135 Infos zu Ilya Adamchic
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- Jülich
Infos zu
- Christian Hauptmann
- Silchenko
- Berthold Langguth
- Tinnitus
- American Journal
- Journal of Audiology
- Neuromodulation
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ilya Adamchic | FacebookLinkedIn: Ilya Adamchic | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Ilya Adamchic auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Zu Ilya Adamchics Berufserfahrung zählt: Medical doctor, Klinikum im Friedrichshain, Vivantes – Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg und Forschungszentrum Jülich. Ilya Adamchic ...
LinkedIn: Ilya Adamchic | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Ilya Adamchic (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
Ilya Adamchic: مفت ڈاؤنلوڈ. ای بک لائبریری۔ Z-Library پر آن لائن ...› author
4 Hobbys & Interessen
Minimal model estimation of glucose absorption and insulin ...journals.physiology.org › abs › ajpendoIlya Adamchic et al., American Journal of Audiology, Comment on Hall et al. (2017), “How to Choose Between Measures of Tinnitus Loudness for Clinical ...
Severe VA/Q mismatch in perfused lungs evoked by ...American Physiological Societyvon D Walmrath · · Zitiert von: 37 — Ilya Adamchic et al., American Journal of Audiology, SIG 13 Perspectives Vol. 21, No. 1, March John R. Ashford, American Journal of Audiology. › j...
a double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled study ...BMJvon KJ Bubb · · Zitiert von: 1 — Ilya Adamchic et al., American Journal of Audiology, Clinical research study designs: The essentials. Ambika G. Chidambaram et al., ... › content
3 Infos zur Ausbildung
Cannabidiol changes P-gp and BCRP expression in trophoblast cell ...journals.scholarsportal.info › detailsCited By: ; Eiko Goto · February 2019, · 14 ; E. Angelakis · November 2018, · 27 ; Ilya Adamchic · May 2017, · 15 ; Anusha Mohan · February 2016, ·
It's only in your head: Expectancy of aversive auditory stimulation...... on effective connectivity in a neural network of phantom sound. Authors. Alexander N. Silchenko · Ilya Adamchic · Christian Hauptmann · Peter A. Tass ...
Neuronal Plasticity: Beyond the Critical PeriodAuthors. Ilya Adamchic · Timea Toth · Christian Hauptmann · Martin Walger · Berthold Langguth · Ingrid Klingmann · ORCID ID · Peter Alexander Tass ... › ...
9 Bücher zum Namen
MovDisordV3, Main, Exploration, indexItem, Author.i, Ilya AdamchicList of bibliographic references indexed by Ilya Adamchic. Number of relevant bibliographic references: 1. Ident. Authors (with country if any), Title (2014) ...
Female And NotH. Peyro-Saint Paul - Bienvenue sur Wicri LorExplor ...· Ilya Adamchic [Allemagne] ; Christian Hauptmann [Allemagne] ; Utako Brigit Barnikol [Allemagne] ; Norbert Pawelczyk [Allemagne] ; Oleksandr ...
ParkinsonFranceV1, Main, Merge, indexItem, Author.i, Volker Sturmlorexplor.istex.fr › explor › ParkinsonFranceV1 › SiteNumber of relevant bibliographic references: 3. Ident. Authors (with country if any), Title. 000A35 (2014), Ilya Adamchic [Allemagne] ; ...
Network physiology, insights in systems interactions and organ ...books.google.com › books... Alexander N. Silchenko3 , Kristina J. Pfeifer2 Summer S. Han 2,4 . Jessica K. Yankulova2 , Matthew B. Fitzgerald ' , Ilya Adamchic and Peter ...
17 Dokumente
Ilya Adamchic presentationsSlideShare› ilyaada...
Ilya Adamchic’s Presentations on SlideShareRead and download presentations by Ilya Adamchic
Ilya Adamchic - SlideSharewww.slideshare.net › ilyaadamchic1Ilya Adamchic. 0 Followers. 0 SlideShares 0 Clipboards 0 Followers 2 Followings. Following Follow. Unblock User Block User.
Biosketch - ukbonn.deDr. Ilya Adamchic Facharzt für Radiologie Universitätsklinikum Bonn Klinik für Neuroradiologie Venusberg-Campus Bonn |
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Linking the Tinnitus Questionnaire and the subjective Clinical Global...Ilya Adamchic , Peter Alexander Tass , Berthold Langguth , Christian Hauptmann , Michael Koller , Martin Schecklmann , Florian Zeman and ...
dblp: Ilya AdamchicList of computer science publications by Ilya Adamchic
Ilya Adamchic - dblpdblp.org › PersonsList of computer science publications by Ilya Adamchic.
Alexander N. Silchenko - dblpdblp.uni-trier.de › PersonsAlexander N. Silchenko , Ilya Adamchic, Christian Hauptmann , Peter A. Tass : Impact of acoustic coordinated reset neuromodulation on effective connectivity ...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Linking the Tinnitus Questionnaire and the subjective Clinical Global...Linking the Tinnitus Questionnaire and the subjective Clinical Global Impression: Which differences are clinically important? Ilya Adamchic , ...
Changes of oscillatory activity in pitch processing BioMedSearchIlya Adamchic, Institute of. Neuroscience and Medicine –. Neuromodulation, Research Center. Jülich, Jülich, Germany. . Chronic subjective tinnitus is characterized by abnormal neuronal synchronization in the central auditory system. As shown in a controlled clinical ...
Linking the Tinnitus Questionnaire and the subjective Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiIlya Adamchic. series ordinal reference. stated in · Europe PubMed Central · PMCID · · retrieved. 13 August Michael Koller.
Ilya Adamchic - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekFormulieren Sie Ihre Suchanfrage genauer. Sie können festlegen, ob einer der Suchbegriffe, eine genaue Wortfolge oder alle Suchbegriffe in den Ergebnissen vorkommen sollen.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Dr. Ilya Adamchic - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
69 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Ilya Adamchic - Google ScholarUniversity Hospital Bonn - mal zitiert - Radiology - Neuroscience
Ilya AdamchicGoogle› citations
Ilya Adamchic (Tinnitus Network): Influence Statistics - Berlin...Ilya Adamchic works at Department of Radiology, Klinikum Friedrichshain, and is well known for Tinnitus Network, Tinnitus Questionnaire and Coordinated Reset. KOL Other disorders of ear
Profile | Ilya Adamchic | Radiopaedia.orgradiopaedia.org › users › ilya-adamchicIlya Adamchic ; Level of training: Specialty trainee (year 5) ; Location: Germany ; Radiopaedia status: Radiopaedian since November 19, ; Community. Supporter.
Ilya Adamchic — Vivantes Wissenschaftliche PublikationsdatenbankAdamchic Ilya. Dr. Institut für Radiologie und interventionelle Therapie. E-Mail ilya.adamchic @ vivantes. de. h-index Zitationen H-Index.
GMS | 81st Annual Meeting of the German Society of...Ilya Adamchic - Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin (INM-7), Jülich, Deutschland Christian Hauptmann - Institut für ...
GMS | 81. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für...... Tatjana von Stackelberg - Praxis, Meerbusch, Deutschland; Ilya Adamchic - Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin (INM-7), Jülich, ...
A Magyar Fül-, Orr-, Gége és Fej-, Nyaksebész Orvosok Egyesülete...15 ABSZTRAKT ABSZTRAKT Peter A. Tass, Ilya Adamchic, Hans-Joachim Freund, Tatjana von Stackelberg, Christian Hauptmann Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine Neuromodulation INM-7, Research Center Jülich, Germany Subjective tinnitus, the percept of sound without an objectively identifiable sound source, ...
81. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für ...German Medical Science... Tatjana von Stackelberg - Praxis, Meerbusch, Deutschland; Ilya Adamchic - Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin (INM-7), Jülich, Deutschland ... › static › meetings › hnod2010
83. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals GMSwww.egms.de › static › meetings › hnod2012Peter Alexander Tass - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Neuromodulation, Jülich; Ilya Adamchic - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich; Christian Hauptmann ...
Acoustic coordinated reset therapy for tinnitus with perceptually ...ouci.dntb.gov.ua › worksTina Munjal, Alexander N. Silchenko, Kristina J. Pfeifer, Summer S. Han, Jessica K. Yankulova, Matthew B. Fitzgerald, Ilya Adamchic, Peter A. Tass.
GMS | 83. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für...Autoren. Peter Alexander Tass - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Neuromodulation, Jülich; Ilya Adamchic - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich; Christian ...
A. Pawelczyk: د Z-Library مفت الکترونیکی کتابتونAlexander N. Silchenko, Ilya Adamchic, Norbert Pawelczyk, Christian Hauptmann, Mohammad Maarouf, Volker Sturm, Peter A. Tass. › ...
A MAGYAR FÜL-, ORR-, GÉGE ÉS FEJ-, NYAKSEBÉSZ ...docplayer.hu... a fülzúgás és az ehhez kapcsolódó pathológiás cerebralis szinkronizáció Peter A. Tass, Ilya Adamchic, Hans-Joachim Freund, Tatjana von Stackelberg, ABSZTRAKT ABSZTRAKT Peter A. Tass, Ilya Adamchic, Hans-Joachim Freund, Tatjana von Stackelberg, Christian Hauptmann Institute for Neuroscience and ... › › A-...
Conference Venue: The Holiday Inn Grand Island Resort and Conference...Poster Presenter Ilya Adamchic Title Treatment With Acoustic CR Neuromodulation Induces Changes Of Pathological Tinnitus-Related Oscillatory Brain Activity ...
Altmetric – Coordinated reset neuromodulation for Parkinson's...Ilya Adamchic, Christian Hauptmann, Utako Brigit Barnikol, Norbert Pawelczyk, Oleksandr Popovych, Thomas Theo Barnikol, Alexander Silchenko, Jens ...
A proof-of-concept study comparing tinnitus and neural ...TypesetA. N. Silchenko, Ilya Adamchic, Christian Hauptmann, Peter A. Tass - Show less +1 more. Can Temporal Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation be ... › papers
Berthold Langguth - Alvisswww.alviss.ai › expertAbnormal cross-frequency coupling in the tinnitus network. Ilya Adamchic, Peter A Tass et 3 al. Sep 25, in Frontiers in neuroscience.
Counteracting tinnitus by acoustic coordinated reset neuromodulation...... and Neuroscience 30 (2012) DOI /RNN IOS Press 137 Counteracting tinnitus by acoustic coordinated reset neuromodulation Peter A. Tass a,b,, Ilya Adamchic.
Frontiers | Abnormal cross-frequency coupling in the tinnitus networkIlya Adamchic reports no commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Berthold Langguth ...
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Norbert Pawelczyk
- Volker Sturm
- Martin Walger
- Ingrid Klingmann
- Berthold Langguth
- Timea Toth
- Hans-Joachim Freund
- Martin Schecklmann
- Florian Zeman
- Thomas Theo
Personensuche zu Ilya Adamchic & mehr
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