

Internet of Things Strategic Research Roadmap - SINTEF

Author(s) · Ovidiu Vermesan · Peter Friess · Patrick Guillemin · Sergio Gusmeroli · Harald Sundmaeker · Alessandro Bassi · Ignacio Soler Jubert · Margaretha Mazura ... › publication

An Innovation Coaching Approach to Efficiently Introduce QM ...

von U Kirchhoff · — Harald Sundmaeker. 1. Gilberto Dias da Cunha ATB Institute for Applied SystemsTechnology Bremen GmbHBremenGermany; 2.Universidade Federai do Rio ... › chapter

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Harald Sundmaeker - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

Meet the Jury | HARALD SUNDMAEKER | Startup Pitch Night ...

› watch

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Interview Harald Sundmaeker - IoF2020 Mayiof2020.h5mag.com › iof2020_may › interview_ha...

· Interview Harald Sundmaeker Work Package 3 Potentials of IoT devices and IoT technology Data sharing requires awareness & trust The main ...

55 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Google Maps

Harald Sundmaeker. Local Guide · Level points1 point 10,813 points points points points points points. 5,000. Looking for your own reviews ...

Harald Sundmaeker - researchr alias

› alias › haral...

Nacionalni portal odprte znanosti

Harald Sundmaeker. Video in druga učna gradiva. Oznake: business;networked organizations. Leto: Vir: videolectures.net. Št. zadetkov: 1. Ključne besede ...

PPT - Harald Sundmaeker PowerPoint Presentation, free download ...

› bchavis

Harald Sundmaeker Work Package 3 - IoF2020

› haral...

Wisdom Across the Board: Harald Sundmaeker - FIWAREwww.fiware.org › › wisdom-across-the-...

· FIWARE Foundation: Why did you want to be on FIWARE Foundation's Smart AgriFood Mission Support Committee? Harald Sundmaeker: My ...


Harald Sundmaeker is a developer Member since August

Harald Sundmaeker - VideoLectures.NET

lecture flag Intelligent Networked Devices for Enabling Proactive Collaboration with Customers as author at 14th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE), Lisbon 2008, 46 views. INFO. . Phone: + Facebook, Twitter, Blog, RSS Feed, LinkedIn, Google+ ...



Lecture Notes in Informatics

Harald Sundmaeker, Scott Hansen, João L. Serras Pereira, James Goldstein and Fernando Lamas De Oliviera Abstract The paper will present results of the …



Service Broker based Interaction of Mobile Apps with Truck Scales for...

... SMEs WEB-2-SME Project No Service Broker based Interaction of Mobile Apps with Truck Scales for Biogas Plants Harald Sundmaeker ATB Institute for ...

IoT Overview Handbook | Background Primer on The Topics &...

An IoT Background Guide. From the Hype Cycle to Emerging Trends, Quickly get up to speed on the Internet of Things Topic.

Advanced Product and Process Design Through Methodological Analysis...

Energy and resource efficiency is becoming an important factor in manufacturing, helping to avoid bottleneck situations in times of sparse resources.

Internet of Things Strategic Research Roadmap - PDF Free Download

2 Internet of Things Strategic Research Roadmap Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan 1, Dr. Peter Friess 2, Patrick Guillemin 3, Sergio Gusmeroli 4, Harald Sundmaeker 5, Dr. Alessandro …

Contact - CuteLoop

For questions or additional information on the project please contact the project coordinator: ATB - Institute for Applied Systems Technology Bremen GmbH. Mr. Harald Sundmaeker. Tel.: + zum Seitenanfang | eine Seite zurück ...

Attraktive EU-Förderung für Startups und KMU

Darüber hinaus ist Projektkoordinator Harald Sundmaeker vom ATB direkt vor Ort in Bremen erreichbar – ein kleiner Heimvorteil. Dieser Accelerator läuft unter ... › attraktive-eu-foe...

Fruit farming technology trails in the EU - IOF Intelligent...

Trails in the European fruit production sector involving technology for the internet of food and farm.

Bremen Herbststraße - Germany - SoaMaps.com

Harald Sundmaeker The stop has been relocated several times due to the construction work in Findorffstrasse. Unfortunately the bus is often ... › country › br...

Christopher Brewster's Research'


Bedeutung zum Vornamen Harald

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Harald; Heerführer; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); heri = das Heer, der Krieger; waltan = walten, herrschen, der Herrscher; zweigliedriger Name, in verschiedenen Formen seit Jahrhunderten verbreitet im Deutschen, im Skandinavischen und im Englischen; die Form 'Harald' ist in Skandinavien seit Jahrhunderten gebräuchlich, im Deutschen erst seit Anfang des 20. Jh.

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Harald Sundmaeker und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.