43 Infos zu Hella Steins

Mehr erfahren über Hella Steins

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

4  Bilder zu Hella Steins

Bild zu Hella Steins
Bild zu Hella Steins
Bild zu Hella Steins
Bild zu Hella Steins

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Hella Steins - Cursusleider/eigenaar - Smashing Stones ...nl.linkedin.com › hella-steins-a

Bekijk het profiel van Hella Steins op LinkedIn, de grootste professionele community ter wereld. Hella Steins heeft 1 functie op zijn of haar profiel. Bekijk het ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Hairy koningsnacht in de Karpershoek

Op 26 april beginnen we de festiviteiten goed in cafe Karpershoek Vanaf een uur of zes feestje met de Hairy boys en de al...

Rock Supplies doet Wilhelmina deel zeven

Dit keer met in ieder geval Love Hungry Men Het debuut van deze AC DC tribute band met repertoire uit de Bon Scott periode ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Hella Steins | Facebook

Hella Steins is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Hella Steins and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the ...

Contact and about - Smashing Stones

Mozaiek achtergrondinformatie (mozaieken, mozaiekgeschiedenis). Gevestigd in Halfweg, tussen Amsterdam en Haarlem - Hella Steins.

1 Bücher zum Namen

Animals, Disease and Human Society: Human-animal Relations and the...

This book explores the history and nature of our dependency on other animals and the implications of this for human and animal health. Writing from an...

1 Dokumente


thanks also go out to Hella Steins and Mieke van Stigt who have helped me get through the writing process more or less intact; and to Ian Macdonald for being ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Mosaic Art Yearbook – Mosaic Artist Index – International...

Hella Steins, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Smashing Stones · Email. Carolien Valentijn, s`-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, Email.

31 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Mozaiek - Halfweg, tussen Amsterdam en Haarlem, Smashing Stones

Gevestigd in Amsterdam - Hella Steins In maakte Hella Steins kennis met de mozaiekkunst, een kennismaking die zich al snel ontwikkelde tot een ware ...

Workshops en cursussen van - Cursussen-en-workshops.nl

Hella Steins. Leuke en inspirerende mozaiekworkshops. Er zijn diverse mogelijkheden, zoals korte kennismakingsworkshops en workshops moza?eksieraden ...

Persoon: Hella Steins

Hella Steins. website: www.smashingstones.nl. Facebook: www.facebook.com/smashingstonesmozaiek. Organisaties beheerd door Hella ...

What Else? by Hella Steins - Mosaic Supplies Limited

· Our 4th ARTicle is by Hella Steins. Hella lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and has been making mosaics for more than 12 years now. In she founded her mosaic company Smashing Stones. Since then she not only continued developing her own mosaic style but she also has been sharing the joy of making mosaics with many others by ...

‘Abundance’ Artist: Hella Steins | Artist, Mosaic art, Mosaic company

https://flic.kr/p/bMamC6 | 'Abundance' Artist: Hella Steins | Size: cm x cm / 6” x 6” Tesseare: Micro ceramic tiles, millefiori, rock crystal, art glass, glass ...

Bumblebee Pendant Artist: Hella Steins International Mosaic...

Bumblebee Pendant Artist: Hella Steins International Mosaic Auction benefit for Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) will be held ...

Hella Steins - LandfillArtlandfillart.org › hellasteins

... from all over the world and from all kinds of disciplines was very appealing to me. Therefore, I was honored to contribute to the Landfillart Project.”Hella Steins.

Butterfly Pendant by Hella Steins - Bid History | BiddingForGood

Bid on school and nonprofit fundraising auction items; support worthy causes that make a difference. Auctions include electronics, celebrity items and more.

Hella Steins | Mosaic, Steins, Arts and crafts

"Just Round the Corner" MOSAIC: auction~exhibition to benefit Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières April 1 through April 27 at ...

Harald Steins - Luxembourg

Hella Steins, Netherlands. Steins Manfred, Luxembourg Manfred Steins, Luxembourg. Steins Robert, Luxembourg Robert Steins, Luxembourg. This information ...

@serablue Pinterest pin International Mosaic Auction for DWB/MSF...

Pinterest pin International Mosaic Auction for DWB/MSF added by serablue - Pinvibe.com

Animals, Disease and Human Society: Human-animal Relations and the...

ANIMALS, DISEASE AND HUMAN SOCIETY In recent years, the issue of animal disease has seldom been out of the headlines. T...

Bernd Steins - Luxembourg

Directors with similar name. STEINS BURKHARD, Spain Burkhard Steins, Spain. Steins Hella, Netherlands Hella Steins, Netherlands. Steins Hans, Netherlands ...

archive-nl.com: griekenlandaanzee.nl - Nieuwsbrief voorjaar

Sjaak Henselmans en Sean Fitzpatrick Hella Steins komt weer ...

Griekenland Archieven - Reis-idee :Reis-idee

In het najaar geeft Hella Steins van Smashing Stones een cursus Glas- en Sieraden Mozaïek. Op de website van GRIEKENLAND AAN ZEE vindt u een ...

Hella Shrine Circus

Hella shrine circus Qc talky place other fun things => music talk => topic started by: kharbevnor on june: 06: pm

Mosaic belt buckles - Smashing Stones

Mosaic buckles. Based in Halfweg, between Amsterdam and Haarlem.

Mosaic commissions, examples - Smashing Stones

Mosaic: Hella Steins, logo design: Armand Niemantsverdriet mosaic reception desk mosaic table top mosaic number mosaic mirror. Naturally we also do ...

Here are Beer and Ukky. These mosaics were made by Kaylee and Karin,...

Bio Founded by Hella Steins, based in Halfweg, near Amsterdam. Courses + commissions. Workshops en opdrachten door Hella Steins. In Halfweg bij ...

Mosaic jewellery - Smashing Stones

Mosaic: Hella Steins Smashing Stones makes rings, pendants and brooches to order and always has a large collection of mosaic jewellery in stock, which can ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Hella

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Hella; heilig; Altnordisch (Wortzusammensetzung); heilagr = heilig; in Deutschland erst seit etwa 1900 gebräuchlich

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Steins

Der Name "Steins" soll von dem gleichnamigen Ort in Sachsen kommen. Heute leben die meissten Steins im Kr. Paderborn, Kr. Neuss, Kr. Aachen und Kr. Bitburg-Prüm.

Personensuche zu Hella Steins & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Hella Steins und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.