72 Infos zu Holger Schlör

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

ICAE Awards: Best Papers and Outstanding Papers for ICAE News...

Applied Energy provides a forum for information on innovation, research, development and demonstration in the areas of energy conversion and conservation, the…

Green economy will help to eradicate poverty — News — Laboratory for...

In October, at the invitation of HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, Dr. Holger Schlör, leading researcher at Jülich ...

Open lecture 'Innovation in the context of sustainable development –...

... background of the UN Green Economy Model and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)' by Dr. Holger Schlör (Research Centre Jülich ...

Druckansicht - Die Adresse für Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf

3. Juni Holger Schloer, TU Berlin. Social Partnership and the Third Way Dr. Steve French, Universität Warwick und Institute for German Studies, ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Holger Schlör | Facebook

Joint ICTP-IAEA Advancing Modelling of Climate, Land-use, Energy and...

HOLGER SCHLOER. Affiliation, IEK STE, Juelich. Address. Telephone. Fax ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

LISTSERV HDGEC Archives - April 2010listserver.ciesin.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A1=ind1004&L...

Conference Invitation. Holger Schlör <[log in to unmask]>. Mon, 12 Apr :50:11 + lines. New Thread. Cyberseminar on “What are the remote ...


Dr. Holger Schlör, Dipl.-Volksw. Research Centre Jülich Institute of Energy Research - Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEF-STE) D Jülich ...

15 Bücher zum Namen

Individuelle Wohlfahrtseffekte einer Verteuerung des motorisierten Individualverkehrs: Wohlfahrtsmessung auf der Basis einer disaggregierten Präferenzanalyse

von Holger Schlör, dissertation.de, 2001, Taschenbuch

Wohlfahrtseffekte einer ökologischen Steuerreform am Beispiel des...

Wohlfahrtseffekte einer ökologischen Steuerreform am Beispiel des Verkehrsbereichs . von Holger Schlör. Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

Demography and Infrastructure | E-kirja | Ellibs E-kirjakauppa

Ellibs E-kirjakauppa - E-kirja: Demography and Infrastructure - Tekijä: Kronenberg, Tobias - Hinta: 189,35€

2nd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related...

... China Jamal Khatib, University of Wolverhampton, UK Holger Schlör, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Systems Analysis ...

8 Dokumente

Germany after Johannesburg? A Sustainable Perspective? by Holger...

The World Summit of Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg reaffirmed sustainable development as a crucial element for the future of the world ...

Adjusted Genuine Saving and Water - a Measure for Sustainability by...

The Brundtland Commission has introduced a critical new dimension into our conception of economic development by raising the issue of sustainability of developm

Download (781Kb) - USQ ePrints

Holger Schloer. 6. Fabrication and Electrocatalytic Performance of Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on Mesoporous. Carbons for Methanol Tolerant Oxygen ...

The Asymmetry of Sustainability and Their Consequences by Holger...

The thesis of the paper is that sustainability is delimited by asymmetrical restrictions. At the one hand, a definition of sustainability must deal with crucial

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Energy | Shedding Light on Energy Transition: Special Issue Dedicated...

Edited by Natasa Markovska, Neven Duić, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Zvonimir Guzović, Holger Schlör, Ilija Batas Bjelić, Henrik Lund ...

Energy, Sustainability and Society | Articles

This international peer-reviewed open access journal offers a forum for discourse on systemic challenges at the intersection of energy, sustainability and ...

Sustainable energy – A systems approach

Holger Schlör, Wolfgang Fischer and Jürgen-Friedrich Hake. Energy, Sustainability and Society :34. Published on: 5 December Full Text · PDF.

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Ethics, Sustainability and the Water, Energy, Food Nexus Core

Holger Schlör a. , Karin Schürmann a. , Sandra Venghaus a. *. aForschungszentrum Jülich, IEK-STE, Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße, Jülich, Germany. Abstract.

Table of Contents | Economics Research International | Hindawi

... A New Methodological Approach for Measuring the Sustainability of the German Energy System, Holger Schlör, Wolfgang Fischer, and Jürgen-Friedrich Hake

EconPapers: The meaning of energy systems for the genesis of the...

By Holger Schlör, Wolfgang Fischer and Jürgen-Friedrich Hake; Abstract: The paper describes the genesis of the idea, the term and the concept of sustainable ...

Demography and Infrastructure | SpringerLink

Population ageing has been going on for many decades, but population shrinking is a rather new phenomenon. The population of Germany, as in many other...

27 Webfunde aus dem Netz

DIW Berlin: WB Weiter wachsende Bedeutung der privaten Ausgaben...

Hartmut Kuhfeld, Holger Schlör und Ulrich Voigt: Ökonomische Folgenanalyse im Rahmen des TAB-Projektes "Optionen zur Entlastung des Verkehrsnetzes und zur Verlagerung von Straßenverkehr auf umweltfreundlichere Verkehrsträger", Gutachten des DIW im Auftrag des Büros für Technikfolgenabschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag (TAB), Berlin

DIW Berlin: aelter

Holger Schlör: 113: Juni 1995: Tarifpolitik in Ostdeutschland: Ausstieg aus dem Lohnverhandlungsmodell der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? Wolfgang Scheremet : 114: Juni 1995: Armut in der Transformation - das Beispiel Ungarn: Rudolf Andorka, Zsolt Spéder: 115: Juni 1995

Analysing Gordon’s trade-off by adapting Thurow’s approach of pure...

Holger Schlör. IEK-STE: Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Jülic…

Evaluation of Findings on Sustainability Strategies

Keimel, Holger Schlör · Details · Authors · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar ...

Conference: Food-Energy-Water-Nexus Conference (Washington, DC) |

... Sydney; Kenneth Strzepek, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Holger Schloer, Research Center Juelich, Germany ...


Holger Schlör del prestigioso centro di ricerca Tedesco Juelich. L'Ing. Proietti è stata anche co-chair nella sessione Building II in cui sono stati ...


Edited by: Nataša Markovska, Neven Duić, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Zvonimir Guzović, Holger Schlör, Ilija Batas Bjelić and Henrik Lund View papers; Energy, The ...

Energy poverty in Croatia– defining causes and consequences - CROSBI

Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija CROSBI promovira otvoreni pristup hrvatskim znanstvenim informacijama

Demography and Infrastructure | springerprofessional.de

Population ageing has been going on for many decades, but population shrinking is a rather new phenomenon. The population of Germany, as in many

The meaning of energy systems for the genesis of the concept of...

The paper describes the genesis of the idea, the term and the concept of sustainable development. The driving forces of sustainable development were...

Table of contents for Economics of agriculture and natural resources

Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs and Holger Schlör, Research Centre Jülich, Germany); ...

Evaluation of Findings on Sustainability Strategies |...

The German national sustainability strategy and the federal spatial planning policy provide the basis for deriving a concept for sustainable


The United Nations declared at the Rio+20 Conference in that a “green economy in the context of sustainable development” is a chance for poverty...

ICAE2012 Suzhou, China


Journal of Industrial Ecology Content Alert: 21, 6 (December 2017) -...

International Society for Industrial Ecology

Shedding light on energy transition: Special issue dedicated to

Natasa Markovska, Neven Duić, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Zvonimir Guzović, Holger Schlör, Ilija Batas Bjelić, Henrik Lund · The Technical Faculty ...

Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass in Tubular Reactors, a...

Editors, Marko Ban, Neven Duic, Natasa Markovska, Daniel Rolph Schneider, Zvonimir Gizovic, Holger Schlör, Boris Cosic, Goran Krajacic. Publication status ...

Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems...

... Water and Environment Systems. Antonio Piacentino, Henrik Lund, Zvonimir Guzović, Natasa Markovska, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Holger Schlör, Neven Duić.

Wie nachhaltig ist die deutsche Energieversorgung? - PDF Free Download

Nachhaltigkeit als Steuerungskonzept Wolfgang Fischer Jürgen-Fr. Hake Holger Schlör Paradigmenwechsel Vom Paradigma des uneingeschränkten ...

Course browser searcher

Christian Rehtanz, TU Dortmund: The Energiewende as Challenges for the Electrical Grid 11. Holger Schlör, Forschungszentrum Jülich (D): System boundaries ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Holger

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Holger; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); holmi = die Insel; geirr = der Speer (Altisländisch); alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; in Dänemark als Name des Nationalhelden Holger Danske sehr beliebt

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