36 Infos zu Ina Janthur

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: Ina Janthur aus Berlin

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LinkedIn: Ina Janthur - CTA - Umweltbundesamt Berlin | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Ina Janthur auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Ina Janthur aufgelistet. Sehen Sie ...

LinkedIn: Ina Janthur - CTA - Umweltbundesamt Berlin | LinkedIn

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2 Hobbys & Interessen


von M Zeeshan · · Zitiert von: 6 — A special thanks to Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in an- alytics and Seiten

Transformation of potentially persistent and mobile organic ...Cell Press

von M Zeeshan · · Zitiert von: 5 — A special thanks to Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in analytics and ... von M Zeeshan · · Zitiert von: 5 — A special thanks to Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in analytics and ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

Effects of Copper Ions on Non-target Species: A Case Study Using ...

Acknowledgement We thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Alscher for conducting analyses of nutrients and major ions and Jennifer Bartz for those of copper. › book

6 Dokumente

24. Jahrestagung

— Cécille Périllon, René Gergs, Bonny Alscher, Ina Janthur, Ronny Schmiediche, Linda. Hoenemann und Michael Feibicke Seiten

Effects of a realistic pesticide spraying sequence for apple crop ...ProQuest

Bonny Haueisen, Ina Janthur,. Stefan Loth, and Ronny Schmiediche are especially acknowledged for the contributions in experimental set-up preparations, ...

Suitability of several dicotyledonous macrophytesas ...

Silvia Mohr, Michael Feibicke, Bonny Alscher, Ina Janthur, Ronny Schmiediche, René Gergs Fig. 1: Multi speciestestsystem Method Macrophyte set up • One individual per glass beaker (250 mL, Fig. 2) • Use of shoots or shoots with roots (species dependent), replicates per species • 3 layers of sediment (sand, commercial pond soil

Effects of a fungicide and a herbicide mixture on the food ...

Bastian Bayer 1,3 , Katharina Loersch 1,3 , Ralf B. Schäfer 1 , Jochen Zubrod 1 , Carola Winkelmann 2 , Bonny Alscher 3 , Ina Janthur 3 , René Gergs › document

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Effects of metal pollution across different levels of ...

von LM Rothmeier · — thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Haueisen from German Environment. Agency for measurements of nutrients, and Anja Thomsen from. LimnoMar Laboratory Seiten

Fates of potentially persistent and mobile organic ...

von M Zeeshan · · Zitiert von: 1 — A special thanks to Silke Pabst, Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen, Fanny Kohn-Eberle, Sondra Klitzke and Michael Neumann for their support. von M Zeeshan · · Zitiert von: 1 — A special thanks to Silke Pabst, Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen, Fanny Kohn-Eberle, Sondra Klitzke and Michael Neumann for their support.

Transformation of potentially persistent and mobile organic ...www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii

A special thanks to Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in analytics and experimental setup.

10 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Effects of Copper Ions on Non-target Species: A Case Study

18. Juni · We thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Alscher for conducting analyses of nutrients and major ions and Jennifer Bartz for those of copper. The LimnoMar Laboratory for Freshwater and Marine Research Hamburg performed the histopathological analysis, here we are grateful to Anja Thomsen for preparation of snails. During this study Karsten ...

Nitrification and urease inhibitors - From fields to drinking ...

... Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and. Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in. analytics and experimental setup. Appendix A Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and. Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in. analytics and experimental setup. Appendix A ...

Neritidae) in the River Rhine: a potential indicator for metal ...

von LM Rothmeier · · Zitiert von: 4 — We also thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Haueisen from German Environment Agency for measurements of nutrients, and Anja Thomsen from LimnoMar ... von LM Rothmeier · · Zitiert von: 4 — We also thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Haueisen from German Environment Agency for measurements of nutrients, and Anja Thomsen from LimnoMar ...

Transformation of potentially persistent and mobile organic ...

— ... Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in analyt-. ics and experimental setup — ... Ina Janthur, Bonny Haueisen and Eduard Sandyk (all German Environment Agency) for their support in analyt-. ics and experimental setup ...

9 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Effects of a realistic pesticide spraying sequence for apple crop...

9. Mai · Bonny Haueisen, Ina Janthur, Stefan Loth, and Ronny Schmiediche are especially acknowledged for the contributions in experimental set-up preparations, sampling and water chemistry analysis. The help of Claudia Kohls, Dagmar Schnee, and Wolfgang Mailahn for the pesticide analysis is highly appreciated. The authors thank Luettig ...

Effects of Copper Ions on Non-target Species: A Case ...Academia.edu

Acknowledgement We thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Alscher for conducting analyses of nutrients and major ions and Jennifer Bartz for those of copper. The ... Acknowledgement We thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Alscher for conducting analyses of nutrients and major ions and Jennifer Bartz for those of copper. The ...

The Danubian cryptic invader Theodoxus fluviatilis ...National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

von LM Rothmeier · · Zitiert von: 4 — We also thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Haueisen from German Environment Agency for measurements of nutrients, and Anja Thomsen from LimnoMar ... von LM Rothmeier · · Zitiert von: 4 — We also thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Haueisen from German Environment Agency for measurements of nutrients, and Anja Thomsen from LimnoMar ...

Ina Janthur - Berlin (Lise Meitner Fachoberschule) -...

Ina Janthur ist Mitglied bei StayFriends und hat bis diese Schule besucht: Lise Meitner Fachoberschule. Einloggen Melden Sie sich kostenlos an, um das vollständige Profil von Ina zu sehen:

The Danubian cryptic invader Theodoxus fluviatilis (Gastropoda ...europepmc.org › article › pmc › pmc

We also thank Ina Janthur and Bonny Haueisen from German Environment Agency for measurements of nutrients, and Anja Thomsen from LimnoMar Laboratory for ...

24. Jahrestagung. Biodiversität im Wasser und an Land die Rolle...

... Bonny Alscher, Ina Janthur, Ronny Schmiediche, Linda Hoenemann und Michael Feibicke Mecoprop-P (MCPP-P) ist ein als Auxin wirkendes Phytohormon, ... › jahrestagung-bio...


Oct 15, · ... Georg Janthur, Ina Sladic, René Jeuckens, Grischa Windus, Zbigniew Pluszynski, Holger Bär, Sylvie Hauptvogel, Maik Ollhoff, Thomas Mau, ...

Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal - 6PACK - MOVING ART BOX

Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal - im Kolkmannhaus Wuppertal - Hofaue Wuppertal

Wuppertal - Wuppertaler Stadtnetz 6PACK - MOVING ART BOX

Neben der Gruppe 6PACK beteiligen sich am Start: Georg Janthur, Ina Sladic, René Jeuckens, Grischa Windus, Zbigniew Pluszynski, Holger Bär, Sylvie Hauptvogel, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ina

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Ina; Deutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen, die auf '-ina' enden, wie z.B. 'Regina'

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