39 Infos zu Inga Fernow
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Lebt in
- Icking
Infos zu
- Ritva Tikkanen
- Ana Tomasovic
- Ann Siehoff-Icking
- Cbl-associated
- Ann Icking
- Institute of Biochemistry
- Neumann-Giesen
- Zitiert
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Inga Fernow | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Inga Fernow, with 11 highly influential citations and 3 scientific research papers.
WikiGenes - Inga FernowInga Fernow. Institute of Biochemistry. University of Giessen Giessen. Germany. [. Name/email consistency: high. [ Claim this account]. Affiliation. Institute of Biochemistry, University of GiessenGiessen, Germany References. Cbl-associated ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Willkommen bei Adobe GoLive 5Fernow, Inga: Diploma Student: : Dipl. Biol. Icking, Ann: Ph.D. Student: : Dipl. Biol. Neumann-Giesen, Carolin:
1 Bücher zum Namen
Ann Siehoff Research Papers - Village Domaincaravan.villagedomain.com › papersInga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, Ritva Tikkanen,; BMC Cell Biology; The c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP), also known as ponsin, localizes ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Reggie-1 and reggie-2 localize in non-caveolar rafts ...ScienceDirect.comvon I Fernow · · Zitiert von: 43 — ... the expression of caveolin proteins. Author links open overlay panel. Inga Fernow 1 , Ann Icking 1 , Ritva Tikkanen. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. von I Fernow · · Zitiert von: 43 — ... the expression of caveolin proteins. Author links open overlay panel. Inga Fernow 1 , Ann Icking 1 , Ritva Tikkanen. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share.
Articles | BMC Molecular and Cell BiologyBMC Molecular and Cell BiologyPhosphorylation has been described for the other two members of the... Authors: Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking and Ritva Tikkanen. Citation ... Phosphorylation has been described for the other two members of the... Authors: Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking and Ritva Tikkanen. Citation ...
Vinexin, CAP/ponsin, ArgBP2: a Novel Adaptor Protein ...J-StageInga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, et al. Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl and c-Src kinases. BMC Cell Biology Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, et al. Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl and c-Src kinases. BMC Cell Biology
Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl ...BMC Molecular and Cell Biologyvon I Fernow · · Zitiert von: 20 — Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic & Ritva Tikkanen. Institute of Biochemistry ... Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking & Ritva Tikkanen. von I Fernow · · Zitiert von: 20 — Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic & Ritva Tikkanen. Institute of Biochemistry ... Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking & Ritva Tikkanen.
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
BMC Cell BiologyOpen Access LibraryInga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, Ritva Tikkanen · MCM-GINS and MCM-MCM interactions in vivo visualised by bimolecular fluorescence ... Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, Ritva Tikkanen · MCM-GINS and MCM-MCM interactions in vivo visualised by bimolecular fluorescence ...
Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl and c-Src...Inga Fernow (1) (2); Ana Tomasovic (1) (2); Ann Siehoff-Icking (2); Ritva Tikkanen · .uni-giessen.de (1) (2).
Die Tyrosinphosphorylierung des Adapterproteins CAP und sein Einfluß...Diesen Titel erhalten Sie in einer Bibliothek! Die Tyrosinphosphorylierung des Adapterproteins CAP und sein Einfluß auf die Reorganisation des...
22 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Inga Fernow's research works | Goethe-Universität ...ResearchGateInga Fernow's 4 research works with 167 citations and 303 reads, including: Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl and c-Src kinases. Inga Fernow's 4 research works with 167 citations and 303 reads, including: Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl and c-Src kinases.
CAP is a substrate of Src kinase. A: Purified CAP-GST or GST ...ResearchGateInga Fernow · Ana Tomasovic · Ann Siehoff · Ritva Tikkanen. The c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP), also known as ... Inga Fernow · Ana Tomasovic · Ann Siehoff · Ritva Tikkanen. The c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP), also known as ...
Caveolin 1, caveolae protein, 22kdaSigma-AldrichInga Fernow et al. European journal of cell biology, 86(6), ( ). Reggie-1 and reggie-2 are highly conserved and widely expressed proteins ... Inga Fernow et al. European journal of cell biology, 86(6), ( ). Reggie-1 and reggie-2 are highly conserved and widely expressed proteins ...
Cbl-associated protein is tyrosine phosphorylated by c-Abl and ...OUCIAuthors: Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, Ritva Tikkanen. Abstract. Abstract Background The c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP), also ... Authors: Inga Fernow, Ana Tomasovic, Ann Siehoff-Icking, Ritva Tikkanen. Abstract. Abstract Background The c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP), also ...
Find and explore academic papersConnected PapersInga Fernow, Ann Icking, R. Tikkanen , European Journal of Cell Biology. Flotillin-1 promotes tumor necrosis factor-α receptor signaling and activation ... Inga Fernow, Ann Icking, R. Tikkanen , European Journal of Cell Biology. Flotillin-1 promotes tumor necrosis factor-α receptor signaling and activation ...
Reggie-1 and reggie-2 localize in non-caveolar rafts ...OUCIAuthors: Inga Fernow, Ann Icking, Ritva Tikkanen. List of references. Baumann, CAP defines a second signalling pathway required for insulin-stimulated glucose ... Authors: Inga Fernow, Ann Icking, Ritva Tikkanen. List of references. Baumann, CAP defines a second signalling pathway required for insulin-stimulated glucose ...
Role of EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of reggie-1/flotillin ...Semantic ScholarCarolin Neumann-Giesen, Inga Fernow, +1 author. R. Tikkanen · Published in Journal of Cell Science 1 February · Biology. Carolin Neumann-Giesen, Inga Fernow, +1 author. R. Tikkanen · Published in Journal of Cell Science 1 February · Biology.
Volume 120 Issue 3 | Journal of Cell ScienceThe Company of BiologistsCarolin Neumann-Giesen,Inga Fernow,Monia Amaddii,Ritva Tikkanen. Abstract. View articletitled, Role of EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of reggie Carolin Neumann-Giesen,Inga Fernow,Monia Amaddii,Ritva Tikkanen. Abstract. View articletitled, Role of EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of reggie
Willkommen bei Adobe GoLive 5Inga Fernow: sAPP: Isolation and characterisation of the sAPP-Receptor: Peter Beicht: Ann Icking: Function of sAPP in transgenic D.melanogaster: Christian Regenbrecht:
www.divebear.com/ausbildungInga Fernow. OWD Brigitte Semper. OWD Robert Kacer. OWD & Nitrox Monika Berens. OWD Lisa ...
Willkommen bei Adobe GoLive 5Inga S Fernow. c/o Arbeitsgruppe RAFTs Institute Of Cell Biology University Of Bonn Ulrich-Haberland-Str.61a D Bonn. Fon: + Fax: +
Reggie-1 and reggie-2 localize in non-caveolar rafts in epithelial...Semantic Scholar extracted view of
Reggie-1 and reggie-2 localize in non-caveolar rafts in epithelial...Reggie-1 and reggie-2 are highly conserved and widely expressed proteins associated with membrane rafts. The molecular function of reggies remains to be...
Research papers on Biological sciences from CyberLeninka science hubBiological sciences – list of research paper topics on CyberLeninka sci-hub
Flot2Species, Scientific Experts, Genomes and Genes, Publications, Research Topics about Flot2
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Inga
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Inga; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); ing = (Name eines Gottes) (Germanisch); Information zur männlichen Form Ingo:; verselbständigte Kurzform von Namen beginnend mit 'Ing(o)-', z.B. 'Ingmar' und 'Ingobert'; das Namenselement 'Ingo' geht zurück auf 'Ing'/'Ingwio', dem Namen einer germanischen Gottheit
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Fernow
Mein damaliger Geschichtslehrer hat eine Herkunft und Deutung gefunden. Der Name kommt aus dem Slawischen und bedeutet der Alte oder der Weise im damaligen Sinne für Dorfältester oder Schulthe. Interessant, aber nicht Namensherkunft ist, dass Karl Ludwig Fernow der Freund von Goethe war, siehe "Goethe und sein Kreis". Er lebte in Weimar und war der Leiter der Amalienbibliothek. Er schrieb die Römischen Studien und wohl die erste italienische Grammatik. Viele Details findet man in der "Weimarer Klassik". Die Dokumentation reicht aber nur bis zu den Kindern. Wer weiß mehr? In Ausgabe von Brockhaus und Meyers aus der Jahrhundertwende findet man eine Zusammenfassung.
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