212 Infos zu Ibrahim Al-koni
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- Bleeding
- Gold Dust
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Erntedankfest der Bücherbranche - taz.detaz.de › Erntedankfest-der-BuecherbrancheOct 6, · Heute abend wird in Frankfurt am Main die 50. internationale Buchmesse ... Fabio Pusterla, Ruth Schweikert, Leo Tuor und Ibrahim al-Koni), ...
NZZ: Al-Andalus liegt nicht am Main | NZZwww.nzz.ch › ...Oct 11, · Ein Gespräch am Verlegerstand oder die Lesung des bewunderten Autors? ... Rachid Boudjedra und Ibrahim al-Koni neben solchen, die für nicht ...
The BLASTS that changed OUR LIVES - The Nation Newspaper— The bomb ruins everything,” said, Ibrahim Koni, a crippled trader. Before his disability, Koni used to be a farmer. › the-...
Paperbacks: Gold Dust, by Ibrahim al-Koni | The Independent | The...Imagine Cormac McCarthy's savage lyricism in a Paul Bowles desert landscape and you begin to enter the bleakly beautiful world of this mesmerising, fable-like...
20 Bilder zu Ibrahim Al-koni

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ibrahim Al Koni | Facebookwww.facebook.com › ibrahim.alkoni.3Facebook: Ibrahim Koni | FacebookFacebook: Yunusa Ibrahim Koni | FacebookTwitter Profil: Ibrahim AL (ibrahim11298)Ort: Riyadh / http://Ask.fm/Ibrahim3esa
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Die Magier von Ibrahim al-Koni bei LovelyBooks (Roman)'Die Magier' ist das Hauptwerk des libyschen Autors Ibrahim al-Koni. Ein gewaltiges Epos, das Geschichte und Mythos, Weisheit und Tradition, Denken und ...
42 Bücher zum Namen
ibrahim al koni - ZVABDie verheissene Stadt: Roman aus der Sahara von Ibrahim Al-Koni und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf ZVAB.com.
Ibrahim al-Koni - 7 Bücher - Perlentaucherwww.perlentaucher.de › autor › ibrahim-al-koniIbrahim al-Koni, geboren 1948, wuchs in einem Tuareg-Stamm in der libyschen Wüste auf. Nach dem Studium der Literatur am Gorki-Institut in Moskau arbeitete ...
„Ein Haus in der Sehnsucht - Roman aus der Sahara Booklookerwww.booklooker.de › Bücher › Ibrahim al-Koni"Ein Haus in der Sehnsucht - Roman aus der Sahara,, aus ..." von Ibrahim al-Koni jetzt Erstausgabe bestellen ✓ Preisvergleich ✓ Käuferschutz ✓ Wir ...
AbeBooks: : Oro En Polvo - Ibrahim Al Koni:› plp
16 Dokumente
al-Koni, Ibrahim [WorldCat Identities]DHAKIRAT GHANIYATI AL-HAZINAT by Ibrahim Al Koni( Book ) 1 edition published in in Arabic and held by 0 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.
[DOC] Michelle Hartman for her translation of Wild Mulberrieswww.banipaltrust.org.uk › resources › files › prize_prel_2009_finalOct 16, · On hearing the news, Samah Selim said: “The Collar and the Bracelet was just such ... “Ibrahim al-Koni, a Libyan novelist of Tuareg origins, ...
[PDF] KATZ, Israel J. Henry George Farmer and the Firstisamveri.org › pdfdkm › DKMR102 Herbe de la nuit / Ibrahim al-Koni. Paris, Contains numerous articles, mainly by H.G. Farmer, on Muslim musicians, ... Frankfurt am Main.
[PDF] An Invisible Existence Between Life and Death in Al-Koni's The ...www.davidpublisher.com › Public › uploads › ContributeIn his essay entitled “Place in. Ibrahim Al-Koni's Novel The Bleeding of the Stone”, Awin Al-Fouri (2000) argued that the desert is not merely the space or a ...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
[PDF] Durham E-Theses - COREcore.ac.uk › downloadJun 5, · Ibrahim al-Koni deals with time in relation to space in order to ... The theme" of the novel is a main key to understand the literary work.
Mapping of translation in the Euro-Mediterranean region Yumpuwww.yumpu.com › document › view › mapping-of-translation-in-the-euro...Feb 2, · and the European Neighbourhood Policy on its 'Euro-Mediterranean' side; ... of the Libyan author Ibrahim al-Koni would have been unknown to ...
Publications de Ibrahim Al-Koni | Cairn.infoIbrahim Al-Koni. Suivre cet auteur. Publications de cet auteur diffusées sur Cairn.info ou sur un portail partenaire. 1 article de magazine. Libye, l'appel du devoir ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Ibrahim Al-Koni Interview: In the Desert We Visit Death - YouTubeThe desert means freedom. It is the only place where we can stare death in the face, and return home safely afterwards. Meet Libyan writer Ibrahim Al-Koni fo...
11 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Uživatel Mary Fitzgerald na Twitteru: „Several of Libyan writer ...Several of Libyan writer Ibrahim Koni's novels have been translated into English. This tale of Ukhayyad & his camel is typical of Koni's lyrical style. › status
Secret Ink / حبر سرّي: A Bilingual Interview with Ibrahim al-Konithecollidescope.com › › secret-ink-حبر-سرّي-a-bilingual-inte...Jul 15, · This interview was translated from the Arabic by William M. Hutchins, with minor suggestions from the editor. “The value of an answer ...Missing: Frankfurt | Must include:Frankfurt Jul 15, · This interview was translated from the Arabic by William M. Hutchins, with minor suggestions from the editor. “The value of an answer ... Missing: Frankfurt | Must include:Frankfurt
Ibrahim Al-Koni Interview: In the Desert We Visit Death - Dezign Ark· The desert means freedom. It is the only place where we can stare death in the face, and return home safely afterwards.
Ibrahim al- Koni - Kritisches Lexikon der fremdsprachigen...Biographie: Koni, Ibrahim al-
81 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ibrahim Al-Koni: 'Homeland does not take on the meaning of ...www.middleeastmonitor.com › ibrahim-al-koni-homeland-does...Aug 25, · Libyan writer, Ibrahim Al-Koni, was born in the north-west of the Sahara Desert, in Libya in 1948, and only learnt to read and write Arabic at ...Missing: Frankfurt | Must include:Frankfurt Aug 25, · Libyan writer, Ibrahim Al-Koni, was born in the north-west of the Sahara Desert, in Libya in 1948, and only learnt to read and write Arabic at ... Missing: Frankfurt | Must include:Frankfurt
Ibrahim al-Konis "Die Magier: Das Epos der Tuareg": Grenzgänger...Stellen Sie sich ein Buch von mehr als 500 Seiten vor, in dem Handlung und Charaktere kaum eine Rolle spielen. Ein riesiges Museumswerk für mehrere Räume, das...
Ibrahim al-Koni - International Prize for Arabic Fictionwww.arabicfiction.org › Ibrahim-al-KoniIbrahim al-Koni was born in in the desert of the Tuareg, Libya. He grew up there, not learning to read or write Arabic until he was 12 years old.Missing: Frankfurt | Must include:Frankfurt Ibrahim al-Koni was born in in the desert of the Tuareg, Libya. He grew up there, not learning to read or write Arabic until he was 12 years old. Missing: Frankfurt | Must include:Frankfurt
Hartmut Fähndrich - Wikiwandwww.wikiwand.com › de › Hartmut_FähndrichCampus, Frankfurt am Main ISBN Ibrahim al-Koni: Goldstaub, Basel 1997; Ibrahim al-Koni: Ein Haus in der Sehnsucht, Basel
Ibrahim al-Konis Roman "The New Waw: Saharan Oasis": Die Kultivierung...Ibrahim al-Konis Roman
Blutender Stein und Goldstaub von Ibrahim al-Koni - Literaturportal...Blutender Stein und Goldstaub von Ibrahim al-Koni: Zwei Romane aus der Sahara vorgestellt auf dem Literaturportal Afrikaroman
Banipal (UK) Magazine of Modern Arab Literature - Book Reviews - Gold...The Libyan Tuareg novelist and short story writer Ibrahim al-Koni , whose work is deeply rooted in his desert origins, is one of the most original and innovative ...
Ibrahim al-KoniAuthor Ibrahim al-Koni's complete list of books and series in order, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.
Ibrahim Al-Koni - Auteur aux éditions PhébusNé en Libye en 1948, venu tard à la littérature (Ibrahim Al-Koni a appris à écrire à l'âge de douze ans après une enfance passée dans le désert), il partage ...
Ibrahim al-Koni – Sternberg PressYour cart is currently empty. Ibrahim al-Koni.
Ibrahim al-Koni - Words Without Borderswww.wordswithoutborders.org › contributor › ibrah...Ibrahim al-Koni. Image of Ibrahim al-Koni. Born in in Ghadames Oasis, Ibrahim al-Koni was brought up on the tradition of the Tuaregs, popularly known ...
Ibrahim al-Koni Archives - Urbanomicwww.urbanomic.com › tag › ibrahim-al-koni#Ibrahim al-Koni · Omnicide II · Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh · Omnicide · Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh.
Manifestations Of Dialogism In The Novels Of Ibrahim Koni - SID› ViewPaper
Libri di Ibrahim Koni - Unilibro› autore › k...
Ibrahim al-Koni: Die Magier. Roman · fairunterwegs.orgRezension und Empfehlung von Literatur glObal, Arbeitsgruppe Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika - EvB
Blutender Stein / Goldstaub - Ibrahim al- Koni - Buch kaufen | Ex Libriswww.exlibris.ch › buecher-buch › deutschsprachige-buecher › blutender-st...Beschreibung. Ibrahim al-Konis Romane und Erzählungen führen in die Libysche Wüste, in jene Gegend, wo sich die arabisch-islamische und die ...
Writer Ibrahim Al-Sayed: Publishing is a responsibility related to the ...www.moc.gov.qa › writer-ibrahim-al-sayed-publishing-is-a-responsibility-r...Mar 13, · However, the Ministry of Culture, thankfully, paid attention to this issue at the last Doha International Book Fair and dedicated an event ...
Ibrahim Al Koni – Alam AlkutubStartseite / Produkt Autoren / Ibrahim Al Koni. Filter. Es werden alle 5 Ergebnisse angezeigt. Standardsortierung, Nach Beliebtheit sortiert, Nach ...
Ibrahim Al-Koni | The Modern NovelHome » Libya » Ibrahim Al-Koni Ibrahim Al-Koni
Interlink Publishing | al-Koni, Ibrahimal-Koni, Ibrahim | Established in 1987, Interlink is an independent publishing house that offers a global, cosmopolitan perspective. Our list is …ed to...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ibrahim
Männlicher Vorname (Arabisch): Ibrahim; Vater der Menge; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); ab = der Vater; hamon = die Menge, die Vielzahl; in der Bibel ist Abraham der Stammvater Israels; die Bibel erklärt den Namen als 'ab hamon goyim' (in etwa 'Vater einer Vielzahl von Nationen')
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen al
Farbe Rot gemeint,bzw. wörtlich übersetzt "Nimm"
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