131 Infos zu Imad Gebrayel
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- Lisa Baumgarten
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15 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Baumgarten, Lisa and Gebrayel, Imad - Creative Bodies—Creative ...Imad Gebrayel is a creative director and researcher specializing in identity representation and bilingual visual communication. He has produced visual and ... Imad Gebrayel is a creative director and researcher specializing in identity representation and bilingual visual communication. He has produced visual and ...
BAC Design · The Creative SpaceImad Gebrayel. Baraa Al Abdullah. Carmen Havatian. Eman Aswad. Matilda ... www.denisemaroney.com Imad Gebrayel is a Lebanese aspiring graphic designer ... Imad Gebrayel. Baraa Al Abdullah. Carmen Havatian. Eman Aswad. Matilda ... www.denisemaroney.com Imad Gebrayel is a Lebanese aspiring graphic designer ...
PressemitteilungImad Gebrayel, Designer, Doktorand in Europäischer Ethnologie an der. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und Dozent an der Universität der Künste. Berlin, der ... Imad Gebrayel, Designer, Doktorand in Europäischer Ethnologie an der. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und Dozent an der Universität der Künste. Berlin, der ...
news - Yoonha Kimrepresentative with Imad Gebrayel and Sowmya MaheswaranMoA Annual Conference Tipping Points: Plastic, Contingent and Unstable ... representative with Imad Gebrayel and Sowmya MaheswaranMoA Annual Conference Tipping Points: Plastic, Contingent and Unstable ...
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Imad GebrayelLinkedIn: Imad Gebrayel - Fashion Knowledgelinkedin.com› posts › i...
LinkedIn: Imad Gebrayel - I am recruiting for Mojo Inklinkedin.com› posts › imad-gebrayel-b6a
LinkedIn: Imad Gebrayel – Creative Director – Imad Gebrael | LinkedInde.linkedin.com › imad-gebrayel-b6a2058bInfo. Imad is a creative director and researcher specializing in identity representation and bilingual visual communication. He has produced visual and ...
1 Business-Profile
Imad Gebrayel Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinImad Gebrayel. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | HU Berlin · Department of European Ethnology. PhD Candidate - European ...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Ronja Torney - GE - TU DortmundEin abstraktes Design mit sich überlappenden, fließenden Formen in verschiedenen Farben, in einem dynamischem © Imad Gebrayel. Ein abstraktes Design mit sich überlappenden, fließenden Formen in verschiedenen Farben, in einem dynamischem © Imad Gebrayel.
8 Persönliche Webseiten
Landing – Imad GebrayelImad Gebrayel. I produce context-driven design, research and workshop formats facilitating cross-cultural communication and interdisciplinary exchange. -. A ... Imad Gebrayel. I produce context-driven design, research and workshop formats facilitating cross-cultural communication and interdisciplinary exchange. -. A ...
IBA Campus – Imad GebrayelWEBThe annual IBA Campus brought together experts from different disciplines and nationalities, a temporary international collective reimagining the function of the locale. The project called to rethink, repurpose and re-energize the …
About depatriarchise design... Imad Gebrayel, Inteza Shariar, Ivana Jovic, Iyo Bisseck, Johanna Lewengard, Julia Sommerfeld, Justyna Kabala, Laura Pregger, Lea Sievertsen, Loraine Furter Imad Gebrayel, Inteza Shariar, Ivana Jovic, Iyo Bisseck, Johanna Lewengard, Julia Sommerfeld, Justyna Kabala, Laura Pregger, Lea Sievertsen, Loraine Furter ...
ImprintBerlin Mondiale is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and supported by degewo. Brand & graphic design: Imad Gebrayel. Web design ... Berlin Mondiale is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and supported by degewo. Brand & graphic design: Imad Gebrayel. Web design ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Imad Gebrayel - AKV|St.JoostImad Gebrayel ,. Graduated in Graphic Design in Education and Work Experience. Designer with a focus on sociopolitical research2008 – BA ...
5 Projekte
Arabs in F(r)iction - Berliner Projektfonds Urbane PraxisEin Projekt von Imad Gebrayel. Arabische Erinnerungen und Identitäten sind vielfältig und dynamisch in einer Stadt, in der die Figur des/der arabischen ... Ein Projekt von Imad Gebrayel. Arabische Erinnerungen und Identitäten sind vielfältig und dynamisch in einer Stadt, in der die Figur des/der arabischen ...
Marhala Gadida - morning glory concerts e.V.Imad Gebrayel, ein Designer und Forscher aus dem Libanon, der in Berlin wohnt, hat einen Vortrag über das Thema in Ostpol Dresden dargestellt. Ein und halb ... Imad Gebrayel, ein Designer und Forscher aus dem Libanon, der in Berlin wohnt, hat einen Vortrag über das Thema in Ostpol Dresden dargestellt. Ein und halb ...
Open Access Book »Attending [to] Futuresvan Amstel, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Heather Snyder Quinn, Henrique Eira, Imad Gebrayel, Ina Scheffler, Isabella Brandalise, Jaione Cerato, Jon Halls, Juan de la ... van Amstel, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Heather Snyder Quinn, Henrique Eira, Imad Gebrayel, Ina Scheffler, Isabella Brandalise, Jaione Cerato, Jon Halls, Juan de la ...
Projekte - Berliner Projektfonds Urbane PraxisArabs in F(r)iction. Imad Gebrayel Wolf KinoBerlin · Biosphäre Berlin. Common Views Berliner Stadtteil Tegel, Alt-Tegel 2-6, Arabs in F(r)iction. Imad Gebrayel Wolf KinoBerlin · Biosphäre Berlin. Common Views Berliner Stadtteil Tegel, Alt-Tegel 2-6,
2 Bücher zum Namen
Unununimimimdededesign Special Collection by Saskia ...... Imad Gebrayel. Published by Onomatopee Projects - Public Gallery And Publisher in Paperback. What makes this title so special is its limited Imad Gebrayel. Published by Onomatopee Projects - Public Gallery And Publisher in Paperback. What makes this title so special is its limited ,64 $
Attending [to] Futures. Matters of Politics in Design ...van Amstel, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Heather Snyder Quinn, Henrique Eira, Imad Gebrayel, Ina Scheffler, Isabella Brandalise, Jaione Cerato, Jon Halls, Juan de la ... van Amstel, Frieder Bohaumilitzky, Heather Snyder Quinn, Henrique Eira, Imad Gebrayel, Ina Scheffler, Isabella Brandalise, Jaione Cerato, Jon Halls, Juan de la ,00 €
1 Songs & Musik
The Afterschool Special Podcast4 Orientalism and Identity: Design as a Tool to Represent, Repress, and Reclaim. The Afterschool Special Vol. 4 is joined by Imad Gebrayel Creative Director Orientalism and Identity: Design as a Tool to Represent, Repress, and Reclaim. The Afterschool Special Vol. 4 is joined by Imad Gebrayel Creative Director ...
1 Dokumente
Urban Imaginaries: Between Place and Space in BerlinStudents will be expected to document their walk. Excursion: Sonnenalle Walk (with Imad Gebrayel and/or Omar Kasmani tbc). BLOG POST 2: DUE BY MON. 5 AUGUST. Students will be expected to document their walk. Excursion: Sonnenalle Walk (with Imad Gebrayel and/or Omar Kasmani tbc). BLOG POST 2: DUE BY MON. 5 AUGUST.
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Imad Gebrayel - StadtlaborWEBImad Gebrayel is a Lebanese designer, educator, and researcher based in Berlin. He specialized in identity representation and bilingual visual communication and produced visual and theoretical works around self-Orientalism in …
| Design X Environmental Anthropology by Dr. ...— ... Imad Gebrayel (European Ethnology, HU Berlin) | Design X Catastrophes Nadia Christidi (Science, Technology, and Society, MIT) and — ... Imad Gebrayel (European Ethnology, HU Berlin) | Design X Catastrophes Nadia Christidi (Science, Technology, and Society, MIT) and ...
Sonnenallee Podcast – StadtlaborAnd how can such stories creatively challenge the reductivist attitudes facing migrant groups in the public space? from Imad Gebrayel (his own page). And how can such stories creatively challenge the reductivist attitudes facing migrant groups in the public space? from Imad Gebrayel (his own page).
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
self-Orientalism and hyper-nationalism in Arab* design— Imad Gebrayel at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Imad Gebrayel ... Content uploaded by Imad Gebrayel. Author content. All content in this — Imad Gebrayel at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Imad Gebrayel ... Content uploaded by Imad Gebrayel. Author content. All content in this ...
6 Video- & Audioinhalte
Teaching Design Conversations | Talks by Imad Gebrayel and ...... Imad Gebrayel, a Lebanese designer and researcher based in Berlin whose projects revolve around identity politics, migration and ...
“On Toxic Relationships: Design and Anthropology,” with Imad GebrayelWEBImad Gebrayel (he/him) is a Lebanese designer, educator, and researcher based in Berlin. He has produced visual and theoretical works around identity representation and self-Orientalism in Arab* design, counter-mapping, and archiving.
05 Hurra Hurra x Imad Gebrayel05 Hurra Hurra x Imad Gebrayel · Beschreibung · Weitere Episoden · Kommentare (0) · Abonnenten. 05 Hurra Hurra x Imad Gebrayel · Beschreibung · Weitere Episoden · Kommentare (0) · Abonnenten.
E1: Locality, Self-Orientalism & Cultural Stereotypes with Imad ...... Imad Gebrayel. Imad is a designer, educator, and researcher specializing in identity representation and bilingual visual communication. He ...
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Dekoloniales FlanierenDesign: Imad Gebrayel Dekoloniales Flanieren 20. August. Design: Imad Gebrayel Dekoloniales Flanieren 21. August. Design: Melanie Garland . Teilen ... Design: Imad Gebrayel Dekoloniales Flanieren 20. August. Design: Imad Gebrayel Dekoloniales Flanieren 21. August. Design: Melanie Garland . Teilen ...
imad gebrayel | Brofessional ReviewPosts about imad gebrayel written by Imad
...And Imad Gebrayel finally has a website! | Tarek Chemaly· And Imad Gebrayel finally has a website! Well, here's a great news! No, no, Brofessional Review is not back in business, but ...
Meet the Team |the FACILITATORS Sarah Hermez is a Lebanese-Ar…an fashion designer who was born and raised in Kuwait. In 2004, she moved to New York to attend The New...
71 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Imad GebrayelDesign Researcher, Writer, Cultural Theorist & Anthropologist. Imad Gebrayel. website. Exhibitions. Onomatopee Research / May , Design Researcher, Writer, Cultural Theorist & Anthropologist. Imad Gebrayel. website. Exhibitions. Onomatopee Research / May ,
Imad GebrayelView Imad Gebrayel's profile on The Dots. Imad is a Graphic Designer and Art Director currently based in Rotterdam. View Imad Gebrayel's profile on The Dots. Imad is a Graphic Designer and Art Director currently based in Rotterdam.
05 Hurra Hurra x Imad Gebrayel - ein Designpodcast der BURGWEB29. Juni · In the first episode in english language Imad Gebrayel, creative director and ethnographic researcher, discusses together with professor Christian Zöllner about cultural appropriation, decolonialism, intersections of design and anthropology as well as if design should leave art school.
Imad Gebrayel— Imad Gebrayel. Imad Gebrayel. Image: @exhoax. Imad is a creative director and researcher specializing in identity representation and bilingual — Imad Gebrayel. Imad Gebrayel. Image: @exhoax. Imad is a creative director and researcher specializing in identity representation and bilingual ...
Boeken Imad GebrayelDe boeken van Imad Gebrayel, 1 titel vanaf € 12,50 alleen bij Boekhandel De Slegte. De boeken van Imad Gebrayel, 1 titel vanaf € 12,50 alleen bij Boekhandel De Slegte.
Imad Gebrayel websiteImad Gebrayel website → imadgebrayel.com work for – and with – Imad Gebrayel, developed by AJ Walsh typefaces: Everett Regular by Nolan Paparelli Imad Gebrayel website → imadgebrayel.com work for – and with – Imad Gebrayel, developed by AJ Walsh typefaces: Everett Regular by Nolan Paparelli
Imad Gebrayel • Beirut Art CenterImad Gebrayel. Exhibition. BAC Design · The Creative Space. March 17, March 30, Copyright © 2009–2024 Beirut Art Center · All Rights Reserved ... Imad Gebrayel. Exhibition. BAC Design · The Creative Space. March 17, March 30, Copyright © 2009–2024 Beirut Art Center · All Rights Reserved ...
Imad Gebrayel - FuturessWEB15. Feb · Imad Gebrayel is a Lebanese designer, educator, and researcher. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Imad Gebrayel | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin - Academia.eduWEBCurriculum Vitae. Imad Gebrayel. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Department of European Ethnology, PhD Candidate. Download.
16. November | Imad Gebrayel | AI-Archive 03— Imad Gebrayel is a Lebanese designer, educator, and researcher based in Berlin. He has produced visual and theoretical works around self — Imad Gebrayel is a Lebanese designer, educator, and researcher based in Berlin. He has produced visual and theoretical works around self ...
LTT am Abend mit Imad Gebrayel: Counter-mapping and ...— In diesem Vortrag lädt Imad Gebrayel Designer*innen dazu ein, die koloniale Linse, durch die sie lokale und entfernte Gemeinschaften — In diesem Vortrag lädt Imad Gebrayel Designer*innen dazu ein, die koloniale Linse, durch die sie lokale und entfernte Gemeinschaften ...
Vortrag: Imad Gebrayel: Open questions to design education— Imad Gebrayel Donnerstag 01. Oktober 2020, 18 Uhr digitales Format, Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j Livestream: — Imad Gebrayel Donnerstag 01. Oktober 2020, 18 Uhr digitales Format, Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j Livestream: ...
Futuress | “Arabic typography is booming,” writes Imad Gebrayel ...“Arabic typography is booming,” writes Imad Gebrayel @imadgebrayel. “But who gets to design Arabic typography? Are thorough research and technical knowledge ... “Arabic typography is booming,” writes Imad Gebrayel @imadgebrayel. “But who gets to design Arabic typography? Are thorough research and technical knowledge ...
Imad Gebrayel, Global Re:mix, 2018Imad Gebrayel, Global Re:mix, https://www.imadgebrayel.com/creative/posters-showcase-2/. Added. 2 months ago. Modified. 13 days ago. By: Roberto Greco. Imad Gebrayel, Global Re:mix, https://www.imadgebrayel.com/creative/posters-showcase-2/. Added. 2 months ago. Modified. 13 days ago. By: Roberto Greco.
Imad Gebrayel, Louis de Funes, 2018Imad Gebrayel, Louis de Funes, https://www.imadgebrayel.com/creative/posters-showcase-2/. Added. 2 months ago. Modified. 13 days ago. By: Roberto Greco. Imad Gebrayel, Louis de Funes, https://www.imadgebrayel.com/creative/posters-showcase-2/. Added. 2 months ago. Modified. 13 days ago. By: Roberto Greco.
Imad GebrayelBrowse for books in the meantime and check out the Reader part for interviews. Orders will be shipped after August 23. In store pick ups can take place from ... Browse for books in the meantime and check out the Reader part for interviews. Orders will be shipped after August 23. In store pick ups can take place from ...
(PDF) Identity representation: self-Orientalism and hyper ...Identity representation: self-Orientalism and hyper-nationalism in Arab* design. by Imad Gebrayel. How can designers depict a national identity when the ... Identity representation: self-Orientalism and hyper-nationalism in Arab* design. by Imad Gebrayel. How can designers depict a national identity when the ...
Amo Collective Berlin... MENU ︎ MENU ︎ All our visual designs are created by Imad Gebrayel all our visual image design is made by Imad Gebrayel. ︎ · ︎ · ︎ · E-mail subscription. ︎ ... MENU ︎ MENU ︎ All our visual designs are created by Imad Gebrayel all our visual image design is made by Imad Gebrayel. ︎ · ︎ · ︎ · E-mail subscription. ︎
Arabs in Friction | حكايات واحتكاكات الذاكرات والهويات العربية ...Imad Gebrayel. Project leader. Salma Elshami. Project manager. Linda Weichlein. Grant writer, reporter. Sharmila Sharma. Financial manager. Zain Saleh. Imad Gebrayel. Project leader. Salma Elshami. Project manager. Linda Weichlein. Grant writer, reporter. Sharmila Sharma. Financial manager. Zain Saleh.
ArchiveThis simple website documents events and workshops which put forward Arab memories and identities in Berlin. Assets provided by Imad Gebrayel and Cynthia-ël ... This simple website documents events and workshops which put forward Arab memories and identities in Berlin. Assets provided by Imad Gebrayel and Cynthia-ël ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Imad
Männlicher Vorname (Arabisch): Imad; Stütze, Säule;
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