47 Infos zu Hauke Hussmann

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Zwergplanet: Warum es auf Pluto Leben geben könnte - WELT

Ausgerechnet auf dem lichtlosen Zwergplaneten Pluto am Rande des Sonnensystems könnte Leben existieren. Das jedenfalls hält der britische Physiker Brian Cox...

1  Bilder zu Hauke Hussmann

Bild zu Hauke Hussmann

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

The BELA Team - BepiColombo Laser Altimeter

Hauke Hussmann, Operations Supervisor. Thomas Behnke, Electrical System Engineer. Kay Lingenauber, Structural and Test Engineer. › about_us

13 Bücher zum Namen

Hauke Hussmann | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Hauke Hussmann. Results. Errata to “Tidal friction in close-in satellites and exoplanets. The Darwin theory re-visited” Springer Science+Business ...

Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics (IAU S249)

... Astronomical Union doi : S X Tidal friction in close - in planets Adrián Rodríguez ?, Sylvio Ferraz - Mello and Hauke Hussmann ?

Mercury: The View after MESSENGER

Hauke Hussmann (Germany) Nicolas Thomas (Switzerland) Luciano Iess (Italy) Valerio Lafolla (Italy) Karl-Heinz Glassmeier (Germany) Harald Hiesinger ...

Advances in Geosciences: Planetary Science (Ps) - Anil Bhardwaj -...

This invaluable volume set of Advances in Geosciences continues the excellent tradition of the Asia-Oceania scientific community in providing the most...

3 Dokumente

Science Objectives of the Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA ...

von J Kimura · · Zitiert von: 9 — Authors:Jun Kimura, Hauke Hussmann, Shunichi Kamata, Koji Matsumoto, Jurgen Oberst, Gregor Steinbrugge, Alexander Stark, Klaus Gwinner, Shoko Oshigami, ... › astro-ph

[ ] Spin-orbit coupling for tidally evolving super-Earths

... coupling for tidally evolving super-Earths. Authors: Adrián Rodríguez, Nelson Callegari Jr, Tatiana A. Michtchenko, Hauke Hussmann.

[ ] Tidal friction in close-in satellites and exoplanets. The...

Authors: Sylvio Ferraz-Mello (1), Adrián Rodríguez (1), Hauke Hussmann (2) ((1) Instituto de Astronomia Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas. Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, (2) Institut für Planetenforschung, DLR, Berlin-Adlershof, Germany). (Submitted on 7 Dec (v1), last revised 27 Apr (this version, v3)).

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Planetary and Space Science | Vol 200, June | ScienceDirect ...www.sciencedirect.com › journal › vol › suppl

Marina Höschele, Alexander Stark, Kai Wickhusen, Hauke Hussmann, Jürgen Oberst. Article : Download PDF. Article preview.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Stability and Evolution of Orbits around Binary Asteroids:...

Friedrich Damme (1), Sven Bauer (1). (1) DLR Institute of Planetary Research, ...

Technical Papers | Leigh Fletcher

... Paul Hartogh, Hauke Hussmann, Luciano Iess, Ralf Jaumann, Yves Langevin, Pasquale Palumbo, Giuseppe Piccioni, Giuseppe Sarri, Jan-Erik Wahlund (2014), ... › tec...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Sammlung neuer Preprints

Autoren: Sylvio Ferraz-Mello, Adrián Rodríguez, Hauke Hussmann Inhalt: 27 Seiten, 7 Abbildungen; Discovery of a bipolar X-ray jet from the T ...

24 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Filmer och serier med Hauke Hussmann - TV.nuwww.tv.nu › medverkande › hauke-hussmann

Hauke Hussmann. Hauke Hussmann på tv. Inga sändningar. Filmer och serier med Hauke Hussmann. Känd från . Populärast. Populärast; IMDb-betyg; Årtal; Titel.

Entdeckungen am Rand unseres Sonnensystems | Dr. Hauke...

Dr. Hauke Hussmann, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Institut für Planetenforschung, Planetengeodäsie, Berlin. Programm Archiv. Urania. An der ...

au:Hussmann_H in:astro-ph - SciRate Search

We used recently produced Solar System ephemerides, which incorporate two years of ranging observations to the MESSENGER spacecraft, to extract the ...

Entdeckungen am Rand unseres Sonnensystems am um 19:30...

Erhalte Freikarten für diese Veranstaltung: Entdeckungen am Rand unseres Sonnensystems - Vortrag, Urania Berlin in Berlin am

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

15:45, EP 11.3, Structure and Composition of the CoRoT-7b Exoplanet — •Frank W. Wagner, Frank Sohl, Hauke Hussmann, Heike Rauer, and ...

Celestial Mechanics in the XXIst Century - EPJ Special Topics ...

Geozesy and geophysics of Mercury: Prospects in view of the BepiColombo mission p Hauke Hussmann and Alexander Stark. Published online: 29 May › abs › contents

Bilim insanları Merkür'ü inceleyecek - Teknoloji - Gerçek Haberci

Kısa bir süre sonra Güneş'e en yakın gezegeni araştırmak için yeni bir uzay aracı yola çıkıyor.

Abstract: Measuring Ganymede's Tidal Deformation by Laser Altimetry:...

Gregor Steinbrügge, Hauke Hussmann, Alexander Stark, Frank Sohl and Jürgen Oberst, German Aerospace Center DLR Berlin, Berlin, ...

Folge 317 – Gezeitenkräfte Welt der Physik - Apple Podcasts

Wie Gezeitenkräfte neben Ebbe und Flut auch viele weitere Phänomene im Sonnensystem und darüber hinaus hervorrufen, erläutert Hauke Hussmann vom Institut ... › podcast › folge-317-gezeit...

IAPS Sturcture - International Association of Planetary Sciences

President: Hauke Hussmann (DLR, Germany) Vice-President: Rafael.Kascheev (KSU, Russia) Terms of Reference: Laser altimetry, Radar and high-resolution camera ... › iaps-sturcture

Icy Satellite Processes in the Solar System: A plurality of worlds –...

... Grun, Candice Hansen, Terry Hurford, Hauke Hussmann, Jeff Moore, Robert Pappalardo, Cynthia B. Phillips, Frank Postberg, Elizabeth Turtle, Robert Tyler.

Padel Analyticspadelanalytics.de › player

World Padel tour WPT Race Germany Netherlands Switzerland Thailand · About · Home Player. Hauke Hussmann. Tournaments. 1. Matches Total

Resumo Seminario Astronomia IAG USP

Hauke Hussmann. IAG/USP. Título/Title: The satelites of the outer solar system: interior structure and tidal evolution. Resumo/Abstract: ... › resu1...


招待講演, Sushil K Atreya (University of Michigan Ann Arbor) Sean Hsu (University of Colorado Boulder) Hauke Hussmann (DLR Institute of Planetary Research)

Popularizace na KG

2015) PDF s animacemi: Hauke Hussmann (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) navštívil geodynamický seminář katedry ( ) Julie Nováková ...

Page Europa

Royal Observatory of Belgium - Planets - Icy Satellites -

The Dwarf Planet Eris - Universe Today

These studies were conducted by Hauke Hussmann and colleagues from the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences ...

Jupiter's Ocean Moons Raise One Another's Tides - Scientific ...

— Hauke Hussmann, principle investigator of GALA, who was also not involved in the paper, says that his instrument should be able to spot ... › ...

Reference Frames Of Mercury After MESSENGER - SpaceRef

— Alexander Stark, Jürgen Oberst, Frank Preusker, Steffi Burmeister, Gregor Steinbrügge, Hauke Hussmann (Submitted on 26 Oct 2017) — Jun Kimura, hauke Hussmann, Shunichi Kamata, Koji Matsumoto, Jurgen Oberst, Gregor Steinbrugge, Alexander Stark, Klaus Gwinner, ... › news › viewsr › viewsr

CO Meeting Organizer EGU2011

Poster Programme PS3.1 Satellites and rings of the outer planets Convener: Linda Spilker Co-Conveners: Sushil K. Atreya , Jean-Pierre Lebreton , Glenn Orton , Hauke Hussmann ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hauke

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Hauke; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); hugu = der Geist, der Verstand; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen mit 'Hug-', wie z.B. 'Hugbert', einer alten Form von 'Hubert'

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