51 Infos zu Hedda Wardemann
Mehr erfahren über Hedda Wardemann
Lebt in
- Berlin
- Heidelberg
Infos zu
- Max Planck Institute
- Infection Biology
- Institute for Infection
- Immunology
- Cancer Research Center
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- Division
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Molecular Immunology | Max Planck Institute for Infection BiologyDr. Hedda Wardemann studied Immunology at the Biology Faculty of the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, Germany. She received her PhD in with a thesis work ...
Körpereigenes Abwehrsystem riskiert in großem Maße Immunkrankheiten -...Körpereigenes Abwehrsystem riskiert in großem Maße Immunkrankheiten
3 Bilder zu Hedda Wardemann

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Hedda Wardemann | FacebookLinkedIn: LinkedInStandort: · Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Hedda Wardemann auf LinkedIn, einer professionellen Community mit mehr als 1 Milliarde Mitgliedern, an.
Dr. Hedda Wardemann - AcademiaNetDr. Hedda Wardemann Für AcademiaNet ausgewählt und benannt von. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
1 Business-Profile
Hedda WARDEMANN | German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg |...Hedda WARDEMANN | Cited by 12,439 | of German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg (DKFZ) | Read 121 publications | Contact Hedda WARDEMANN
1 Bücher zum Namen
Advances in Immunology - Google BooksAdvances in Immunology, a long-established and highly respected publication, presents current developments as well as comprehensive reviews in immunology....
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Hedda Wardemann - gepris.dfg.deProfessor Dr. Hedda Wardemann Als Antragsteller abgeschlossene Projekte Regulation of self-reactive B cells in human and mice (Sachbeihilfen) The intestinal and ...
sciReptor: analysis of single-cell level immunoglobulin repertoires |...Katharina Imkeller,; Peter F. Arndt,; Hedda Wardemann and; Christian E. BusseEmail author. BMC BioinformaticsBMC series – open, inclusive ...
dblp: Hedda WardemannList of computer science publications by Hedda Wardemann
Selbst-Toleranz in menschlichen | Max-Planck-GesellschaftMolekulare Immunologie (Wardemann) (Dr. Hedda Wardemann) MPI für Infektionsbiologie, Berlin. Zusammenfassung.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Expression Cloning of Human B Cell Immunoglobulins | SpringerLinkThe majority of lymphomas originate from B cells at the germinal center stage or beyond. Preferential selection of B cell clones by a limited set of antigens...
Atypical and classical memory B cells produce BioMedSearchHedda Wardemann: wardemann@ mpiib-berlin.mpg.de. Abbreviations used: AtM, atypical memory B cells; CM, classical memory B cells;.
Immunologische Grundlagen entzündlicher Erkrankungen des...Autoren Infektionsbiologie/Gastroenterologie: H. Wardemann, J. Benckert
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Hedda Wardemann - WikipediaHedda Wardemann is an immunologist and Professor in the Division of B cell immunology at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany. [1]
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is driven by antigen-independent...Letter
Single Cell Sequencing - GroupsHedda Wardemann, Division of B Cell Immunology (D130) Frank Westermann, Division of Neuroblastoma Genomics (B087) Selected publications. Cabezas-Wallscheid N ...
The promise and challenge of high-throughput sequencing of the...Review Article
19 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Hedda Wardemann - DKFZHedda Wardemann, Head of Division of B Cell Immunology, talks about her research at DKFZ, her career and women in science in general. I #EmbraceEquity because innovative research needs diversity. WHAT IS YOUR FIELD OF RESEARCH AND WHAT FASCINATES YOU MOST ABOUT IT?
LinkedIn · James Ives2 Reaktionen · vor 6 JahrenJames Ives' PostWe recently spoke to Prof. Hedda Wardemann from the DKFZ German Cancer Research Center about the discovery of universal antibodies with ...
Information Theory for High Throughput Sequencing TexPoint fonts used...High throughput sequencing revolution tech. driver for info. theory
Who's Who | EVIMalaREVIMalaR is a joint research FP7 Network of Excellence, funded by the European Commission and currently involving 62 partners from 51 institutes in Europe,...
B-Zell-Immunologie - dkfz.deProf. Dr. Hedda Wardemann. Qualitative Bewertung eines rekombinanten monoklonalen Antikörpers (mAB), ...
Selbst-Toleranz in menschlichen | Max Planck Institute for Infection...Molekulare Immunologie (Wardemann) (Dr. Hedda Wardemann)MPI für Infektionsbiologie, Berlin. Somatische Rekombination und Mutation bilden die Vielfalt ...
B Cell ImmunologyDas Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum hat die Aufgabe, die Mechanismen der Krebsentstehung systematisch zu erforschen und Risikofaktoren für Krebserkrankungen zu...
Collaborations | Max Planck Institute for Molecular GeneticsLinks; Sequencing Core Facility (Bernd Timmermann) Team. Instrumentation. Projects. Links Dr. Hedda Wardemann and Dr. Christian Busse, MPI for Infection Biology:
Accumulation of Self-Reactive Naïve and Memory B Cell Reveals...Internal controls for polyreactivity were kindly provided by Prof Hedda Wardemann at Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology (Berlin, ...
Polyreactivity increases the apparent affinity of anti-HIV antibodies...... Patrick C. Wilson, Michael S. Seaman, Herman N. Eisen, Arup K. Chakraborty, Thomas J. Hope, Jeffrey V. Ravetch, Hedda Wardemann & Michel C. Nussenzweig
Cloning and expression of murine Ig genes from single B cells ::...Autor: Tiller, Thomas et al.; Genre: Zeitschriftenartikel; Im Druck veröffentlicht: ; Keywords: Recombinant monoclonal antibodies; Single cell PCR;...
Highly Restricted Usage of Ig H Chain V(H)14 Family Gene Segments in...Wardemann, Hedda Max-Planck Research Group Molecular Immunology, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Max Planck Society;
JCI - T cell–independent B cell activation induces immunosuppressive...Constanze Hess ... Hedda Wardemann, Marc Ehlers. Published September 3, Citation Information: J Clin Invest ;123(9):
18th Germinal Centre Conference... Institute for Medical Research, London, UK; Kai-Michael Toellner, University of Birmingham, UK; Hedda Wardemann, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, ...
The Wyatt Laboratory... Connors, Florencia Pereyra, Bruce D Walker, Hedda Wardemann, David Ho, Richard T Wyatt, John R Mascola, Jeffery V Ravetch and Michel C Nussenzweig.
TLR9 in Peritoneal B-1b Cells Is Essential for Production of...Hedda Wardemann, and Marc Ehlers; J Immunol : ; published ahead of print August 22, 2011, doi: jimmunol
JCI - The majority of intestinal IgA+ and IgG+ plasmablasts in the...Julia Benckert, Nina Schmolka, Cornelia Kreschel, Markus Josef Zoller, Andreas Sturm, Bertram Wiedenmann, Hedda Wardemann
BEBRandall L Lindquist, Guy Shakhar, Diana Dudziak, Hedda Wardemann, Thomas Eisenreich, Michael L Dustin & Michel C Nussenzweig. Visualizing dendritic cell networks in vivo.
Arginine mutation alters binding of a human monoclonal antibody to ...We thank Professor Jo Berden and Dr Johan van der Vlag (Nijmegen, Netherlands) for their help in setting up the anti-nucleosome assay. We are grateful to Dr Hedda Wardemann
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hedda
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Hedda; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); hadu = der Kampf, die Schlacht; wig = ringen, der Kampf, der Krieg; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; verbreitet durch die Verehrung der hl. Hedwig (12./13. Jh.), der Patronin von Schlesien
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