83 Infos zu Imre Keseru
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- Brussel
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- Automotive
- Cathy Macharis
- Mobility
- Transport
- Jeroen Bulckaen
- Brussels
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Urban
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Belgas querem os seus engarrafamentos na lista de Património da UnescoCampanha é humorística e financiada pela ferroviária nacional. Mas as filas custam aos belgas 1% do PIB
Imre Keserü (Winterakademie / Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin)Imre Keserü, Jahrgang 1956, arbeitet als Theaterlehrer an der Keleti István Művészeti Iskola in Budapest. In seiner Lehrtätigkeit erarbeitet er kontinuierlich ...
ECTRI NewsIf you have any questions, please contact Dr. Imre Keseru at .be ECTRI @TRB 2017: TRB Executive Committee, Thursday ...
Brussels Moves! - Expat Club®Brussels region mobility minister Pascal Smet; #1bru1vote representative Nora Bednarski; Brussels region MP (Ecolo) Arnaud Pinxteren; Beci mobility advisor Ischa Lambrechts; VUB senior researcher on urban mobility Dr. Imre Keseru. The event is followed by networking and free drink. Advance registration is essential. Do., 26. Apr. KBC Brussels, Brussels
1 Bilder zu Imre Keseru

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Imre Keseru | FacebookFacebook: MOBI VUB - Dr. Imre Keseru at TUCTE2017; introducing the ...Imre Keseru | Vrije Universiteit BrusselImre Keseru. You are here. VUB Home. Imre Keseru. Imre Keseru. Contact. Phone: + be. Adres: Building B. Room B.
Imre Keseru | EltisImre Keseru. KTI Institute for Transport Sciences. KTI Institute for Transport Sciences. User's latest content; User's followed content; User's Eltis' friends.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Urban Interchanges: how much integration we need? - UPMwww.upm.es › UPM › UPM_Channel › NewsThe round table is scheduled at 16:30pm, and Dr. Imre Keseru from Vrije Universiteit Brussel will moderate the discussion among the Project Officer, the ...
Workshop on equity challenges in the decision-making TRANSyTModerator: Imre Keseru. 1. Karel Martens, Floridea Di Ciommo, Anestis Papanikolaus "Incorporating equity into transport planning: utility, priority and sufficiency approaches". 2. Bat-hen Nahmias–Biran and Yoram Shiftan: “ Incorporating equity considerations in transport projects evaluation: developing a ...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Imre KeserûActor, A kis utazás
2 Traueranzeigen
KESERU, Kenneth ImreKESERU, Kenneth Imre -- Kenneth Imre KESERU, infant son of Imre and Hee-ja WELLS KESERU of Fairfield, died Sunday, Oct. 25, 2007, ...
Kenneth Imre Keseru | Southeast Iowa Unionwww.southeastiowaunion.com › Obituaries· Kenneth Imre Keseru, infant son of Imre and Hee-ja Wells Keseru of Fairfield, died Sunday, Oct. 25, 2007, at Ottumwa Regional Health Center ...
2 Projekte
KESERU, KENNETH IMRE - Jefferson County, Iowa | KENNETH IMRE KESERU...KENNETH IMRE KESERU - Jefferson County Iowa - Kenneth Imre Keseru Oct. 25, Son of Imre and Hee-Ja Keseru Plot: in row of infant burials of west edge of...
Advisory Board – ERAdiate | Enhancing Research and innovAtion...Dr. Imre Keseru is a transport planner and geographer with a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Szeged in Hungary. He managed the development of the NISTO evaluation toolkit for small-scale mobility projects, one of MOBI's expert tools. Currently, he is working on the FLAMENCO (Flanders Mobile Enacted ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
NISTO: Bewertungsrahmen für eine intelligente Mobilitätsplanungbiblio.vub.ac.be › LinkedData › siteindex › VUBIROAINTERN_TSFull Text. https://https://biblio.vub.ac.be/vubirfiles NISTO_release_Innovative_Verwaltung_1215.pdf. Authors. Imre Keseru · Jeroen Gerard Bulckaen.
Table of contents – Inhaltsverzeichnis - Biblio UGentImre Keseru, Jeroen Bulckaen, Cathy Macharis Evolution of Mobility Governance in Flanders – Opening up for Bottom-up Initiatives or Suffering from Lock-in? Suzanne Van Brussel, Luuk Boelens, Dirk Lauwers .
A Companion to Transport, Space and Equity - Google BooksWith social inequity in urban spaces becoming an increasing concern in our modern world, The Elgar Companion to Transport, Space and Equity explores the...
CITY-HUBs: Sustainable and Efficient Urban Transport Interchanges -...Explore the Design and Operation of Urban Transport InterchangesTransport planners throughout the world can implement a range of policies to influence...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Evaluation Latest Publications - ScienceGatewww.sciencegate.app › sourcesEvaluation ◽ ◽ ◽. pp Author(s):. Geert te Boveldt ◽. Imre Keseru ◽. Cathy Macharis. Keyword(s):.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Travel-based multitasking: review of the empirical...By Imre Keseru and Cathy Macharis; Abstract: This paper reviews 58 studies with empirical evidence on travel-based multitasking, identifies ...
Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe | SpringerLinkLNMOB publishes edited proceedings, contributed volumes and monographs that present firsthand information on cutting-edge research results and pioneering...
42 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Suche - Verkehr und TechnikBetrieb Betrieb_ Der NISTO-Bewertungsrahmen für eine intelligente Mobilitätsplanung Von Dr. Imre Keseru, Jeroen Bulckaen, Prof. Dr. Cathy Macharis… …in ...
Keseru Imre - annuaire - Brussels Studies Institutebsi.brussels › researcher › keseru-imreBio. Dr. Imre Keseru, is a transport planner and geographer with a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Szeged in Hungary.
Internationales Verkehrswesen Ausgabe 1 | 2016Ausgabe Februar | Themenschwerpunkt: Vernetzte Verkehrswelt – Wie digitale Lösungen unsere Mobilität verändern | EXTRATEIL – IT-TRANS
Statistik und Bedeutung des Namens Keseru - Namespediade.namespedia.com › details › KeseruImre Keseru (5) Karoly Keseru (4) Attila Keseru (4) Andras Keseru (4) Lajosne Keseru (4) Erzsebet Keseru (4) Gyula Keseru (4) Ferencne Keseru (4)
5th WS on "Consensus Building" - Mobility4EUwww.mobility4eu.eu › key-events › consensus-b...Imre Keseru (VUB) followed with a short explanation of the MAMCA process and a detailed presentation of the results of the scenario evaluation. The MAMCA ...
16th November – Smart Mobility Planning – The Innovative...Dr. Imre Keseru, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Vrije Universiteit Brussels. 2: 40 PM, Coffee Break. 3:00 PM, Project Market Place – Presentation of the 14 Best -Practise-Examples for Smart Mobility. 3:30 PM, Different Modes of Participation in the Stuttgart21 Process – A Major Project Between Furore and ...
Advisory Board - MoTiVImre Keseru, Belgium. Postdoctoral researcher and team leader for urban mobility at MOBI – Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Center. Dr.
Brussels Moves! The Bulletin invites you to debate the future of the...We're calling on the international community to help shape the future of Brussels. Join The Bulletin at a free event on Thursday 26 April to debate public...
Building Scenarios for the Future of Transport in Europe: The ...www.springerprofessional.de › building-scenarios...Authors: Imre Keseru, Thierry Coosemans, Cathy Macharis. Publisher: Springer International Publishing. Published in: Towards User-Centric Transport in ...
Development of a new evaluation framework for urban and regional...Jeroen Bulckaen, Imre Keseru, Ceri Donovan, Huw Davies, Cathy Macharis. School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering. Research output: ...
From pedestrian area to urban project: assets and challenges for the...... Jean-Michel Decroly, Bas de Geus, Jean-Philippe De Visscher, Thomas Ermans, Jean-Louis Genard, Virginie Jourdain, Imre Keseru, Bram Kin, Kevin Lebrun, ...
| Iedereen WetenschapperHet gratis softwaresysteem Flamenco moet de burgerwetenschap in Vlaanderen een boost geven. Wil je iets onderzoeken, dan kan je hiermee – zo makkelijk als met...
Improving Accessibility and Inclusiveness of Digital Mobility Solutionswww.springerprofessional.de › improving-accessibil...Authors: Sabina Giorgi, Rebecca Hueting, Andrea Capaccioli, Floridea di Ciommo, Gianni Rondinella, Andrés Kilstein, Imre Keseru, Samyajit Basu, ...
Der NISTO-Bewertungsrahmen für eine intelligente Mobilitätsplanungeine intelligente Mobilitätsplanung. Von Dr. Imre Keseru, Jeroen Bulckaen, Prof. Dr. Cathy Macharis. (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – MOBI Research Centre) und Irina Weißbeck,. Hannah Behrens (Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH, Kassel)*). Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt NISTO – Der NISTO-.
LOOPER | JPI Urban Europejpi-urbaneurope.eu › project › looperLOOPER – Learning loops in the public realm. Duration: Internet: looperproject.eu/ Contact: Dr. Imre Keseru, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Lessons for Co-creative Mobility Initiatives in Neighbourhoodsresearch.cbs.dk › publications › big-messages-lesson...Meia Wippoo, Max Kortlander, Ralf Brand, Hana Peters, Imre Keseru, Joe Ravetz, Isabel Froes, Karl Reiter, Anna Solderer, Alan Wong, Achille Fonzone, ...
Mobility is a serious game. By Prof. Cathy Macharis - Mediummedium.com › ...By Prof. Cathy Macharis — director, VUB MOBI Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Centre & Dr. Imre Keseru — team leader — urban mobility, ...
MC SUBSTITUTES | COST TU1305.be. Belgium, Dr. Imre Keseru, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, .be. Croatia, Dr. Geran Marko Miletic, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo ...
MOBILITY4EU - D Societal needs and requirements for future...Mobility4EU is a Coordination and Support Action of the European Commission started in January and lasting for 3 years, until 31 December The...
Presentations Archives - Polis Sproutsprout-civitas.eu › resources_category › presentationsSPROUT featured with a presentation from Dr. Imre Keseru from Vrije Universiteit Brussel – MOBI... Presentations. SPROUT Webinar: Understanding transition in ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Imre
Männlicher Vorname (Ungarisch): Imre; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); amals = tüchtig, tapfer (Gothisch); rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name, Nebenform von 'Amalrich'; der erste Namenbestandteil 'Amal' ist kennzeichnend für die Namen des ostgotischen Königsgeschlechts der Amaler oder Amelungen
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