217 Infos zu Henning Sprekeler

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27 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Henning Sprekeler neuer Professor am BCCN Berlin — Bernstein Netzwerk...

Seit Oktober ist Henning Sprekeler Professor für die Modellierung kognitiver Prozesse an der Technischen Universität Berlin. Seine Arbeitsgruppe ...

Henning Sprekeler accepts professorship at TU Berlin and Bernstein...

· Henning Sprekeler studied physics in Freiburg and Berlin. From to he completed his PhD in Laurenz Wiskotts lab at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Rückblick: Bernstein Konferenz – Geschichten aus der...

Der diesjährige Preisträger Dr. Henning Sprekeler, der in Freiburg und Berlin Physik studiert hat, untersucht Lernen in sogenannten ...

Dr. Henning Sprekeler — Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

In seiner Dissertation hat Dr. Henning Sprekeler die Frage untersucht, wie das Verhalten dieser Zellen entsteht.

1  Bilder zu Henning Sprekeler

Henning Sprekeler · Sandra Wohlgemuth · Bernhard Ronacher · Andreas Stumpner

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Henning Sprekeler accepts professorship Bernstein ...

GitHub - sim-web/spatial_patterns: The code for the simulations in...

The code for the simulations in Simon N Weber & Henning Sprekeler: 'Learning place cells, grid cells and invariances with excitatory and inhibitory...

Prof Dr Henning Sprekeler - SFB 1315

Prof Dr Henning Sprekeler. Head Sprekeler Lab - B01 Alumnus PI Technische Universität Berlin. Fak. IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik. Modellierung Kognitiver Prozesse. Raum MAR Berlin.

Loop | Henning Sprekeler

Sorry, something went wrong and this content could not be loaded. Please refresh the page and try again. Import Your Publications. Import your full publication ...

1 Business-Profile

Henning SPREKELER | Institute for Theoretical Biology (ITB)

› Hen...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team | MKP

Henning Sprekeler, Principal Investigator, Cathrin Bunkelmann, Lab Administrator, Loreen Hertäg, Independent Postdoctoral Researcher funded by DFG.

Leitung - Technische Universität Berlin

Henning Sprekeler. W3 Professur. + Sekretariat MAR 5-3: Gebäude MAR: Raum MAR : Standort. Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir Inhalte von OpenStreetMap angezeigt werden. ...

2 Auszeichnungen

Henning Sprekeler, Professor für die Modellierung kognitiver Prozesse...

Henning Sprekeler, Professor für die Modellierung kognitiver Prozesse am ... Henning Sprekeler übernimmt Professur an der TU Berlin und am Bernstein ...

6 Projekte

sprekeler / Profile

: sprekeler; Joined: :30:18. Projects. Project Logo Modular ...


Henning Sprekeler, Christian Michaelis, and Laurenz Wiskott. Slow Feature Analysis (SFA) is an abstract algorithm based on slowness as a learning principle.

Development — Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP)

... Michael Schmuker · Benjamin Schrauwen · Henning Sprekeler · Jake VanderPlas · David Verstraeten; Ben Willmore; Katharina Maria Zeiner ...


Research Project ( ). Analytical derivation of complex cell properties from the slowness principle. Henning Sprekeler and Laurenz Wiskott ...

16 Bücher zum Namen

Henning Sprekeler | Technical University of Berlin - Typeset

› authors › henni...

Henning Sprekeler - A Web Based Annotated Bibliography - Aigaion 2.0

Mathias Franzius, Henning Sprekeler and Laurenz Wiskott, Slowness and sparseness lead to place, head-direction, and spatial-view cells. (2007), in: PLoS  ...

Prof. Henning Sprekeler - | SFB1315 Outputwww.sfb1315-output.de › authors › sfb-henningspr...

Henning Sprekeler. Principal Investigator. SFB Latest. B01: A neuronal basis for systems memory consolidation. CC-BY 4.0, sourcecode at ...

Hardwiring Happiness: The Practical Science of Reshaping Your...

'A book to savour, to practise, and take to heart' Professor Mark Williams'As clear and inspired as it gets' Ruby WaxFour steps to counterbalance your brain's...

20 Dokumente

Understanding Slow Feature Analysis - SSRN Papers

von H Sprekeler · · Zitiert von: 14 — Henning Sprekeler. Independent. Laurenz Wiskott. Humboldt University of Berlin - Institute for Theoretical Biology. Date Written: › sol3 › pap...

SCHATTENBLICK - FORSCHUNG/2501: Austausch neuester Erkenntnisse auf...

Die Konferenz wurde mit der Vergabe des Bernstein Preises an Dr. Henning Sprekeler von der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin eröffnet.

Slowness and sparseness lead to place, headdirection, and spatial ...citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › viewdoc › summary

author = {Mathias Franzius and Henning Sprekeler and Laurenz Wiskott}, title = {Slowness and sparseness lead to place, headdirection, and spatial-view ...

Perceptual Learning, Roving and the Unsupervised Bias By Aaron...

Learning and Sleeping Perceptual Learning, Roving and the Unsupervised Bias By Aaron Clarke, Henning Sprekeler, Wolfram Gerstner and Michael Herzog Brain Mind...

17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Functional consequences of inhibitory plasticity: homeostasis, the...

Functional consequences of inhibitory plasticity: homeostasis, the excitation- inhibition balance and beyond. Author links open overlay panelHenning Sprekeler.

dblp: Henning Sprekeler

List of computer science publications by Henning Sprekeler

Henning Sprekeler - DBLP

› Persons

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity and temporal input statistics

von H Sprekeler · — Spike-timing-dependent plasticity and temporal input statistics. Henning Sprekeler &; Laurenz Wiskott. BMC Neuroscience volume 8, ... › ...

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Slowness: An Objective for Spike-Timing EconPaperseconpapers.repec.org › RePEc:plo:...

By Henning Sprekeler, Christian Michaelis and Laurenz Wiskott; Abstract: Our nervous system can efficiently recognize objects in spite of ...

Plasticity and stability in recurrent neural networks | SpringerLink

Friedemann Zenke · (1); Guillaume Hennequin (1); Henning Sprekeler (1); Tim P Vogels (1); Wulfram Gerstner (1). Author Affiliations.

Slowness learning: mathematical approaches and synaptic mechanisms...

Slowness learning: mathematical approaches and synaptic mechanisms [Elektronische Ressource] / von Henning Sprekeler : Slowness ...

Slowness learning

Henning Sprekeler : Titel: Slowness learning – mathematical approaches and synaptic mechanisms ; Gutachter: Laurenz Wiskott; Richard Kempter; Wulfram ...

2 Video- & Audioinhalte

Prof Henning Sprekeler's World Wide Neuro Forum on September 25th...

· Prof Henning Sprekeler's World Wide Neuro Forum on September 25th views Gepostet:

05 Henning Sprekeler - Optimising spiking interneuron circuits ...

› watch

9 Meinungen & Artikel

Friday Paper List February 1st | Mo Papers Mo Problems

... neurons from sub- to suprathreshold using single spikes in vivo Verena Pawlak1, David S Greenberg, Henning Sprekeler, Wulfram Gerstner, ...

INI Reference Repository

@article{SprekelerWiskott-2011, author = {Henning Sprekeler and Laurenz Wiskott}, title = {A Theory of Slow Feature Analysis for Transformation-Based Input

Interesting talks/posters from COSYNE | Memming

Tim Vogels, Henning Sprekeler, Friedemann Zenke, Claudia Clopath, Wulfram Gerstner. Inhibitory synaptic plasticity generates global and ...

Lectures 2013

Henning Sprekeler (Institut für Theoretische Biologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): A cellular mechanism for systems memory consolidation; This talk is canceled!

88 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Henning Sprekeler's research works | Technische ...

Henning Sprekeler's 56 research works with 423 citations, including: Lockbox enrichment facilitates manipulative and cognitive activities for mice.

Henning Sprekeler - Google Scholar Citations

Индексы цитирований, Все, Начиная с г. Статистика цитирования, 697, h-индекс, 13, 12. i10-индекс, 16,

‪Prof. Claudia Clopath‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Bioengineering, Imperial College London‬ - ‪‪Cited by ‬‬ - ‪Com…tional Neuroscience‬

Friedemann Zenke - Citações do Google Acadêmico

Wulfram GERSTNER,; Henning Sprekeler,; Tim P. Vogels,; Dr Claudia Clopath,; Leandro Romero Gasques,; Alexis Diaz-Torres,; Guillaume Hennequin,; Corette ...

Perceptual Learning, Roving and the Unsupervised Bias By Aaron...

Perceptual Learning

Henning Sprekeler übernimmt Professur an der TU Berlin und am...

Henning Sprekeler übernimmt Professur an der TU Berlin und am Bernstein Zentrum Berlin. Henning Sprekelers Hauptinteresse gilt den biologischen Grundlagen des …

Tim P. Vogels - Citas de Google Académico

L F Abbott,; Wulfram GERSTNER,; Henning Sprekeler,; Friedemann Zenke,; Dr Claudia Clopath,; Kanaka Rajan,; Guillaume Hennequin,; Roberto Araya, ...

User:Henning Sprekeler - Scholarpedia

› article

Deprecated Homepage - Henning Sprekeler

Homepage of Henning Sprekeler at EPF Lausanne

Henning Sprekeler - G-Nodenncn.g-node.org › the-network › BPCN › bpcn2011

"Learning and Memory in Balanced Systems". Henning Sprekeler investigates how the brain on the one hand maintains stable activity, such as memories, ...

Henning Sprekeler - Publications - Neurotree

› beta › publi...

Henning Sprekeler - Publications

Neurotree: publications by Henning Sprekeler, University of Cambridge

Prof Henning Sprekeler | Self-organisation in interneuron circuits

› semi...

Ponder Talks - Henning Sprekeler - A cellular mechanism for systems...

Ponder lists intellectual events in your area!

Bernstein Award 2011: million euros for brain researcher Henning...

HU Biologist Henning Sprekeler receives one of the world’s best endowed prizes for his research on learning and memory.

Bernstein Award 2011: million euros for brain researcher ...medizin-aspekte.de › bernstein-awa...

Henning Sprekeler investigates how the brain on the one hand maintains stable activity, such as memories, and on the other hand can change through learning ...

'Zone of Uncertainty' in the Brain Influences Its Psychreg

vor 7 Tagen — Further analyses in collaboration with the laboratory of Professor Henning Sprekeler and his team at the Technical University of Berlin ... › zone-u...

Lernen und Gedächtnis in balancierten Systemen

Projektleitung: Dr. Henning Sprekeler. Adresse: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Biologie › lern...

Agenda archives | Laboratoire de Neurosciences cognitives

271 results — Henning Sprekeler (Technische Universität Berlin). ENS, room Berthier, 29 rue d'Ulm, Paris. 19 October › agenda › a...

An Extension of Slow Feature Analysis for Nonlinear Blind ...

von H Sprekeler · · Zitiert von: 62 — Henning Sprekeler, Tiziano Zito, Laurenz Wiskott; 15(26):921−947, Abstract. We present and test an extension of slow feature analysis as a novel approach ... › papers

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Henning

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Niederdeutsch): Henning; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); heima = das Heim, die Heimat, die Heimstatt; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bereits im Mittelalter einer der beliebtesten deutschen Vornamen; Name zahlreicher Herzöge, Könige und Kaiser

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Henning Sprekeler & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Henning Sprekeler und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.