194 Infos zu Heike Endepols
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Lebt in
- Wermelskirchen
- Cologne
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- Bernd Neumaier
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- Zlatopolskiy
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- Rudolf Graf
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- Alexander Drzezga
- Elizaveta
- Heiko Backes
- Markus
28 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Hausratten häufiger als vermutet – Innovations ReportFür Rückfragen steht Ihnen Dr. Heike Endepols unter der , der Fax-Nummer und der Email-Adresse zur Verfügung. Media Contact Gabriele Rutzen idw
Prof. Dr. Heike Endepols wird ordiniert | Burscheidwww.rga.de › Lokales › Burscheid· Professor Dr. Heike Endepols wurde an diesem Wochenende in St. Stephanus ordiniert. Die Naturwissenschaftlerin begann ihre zweijährige ...
Schlaue Vögel denken smart und sparsam | dasGehirn.info - der ...www.dasgehirn.info › aktuell › neues-aus-den-instituten › schlaue-voegel-...Kaya von Eugen, Heike Endepols, Alexander Drzezga, Bernd Neumaier, Onur Güntürkün, Heiko Backes, Felix Ströckens: Avian neurons consume three times less ...
Tiere: Die Hausratte kehrt zurück - Gesellschaft - FAZVor Jahren kam sie nach Mitteleuropa, in den 90er Jahren galt sie als ausgestorben. Jetzt kommt die Hausratte zurück.
2 Bilder zu Heike Endepols

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Heike Endepols | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich Heike Endepols' vollständiges Profil an. Es ist kostenlos. Ihre Kollegen, Kommilitonen und 500 Millionen weitere Fach- und Führungskräfte sind ...
LinkedIn: Heike Endepols | LinkedInHeike Endepols' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Heike Endepols dabei hilft ...
Heike Endepols – hilgen-neuenhaus.deGemeindeleitung und Mitarbeiter · HomePersonenMusikStephanus-ComboHeike Endepols. 450_450__heike_endepols. Heike Endepols. Stephanus-Combo.
Beatriz Bueschbell – Data-Driven Molecular Design... Experimental Molecular Imaging in the Clinic of Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital of Cologne under the supervision of PD Dr Heike Endepols and Dr ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Avian neurons consume three times less glucose than mammalian ...www.cell.com › current-biology › pdfExtended· Kaya von Eugen,1 Heike Endepols,2,3,4 Alexander Drzezga,2,5,6 Bernd Neumaier,3,4 Onur Gu¨ ntu¨ rku¨ n,1 Heiko Backes,7.
1 Business-Profile
Heike Endepols University of Cologne | UOC - ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net › University of CologneHeike ENDEPOLS, Laboratory Head | Cited by | of University of Cologne, Köln (UOC) | Read 99 publications | Contact Heike ENDEPOLS.
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Kiser, Dominik - Institute of Psychologywww.psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de › bioklin › staff· Dr. Ricarda Schubotz and Dr. Heike Endepols) , 1st Master internship, Department of Cognitive Neurosciences, Thesis: "Serotonin ...
23 Bücher zum Namen
Heike Endepols - Успехи химииwww.uspkhim.ru › php › author_rusHeike Endepols. Организация: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Nuclear Chemistry (INM-5)
Hearing and Sound Communication in Amphibians - Google BooksAs models for vertebrate auditory systems, amphibians have been the source of extensive, ground-breaking research on hearing, the nervous system and acoustic...
Small Animal Imaging: Basics and Practical Guide - Google BooksThis textbook is a practical guide to the use of small animal imaging in preclinical research that will assist in the choice of imaging modality and contrast...
Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes - Google BooksAcknowledgments My thanks for comments and criticism on an earlier draft of the paper are due to Konstantin Behrend, Heike Endepols, Hans Markowitsch, ...
14 Dokumente
Dnmt3a2/Dnmt3L Overexpression in the Dopaminergic System of Mice...Dnmt3a2, a de novo DNA methyltransferase, is induced by neuronal activity and participates in long-term memory formation with increased expression of syn
Endepols, Heike [WorldCat Identities]View works by Heike Endepols · View works by Heike Endepols · View works by Heike Endepols · View works by Heike ...
Next Generation Copper Mediators for the Efficient Production of ...chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › ch...· Heike Endepols,. Heike Endepols. Uniklinik Köln: Uniklinik Koln, Institute of Radiochemistry and Experimental Molecular Imaging, ...
Copper‐Mediated Aromatic Radiofluorination Revisited: Efficient...Heike Endepols,. [a]. and Bernd Neumaier*. [a, b]. Abstract: Twonovel methods forcopper-mediated aromatic. nucleophilic radiofluorination were recently ...
16 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Privatdozentin Dr. Heike EndepolsPrivatdozentin Dr. Heike Endepols, Institut für Radiochemie und Experimentelle Molekulare BildgebungKöln
Brain Research Reviews | Vol 33, Issues 2–3, Pages (September...Heike Endepols, Wolfgang Walkowiak, Harald Luksch. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article Neurotrophic factors in Alzheimer's and ...
Peer Review reports - BMC Cancer - BioMed Centralbmccancer.biomedcentral.com › articles › peer-review15 Mar 2019, Author responded, Author comments - Heike Endepols. Resubmission - Version Mar 2019, Submitted, Manuscript version 2.
dblp: Heike EndepolsList of computer science publications by Heike Endepols
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Glucose consumption of inflammatory cells masks metabolic deficits in...Glucose consumption of inflammatory cells masks metabolic deficits in the brain. By Heiko Backes, Maureen Walberer, Anne Ladwig, Maria A. Rueger, Bernd Neumaier, Heike Endepols, Mathias Hoehn, Gereon R. Fink, Michael Schroeter and Rudolf Graf. Downloads cached PDF from CORE Download PDF (2 MB).
Physiological and Morphological Characterization of Organotypic...Heike Endepols, Julia Jungnickel, Katharina Braun, "Physiological and Morphological Characterization of Organotypic Cocultures of the Chick Forebrain Area ...
Central Auditory Pathways in Anuran Amphibians: The Anatomical Basis...... in Anuran Amphibians: The Anatomical Basis of Hearing and Sound Communication. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Walter Wilczynski; Heike Endepols.
Distinct spatiotemporal patterns of spreading depolarizations during...scientific article
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
4. Trinitatis ( ) - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch· Dr. Heike Endepols Lesung: Musik: Klaus Schwigon Technik: Patrick Mühlhausen, Pedro ...Dauer: 1:01:36Gepostet:
7 Meinungen & Artikel
In vivo Molecular Imaging of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II Expression...Heike Endepols, Raphael Richarz, Philipp Krapf, Bernd Neumaier & Boris D. Zlatopolskiy. Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital ...
Aus den Mauern – Forum WermelskirchenHeike Endepols – Gesang, Klavier Volker Groß – Gitarre Patrick Mühlhausen – Gesang, Bass Markus Hoffrogge – Schlagzeug Markt und Straßen stehn verlassen, Still erleuchtet jedes Haus, Sinnend geh’ ich durch die Gassen, Alles sieht so festlich aus. An den Fenstern haben …
Imaging cardiac SCN5A using the novel F-18 radiotracer radiocaine |...Article
In vivo Molecular Imaging of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II Naturewww.nature.com › scientific reports › articles· Heike Endepols, Felix M. Mottaghy, Boris D. Zlatopolskiy and Agnieszka Morgenroth contributed equally to this work.
74 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Heike Endepols | LinkedInView Heike Endepols' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Heike Endepols discover ...
Heike Endepols's Profile | Cell Journalist | Muck Rackmuckrack.com › heike-endepolsHeike Endepols. As seen in: Cell. Is this you? As a journalist, you can create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile, list your contact ...
Boris D. Zlatopolskiy, Heike Endepols, Raisa N. Krasikova,...Образец цитирования: Boris D. Zlatopolskiy, Heike Endepols, Raisa N. Krasikova, Olga S. Fedorova, Johannes Ermert, Bernd Neumaier, “$^{11}\mathrm {C}$- ...
LIVIVO - Search results -LIVIVO - The Search portal for Life Sciences
Endepols, Heike: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books store ...vn.art1lib.org › ...GABAergic projection neurons in the basal ganglia of the green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) · Heike Endepols, Franziska Helmbold, Wolfgang Walkowiak. Journal:.
Animal Research | my precision mental healthwww.mpmh.me › markdown-2 › markdown-3Leweke, Heike Endepols: The functional networks of prepulse inhibition: Neuronal connectivity analysis based on FDG-PET in awake and unrestrained rats. Front ...
AEPs to deviant and standard stimuli elicited with a deviant...AEPs to deviant and standard stimuli elicited with a deviant probability of 0.2.
LIN Alumni at Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology » Leibniz Institute...LIN Alumni at Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
Lehrstuhl für Zoologie: KooperationenWolfgang Walkowiak/Heike Endepols Thema:Anatomy of amphibian brain; Ralf Wessel Thema:Midbrain mechanisms, Feedback circuits; Harvey J. Karten
A Practical One-Pot Synthesis of Positron Emission Tomography (PET)...Boris D. Zlatopolskiy, Johannes Zischler, Elizaveta A. Urusova, Heike Endepols, Elena Kordys, Holm Frauendorf, Felix M. Mottaghy, Bernd Neumaier.
Lehrstuhl für Zoologie: CooperationsWolfgang Walkowiak/Heike Endepols Topic: Anatomy of amphibian brain; Ralf Wessel Topic: Midbrain mechanisms, Feedback circuits; Harvey J. Karten
18F-PSMA - Shreeji - Shreejiimagingshreejiimaging.com › resourcesFelix Dietlein, Melanie Hohberg, Carsten Kobe, Boris D. Zlatopolskiy, Philipp Krapf, Heike Endepols, Philipp Täger, Jochen Hammes, Axel Heidenreich, ...
GMS | 67th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery...... Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, Cologne, Germany; Heike Endepols - Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, Cologne, ...
MDPI | Article Reprints Order... Gregor Burdeos, Ingo Voigt, Patrick Giavalisco, Yvonne Hinze, Martin Purrio, Bernd Neumaier, Alexander Drzezga, Yayoi Obata, Heike Endepols and Xiangru ...
An indirect basal ganglia pathway in anuran amphibians? | Read by QxMDSilke Maier, Wolfgang Walkowiak, Harald Luksch, Heike Endepols. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 2010, 40 (1): The mammalian ...
A Practical One-Pot Synthesis of Positron Emission Tomography ...cyberleninka.org › articleBoris D. Zlatopolskiy,[a b] Johannes Zischler,[a b] Elizaveta A. Urusova,[a b c] Heike Endepols,[a'b] Elena Kordys,[ab] Holm Frauendorf,[d] Felix M.
An 89Zr-Labeled PSMA Tracer for PET/CT Imaging of Prostate ...jnm.snmjournals.org › content › tab-article-infoFelix Dietlein, Carsten Kobe, Sergio Muñoz Vázquez, Thomas Fischer, Heike Endepols, Melanie Hohberg, Manuel Reifegerst, Bernd Neumaier, Klaus Schomäcker, ...
Copper‐Mediated Aromatic Radiofluorination Revisited: Efficient...Abstract Two novel methods for copper‐mediated aromatic nucleophilic radiofluorination were recently reported. Evaluation of these methods reveals that,...
Copper-Mediated Aromatic Radiofluorination Revisited: Efficient...Bernd Neumaier, Boris D. Zlatopolskiy, Johannes Zischler, Philipp Krapf, Fadi Zarrad, Elizaveta A. Urusova, Elena Kordys, Heike Endepols. Chemistry - A ...
CiteSeerX — Reviewed by:by Christine Marx , Björn Lex , Carsten Calaminus , Wolfgang Hauber , Heiko Backes , Bernd Neumaier , Günter Mies , Rudolf Graf , Heike Endepols , Paul ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Heike
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch, Friesisch): Heike; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); heima = das Heim, die Heimat, die Heimstatt; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; Information zur männlichen Form Heinrich:; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bereits im Mittelalter einer der beliebtesten deutschen Vornamen; Name zahlreicher Herzöge, Könige und Kaiser
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Julia Jungnickel
- Felix Dietlein
- Walter Wilczynski
- Johannes Zischler
- Mathias Hoehn
- Markus Leweke
- Philipp Krapf
- Günter Mies
- Alexander Drzezga
- Rudolf Graf
- Elena Kordys
Personensuche zu Heike Endepols & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Heike Endepols und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.