207 Infos zu Inta Ruka
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- Lettland
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- Photographer
- Latvia
- Latvian
- Photography
- Stockholm
- Fotografi
- Fotografen
- Moderna Museet
- Baukunst Galerie
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Taz: Leer geräumte Bilder - taz.deDas Palais für aktuelle Kunst in Glückstadt richtet sein Programm international aus. Derzeit dort zu sehen: die Fotoausstellung Silver & Gold
Inta Ruka Baukunst Galerie KolnRiga's inhabitants form the focal point for her photographic work, for they, like the artist herself, live
Recension: People I know - Inta Ruka | SvDRECENSION. RESPEKT Lettiska Inta Ruka vet att en porträttfotograf måste balansera på en ytterst tunn lina för att inte förlora det förtroende som byggts upp...
Amalias Street 5a by Inta Ruka on View at Moderna Museetb STOCKHOLM.- /b On the outskirts of Riga lies Amalias Street 5a, a house whose tenants have been documented by photographer Inta Ruka since T
30 Bilder zu Inta Ruka

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: INTA RUKA PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION Latvian ...Facebook: Inta Ruka | FacebookLinkedIn: Inta Ruka | LinkedInInta Rukas berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Inta Ruka dabei hilft, interne ...
reddit-top-2.5-million/photography.csv at master ·...This is a dataset of the all-time top 1,000 posts, from the top 2,500 subreddits by subscribers, pulled from reddit between August 15–20,
2 Hobbys & Interessen
fotocommunity: Inta Ruka #3 Foto & Bild | kunstfotografie & kultur, museales, news...Inta Ruka #3 Foto & Bild von NiCoL. ᐅ Das Foto jetzt kostenlos bei fotocommunity.de anschauen & bewerten. Entdecke hier weitere Bilder.
Inta Ruka - Iveta und Natasha | Exhibition | ArtFactsType, Solo Show. Artist, Inta Ruka. Date, 04 Mar – 14 Apr Organizer, Baukunst Galerie. Venue. Baukunst Galerie. Theodor-Heuss-Ring Juli Sept. It Started With a Chameleon Juli Sept. Steine, Moose und Zelte Aug Okt. "Ten Artist" Interpretation of ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Artists - Museum FolkwangMuseum Folkwang
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Inta Ruka | photographer from Rigaphotographer from Riga
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Inta Ruka : people I know in SearchWorks catalogStanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Inta RukaActress, Fotografen från Riga
16 Bücher zum Namen
bol.com: Inta Ruka, Ute Eskildsen | | Boeken | bol.comInta Ruka is Latvias most renowned photographer and one of the most fascinating names among European imagemakers. This impressive monograph presents ...
: Inta Ruka People I know /anglais - AbeBooks -...AbeBooks.com: Inta Ruka: People I Know ( ) and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.
Inta Ruka (Author of People I know)Inta Ruka is the author of People I know (4.50 avg rating, 8 ratings, 1 review, published 2012) and Amālijas 5a (4.50 avg rating, 4 ratings, 0 reviews, p...
Få Inta Ruka af Inta Ruka som Hardback bog på engelskFå Inta Ruka af Inta Ruka som bog på engelsk Bøger rummer alle sider af livet. Læs Lyt Lev blandt millioner af bøger på Saxo.com.
1 Songs & Musik
Gerhard Schöne: Singt die Lieder der Fotografen (CD) – jpcDie CD Gerhard Schöne: Singt die Lieder der Fotografen jetzt probehören und für 14,99 Euro kaufen. Mehr von Gerhard Schöne gibt es im Shop.
2 Dokumente
Ruka, Inta [WorldCat Identities]Way of life : people from Hälsingland by Inta Ruka( Book ) 3 editions published in in Swedish and English and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries ...
Avesta - NetpublicatorMorten Berger har köpt Nornäs. 26:1 MFL, Nornäsvägen Inta Ruka Aktuellt Elektro Helios BS Rek. ca pris :-.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Photography Latvian Inta ruka : Maud Nykander : Free Download,...Swedish documentury, portrait of the photographer Inta ruka Swedish, Latvian and English language mixed. Subtitles in Swedish. filmed by Maud Nykander....
Cilvēki/people: Inta Ruka fotografē TypePadZāļu kalnā. Ivars Zviedris un Inta Ruka Viļakā. Next » · « Back to Cilvēki/people. Inta Ruka fotografē... Inta Ruka fotografē... Viļakā. birželis 15, Permalink.
by Smakprov Media AB - IssuuINTA RUKA People I know People I know Bokförlaget Max Ström INTA RUKA People I know Lars Tunbjörk 7 9 “I AM SLOW – I DON’T NEED TO RUN” 11 ”vI FÖRs...
Inta RukaInta Ruka's photographs have already been presented in several important international exhibitions. In 1999, she took part at the 48th Biennale of Venice which ...
9 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Inta Ruka — Vikipēdijapar "vienu no Eiropas ievērojamākiem dokumentālajiem fotogrāfiem". Fotogrāfa ...
Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography/Cleanup listing - Wikipedia... Anna Maria Busse Berger · Anne of Hungary ( ) · António Silva Tulku Rinpoche · Friedrich Heinrich Zinckgraf · Inta Ruka · Renee Sebastian ...
Photographer Inta Ruka. [An interview with photographer Andrejs...Photographer Inta Ruka. [An interview with photographer Andrejs Grants]. Alise Tifentale. The Self :3! 6q 6E-"- B T= o:t 6= ad ;; Oa <o oar .+o r3 ,'? o ;.8o ol Riga ...
Guest writer Pamela Browne on Inta Ruka: A Latvian Photographer...Inta Ruka (1958-present) is one of the major figures in the fine art, documentary photography in Latvia since the early 1980s when Latvia was ...
115 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Inta RUKA (1958) : Auktionen, Preise, Indizes und Biografien für den...Inta RUKA: Internationale Auktionen aller Kunstgattungen: Fotografie. Der Markt des Künstlers sowie seine Biografie, Indizes und Preise seiner Kunstwerke.
Die 47 besten Bilder von Inta Ruka in | Fotografen, Kultur und...Sep 19, Inta Ruka (born 1958) lives and works in Riga, Latvia. Works with Rolleiflex cameras. Took photos with Rolleiflex made in until
Inta RUKA (1958) : Auction sales, auction prices, indices and...Inta RUKA: worldwide auctions of art categories: Photography. The artist's market, biography, price levels and indices of his/her artworks.
INTA RUKA PEOPLE I KNOW - VOZ'Galeriesommaire introduction p3 texte de xavier renard p4 biographie p5 rÉfÉrences p7 people i know p10 interview d’inta ruka p17 livres p19 films p21 les dates À retenir p23 la voz’galerie p24 l’Équipe voz’ p25 carrÉ sur seine p26 boulogne-billancourt p27 informations pratiques p28 2
Inta Ruka - CaLiGraphCaLiGraph is a large-scale semantic knowledge graph with a rich ontology which is compiled from the DBpedia ontology, and Wikipedia categories & list pages. View all the information about 'Inta Ruka' that is contained in the knowledge graph.
Inta Ruka - artist, news & exhibitions - photography-now.comInta Ruka, Udine Audijane, Lundis Zamerovskis, Riga, Latvia,2005, aus der Serie: "On the other side of the river", Silbergelatineabzug auf Barytpapier, 35 x 33,5 cm ...
Biography Inta Ruka | Moderna Museet i StockholmMuseum i Stockholm med en av de främsta samlingar av modern och samtida konst - Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Henri Matisse, Meret Oppenheim, Robert...
Inta Ruka ExplainedInta Ruka (born 1958, Riga) is a Latvian photographer. Ruka married Egons Spuris, a famous Latvian photographer. Towards the end of the 1970s, she started her career in photography. In 2006, she worked on another photographic series, Neighbours. Additionally, she received a scholarship of the IASPIS for “two-month artist-in-residence” in Stockholm in 2007, and was …
Inta Ruka at Moderna Museet Stockholm - Artmap.comInta Ruka photographs without artificial light, using a Rolleiflex camera on a tripod. In long sittings while waiting for the right light, she gets people to relax by talking to them and trying to get to know them and the setting she is about to portray. My Country People represented Latvia at the 48th Venice Biennale in and was Inta Ruka’s major international breakthrough. Inta Ruka ...
INTA RUKA @ VOZ’Galerie | by f-stop magazine | F-Stop Magazine |...Heir of Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange or August Sander, Inta Ruka is part of the tradition of anthropological photography. By focusing on the ...
INTA RUKA « Brask Art BlogINTA RUKA – The Other Side of the River. Thursday, June 21st, braskartblog1. BAUKUNST GALERIE. Tags:2012, BAUKUNST GALERIE, Cologne, ...
Fotografiska med Inta Ruka-utstilling og bok – FotografiI over tetti år har den Latviske fotografen Inta Ruka portrettert sine landsmenn. Nå presenteres hun i en utstilling på Fotografiska i Stockholm ...
Notes et avis de Photo: Inta Ruka sur MUBINote moyenne : null/10 sur null notes attribuées
Föreläsning och filmvisning med Inta Ruka och Maud Nycander - SFFInta Ruka är en av Europas mest kända porträttfotografer. De flesta av hennes bilder är tagna i hennes mors hemby Balvi i östra Lettland och i Riga. De svartvita ...
Fotografiska presenterar: Inta Ruka – ThatsupI över trettio år har Inta Ruka nyfiket och ärligt porträtterat sina landsmän. Med en rad utställningar runt om i världen är hon idag Lettlands internationellt...
Fotosaated: Läti foto: Inta Ruka lahkumine | ERR | DigihoidlaAvalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu kodulehekülg
Inta RUKA - VOZ‘GalerieInta RUKA. BiographieExpositionsCollectionsMy Country PeopleLivresFilms. Inta Ruka, photographe autodidacte lettone, est née en à Riga. Tout en ...
Fotoutställning: People I know (Inta Ruka) | KulturdelenInta Ruka People I know. Fotografi Katrineholms konsthall 2 juni – 18 augusti. — — —. Katrineholms konsthall ligger i Kulturhuset Ängeln i ...
Inta Ruka: Auction prices, signatures and monograms - Findartinfo.comArt auction results, signatures and monograms of artist Inta Ruka on Findartinfo
Medlemskväll med Inta Ruka och Maud Nycander nov klfotografen Inta Ruka och den svenska dokumentärfilmaren Maud Nycander till ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Inta
Die weibliche Form von Ints. Die maennliche Form stellt eine Abkuerzung von Indrikis dar, der die lettische Variante von Hendrik, Heinrich ist. Also waere Inta die lettische Variante von Henrike, Henriette.
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Ruka
Ruka is maori for Luke
Verwandte Personensuchen
Personensuche zu Inta Ruka & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Inta Ruka und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.